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Rhapsodyized, my Review


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Off we go and play with the "puppy dogs of the seas". One of the gals holds some food and is inundated by dozens of stingrays. As she freaks, I say, "think of it as a stingray massage!" We move to another location and dive for spiney lobsters and conch. Without a doubt, this is the best excursion I have ever done.



Scotty: I don't know if I ever told you thank you for that! Looking up to see your laughing face helped to stop feeling overwhelmed by my sudden popularity. And the funny thing is that once I let go of my squeamishness it really did feel a little like a massage :p


And I will chime in and agree with you on that last sentiment. That was the best excursion I've ever done on any of my vacations!

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Iris, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! My sister is allergic to wheat, and is coming in two weeks for a visit. now I have a dessert I can make that she can eat!!!!:D


Fran in Toronto

Fran, my cruise roomie could not eat wheat either; he adored the cake on the ship, and that first recipe is indeed taken from the RCCL cookbook - I made it for him for his 50th birthday and it is truly scrumptious! He was so excited, he pigged out on nearly 1/4 the cake when I took it over!

But Iris spoiled it for me by giving Laurent the link.... I thought I had something to tease and tantalize him with!

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Fran, my cruise roomie could not eat wheat either; he adored the cake on the ship, and that first recipe is indeed taken from the RCCL cookbook - I made it for him for his 50th birthday and it is truly scrumptious! He was so excited, he pigged out on nearly 1/4 the cake when I took it over!

But Iris spoiled it for me by giving Laurent the link.... I thought I had something to tease and tantalize him with!


Hi, RP....


Finally got the computer cleaned off enough to type - reading Selectone's reviews is a life experience in itself!


I'm going to try the cake on the weekend, and then have one ready for my sister when she arrives. She is actually allergic to every grain except rice, and gets very tired of eating only rice-flour stuff.


I didn't even know there was an RRCL cookbook. Where does one find this?

Perhaps better to email....franota at rogers dot com


Fran in Toronto

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Fran, my cruise roomie could not eat wheat either; he adored the cake on the ship, and that first recipe is indeed taken from the RCCL cookbook - I made it for him for his 50th birthday and it is truly scrumptious! He was so excited, he pigged out on nearly 1/4 the cake when I took it over!

But Iris spoiled it for me by giving Laurent the link.... I thought I had something to tease and tantalize him with!


Hi, RP....


Finally got the computer cleaned off enough to type - reading Selectone's reviews is a life experience in itself!


I'm going to try the cake on the weekend, and then have one ready for my sister when she arrives. She is actually allergic to every grain except rice, and gets very tired of eating only rice-flour stuff.


I didn't even know there was an RRCL cookbook. Where does one find this?

Perhaps better to email....franota at rogers dot com


Fran in Toronto

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Fran, my cruise roomie could not eat wheat either; he adored the cake on the ship, and that first recipe is indeed taken from the RCCL cookbook - I made it for him for his 50th birthday and it is truly scrumptious! He was so excited, he pigged out on nearly 1/4 the cake when I took it over!

But Iris spoiled it for me by giving Laurent the link.... I thought I had something to tease and tantalize him with!


Cindy, I am sooooo sorry to spoil your fun. :o Just another of those senior moments, I'm afraid. :D Maybe he's off making one right now and that's why we haven't heard from him???:confused:


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Scotty, here's the deal! Several of us on 10 Reasons are resorting to bribery now to get you to join us in Feb. You will have an endless supply of flourless cake and chocolate mints! :D We'll even steal Laurents supply to add to yours (just don't tell him about that!) ;)

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Today is a very fine day as a direct result of 1) this thread and 2) My DW reading it! I come home, open the door, and this heavenly aroma surrounds me: my DW made FCC, and I don't mean Fuzzy Chinese Cannibals! And when DW flipped the cake out of the pan, a little bit broke off! Oh Man! I now know what you mean, Scotty!

To all who read this, and especially Micky: STAY AWAY FROM MY FCC - you can have all my chocolate mints! As a matter of fact, I will fight you for your pieces once I've eaten mine, so you better eat yours at least as fast as I do, or order something else.


So, yea Scotty: what are the chances of you joining us?:D Might even find some looking for a TBA - and I don't mean Tall Bad A$$


Love the review!





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Hi Laurent,

Googling, I found the recipe for you...


