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Can't even to tell you how upset I am with our Inspiration cruise.....


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After reading this I decided to see if anything was going on the days I sail on the Elation in OCt 2007 and did find a gay cruise heading out on the Elation the end of May 2007. I dont have anything against anyone but this is my 3 sons first cruise and dont want them seeing anything they dont need to see.:eek:


Actually, The most they would probably see is men in pairs and women in pairs. Things that your children are going to enconter in life.

My partner and I have been on many cruises, usually alone or with friends, a few with gay groups. A gourp of gay people on a cruise, are not going to be like that group of Swingers. Of course what you chose for your children is up to you. But heck.....what will you do if one of them turns out to be gay ?:)

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Actually, The most they would probably see is men in pairs and women in pairs. Things that your children are going to enconter in life.

My partner and I have been on many cruises, usually alone or with friends, a few with gay groups. A gourp of gay people on a cruise, are not going to be like that group of Swingers. Of course what you chose for your children is up to you. But heck.....what will you do if one of them turns out to be gay ?:)


Great post.


Remember if the line starts out "Gay people don't bother me but" they usually bother you a lot.

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while I agree sex in public is wrong I feel I have seen many str8 cruisers just about "doing" it on the deck on at dinner but nothing is ever said about them.. :eek:


Uh, this thread IS about "str8" cruisers just about doing it on the deck. We're talking about "swingers," who are STRAIGHT individuals who happen to enjoy switching partners, so your statement is not very accurate.


I agree with many of the posters who have questioned just exactly what happened on this cruise. Have we heard from anyone yet who actually witnessed actual sex acts taking place in public on this particular sailing?! If this is simply about women in thongs and purple wristbands, then I'm inclined to believe that this thread is much ado about nothing.

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I am always impressed with your threads. They are well thought out, informative and usually amusing. however I must disagree with you on a few points.

Cruise lines have a valuable weapon to use if group members become unruly - their own rules. Groups should not only be allowed they should be encouraged BUT they must be held to the same standards as all passengers aboard the ship. Cruise lines have escorted unruly drunks to their cabins, put pot smokers off the ship. And had brawlers arrested. So they know what appropriate behavior is. It's high time that all passengers who have had their cruise marred (not ruined) by truly unruly guests (not chair hogs and under dressers) held the cruise lines responsible for enforcing their own rules. If more and more people complain and follow through with their complaints and suggestions maybe we'll see less of these threads.

I also feel that no group has the right to take over any area on the ship for their personal events. I paid for ALL areas of the ship and barring safety concerns I expect to get what I pay for. All venues should be open to all passengers. If the group wants to hold their " I'll show you mine if you show me yours " party in the whatever lounge it should be advertised and then it would be up to me if I want to attend. The only room that should be used for personal invitation only events is the conference room.

As for you not witnessing the actions yourself please tell me that you know that you can't be everywhere at all times. I never thought to take a picture of two strangers engaging in oral and coital sex during my cruise. I never felt that when I reported it people would demand photographic evidence. I only reported what I saw. If you didn't good I am sure you and your ;lovely GF would not have been amused by the antics of a few very low class people who must think that The people around the middle pool needed to see and hear their orgasms.

I do not believe that Carnival owes me or the OP a free cruise. They owe us an apology and the belief that they care and are actively working on changing the situation.


Very well said. I am not a prude, but I sure don't want to spend my vacation watching someone else having sex, ESPECIALLY in front of my kids or grandkids!

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Great post.


Remember if the line starts out "Gay people don't bother me but" they usually bother you a lot.


Nice to know that we have a resident expert here on Cruise Critic that knows what everyone is thinking.:rolleyes:


If you have no problem with swingers on a cruise doing things in front of other passengers then why don't you book the next cruise and take your kids and grandkids and let them watch the goings on that have been described here if it doesn't bother you then it shouldn't be a problem.


As far as people looking up groups on the internet. Most folks are first time cruisers and have no idea of why or how to look up groups for a cruise. No one should have to do this.

