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Single Cruiser...Can You Have A good Time ?


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Just to let everyone know...have cruised HAL 4 times before and I am not 60 or 70 or 80 and have always had a great time.

Someone said earlier that people prejudge Carnival also. If you haven't tried HAL...don't prejudge. Have always met younger people on their ships and have always had a great time.

I have cruised on all the major lines and find that you have younger and older people on all lines. Just on some lines their are more younger people and on some lines their are more older people.

Funny though that sometimes some of the older people are having more fun than the younger ones.

I guess it is all what you make of it.

I am doing this cruise because of my buddy who plays in the piano bar. Believe me...if you went there (to the piano bar) while he's working you would have a great time no matter what your age...:D


Anyways...13 days til cruise.........:p



Interesting . . . since I'm gonna turn 60 in January . . . :eek: think I might have to try HAL . . . .

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Interesting . . . since I'm gonna turn 60 in January . . . :eek: think I might have to try HAL . . . .

I guess so...the way a few of the earlier posters were talking you might be toooo old now to cruise on Carnival....LOL:eek: :D

Just kidding with you ladycaveat...


Anyone else who is thinking of sailing solo who has not before?

Lots of good advice on this thread.

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Just to let everyone know...have cruised HAL 4 times before and I am not 60 or 70 or 80 and have always had a great time.

Someone said earlier that people prejudge Carnival also. If you haven't tried HAL...don't prejudge. Have always met younger people on their ships and have always had a great time.

I have cruised on all the major lines and find that you have younger and older people on all lines. Just on some lines their are more younger people and on some lines their are more older people.

Funny though that sometimes some of the older people are having more fun than the younger ones.

I guess it is all what you make of it.

I am doing this cruise because of my buddy who plays in the piano bar. Believe me...if you went there (to the piano bar) while he's working you would have a great time no matter what your age...:D


Anyways...13 days til cruise.........:p





I am sure that you will have a super great time. You are going with the right frame of mind.


Enjoy !!!




PS. With a last name like Nadeau, is your friend a french Cdn by any chance??? I'm from Southern New Brunswick (and I'm french too), and most of the Nadeau's are from the Northern part of the province.

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I am sure that you will have a super great time. You are going with the right frame of mind.


Enjoy !!!




PS. With a last name like Nadeau, is your friend a french Cdn by any chance??? I'm from Southern New Brunswick (and I'm french too), and most of the Nadeau's are from the Northern part of the province.


Yes, JP is from New Brunswick. I am not sure but their house is near the St. Johns River if I am not mistaken.

And yes...it is the right frame of mind. I have fun on any ship I am on. I also expect everyone around me to have fun. No matter the age. If not...then I just have to make them have fun.....:D :D

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Funny story...my husband met a guy on our cruise...well we both met him in the hot tub with a bunch of other people just hanging out. We went out to the nightclub one night and there he was, my husband was talking to him and invited him over to hang out with us. I was telling my hubby that if the guy is single I can introduce him to my sister since he only lives about 20 mins away...oh well come to find out he is married and his wife is sleeping 85% of the time. I didn't meet this guy's wife until the second to last day of the cruise. She never wanted to do anything he wanted to do and was in bed at 8:30pm so he went out and made friends and hung with us. We had a blast with him, and he had a blast with us, he might have well been single because there was a group of us that met on the cruise that totalled about 12 people, and we all just hung out so he had someone to hang with every night and day when his wife was sleeping, you will meet people and have fun, just don't be afraid to do what you want to do because you are alone, jump right in!

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Funny story...my husband met a guy on our cruise...well we both met him in the hot tub with a bunch of other people just hanging out. We went out to the nightclub one night and there he was, my husband was talking to him and invited him over to hang out with us. I was telling my hubby that if the guy is single I can introduce him to my sister since he only lives about 20 mins away...oh well come to find out he is married and his wife is sleeping 85% of the time. I didn't meet this guy's wife until the second to last day of the cruise. She never wanted to do anything he wanted to do and was in bed at 8:30pm so he went out and made friends and hung with us. We had a blast with him, and he had a blast with us, he might have well been single because there was a group of us that met on the cruise that totalled about 12 people, and we all just hung out so he had someone to hang with every night and day when his wife was sleeping, you will meet people and have fun, just don't be afraid to do what you want to do because you are alone, jump right in!


