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Personal DVD Players in the Dining Room


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[SIZE=3]With all due respect,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I think any parent that would expect a small child to sit through a formal dinner for more than 30 -45 minutes are not taking his or her best interest at hand. No child under the age of 5 should ever be expected to sit there that long! I again, think if parents want to take their little darlings on a cruise with them seat them in one area so that all the kids and parents can be together and ew and ah all at the same time! :p People that travel childless and wish not to be seated with children should have that choice! Yes you can still take your little one and enjoy what ever you wish but honestly I dont want to spend my vacation around small kids! I have been there and done that and I still feel like the Disney cruise line is better suited for small children! I am sure your child would have a much better time due to these cruises are geared for children! there are also Family cruises...When my children were small, yes I wanted to vacation where I wanted to and do what I wanted to but I respected my children to much and felt it was their turn to have fun and do kid oriented things for them. Believe me your time will come when Jr. is grown up. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]In my profession which please consider I have been in this profession for 20 years, I have seen many kids come and go, grow up and they always come back for a hug and tell me they love me and thank me for allowing them to be kids and only expecting out of them what I thought they could handle age appropriate! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]If my son ever spent hours in the kitchen sitting and behaving for more than 30 minutes at 22 months I would have thought something was wrong with him! Same holds true with all of my Day care Children. Even my 4 and 5 year old children,I have never seen them sit for more than 30-45 minutes at a time! And they should not be expected to. Once kids become mobile that is what they want to be is mobile. Children who are not mobile go from one thing to another and their attention span is zip! So unless your child is out of the norm I highly disagree that any child can sit in a high chair for 1-2 hours and not become antsy! And also, all parents or most parents tolerate their little ones more so than others! Parents need to take that into consideration. I think it is great when parents take their little ones on vacation with them but the vacation should be geared for the children also and not just for the selfish needs and wants of the parents! The kids club is a great thing if they are old enough to particpate, but until then parents need to consider the other passengers also! There is a place and a time for all children. And last, one thing I could never understand is when a parent takes a small child to an adult movie???:rolleyes: There are people that have paid to watch and listen to the movie, I personnaly do not want to have to listen to a crying baby or child because mommy and daddy won't let them run around, or they are tired and etc. Hire a sitter or take them to a childrens movie where we adults who are childless know to stay away! Not meaning to sound harsh but it is the cold hard truth! [/SIZE]
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[quote name='on board'][SIZE=3][/SIZE][SIZE=3] there are also Family cruises...When my children were small, yes I wanted to vacation where I wanted to and do what I wanted to but I respected my children to much and felt it was their turn to have fun and do kid oriented things for them. Believe me your time will come when Jr. is grown up. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]In my profession which please consider I have been in this profession for 20 years, I have seen many kids come and go, grow up and they always come back for a hug and tell me they love me and thank me for allowing them to be kids and only expecting out of them what I thought they could handle age appropriate! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]If my son ever spent hours in the kitchen sitting and behaving for more than 30 minutes at 22 months I would have thought something was wrong with him! Same holds true with all of my Day care Children. Even my 4 and 5 year old children,I have never seen them sit for more than 30-45 minutes at a time! And they should not be expected to. Once kids become mobile that is what they want to be is mobile. Children who are not mobile go from one thing to another and their attention span is zip! So unless your child is out of the norm I highly disagree that any child can sit in a high chair for 1-2 hours and not become antsy!
There are people that have paid to watch and listen to the movie, I personnaly do not want to have to listen to a crying baby or child because mommy and daddy won't let them run around, or they are tired and etc. Hire a sitter or take them to a childrens movie where we adults who are childless know to stay away! Not meaning to sound harsh but it is the cold hard truth! [/SIZE][/quote]

Just your truth, not mine.

There are family cruises and for us, Carnival is going to be one of them. Until and unless a cruise line offers child-free cruising, then there are going to be families of all age groups along for the ride. Proper behavior does not mandate a ban on all children. That is just not reasonable. If you want a childless cruise line, best of luck finding one, but you certainly won't find much support for your opinion in the forum titled "Family cruising resources."