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Nice to know that we have a resident expert here on Cruise Critic that knows what everyone is thinking.:rolleyes:


If you have no problem with swingers on a cruise doing things in front of other passengers then why don't you book the next cruise and take your kids and grandkids and let them watch the goings on that have been described here if it doesn't bother you then it shouldn't be a problem.


As far as people looking up groups on the internet. Most folks are first time cruisers and have no idea of why or how to look up groups for a cruise. No one should have to do this.


I am not an "expert" about anything.


I do question just exactly what happened on this cruise. I have no first hand knowledge if anything happened at all.


Do you have any first hand knowledge to share? Were you there?


If you can type a search into Google you can find out all sorts of things about your cruise. Researching a cruise on the internet has nothing to dowith how many times you have cruised.


I would be glad to tell you how if you like.


Thanks for the reply.

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So far we have not had any eye witness accounts of any members of this particular swinger group performing sex acts in front of children or in public anywhere. Josie herself has admitted that she only "heard" things and what she was offended by was the attire of some of the group members.


She also admits that she wasn't even aware of what the group was until a couple started "talking" to her about their lifestyle, they didn't perform in front of her they talked. Nor does she say that sheard of any sexual acts being performed in public, it was in the private functions lounge I believe. As for the sex in the pools and hot tubs, well I've see that happen in pools and the beaches at different resorts, I'm sure it happens all the time. Some people can be very discreet about it. You might be surprised the amount of times it's happened right in front of you while you've sat around the pool.


Basically I find it hard to believe that if it was as awful as Josie "heard", that Carnival would sit back and do nothing.

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I am a 63 year old grandmother & certainly would not want to expose my grandchildren to openly displayed lewd behavior there is a time & place for everything.:eek: Did you actually witness a sexual act ???


I do believe that every paying customer (children included) has the right to enjoy his/her vacation & groups, no matter what kind, are also paying customers. Now do they have the right to take over the ship, NO. And then the question is DID they ? Or are we getting upset just because they are who they are (swingers) ? Would you have been upset if a bunch of nuns,teachers or social workers took over an area you wanted to use or not use ?

As for the dress issue on the Lido deck a String Bikini IMHO shows just as much of the body as a thong & women wear them in almost every vacation place I have been to. Should children be exposed to people in them, I can't answer for everyone, but for me it does not matter. I have always had the opinion that if God wanted us to be ashamed of our bodies he would have had us be born with clothes on...Just my opinion. BTW, I do not & have not ever owned or worn anything but a 1 piece bathing suit but do respect the right of others to wear or not wear what they choose. I do not have to look if it is offensive to me.

And last but not least, should Carnival have interveaned ? If they were openly performing sex acts in public & in front of children, a big YES, which leads me to believe if they did not intervene maybe, just maybe this was not happening.

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So far we have not had any eye witness accounts of any members of this particular swinger group performing sex acts in front of children or in public anywhere. Josie herself has admitted that she only "heard" things and what she was offended by was the attire of some of the group members.


She also admits that she wasn't even aware of what the group was until a couple started "talking" to her about their lifestyle, they didn't perform in front of her they talked. Nor does she say that sheard of any sexual acts being performed in public, it was in the private functions lounge I believe. As for the sex in the pools and hot tubs, well I've see that happen in pools and the beaches at different resorts, I'm sure it happens all the time. Some people can be very discreet about it. You might be surprised the amount of times it's happened right in front of you while you've sat around the pool.


Basically I find it hard to believe that if it was as awful as Josie "heard", that Carnival would sit back and do nothing.


A little dose of common sense.



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The bottom line is that Carnival advertises itself as a FAMILY cruise line.

There is a law against open pornagraphy around children. Swingers openly demonstrating their "talents" in front of children is against the law.


If someone is going to condone open sex in front of children, then they better not say one word when it goes further and some adult is trying to have sex with your child....because once that line is blurred....there is no going back.


