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Whiners and Misers


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We've never cruised before, and we've turned to Cruise Critic to give us tips on our July 18, 2007, eastbound crossing on QM2. We count our lucky stars that we can make this journey, but we become more amazed every day that others who have the good fortune to sail aboard QM2 are made up of a lot of complainers and misers. How much are corkage fees? When are my best chances for an upgrade? Why didn't we get our requested table/seating time/cabin/flight/you name it? Why does Cunard treat me so poorly? And on and on.

Tell us, are we naive? Or do others of you think that this site has an inordinate number of grouchy and downright cheap travelers who should probably just take an airplane?

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I think you are right...and you are wrong. While it is true that small matters are blown out of proportion by some, the name of this site is Cruise CRITIC. The concept is that people discuss the good and the bad with a critical eye. However, when reading the posts try to take a "Is the glass half full? Is the glass half empty? Thank goodness I have something wonderful to drink!" approach.


When I experience something wrong I certainly post it. When I see something right I post that too. You will see whose posts are consistently "half empty" and those who are "cheerleaders" (where it isn't possible for anything to be wrong).


There is a lot of information here. Just figure out your the best way to use it. And, just like being assigned a table with people you just don't enjoy, if you don't like the thread just move on. (You don't even have to ask the Maitre d' for assistance.)

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We've never cruised before, and we've turned to Cruise Critic to give us tips on our July 18, 2007, eastbound crossing on QM2. We count our lucky stars that we can make this journey, but we become more amazed every day that others who have the good fortune to sail aboard QM2 are made up of a lot of complainers and misers. How much are corkage fees? When are my best chances for an upgrade? Why didn't we get our requested table/seating time/cabin/flight/you name it? Why does Cunard treat me so poorly? And on and on.

Tell us, are we naive? Or do others of you think that this site has an inordinate number of grouchy and downright cheap travelers who should probably just take an airplane?


Your right !!! but i think its human nature to complain especially when there is change!! and cunard has gone thru a lot of changes in the past 10 years!!! this will be our 4th cruise with cunard in dec 2006 2 on the qe2 & 2 on the qm2 and like you my wife and i are truly greatfull that we can do these things. the QM2 is a beautifull ship but make no mistake unless you are in the grill cat it is a mass market ship and years ago the qe2 was very special no matter which dining room you were in and i think this is the cause for complaining. people see the changes and dont like them. go enjoy your crossing and overlook the naysayers. it is what you make it!! where is monument colorado?? we lived in colorado springs for 2 years courtesy of your uncle sam.. beautifull state , great people "land of the velvet hills" i miss it!!! bon voyage jim

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Tell us, are we naive? Or do others of you think that this site has an inordinate number of grouchy and downright cheap travelers who should probably just take an airplane?

I just took a quick look at some airline message boards and discovered that those folks out-complain us by a lot. I'm naive enough to believe that any grouchiness here may be caused by an inability to sail as often as we would like. As for cheap, some just have a sad excess of "something for nothing" genes and a deficiency of "you get what you pay for" genes.

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You just describe a large number of people on all these boards - not just Cunard. You are correct in that what is important to one seems rather trivial to others. However, that being said the number of actual complainers are small - they just happen to be more vocal. I was just as amazed as you when I first joined CC but realized that once you stick around long enough the so-called whiners disappear and the rest continue onward to discuss their vacations. Bottom line, just respond to what interests you and leave the other messages behind unless you have something crucial to say.


Thanks and don't feel bad for asking. A lot of newcomers have voiced the same frustrations on all the cruise boards and it is a problem. However, its not a CC problem. All message boards everywhere on every topic seem to have its fair share of moaners, **** disturbers, etc. As they say, there is always one in a crowd so you cannot avoid it completely in a public forum. CC is not all that bad really!