I'm sure you can and should find support for the proper behavior of children on cruises, but frankly if in your mind, even a quiet, happy child will interfere with your enjoyment of your cruise, then what beneficial viewpoint could you possibly offer in terms of etiquette for children on cruises? A complete ban of their existence on cruises seems to be the only suitable choice.

I have nannied before, have been strongly involved in the lifelong rearing of one child who is now 22, and worked in child care 10 years of my life (I'm now 40) so I am no stranger to children, including expectations from them or for them. EVERY child's temperament is different and if you cannot conceive of a well-behaved introspective and attentive child of 22 months old, or older, or younger, then you have not met all the children of the world, and shouldn't dismiss the possibility. My son is calm and happy, polite and joyous, and he does sit quietly reading a book aloud to himself (in nonsense words) he is focussed and can be rambunctious too. We dance, play, build castles, run thru the park etc. Mom is absolutely a kid at heart and no one would ever accuse me (fairly) of making him act older than he is. He is normal in every way detectable, he just doesn't happen to have many if any tantrums. This is NOT a problem for most people.

Back to the discussion tho, if a child can quietly enjoy the dining room experience with or without the help of a DVD player, then that child and those parents should be more than entitled to stay and have fun. As long as the cruise lines tell us our children are welcome at the table, mine will be there with me, behaving properly and having a good time.
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[SIZE=4]I never said a child should be banned! :eek: I said there is a place and time for all children and if children are taken on a cruise then to avoid circumstances such as this the MatrD.should place all people who have children in one area of the dining room! I can be tolerate of children obviously with the business I am in. But frankly I do not wish at this point and time in my life to be seated with small children in the dining room! That is my choice and my right! I have no complaint if all the kids and their doting parents would be seated in one area so that there would be no disruption. Gosh it is so annoying when a parent tries to push a child down someones throat! All kids are great and they are our future, but lets face it, if you are telling me the truth,If you are one of the very few who makes sure your child has appropriate behavior good for you and your deserve a pat on the back but there or a lot more that are not that conscious about this. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]My son was very mild natured, never threw one fit anywhere! NEVER! I was very lucky, he was spoiled and we spent a lot of time with him! But we never expected more from him that what we thought he was capable of giving! Some parents expect way to much from their children and some expect nothing!:rolleyes: All and all Parents need to be more aware of the havoc that little ones can cause in environments not meant for small children. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Last, a DVD player should be allowed in the Dining room if this child and family are placed at their own table and far enough away that it could not be heard! :p [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]If families are going to travel with their young children they all need an area to eat that will not be disruptive to the other passengers! Now if you parents with small kids cannot at least give that much then I don't think any of you care at all about the other passengers. If you don't care how in the world can you expect the others to care about your needs and wants also! :rolleyes: [/SIZE]
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OMG - I feel so bad for the innocent person who asked about an opinion on DVD players in the dining room!!! People, we're talking about a vacation - time to lighten up, let loose, and have some FUN! Leave your worries behind, don't get your panties in a wad over what someone else is doing (so long as it doesn't directly affect you - if you don't want to see a DVD being played, look the other way for goodness sake), and RELAX!!!

While bringing a DVD player might not be the best idea in Miss Manners' world, at least the original poster was trying to think of a way to entertain their 15 month old while not disturbing those around them too much. So, NO, I would not be offended if I saw this. Even if I was at an adjacent table and I could hear the DVD - so what?! If it's blaring so loud that I could not hold a conversation at my own table, that would be one thing. But, if it's on quietly and the kid is singing or clapping, who cares?! What if you disagreed with what ADULTS were discussing at the adjacent table (religion, politics, etc.), would you require them to not speak because you didn't want to hear them talk?!