This isn't about wearing a thong. This isn't about straight or gay. This isn't about any group reserving a meeting room. It is about a group that has demonstrated that they are completely void of any moral fiber. They are not just "enjoying a lifestyle" ... they are demanding "center stage" to fill some black hole where their self respect and diginity used to be.

And they are putting this center stage in the direct path of children.


When it is done publicly for the shock factor...it is no longer a lifestyle...it is a freak show. And it is freak show that Carnival had better get a handle on, no matter how difficult.

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I’m not a parent but there has been talk in the media here and my sister is a teacher who has mentioned this several times to me. Perhaps we are protecting our children too much. Taking away every responsibility so that they are so sheltered as to not be able to cope when it comes time to take responsibility for themselves. Maybe if everyone was as relaxed about their bodies and sexuality, there wouldn’t be all those men tripping over each other to get up to the F deck to get a glimpse of a little boob. :p


Mona You are so right here! Coming from Europe myself and vacationing on beaches in France, Spain, Portugal etc where topless and in some cases nude bathing is the norm, it really doesn't get a second look. Both my children from a very early age were subjected to this nudity and I am proud to say that I now have two very sensible adults as children, who probably are more balanced than I am.


In America the norm seems to be cover the children's eyes at even the very glimpse of a breast. They fuzz it out on TV, they talk about it as it is disgusting.. In the UK, streakers are laughed at and ridiculed, here they are called disgusting and perverts.

In this Society we are more concerned about a few people running around naked, half naked or in clothes that we wouldn't be seen dead in because of our own hang ups with nudity and we swiftly cover the eyes of our children.

Yet we sit down and watch the CSI'S, 24''S, and the early evening news where violence abounds..dead bodies in the street, people firing rifles at other people, bar fights, bombings etc etc.

Seems to me that we are covering our childrens eyes from the wrong thing.

We were all born into this world naked... but we weren't born with a Kalashnikov automatic over our shoulder.

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I’m not a parent but there has been talk in the media here and my sister is a teacher who has mentioned this several times to me. Perhaps we are protecting our children too much. Taking away every responsibility so that they are so sheltered as to not be able to cope when it comes time to take responsibility for themselves. Maybe if everyone was as relaxed about their bodies and sexuality, there wouldn’t be all those men tripping over each other to get up to the F deck to get a glimpse of a little boob. :p


Mona You are so right here! Coming from Europe myself and vacationing on beaches in France, Spain, Portugal etc where topless and in some cases nude bathing is the norm, it really doesn't get a second look. Both my children from a very early age were subjected to this nudity and I am proud to say that I now have two very sensible adults as children, who probably are more balanced than I am.


In America the norm seems to be cover the children's eyes at even the very glimpse of a breast. They fuzz it out on TV, they talk about it as it is disgusting.. In the UK, streakers are laughed at and ridiculed, here they are called disgusting and perverts.

In this Society we are more concerned about a few people running around naked, half naked or in clothes that we wouldn't be seen dead in because of our own hang ups with nudity and we swiftly cover the eyes of our children.

Yet we sit down and watch the CSI'S, 24''S, and the early evening news where violence abounds..dead bodies in the street, people firing rifles at other people, bar fights, bombings etc etc.

Seems to me that we are covering our childrens eyes from the wrong thing.

We were all born into this world naked... but we weren't born with a Kalashnikov automatic over our shoulder.


Thank you for saying that! I agree.


And for the comment....."Gay people don't bother me but" they usually bother you a lot." Sorry, but that's a wad. I totally disagree with you, and this is where I thank my country for making laws that have allowed me to accept all people, and to develop tolerance and think with an open mind.

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The bottom line is that Carnival advertises itself as a FAMILY cruise line.

There is a law against open pornagraphy around children. Swingers openly demonstrating their "talents" in front of children is against the law.


If someone is going to condone open sex in front of children, then they better not say one word when it goes further and some adult is trying to have sex with your child....because once that line is blurred....there is no going back.