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Hello QM2 FirstTimers...and welcome to this forum. I too am a QM2 first timer and about a year ago I was asking myself the same questions when I found this board and was eagerly seeking information about the cruise I was contemplating. In fact I got downright nervous after booking AND convincing our best friends to come with us and then reading lots of earlier threads with complaints. Now after 11 months on this board I can honestly say that I'm glad that I didn't let myself get sucked into the few whiners territory and instead kept an open mind and kept reading.


What i found instead were a bunch of incredibly helpful people who were happy to share their experiences and insights, and lots of "insider" information that I consider priceless in helping me get the most from my own upcoming QM2 experience. I found people who truly love this grand ship and were happy to share. And yes, like everything else in life there will always be someone who is dissatisfied with something, some more vocal than others. There will be some who love to provoke and will beat a dead horse so to speak if everything wasn't perfect to their standards. Nothing in life is perfect....including the lovely QM2 sometimes.


But on the whole, if you will just keep an open mind, keep reading and ask questions, you will find the same genuine helpfulness that has made this past year of anticipation so exciting for me. I feel so prepared to fully experience all that this great ship has to offer and that is wholly due to all the advice I have found on this board. I have made friends here with people I may never meet...people who have gone out of their way to offer the kind of assistance that is only learned through experience, and I am so grateful for it. When my beloved dog was bitten by a poisonous snake, complete strangers here posted words of comfort and prayers for his recovery. I was touched beyond belief that strangers in different parts of the world would care so much.


So please, don't let the few color your judgement...they will always be here but the good so far outweighs the nit-picking and I hope you will find the same reassurances that I have and look forward to your crossing with the same excitement that I, and the rest of my Roll Call friends, are enjoying right now as we are only 8 weeks from sharing our first QM2 experience.


Cheers, Penny

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We are preparing for our first QM2 cruise as well, and I have found the folks on the Cunard board to be helpful and welcoming. They are a big family. The "complaining and whining" is on the CC boards for all lines. Check out the Princess and RCCL boards. They have "fun" discussions on sneaking aboard liquor and whether pax can get away with wearing shorts and jeans on "formal" nights. They are especially amusing when they start complaining about each other.


All-in-all, you'll find these boards very helpful. Just choose which threads you want to read and skip the others.


Bon Voyage!

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Well said, Penny (as usual) and OP Soccermom. The few moaners keep one amused; as for the rest, I have had so much help, as a fellow first timer, that I could now do 'Mastermind', specialist subject QM2, and come out pretty creditably.


Enjoy your trip, Mary

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Do you know what, the QM2 seems to attract the whiners and moaners like mad. But it really is such a beautiful ship with some wonderful, wonderful staff. We love her and are almost bursting with excitement about our next trip. 5th Nov 2006.


You'll love her.

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Do others of you think that this site has an inordinate number of grouchy and downright cheap travellers who should probably just take an airplane?


I don't think that there are a lot of people with major complaints about Cunard. I don't think that we're generally grouchy. I don't think we're cheap.


If you ask if we have minor complaints then yes, nothing's ever 100% perfect. We're all grouchy at sometime - is it surprising if it comes across on the board? More often than not it's simply a misunderstanding in the way something's been said. We all like to think we're getting something for nothing, we all hope for a visit from the upgrade fairy but if we don't get that visit then it doesn't spoil our holiday.

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Sorry you came away with that impression. I can imagine how you'd get it, though. Especially if you've a glowing and golden expectation for what is in store for you.


I would only add that, for me, the ON SHIP experience was about 110% wonderful. Why such an impossible number? Well, because it was 99% wonderful and THEN, when they did make mistakes (MAYBE 1% of the time) they over-compensated to make it right or better. Plus, there's something special about it, no matter how much hype, etc. some say (tho not me) there may be before you step on-board.


That said, it makes the, um "Pre-Ship" experience pale a bit (or a lot, sometimes) in comparison. Which I think leads to some or most of the complaints.


I'd also add that some of what may sound like complains are actually one person passing along advice to others.


Again, I'm very sorry you've come away with a bad impression of the "Cunarders" on this site and, by extension, the ship-board experience you may have to share with them. I can ASSURE you that nearly everyone on board will be the nicest person you've met (there was THAT GUY during the UK World Cup game who was cheering for....) and that you will love the experience so much that you'll figure out a way to make it a regular event in your life.