If that URL is not allowed, send me an email to iris at reily dot org ENJOY!

it is supercalifragilisticexpallidocious!:D



Why thank you! I agree: this stuff is great! I could eat just lobster tails for dinner, and then switch to a few slices of this stuff. It's the crack cocain of coacoa! I've had one small taster piece (less than a mouthfull!), and all I can think about is desert - DW could make beans on toast (not a favourite of mine at all!), and I wouldn't care! Just gimme that stuff, and we won't have any problems, K? :D :D





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Time for Quest. Our Meet and Mingle people have grouped into a team. Our "runner" is a cruise virgin, and he really takes it "for the team", when he gets half nekkid. He is astonished, when learning that the winning prizes are trinkets. "I’m doing this for a lousy keychain??" Not to worry, we didn’t win, anyway! :(


Next, Day 4, Wednesday. Ocho Rios, Jamaica


ROFLMAO - I have pics if anyone is interested! The police academy hasn't responded yet! LOL... Scotty: I'm loving all your reviews. The best night was Quest. Alan still laughs about it... although I'm sure he wishes that the pic with him dressed up wasn't on my wallpaper on my computer.


Dona :)

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Why thank you! I agree: this stuff is great! I could eat just lobster tails for dinner, and then switch to a few slices of this stuff. It's the crack cocain of coacoa! I've had one small taster piece (less than a mouthfull!), and all I can think about is desert - DW could make beans on toast (not a favourite of mine at all!), and I wouldn't care! Just gimme that stuff, and we won't have any problems, K? :D :D




Oh my! I hope, for your DW's sake, I haven't created a monster! Perhaps I should give the recipe for FCC to each potential TBA and let her resulting goodies be her "interview" . Taste Test. Yep.

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Day 6. Friday, Cozumel, Mexico

I forgot to mention that Rhapsody had set aside some time for Veterans to get together on Tuesday morning. What a bunch of nice guys from WW2 to the present. This morning, for top deck pre-breakfast paint remover, we are joined by a Green Beret on leave from Iraq. He has a plate, stacked high with cinnamon twirls. I watch as he takes a bite, closes his eyes, and smiles. It gives me a good feeling that this guy is enjoying something soooooo much better than C rations. I eye his extra sin buns. Normally, I’m a food thief, but this guy could snap me like a twig.

Breakfast in the Dining Room with our group, joined by a lovely couple from Iowa. Eggs Benedict, blueberry muffins, sausage, pancakes and a whole lot of butter. My arteries are running slower than a Florida ballot count. The Iowa couple asks "can we get by in Cozumel without knowing any Spanish?" I tell them they will be fine, I have the same problem in Dallas.

Today is going to be a relaxing beach day. We wait for a passing rain shower before leaving the ship. Grab a taxi driven by a maniac who thinks "tailgating" is a sport. We arrive at Paradise Beach with fresh sunshine and wet clothes. No, we didn’t get caught in the rain!!! This resort, like many others, has spent a lot of time and money recovering from hurricane Wilma. Several new buildings and hundreds of newly planted palm trees. The place is really gorgeous. We decide on sampling their varieties of food and frozen slushy adult beverages. Bikini’s are rampant. A cutie catches me staring at her tush. "Please don’t be offended, I’m just looking at your tattoo." "You jerk, I don’t have a tattoo." "Yeah, your right. It’s moving!" Screaming and jumping ensues. I really should hate myself. :D

At noon, Paradise Beach Tom, the manager, shows up. I have a special gift for him. A few cartons of fresh American milk (unknowingly provided by the Windjammer). This guy will dance like a circus bear for these goodies. Just a hint for you future P.B. visitors!

Back on board Rhapsody, I head to the rail to cat call the late arriving drunks, filtering back from Senior Frog’s. I am severely disappointed, no one is being carried or dragged. Everyone is on time, and we set sail.

Supper in the Dining Room. Tonight is garlic soup (wow, strong), berries with cream, crab cakes (to die for), one pound slab of perfect prime rib, and rack of lamb. Since I’m on a diet, sherbet for dessert? Don’t be silly! Hot fudge brownie with brandy topping.

I’m beginning to think we aren’t going to have a window display tonight. Patience is a virtue. I notice a fellow leaning on the rail smoking his cigarette. A lady walks up behind him and gives him a pretty good grab to his buns. He jumps and turns around to see a woman in total aghast. It is obvious that she thought this guy was someone else. Maybe, I’ll go out and have a smoke and hope for the best!

Showtime tonight is a Motown production with a group called Spectrum. Oldies and goodies. Well done.

How about a little casino action? I really haven’t spent much time in the casino this week (to the chagrin of the casino management). I see an industrial strength, cute dealer on the front table. "Hi sweetie, am I gonna get lucky, tonight?" She says, "Two answers…. probably not, and definitely not." Ouch! :(

Next, Day 7, Saturday at sea.

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Oh my! I hope, for your DW's sake, I haven't created a monster! Perhaps I should give the recipe for FCC to each potential TBA and let her resulting goodies be her "interview" . Taste Test. Yep.


Dang, I've never made a FCC................ could I interest you in a Sour Cream Cheesecake? ;) :D

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Dang, I've never made a FCC................ could I interest you in a Sour Cream Cheesecake? ;) :D


Or just leave out the Flourless and make it a real CC;) :D

What a great surprise coming home in the morning. Three more episodesicon14.gif

I really hope this was more than a seven day cruise - please tell me it was.