Let's have some fun and go sailin'!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
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I want to put my two cents in ( 1 penny, 2 penny) just kidding. However seriously I posted this in another topic but think that I should just take it over here. However I added a little about soemthing we at the HAL forum have been talking about. It has to do with the pool so just ignore it. Hope my opinion gives you something more to thing about:

I agree with you in you statement but can't really back it up because I am not a parent yet but can feel your pain with what you have read in these chat rooms. I have three young cousins who are 7 and 5(twins) girls who I chersh with all my heart. They are my pride and joy. I have been sailing for over 22 years on different cruise lines raging from HAL to Celebrity. IMHO my of the poster are of the older age bracket and have spent there time with children already and take the vacation to get away from them. However, I don't think that they understand that the cruising industy is moving away from the older senior citizen and toward familes. This is completely seen from a line that was known as an older passenger group but now is getting younger (ie. HAL).

Some things I do agree with them but other are so crazy I don't know why they make a big deal about it. First of all a DVD player in the dinning room. I have two opinions about this first I think the parents should some how involve the child more in the dinner service than have them stare at a DVD player. It is a family dinner and vacation and think that it is the best to have the child involved in it the best they can. Second thing why are other passengers worried what the parents are doing or what the child is doing. If they are at there own table keeping to themselves then allow them to be. I think sometimes the dinning time has alot to do with how the children react and I believe for younger children they are more into it when it is earlier because I know that children fall asleep and get tired when it gets later in the night after a full day of activites.

About the pools, this is my biggest gripe I have been having in this forum. I remember when I was a child which was not that long ago I was allowed to spend my time where ever I want to if it was safe for me. Both pools were allowed, disco was allowed until a certain time. And nothing else was such a big deal. Most of the pools on these ships are not that big the are bigger than 10 years ago but still they are small compared to pools on land. So if one pool is overload and really there is not alot of room allowed for other swimmers then there need to be an overflow area and usually that is the other pool. Most of these pools you can't even do laps in but these older people think that they can and want to take over them to do this. I do believe maybe there should be some time set aside for older passenger so they can have water areobics or something else but they should not have complete control of the pool just because they are older. If it is not dangerous for the children to be in the pool then they should be allowed.

Children will be children no matter what they are told to do. Some children at like adults while other act below there age. However I think that they way they act all comes to the parents. If the parents take careful watch of there children they will hopefully be well behaved and can have some freedom. My counsin are like this however, I watch them will they are in the pool, don't let them go into the restrooms alone and I always follow them to were they are going, as they get older and show more responsible of course their parents and I will allow them more freedom of cruising. But, if they mis behave that freedom will be taken back.

So don't get discourage by some of the bad apples, I know it seems that there are alot but really they are the minority alot of people enjoy children when they are on a cruise but what makes them enjoy them is that they are well behaved. If your child is that way then you don't have anythign to worry about.

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What if you disagreed with what ADULTS were discussing at the adjacent table (religion, politics, etc.), would you require them to not speak because you didn't want to hear them talk?!


Let's have some fun and go sailin'!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


I agree!!!


I think there are a few folk here who seem to obsess about second-hand singing...


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because children should not be watching movies while eating, remember long ago there was this thing called a dining room where people got together everynight, ate and talked about the events of their day without the interuption of TV's or stereos and children knew how to mind at the table without electronical devices to keep them busy.

I suggested an etch a sketch because atleast they will be learning and not glued to a cartoon and also smaller children can not eat the pen like they could if they were given crayons.


And 40 years ago children also said no sir and respected adults.


Caribbean dreams, but what gives you the right to sit there and dictate what toy is right or wrong?:rolleyes: Also what you have done with your children does not mean the next will do the same! I myself never let my son watch TV at all until he was old enough to understand what was real and what was not! Myself, if they want to bring a DVD player or etch a sketch to the table by all means do so but I feel parents that bring small children to the Dining room should be placed with other parents with small children so they will not disrupt others! I think that is a reasonable request! I have no right what so ever to tell a parent what type of toy is allowed or if they can or cannot bring one as you don't have that right either. :p

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I agree!!!