Even if the kids have to wash dishes for their food. ;)


There was a man, actually, who spoke with us on the last evening and said that he wrote books so he and his wife could afford to do the trip every year. He made it clear the trips (this one was 3-segments for about 26 days) was a stretch. But there they were and there I hope they will be again.


Besides, once you're "In", everything seems to cost about 40% less.

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...are you going to be able to (okay, are you planning to take the time to) post updates while you're on that Africa trip?


My wife and I were drooling over a recent show on Egypt and we'd LOVE to know what the combo of the QE2 (we've not been on the QE2) and Africa would be like.


I have visions of Conrad's slow, soft "crawl" down the coast. Tho I'd guess it will be nothing like that. Plus, sun in December for otherwise fog-bound Brits.

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Thanks to all of you for your positive and helpful responses. You should have asked me, "Aren't you whining, too?" I'd have to admit, "Yes."

We'll continue to enjoy Cruise Critic and all the good information on this site. I know already that we'll enjoy our QM2 experience. Bon voyage.

(Incidentally, for 2 Moose, Monument lies some fifteen miles north of Colorado Springs at about 7300 feet elevation.)

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QM2 1st timers...I doubt anyone here took your very valid question as 'whining"...Some of us who have been on here for a good bit have lived thru some pretty good whining....your question wasn't even close!!;) It was honest and sincere and I"m sure we all understood the spirit in which it was asked.


Let's see...there was the famous "lose the pod" cruise...now THERE was some serious whining....and mixed in with those drama queens were some folks like Jackatsea whose fairminded reporting from on board convinced me, and I'm sure lots of others, that he could make some pretty great lemonade out of the lemons his fellow pax were tossing around. If you're still out there Jackatsea, you set the standard for understanding and good humor for me anyway.


Then there were the infamous "S*******" battles (that's steerage, only we try not to use that word here anymore)...:eek: and of course the ever present Jeans debates...to which I still say, denim is denim, no matter who the designer is!! But then again there are those who might consider me a dinosaur so I try to stay out of those discussions. I have to sit on my hands sometimes to keep me from typing...;)


So you see, we've had our less than stellar moments here like every other board. Sometimes they're like a car wreck that you don't want to look at but can't help yourself. I like to think we've been a bit more civilized in our "discussions". But the bottom line is I think we've all had fun and we've certainly shared/learned a lot. And if you don't like a particular thread then mouse-over it and you'll find plenty of other good ones to participate in.


Mary...I'll be on your team for that QM2 specialist contest!! For newcomers I'll bet we'd be awesome!!


Mslcolm...you're going to Egypt?? As in the Nile and all of that?? WOW..now that's awesome. Makes my Caribbean jaunt look pretty tame...OK, I KNOW it's pretty tame...no North Atlantic seas to contend with...no Force 10 winds...just balmy air, sunshine, tropical ports, that gorgeous green water and of course Karie has taught every bartender on QM2 how to make Mojitos (whatever they are)...yup, pretty tame indeed!!:D

Cheers, Penny

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Malcolm...you're going to Egypt??


Egypt? Where'd that come from?


My wife and I were drooling over a recent show on Egypt and we'd LOVE to know what the combo of the QE2 (we've not been on the QE2) and Africa would be like.


Ah! I see:)


We've only got two days there - the first in Agadir, the second in Dakar. I've never been to Agadir but I believe that it's really only a beach resort, Dakar is interesting (I'm not putting it down - we were looking forward to is last year and are certainly looking forward to it again this year) although I wouldn't want to spend more than a day there.

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...are you going to be able to (okay, are you planning to take the time to) post updates while you're on that Africa trip?