This isn't about wearing a thong. This isn't about straight or gay. This isn't about any group reserving a meeting room. It is about a group that has demonstrated that they are completely void of any moral fiber. They are not just "enjoying a lifestyle" ... they are demanding "center stage" to fill some black hole where their self respect and diginity used to be.

And they are putting this center stage in the direct path of children.


When it is done publicly for the shock factor...it is no longer a lifestyle...it is a freak show. And it is freak show that Carnival had better get a handle on, no matter how difficult.


Well said, LHP, well said!


Partial or full nudity isn't something that I find offensive, although some I've seen on beaches would look much better covered up. :D What I do find offensive are public sex acts that go beyond a cuddle or a kiss. For God's sake people! Get a room!

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The bottom line is that Carnival advertises itself as a FAMILY cruise line.

There is a law against open pornagraphy around children. Swingers openly demonstrating their "talents" in front of children is against the law.


If someone is going to condone open sex in front of children, then they better not say one word when it goes further and some adult is trying to have sex with your child....because once that line is blurred....there is no going back.


This isn't about wearing a thong. This isn't about straight or gay. This isn't about any group reserving a meeting room. It is about a group that has demonstrated that they are completely void of any moral fiber. They are not just "enjoying a lifestyle" ... they are demanding "center stage" to fill some black hole where their self respect and diginity used to be.

And they are putting this center stage in the direct path of children.


When it is done publicly for the shock factor...it is no longer a lifestyle...it is a freak show. And it is freak show that Carnival had better get a handle on, no matter how difficult.



Actually this did start out about wearing a thong, and about a group reserving a meeting room. The "story" seems to have gone way out off course. This has morphed into something totally different.



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You know, I think a lot of people automatically assume that having swingers around are incompatible with "normal" vacation enjoyment. I know a lot of people would feel the same way if the group was gays instead of swingers. Or Puerto Ricans (see the Destiny threads recently.) These are just intolerant people, if not bigots.


I think, no, I know that these swingers are good, honest, hardworking people just like everyone else, and they are on that ship to have a good vacation. They mean no ill will toward anyone else and would not want to dampen anyone else's fun. They should be respected and welcomed. However, the *mere thought* that these people are nearby is triggering such a backlash!


Everyone needs to conduct themselves appropriately in public. Carnival has an obligation to enforce decent behavior. It makes no difference if it is a drunk teen on Spring break or a lewd adult -- bad behavior is what it is, and it should not occur. When it does occur, it should be dealt with consequeces.


I think the majority of posts here have been the sort of "I don't want to cruise with swingers", and that misses the point. The issue is "did Carnival not enforce its rules on behavior." I know they do kick people off for getting too drunk, etc. So I wonder if these swingers were really doing anything wrong, or if the *true* problem lies with the passengers who are upset they had to spend a week with swingers. Those passengers, in my mind, are very small people.


Once again, salty dingo, you have spoken with wisdom. I agree with everything you posted here, especially that we need to stick to the point of "did Carnival not enforce its rules on behavior?" Let's put our adult caps on, people. I do feel that allowing everyone to express their beliefs here is a good thing. It gives us something to think about.

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The bottom line is that Carnival advertises itself as a FAMILY cruise line.

There is a law against open pornagraphy around children. Swingers openly demonstrating their "talents" in front of children is against the law.


If someone is going to condone open sex in front of children, then they better not say one word when it goes further and some adult is trying to have sex with your child....because once that line is blurred....there is no going back.


This isn't about wearing a thong. This isn't about straight or gay. This isn't about any group reserving a meeting room. It is about a group that has demonstrated that they are completely void of any moral fiber. They are not just "enjoying a lifestyle" ... they are demanding "center stage" to fill some black hole where their self respect and diginity used to be.

And they are putting this center stage in the direct path of children.


When it is done publicly for the shock factor...it is no longer a lifestyle...it is a freak show. And it is freak show that Carnival had better get a handle on, no matter how difficult.



What "pornography in front of children" are you referring to??? What demonstrations of their "talents" are you talking about?? Condoning sex in front of children?? Are you reading the same posts as the rest of us??