I think there are a few folk here who seem to obsess about second-hand singing...



Frankly, the entire cruise we never heard any type of conversation coming from the other tables. I myself never ever said to ban children, but 1- to either choose a cruise more kid oriented, 2- request to be seated with other parents that have young children. Now if that is to much to ask I really do think who ever would disagree with that they really do not have any respect for the other passengers. Kids are wonderful, but when my son was young I was the type of mother that was not selfish to want a vacation for myself but they were all geared toward my son until he was old enough to go off with the kids club or with a buddy. Honestly, your kids will grow up faster than what you could ever realize so enjoy them and I am sure they are your pride and joy just as my son was also. However I always knew when older people or childless couples never wanted to be bothered! That should be respected! It really is not pleasant when a parent tried to shove their child's behavior down someone Else's throat! When it is a formal dinner we spend time getting cleaned up and try to enjoy that type of surrounding and the last thing I want is to hear a screaming, tired child when I am trying to enjoy my dinner! You younger parents need to realize and you will one day after you have raised your children that once you are done you enter a different phase in your life and that also should be respected. When my entire family would go out to dinner and there were two babies in the family my parents would not allow us to take our children because it was considered adult time! ;)

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You younger parents need to realize and you will one day after you have raised your children that once you are done you enter a different phase in your life and that also should be respected. When my entire family would go out to dinner and there were two babies in the family my parents would not allow us to take our children because it was considered adult time! ;)


LOL! Well, I already mentioned I am 40, and the 22 year-old I helped raise is a fine man, so I do not know why you quoted me and then called me a younger parent who must know nothing of respect or of the life after the children are raised. I am blessed with an angel of a child because of how I am raising him. The years of studying child psychology, early childhood development and Piaget's theories of thinking certainly help, but mostly his rearing includes good old fashioned respect for him and for those around me.


You love using tactics in your debate that are too binary, all or nothing, either someone agrees with you, or they don't respect others, either they share your views or they are too young to know better. The world is not binary, the cruise ships do not segregate or ban children as if they were akin to second-hand smoke.


I must be selfish, I do want my son with me, to live laugh and learn with us, to live in a world of accemptance not cantakerous exclusion, to laugh loudly and enjoy life and to learn how do to the other two without stepping on anyone's toes or feelings.


What you and your family do is just that. In my family (and by the way we are ALL going on the next cruise WITH our children including two 2-year olds) we vacation together, behave respectfully and learn about the world together. Our mom was a travel agent and never missed an opportunity to show us the world. My children will have that same benefit.


I have already explained that I think children should not be disruptive in a dining room yet you keep quoting me and saying you want a chilld-free table & cruise. Fine, then stay home or start your own cruise line because the cruise lines want the parents and kids as evidenced by marketing and pricing and the kids activities onboard.


You will never convince folk in a forum for family cruising to leave their kids behind, or agree to segregation based on your (perhaps selfish?) desire to enjoy dinner without the presence of children.


That's all I'm going to say to you...Have a great thanksgiving and be well everyone.


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LOL! Well, I already mentioned I am 40, and the 22 year-old I helped raise is a fine man, so I do not know why you quoted me and then called me a younger parent who must know nothing of respect or of the life after the children are raised. I am blessed with an angel of a child because of how I am raising him. The years of studying child psychology, early childhood development and Piaget's theories of thinking certainly help, but mostly his rearing includes good old fashioned respect for him and for those around me.


You love using tactics in your debate that are too binary, all or nothing, either someone agrees with you, or they don't respect others, either they share your views or they are too young to know better. The world is not binary, the cruise ships do not segregate or ban children as if they were akin to second-hand smoke.


I must be selfish, I do want my son with me, to live laugh and learn with us, to live in a world of accemptance not cantakerous exclusion, to laugh loudly and enjoy life and to learn how do to the other two without stepping on anyone's toes or feelings.


What you and your family do is just that. In my family (and by the way we are ALL going on the next cruise WITH our children including two 2-year olds) we vacation together, behave respectfully and learn about the world together. Our mom was a travel agent and never missed an opportunity to show us the world. My children will have that same benefit.