I spend a lot of my waking day working with computers - I intend to make Christmas a holiday from them:) I'll certainly post about the ports once I'm back though:)

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I am new to cruising, too (1st cruise (ok, crossing) in 11 days!) and I have found these boards incredibly helpful. There is a lot of complaining about things I consider minor issues, but I am sure some of the things that would upset me others would find pretty trivial. I found it helpful to hear the negative things so I can prepare appropriately (what to do if I have incompatible tablemates, what rooms are noisy, etc.). As fair as the whining goes, the Cunard board isn't too bad, even the luxury lines have a pretty high percentage of complainers. Nothing is perfect in life; some complainers provide useful information, some just vent; either way, the boards are interesting and I plan to enjoy my time on the QM2 (hopefully) no matter what happens.

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Nothing is perfect in life...I plan to enjoy my time on the QM2 (hopefully) no matter what happens.

FYI the only two things that come close to perfection in life (IMHO) are the Commodore Club and the Library on the QM2. I hope that you will enjoy both of them.

Bon voyage,


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I actually posted that and THEN looked at the itinerary. Still, exotic localles may not always be terrific places to visit. But they are exotic.


Guess I'll wait to see how it went until AFTER.:(


Hey, you could just stay there for the (not) Paris-Dakar Rally.

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Okay, I am going to reply BEFORE I read everyone else's responses, but I can pretty much guess what they say (grouse, grumble, mutter <G>)

You see, we've been asked this before!


We are on this forum because almost to a one, we LOVE Cunard. I have cruised many times, over half (including my first four and my last two) have been with Cunard. We hold Cunard to a higher standard. Trust me, this is no Carnival. Carnival, I call the floating Frat party. This is more like the floating debutante ball! Less screaming running ill-behaved kids, less screaming running ill-behaved adults <G> ,more class (in actions, we are not talking snobbery here) people enjoy dressing up and going to dinner. This is not your average McDonald's crowd. Do not worry about fitting in. I am a crazy person (okay I am outgoing, and I do a lot of unconventional things)- I am a pilot, a work as a technician for a cellular carrrier, I have sky-dived, played around with HAM radio, am fascinated by weather- taught it once, I am a parrothead, and like WAY different music than most-- Not the average things most women do. But OTOH, I love to dress in a lovely gown, with my Significant Other Marc in his tux with tie and cumberbund matching my gown next to me. So whoever,or whatever you arem you can fit in. There is no set personality type for the QQueens, except you have to like luxury, fine dining, and a classic liner.

So I guess you could say I am not stuffy or snobby. And I love Cunard. Yes, we complain, but we hold our Queens to high standards because we love them. If you had a daughter who had a lot of smarts, talents, basically, everything going for her, you would expect more of her. And so we do,also. Our worst, is still better than most lines' best. (IMHO)

So come on board, meet the gang (We really don't bite (snarl, growl) we're fun. Get to know us. We had over 65 peope show up for our meet and mingle on the 4 day Labor Day cruise, that "met" first through these boards. And more would have been there (and we met later) but a few weren't feeling too good (We started out in a storm) and some had conflicts timewise.


Look around, get to know the personalities, and you'll see we're like an old married couple that fight lovingly, or young siblings- they hate their sister...until someone says a word against her. Then no one will defend her more.

We're like that. We complain...until someone ELSE dares to criticize our girls! Then watch us defend them!


Welcome aboard!

Glad to have you



Who started out with these silly taglines to introduce myself, and now I just can't seem to stop!

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Mary...I'll be on your team for that QM2 specialist contest!! For newcomers I'll bet we'd be awesome!!


Mslcolm...you're going to Egypt?? As in the Nile and all of that?? WOW..now that's awesome. Makes my Caribbean jaunt look pretty tame...OK, I KNOW it's pretty tame...no North Atlantic seas to contend with...no Force 10 winds...just balmy air, sunshine, tropical ports, that gorgeous green water and of course Karie has taught every bartender on QM2 how to make Mojitos (whatever they are)...yup, pretty tame indeed!!:D

Cheers, Penny


Um, Penny?