Thanks...I will...;)

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Hey Joanne,

Guess it is just a holiday week and people are busy. It seems most of the threads have slowed down.

Thanks for the bump though.


I know that soon again those solo/single cruisers to be will be looking at this. Also those who love to help will be there to.


Happy Turkey Day to all.....Gobble---Gobble-----:D :eek:


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Hey Kathy and Barb,

Glad to here you got your docs...

Haven't gotten mine yet and I leave on Dec. 2nd...:eek:

Just boked about 10 days ago though. No worries though.

Figure I'll get them by Monday.




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Wanna wish my neighbors to the South a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Hope you are not too stuffed from all of the goodies.


I can't wait till I get my documents, which will mean, that it's almost time to set sail. Won't get them for a while, since I'm only cruising in April.



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Wanna wish my neighbors to the South a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Hope you are not too stuffed from all of the goodies.


I can't wait till I get my documents, which will mean, that it's almost time to set sail. Won't get them for a while, since I'm only cruising in April.




Thanks for the Happy. It was horrible in Tampa. I think the temp only got to 70.

Plates were full and everyone is thinking about a nap on the chaises by the pool...:p

How's the weather thier???? LOL

Only 8 more days til cruise.........:D

No docs yet though...:eek:


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Thanks for the Happy. It was horrible in Tampa. I think the temp only got to 70.

Plates were full and everyone is thinking about a nap on the chaises by the pool...:p

How's the weather thier???? LOL

Only 8 more days til cruise.........:D

No docs yet though...:eek:



Jessemon: Here the weather was -5 (Celcius). In farenheit, not really sure what it would be. What is your freezing point? People had to scrape their windsheild.


What I would give for a cruise right about now. But, I think that my boss would kill me. I've been off work for 4 weeks now due to surgery. Scheduled to go back to work on December 4.



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Jessemon: Here the weather was -5 (Celcius). In farenheit, not really sure what it would be. What is your freezing point? People had to scrape their windsheild.


What I would give for a cruise right about now. But, I think that my boss would kill me. I've been off work for 4 weeks now due to surgery. Scheduled to go back to work on December 4.



Hey Joanne,

Freezing is 32 degrees in fareheit. Celcius is 0. So the only way to figure this without looking it up is ...

What temp does water boil at in Celcius?

I going to say it was 12 o 16 Degrees Farenhiet.

By the way...it was warmer today and by Monday it will be high 70's....:p


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Hey Jeff....I already had you sailing....(my post on SS3)....are you packed or stacked or not even there yet....lololol:D .....I know I know....us woman are like packed/stacked like 2 months ahead of time...and you men are like scoop out of drawer and go....and oh geez gatta grab the garment bag....lololol!


I still admire you (and the others) that go solo.....and look forward to open arms from people I meet on BB's like these that I can actually say ok Im going on my own.....and still be well reassured that well I DO KNOW people on this sailing.....lololol....


Im thinking I will be back before you go....if not....so many smooches....and so many good thoughts.....are you accepting the "blue" ones this time or are ya gonna hold out till the next one.......:eek: .......heheheheh I am partial to red myself....is this part of the innitiation that all us newbies have to go thru.......oh geez.....I so know not one man that wears red undies.....IM SO DOOMED!


Please tell me you get my humor......in this post!!!!! PLEASE.....PLEASE>>>>>>>PLEASE.....I am often so not understood.....hope I made ya giggle a little........:p ...Im thinking at this time "bring your own" he he ha ha hu hu"


Im done (peace)

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but not to solo cruising. This is a great thread, thanks for starting it, Jeff. I've been going solo for a while, it is nice to have your own schedule, bathroom, etc. My best cruise ever was a solo through the Med, booked it through Globus but was the only solo in the group. Have done Sensation and Inspiration from Tampa, am about to book Inspiration for 1/20 I think, as a birthday present to myself. It's just too darn convenient to have the port here, take off on a Saturday for a 5 day cruise and get back in time for work on Thursday. Not bad... But reading the thread last night after turkey, it really inspired me to seriously check into a cruise and get out there (oops, wrong cruise line... lol). Called CCL tonight and got a really good quote for OV. Almost too cheap to pass it up.