I have already explained that I think children should not be disruptive in a dining room yet you keep quoting me and saying you want a chilld-free table & cruise. Fine, then stay home or start your own cruise line because the cruise lines want the parents and kids as evidenced by marketing and pricing and the kids activities onboard.


You will never convince folk in a forum for family cruising to leave their kids behind, or agree to segregation based on your (perhaps selfish?) desire to enjoy dinner without the presence of children.


That's all I'm going to say to you...Have a great thanksgiving and be well everyone.



:rolleyes: I fully agree, Colleen!

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Has anyone ever used these on the cruise in the dining room? I have a 15 month old and we will be sailing in a week. I didn't think about this option until someone mentioned it. DO you think it would be acceptable to use one, with the volume turned down as to not bother anytone, at dinner?


I would say with the volume on low, I certainly would think so. Lets face it, dining room experience isn't that fantastic to a 15 month old so a dvd player may amuse her during that time since it is kind of slow for a baby. Baby that age usually doesn't color yet. Not that easy to amuse a baby for that long having to sit. You maybe could bring too a few of her favorite books or a teddy or doll that the baby could pretend feed at the same time.

Mine were AWFUL to go out to dinner at that age lol. They were very active and we soon quit trying and settled for fast food if we were out till they were bit older. That and my sons ran all day at fast speed so by 5pm they were tired and cranky..neither of mine were good nappers :( and i so loved naps lol. Thought we were safe at around age 4..but that is the age they tell any stranger at all the whole family secrets or anything embarassing they could think of lol. Good luck and hope you have a great cruise.

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LOL! Well, I already mentioned I am 40, and the 22 year-old I helped raise is a fine man, so I do not know why you quoted me and then called me a younger parent who must know nothing of respect or of the life after the children are raised. I am blessed with an angel of a child because of how I am raising him. The years of studying child psychology, early childhood development and Piaget's theories of thinking certainly help, but mostly his rearing includes good old fashioned respect for him and for those around me.


You love using tactics in your debate that are too binary, all or nothing, either someone agrees with you, or they don't respect others, either they share your views or they are too young to know better. The world is not binary, the cruise ships do not segregate or ban children as if they were akin to second-hand smoke.


I must be selfish, I do want my son with me, to live laugh and learn with us, to live in a world of acceptance not cantakerous exclusion, to laugh loudly and enjoy life and to learn how do to the other two without stepping on anyone's toes or feelings.


What you and your family do is just that. In my family (and by the way we are ALL going on the next cruise WITH our children including two 2-year olds) we vacation together, behave respectfully and learn about the world together. Our mom was a travel agent and never missed an opportunity to show us the world. My children will have that same benefit.


I have already explained that I think children should not be disruptive in a dining room yet you keep quoting me and saying you want a chilld-free table & cruise. Fine, then stay home or start your own cruise line because the cruise lines want the parents and kids as evidenced by marketing and pricing and the kids activities onboard.


You will never convince folk in a forum for family cruising to leave their kids behind, or agree to segregation based on your (perhaps selfish?) desire to enjoy dinner without the presence of children.


That's all I'm going to say to you...Have a great thanksgiving and be well everyone.



Hold on Cowgirl!:rolleyes: LMAO!!!! I never once said children should be banned from a cruise!

I never called you a young mother, it was in general,

As far as it having to be my way, not at all, I said there is a time and place for all kids!

And as far as the children's activities on the ships, if I am not mistaken these kids cannot participate until they reach a certain age and I know it is not under 3 years old. As I said, I do think taking young children on an adult cruise is expecting to much from them and I do think it is selfish of a parent to expect their little ones to act like little adults, sit through long Dinners, just so the parents can have the vacation that they so desire! And at the expense of the other passengers! I think you need to sit back and read your own post, you make it sound like everyone is suppose to accept your way! I know that will not happen in my world! :rolleyes:

Honey, we are all blessed with angels no matter how we raise them! My children are angels because of the person they are not because of the way we raised them! :rolleyes: Give your child the credit where credit is due! I too have the respect for my children obviously because I always put their wants and needs first, (I did not make them act like little adults when they were just children, I would have never of made my children sit through a long Dinner at the expense of other people).