1) I thought you ABHORRED trivia contests <G>

2) Um, Africa is not in the North sea, last I checked, unless we Americans have somehow managed to ORDER it to move there or something...wearing jeans... in St**rage G<>

3) WHAT IS A MOJITO? Oh, child you haven't lived! Am I going to have to call ahead to Paul and have him make you one, or perhaps to one of our other favorite bartenders in the Commodore Club. Of course Steve is no longer in the Golden Lion. But he WILL be hosting trivia there! Tell him Karie and Marc and Maria sent you! Oh, P.S. I'm not sure where Paul is- I hear he got a promotion, but make sure to have him make you his banana dolpin. He was home on holiday (Manchester, England) when we were on for the labor day cruise! So we never got to see it.


And first timer- Here's what these people are like.

When my father died, someone from this board called me in my hotel to tell me to log on- there were tons of heartfelt condolence messages on these boards. They were my strength, believe me. They lived through my ups and downs. When I did not have the strength to call one more friend to explain, these people hled me up, held me together. They still do. Most of us whine good naturedly. And jokingly. But when the chips are down. No whining to be found. If you have a question, bring it here. We've all been through it, asked it, or wondered ourselves. How much luggage? How to dress for tea? or informal nights? Tips? Getting to the docks? Taxis from here there or wherever? Best shore excursions? Who are the captains, Cruise directors, bartenders, historians, the lady who lives on the QE2, the best and worst room, the difference between a "sheltered" (in hull) balcomny and an obstructed view, and which ones are least obstructed. How is the caviar on board? What is available for room service? What can you order off menu? Weather on the transatlantics in February, June, September? what does an azipod do? Who is Stephen Card? John Maxtone Graham? the winter crossing club? Want to see pictures? We've got pictures. From cruises, museums, of various rooms, (and floor plans for odd rooms, too!)


If there's a question or an answer, here is where you will find it! in spades! (and hearts and clubs and diamonds!)



who has asked or answered most of them at one time or another!

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The absolute BEST mojito I had on board was on my January cruise to Panama in the Chart Room. Filled with fresh mint, just right. Commodore Club does a fine job. My favorite bartender there was Paul, but I am not sure he is still in the Commodore. Someone here said he got a promotion and he was on holiday on our Labor Day sail, so we did not get to talk to him. I was unimpressed with mojitos at dinner in the Brittania. I think the sommelier is making your drinks, or someone who otherwise is not really a bartender, so they do not do as good a job. Stick to regular mixed drinks, wine or beer there. The Margaritas at dinner were okay.


Most of the bars do a great job, but by far the best at drinks and atmosphere combined was Commodore Club, which overlooks the bow of the ship.


I've really become an aficianado of all things Cuban. I grew up amongst Cubans in Florida and know a few people (Especially parrotheads) who have gone to Cuba. (recently even!) I know where to get good Cuban sandwiches in Key West- Some of the most unlikely places!) And I have seen Ibrahim Ferrar in person before he died (from the Buena Vista Social Club) Also Tito Puente and Celia Cruz in person, before each of them died. I like the older son style of music, mambo (Never heard Perez Prado, who did the Original Mambo no. 5) Was listening the the Mambo Kings in the car the other day. I even met a few Cuban-Americans on each of our trips. Many Brits have gone there, as of course, they are not restricted and it is a beautiful country of wonderful people (who love Americans) with great food, drinks music, and tourism, including eco-tourism. My own travel agency used to run birding tours a few years back, and educational tours with a license from Treasury before they tightened up again. So drink up, Enjoy mojitos, one of Hemingway's favorites (While in Cuba- seems he had a different favorite in each of his "home" towns!)


You will love the QM2. She is fun and elegant, both at the same time!


So did you get that new CD yet? Are you in a club? and where are you from? We may have friends in common.


Good luck in search of the perfect mojito! QM2 honestly makes some of the best I have ever had! Honest! They key is not too much simple srup, and LOTS and lots of mint!



Who loves mojitos and especially loves all of the new performers I know because of Buffett! (Heading for the parrothead convention in three weeks!)

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