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Well, I must say this is being blown way out of proportion. We too were on that cruise and while you knew what the purple wristbands meant after a couple days (especially after the late night comedy show), the posts here so far are not fair to anybody.


The OP lists several things but followed them all up with "I didn't see it, just heard it". Were heard one rumor 5 times and each time it got more indulgent! It started with "skimpy clothing for a party" and the final version was "they were all having sex in the hall". You could tell it was the same rumor as you could follow the parts that made it from one version to another. I mean Jesus, look at this thread! It's already turned from "we heard about bad behavior" to "having sex with your kids"! This is rediculous. You may not agree with it but to make up lies and twist the truth makes the way you live your life even worse.


We saw one, maybe two, inappropriately dressed women the whole time. On formal night, one had a pretty revealing "dress" that we thought was way over the top, and we are very open-minded.


As for "men with erect penis' ", give me a break. 80% of the men walking around the lido deck had erect penis'. Just because you focused on the purple arm-bands doesn't mean they were the only ones.


Ok, so they blocked off the candlelight lounge so they oculd have their parties. So what? You weren't allowed to go in so you saw nothing. Besides, those parties all started at midnight. If your 8 year old was up at midnight wondering around the candlelight lounge and bar area, then you have bigger issues than being on a cruise with swingers.


The ONLY thing I agree with you so far is on the Upper Deck having a couple families there. However, that is NOT the fault of the group, but of Carnival. We walked up and down the U deck several times and never saw anything I would deem out of the ordinary for a cruise ship. We even talked to one "swinger" couple on the V deck who went and talked to one of the families and switched rooms with them. They took a less expensive room on the U deck and gave the family their room on the V deck to help the family feel better since carnival didn't have any rooms to move them too.


We went to all the clubs, all the decks, every day and interacted with a lot of people from "the group" and every experience was normal. Actually, maybe better than normal because they seem to be very communicative and happy people and we always felt like we had a good time. We never saw any inappropriate behavior in the public areas and most, if not all, of the bad stuff you hear is made up rumors by people wanting nothing more than to get something from Carnival. We actually hope we land on a cruise like that again as it was like having 500 friends with you.


This is nothing more than people thinking they were "duped" because they happened to be on a cruise with swingers. Spend that energy improving your local neighborhoods instead of jumping on the bandwagon of "I don't know what happened, but I can make it sound good."

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In America the norm seems to be cover the children's eyes at even the very glimpse of a breast. They fuzz it out on TV, they talk about it as it is disgusting.. In the UK, streakers are laughed at and ridiculed, here they are called disgusting and perverts.

In this Society we are more concerned about a few people running around naked, half naked or in clothes that we wouldn't be seen dead in because of our own hang ups with nudity and we swiftly cover the eyes of our children.

Yet we sit down and watch the CSI'S, 24''S, and the early evening news where violence abounds..dead bodies in the street, people firing rifles at other people, bar fights, bombings etc etc.

Seems to me that we are covering our childrens eyes from the wrong thing.

We were all born into this world naked... but we weren't born with a Kalashnikov automatic over our shoulder.




Boy did you hit the nail on the head. My sentiments exactly. We live in a society when our kids play deadly video games, & BTW are there any of them on the ship, & watch movies & TV full of violence & some of us think that is O.K. Geez, some of us even buy them for them as Christmas & birthday gifts. Now who has their morals out of joint ?? I wonder ! :confused:

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There is a roll call for this cruise where several people responded...yet only one person couldn't wait to get back here and rant. I think it has been blown (poor choice of words lol) out of proportion. Most everything is heresay and second-hand information which some ignorant posters are taking as the gospel truth.

Besides, most children should have been in school during this period.

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Well, I must say this is being blown way out of proportion. We too were on that cruise and while you knew what the purple wristbands meant after a couple days (especially after the late night comedy show), the posts here so far are not fair to anybody......


.....This is nothing more than people thinking they were "duped" because they happened to be on a cruise with swingers. Spend that energy improving your local neighborhoods instead of jumping on the bandwagon of "I don't know what happened, but I can make it sound good."