If it was all or nothing I certainly would not have said to allow a DVD Player in the Dining room but at a table and area with other parents that have children! Your version is, like it or leave it I will shove my kids down your throat who cares! :eek: Not in my world!

By the way, our children went on every vacation we took due to the fact all vacations were planned around them and was for them! In places where kids go, and were allowed in the pools and around other children. We did not take a cruise other than Disney until the kids were old enough to be in the kids club while we enjoyed a Formal Dinner, and I certainly did not make my kids sit through a Formal Dinner until they were old enough to endure that long of time period! We even took a Day Care Provider with us at our expense so that DH and I could do some things we wanted to do that the kids were to young to have to endure. I would have never of left my children with a babysitter that was unknown to me.


Yes, when I am cruising childless which is all the time now that our children are raised, we do not want to have to endure small children at our Dinner table, or screaming around us when we are trying to relax in the sun. After our last cruise with the kids from hell all parents with small children should be seated together away from people that have no children with them! We never ask to be moved last time but you can bet we will this coming January.

When I see children throwing tantrums and fits, I don't blame the kids I blame the absent minded parents for not planning a day out with their kids at the appropriate time, for not providing activities that will occupy them, and certainly for taking their kids in places they do not belong such as a movie theater that is showing a movie for adults! Small children have no business in a theater unless it is a kids movie of their interest. For the life of me why parents take their small children to a movie that is not suited for the kids is beyond me. :rolleyes: For the person who said they take their little ones to a theater, I hope it is a movie of the child's interest. There have been times that we have gone to a movie and these crazy parents took their 2 small children that was not for children at all. After 15 minutes of hearing them cry because they wanted to run the isles, did not get what they wanted and standing up in the seat in front of us we decide to go to the manager and they were ask to leave! Again, there are places and times for all children, but not at the expense of others!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did!

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I would say with the volume on low, I certainly would think so. Lets face it, dining room experience isn't that fantastic to a 15 month old so a dvd player may amuse her during that time since it is kind of slow for a baby. Baby that age usually doesn't color yet. Not that easy to amuse a baby for that long having to sit. You maybe could bring too a few of her favorite books or a teddy or doll that the baby could pretend feed at the same time.

Mine were AWFUL to go out to dinner at that age lol. They were very active and we soon quit trying and settled for fast food if we were out till they were bit older. That and my sons ran all day at fast speed so by 5pm they were tired and cranky..neither of mine were good nappers :( and i so loved naps lol. Thought we were safe at around age 4..but that is the age they tell any stranger at all the whole family secrets or anything embarassing they could think of lol. Good luck and hope you have a great cruise.


It sound like your kids were perfectly normal kids and you allowed them to be so! Also you sound like you never made you little angels do more than their age was permitting! That is an attentive Mother! ;) Good for you and more people need to read and consider your post! :p

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I couldn't be bothered to read all the posts... they're all so similar. So... here's the thing. YOU are responsible for what YOU believe is appropriate behavior from YOU. If someone is being quiet and not invading your space, why is it your business what they're doing? Don't get me wrong, I understand that the original poster asked what people thought, but I think the thread has gone way past that. There are far worse things in cruise dining rooms than toddlers quietly watching a portable dvd. These people are looking for a way to be with their child and still be able to enjoy a nice dinner while not disturbing the people around them. I just have difficulty seeing how providing quiet distraction for their child would affect anyone around them. I've had the pleasure of being on four cruises so far, and two of those were as a child. I was 10 and 12, so this wasn't an issue for my mother, and we were taught proper table manners and were used to eating at a dining room table, so that wasn't an issue. If there's one thing I remember about the people at the tables around me on all these cruises, though, it's... NOTHING. I actually can't remember much about the 'strangers' I shared my meals with every day, to tell you the truth. I certainly didn't notice if there were any toddlers in the room or what their parents were doing to keep them occupied.