CC roll calls are terrific to make new friends before you go - I met about 20 people prior to my AOS cruise and it was alot more comfortable.

I gotta add my comment, Joanne: MY freezing point is 60 degrees Fahrenheit! But I'm allowed, I grew up in the midwest shoveling snow. Now my blood has thinned out and I can never leave Florida again. Such is my curse...

Thanks again, Jeff!



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Hey Jeff....I already had you sailing....(my post on SS3)....are you packed or stacked or not even there yet....lololol:D .....I know I know....us woman are like packed/stacked like 2 months ahead of time...and you men are like scoop out of drawer and go....and oh geez gatta grab the garment bag....lololol!


I still admire you (and the others) that go solo.....and look forward to open arms from people I meet on BB's like these that I can actually say ok Im going on my own.....and still be well reassured that well I DO KNOW people on this sailing.....lololol....


Im thinking I will be back before you go....if not....so many smooches....and so many good thoughts.....are you accepting the "blue" ones this time or are ya gonna hold out till the next one.......:eek: .......heheheheh I am partial to red myself....is this part of the innitiation that all us newbies have to go thru.......oh geez.....I so know not one man that wears red undies.....IM SO DOOMED!


Please tell me you get my humor......in this post!!!!! PLEASE.....PLEASE>>>>>>>PLEASE.....I am often so not understood.....hope I made ya giggle a little........:p ...Im thinking at this time "bring your own" he he ha ha hu hu"


Im done (peace)

Hey VIP,

Not packed or stacked. Dry cleaning all done though. Guess guys don't dwell on it as long. Ofcourse we don't go clothes shopping for 5 hours either....HAR

Leaving next Saturday. No blues or reds on this one that I know of. But then again...you never know what might come up...Save me a pair of the reds your talking about for the S&S3.......:p I'll buy a pair for myself and give them to you...LOLLOLLOLLOL

By the way...I get your humor...don't pay attention to those who don't...they'll get over it.:eek:

Jeff(Peace out)

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Liz.....Jeff is good.....he REALLY made me think about this one....as did "getting to know" ..before you go......


you sound like a ship rat.....I say that with love....you have been on "tons" you are so very lucky...I just found my "sea legs" when I was 32......I wish I could make it 23......well so greatful that I DID find the cruisin at 32 and not 102......


Im done (peace)

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.....too funny!.....


Ok how bout this Ill bring "appropriate" for male and you bring "appropriate for female......(can we meet in the middle....kinda lika compromise)......I already know your preferance......da tonga....(ok blue red purple black lavender....blah blah blah......can you get me something at bare minimum a shade of pink in "butt huggers"? I so WILL REFUSE BOXER SHORTS.....in any shade.....unless their Calvins....woo woo.....;) but they gatta be a shade of red......or pink.....or lavender....or well "mint".....ok thats as far as I will go.......he he ha ha hu hu.....luvely......


"peace out" and laughing silly

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Something tells me you will be cruising long past your 102nd b'day! The most important thing - you found your sea legs - some never do...

And you guys have me thinking about S&S3... Now Jeff, don't put the reds in with the tighty whiteys! People will REALLY talk...



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Liz.......THINKING CALVIN TIGHTY WHITIES HERE.....like TIME SQUARE.....they can be a little grey...or pink.....heheheheheheh....ok now I gatta pee!


I wish they had big "smooch" emoticon...(like big ole smooch silly face)....all I can say is "muah" to you Liz...you are classic! "muah"


SS3 will be my biggest feat....if I book......:( ....Im not booked quite yet but am seeing some definate fun in it all.....oh geez.....Im done....(peace out)


Jeff.....you do drycleaners....definately a step up......do you have the cleaners do your undies too..........Im trying to rule out "pink" "grey" and "a weary shade of blue" at this time!........heheheheheheh

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