Wow, are you sure you were on the same ship? LOL How refreshing to read a balanced, objective, first hand account of the experience. Thank you.

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In America the norm seems to be cover the children's eyes at even the very glimpse of a breast. They fuzz it out on TV, they talk about it as it is disgusting In this Society we are more concerned about a few people running around naked, half naked or in clothes that we wouldn't be seen dead in because of our own hang ups with nudity and we swiftly cover the eyes of our children.


I totally agree with you, i have tryed to teach my children that the body, no matter what size is beautiful and they should bnever be ashamed.

I go to topless beaches and take them with me, they are grown now and join it.


I can't tell you how many parents i have seen walk by and cover their childs eyes or the husband thats so afraid of what his wife may think, he just focuses on the ground as he walks.



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Well, I must say this is being blown way out of proportion. We too were on that cruise and while you knew what the purple wristbands meant after a couple days (especially after the late night comedy show), the posts here so far are not fair to anybody.


The OP lists several things but followed them all up with "I didn't see it, just heard it". Were heard one rumor 5 times and each time it got more indulgent! It started with "skimpy clothing for a party" and the final version was "they were all having sex in the hall". You could tell it was the same rumor as you could follow the parts that made it from one version to another. I mean Jesus, look at this thread! It's already turned from "we heard about bad behavior" to "having sex with your kids"! This is rediculous. You may not agree with it but to make up lies and twist the truth makes the way you live your life even worse.


We saw one, maybe two, inappropriately dressed women the whole time. On formal night, one had a pretty revealing "dress" that we thought was way over the top, and we are very open-minded.


As for "men with erect penis' ", give me a break. 80% of the men walking around the lido deck had erect penis'. Just because you focused on the purple arm-bands doesn't mean they were the only ones.


Ok, so they blocked off the candlelight lounge so they oculd have their parties. So what? You weren't allowed to go in so you saw nothing. Besides, those parties all started at midnight. If your 8 year old was up at midnight wondering around the candlelight lounge and bar area, then you have bigger issues than being on a cruise with swingers.


The ONLY thing I agree with you so far is on the Upper Deck having a couple families there. However, that is NOT the fault of the group, but of Carnival. We walked up and down the U deck several times and never saw anything I would deem out of the ordinary for a cruise ship. We even talked to one "swinger" couple on the V deck who went and talked to one of the families and switched rooms with them. They took a less expensive room on the U deck and gave the family their room on the V deck to help the family feel better since carnival didn't have any rooms to move them too.


We went to all the clubs, all the decks, every day and interacted with a lot of people from "the group" and every experience was normal. Actually, maybe better than normal because they seem to be very communicative and happy people and we always felt like we had a good time. We never saw any inappropriate behavior in the public areas and most, if not all, of the bad stuff you hear is made up rumors by people wanting nothing more than to get something from Carnival. We actually hope we land on a cruise like that again as it was like having 500 friends with you.


This is nothing more than people thinking they were "duped" because they happened to be on a cruise with swingers. Spend that energy improving your local neighborhoods instead of jumping on the bandwagon of "I don't know what happened, but I can make it sound good."


Not that I believe one over another....but this is what I was figuring all along!!


Thank you for adding your experience!!



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To the OP, you have every right to be upset. You don't have to prove to anyone what your experience was. If anything...thank you for your post. We had no idea that the cruiselines would actually book these kinds of group cruises. And having 400 hundred swingers on board, I hardly think it was just a few people walking around in thongs and sheer clothing not making spectacles of themselves.

A actual swinger posted on here earlier, and they admitted that they would not participate in a swingers group cruise because they know what kind of behavior goes on at these functions.....and they know there are children aboard.

Just amazes me that someone will actually take time to post a thread of great information in my opinion, and it gets turned into a name throwing fest.

Bigotry? Give me a break. And some of you talk about the media:rolleyes:

Thank you OP, I now know I need to google for my next cruise.

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