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Day 7, Saturday at sea.

Up very early this morning. Paint remover on deck 9 is accompanied by new friends and a seascape sunrise. All cruisers should rise early, at least one day, to witness this event.

Breakfast in the Dining Room with the group. Joined by first time cruisers from El Paso. They’ve had such a good time they have booked two more cruises while on board. He states his darling wife will leave retirement to pay for them. She pipes up, "Like heck, you’re still working!" Him, "You booked ‘em, you pay for ‘em!" Welcome to the society of Cruiseaholics!

As we leave the dining room, Mom’s ears perk up. "The slot machines are on, I hear them." Must be radar! "See you for lunch, Mom."

I go to a very interesting towel folding demonstration in the Centrum. Very creative, with elephants, monkeys, snakes, and other things adorable. My finished attempt at a diaper looks like it has already been used!

The Captain makes a special announcement. Seems Rhapsody has broken one of it’s four generators. To maintain all services, the ship must slow to 15 knots. This means a delay into Galveston by 5 hours. Pax with air packages will be automatically taken care of by RCI. Other flyers must make their own adjustments, with RCI paying the extra charges. Free telephone and internet to do so. You can tell who the non-Texans are. They are in semi-panic. The Texans are just grinning. Just means more time to eat on Sunday. I stop a ship’s officer in the Atrium. "Tell the Captain, if he wants to save more power, lower the speed to 1 knot and get back next Tuesday!" I’m in no rush!

Lunch in the Dining Room. BBQ ribs, fries, and cherry pie with ice cream. Pacemaker is working overtime!

Afternoon is an ice carving demonstration on pool deck. Carver makes a beautiful dolphin in less than 15 min. The kids are using the excess ice chips to harass their siblings. A bare footed lady steps on one and says, "hey, that’s really cold!" Hubby says, "yes dear, that’s why they call it ice!" Snickers, all around.

Showtime tonight with Los Pampas Gauchos. Whips, bolos, and drums are the fare. If you want to have a cigarette whipped out of your mouth by a crazy Argentinean, volunteer. This should make you quit, cold turkey!

Supper in the Dining Room features cream of something soup, mai mai, and a side order of sirloin steak. For non adventurous cruisers, there are always the side staples of steak, fish and pastas. I need to sample the steak for research purposes. Actually, a bit better than last year. You may have noticed, I do not speak much about vegetables. Although they are nicely presented, I don’t take up valuable stomach space for healthy food items. For dessert, Banana Foster.

This is the night we hand out the tip envelopes. The Head Waiter brings by some "leftover" Flourless Chocolate Cake. How obvious is that? Ok, I get the hint, he gets a little extra!

Our window entertainment, this evening, is a beautiful lightening show, off in the distance. Several couples have lined the rail, admiring the fireworks, and blocking my view. A rogue lightening bolt strikes close to the ship, and in an instant, I see several people a foot in the air, like a cartoon of skeletons on Halloween. Much running. I now have an unobstructed view of the horizon. :D

My last fling in the casino. I sit down at a slot machine called "Haywire". After a couple of quarters it goes "goofy" and starts ringing. The wheels spin on their own and each time they stop, my winnings increment. This continues long enough to draw a crowd. Lots of "ooh’s" and "aah’s". When it finally stops, I have a grand total of $7.50. My admirers are as disappointed as I am. This jackpot won’t even pay my bar tab. I go and leave the machines to the experts.

I walk by the pursers area and a very distinguished gentleman and his wife (obviously, trophy) are going over their SeaPass bill, occupying multiple pages of items. He is shaking his head and laughing as he flips the pages. She has the "deer in the headlights" look on her face. She says, "maybe it’s because you ate all that extra lobster!"


Sunday, Last Day

Since we are nowhere near the port of Galveston, we enjoy a very leisurely breakfast in the Dining Room. Our group, and morning table mates from Houston, all agree, this has been an outstanding week on Rhapsody. We are fantasizing on what a Rhapsody repositioning cruise to Asia would be like. Not just Texans, all are going to miss this ship. She has become a favorite for thousands of passengers.

As we maneuver into Galveston dock at noon, I can see the new pax lined up on the outside of the terminal. People are waving us in (as in, hurry up, hurry up). We relax in the card room while a wave of "flying" passengers are let off first. We are dragged off (kicking and screaming) about 2pm. Customs is weary by the time we get there, and we are quickly, waved through. Outside, the line of new passengers are in an incredibly, good mood for having been in the Texas heat for several hours. I overhear one of the new pax telling her in-line companion how Flourless Chocolate Cake is made and how much she is going to enjoy it. I whisper to her, "Rhapsody doesn’t have that anymore!" I really do hate myself! :rolleyes:

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