I say 'go for it'. Enjoy your cruise to the best of your ability, and feel free to enjoy a meal in the dining room while taking whatever precautions you think will work to maintain a comfortable environment for your fellow diners. If people give you dirty looks or complain about what you're doing at your table, just smile and wave, because they clearly don't have enough to keep themselves occupied at theirs. You've paid for your tickets and you have every right to enjoy yourself as long as you do everything you can not to interfere with someone else's holiday. There's nothing you can do about people who think it's their business what you do at your table, though, so don't worry about it.


Oh... and just do your best to ignore the drunks all around you who have no respect for anyone at the tables around them!!! While a child can be amused and kept from disturbing others, there is simply no way to avoid the inevitable few who simply cannot drink responsibly.

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Bravo Twosome! You took the words right out of my mouth. We will be cruising with our 2 yr old son in Feb. and if taking his DVD into the dining room with us is the only way to keep him quite and not disrupt the rest of the table and the tables around us,then that is what I will do. I will of course keep the volume low as not to disturb anyone. We have just as much right to enjoy our cruise as anyone else. Just because we choose to travel with our child doesn't mean we should be treated as second class citizens. We will be spending a great deal of money to cruise and should be allowed to enjoy ourselves too. I do not let my child run wild and expect him to behave no matter where we are. I think it is so sad that some people are so intolerant of others, especially children. :( Live and let live, I always say. I do hope that everyone has a wonderful cruise experience (and you will if you just don't sweat the small stuff!).


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. I will of course keep the volume low as not to disturb anyone.

Hopefully, you will practice with him at home, using headphones . On a long air flight, one of the other passengers was asked to turn hers down, or off, as it was disturbing other passengers. Her child wouldn't use headphones, but another passenger had an extra set of headphones that were meant for children, and she gave them to her for that child. Perhaps someone here will know what they are called. As much as I'll defend all the rights of you to use a DVD player if you wish..it's near impossible to have one that your child can hear, and others not, if there are no headphones. While I agree, if that's what you have to do, to enjoy an evening at a long dinner (entertain with a DVD)..I also agree with those who wish to not hear it. While I would have no problem with in the dinning room, I would have a big problem if I had to listen to it, or it interferred with my hearing my tablemates talking. I can see no way your child could hear it, and others not, without headphone.

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A conversation at a table next to you can be heard by all the people at that table without interfering in your ability to eat a quiet meal or talk to the others at yours. Have you ever used a portable dvd player? Their internal speakers are not particularly powerful. My daughter has watched a movie on mine in the same room as me and I have no idea what she's hearing - without headphones. I listen to the radio in my car louder than any dvd player would ever be at another table - and am capable of having a comfortable conversation without any trouble.


Once again I have to point out the number of adults on cruises and in other public places whose thoughtlessness has disturbed me, eating or otherwise. While the likelihood of a dvd player at another table being loud enough to be heard at my table is slim, if I could hear it, I would much prefer it to some of the things I've heard from adults in my experience. I've heard profanity (around my children and others), discussions that were inappropriate in public, references to sex or body parts, racial or other slurs... the list is endless. The big difference is that a child innocently enjoys a video or sings along or claps in fun. Obnoxious or rude adults disturb others knowingly and often maliciously.


I think it's absolutely ridiculous that people bitch and complain about kids, then it's not just kids, but kids that are disruptive, but it's not just kids running and having fun, it's kids that don't sit still in the dining room... and now when someone is considering an idea that would keep a child amused and quiet (or at least limited to 'happy' sounds), THAT's a problem, too? There are, sadly, some truly irresponsible parents in the world. A parent that is devoted to assuring the most comfortable environment for those around them should be applauded.


I also want to point out something about the 'etiquette' or 'parenting choice' of someone bringing a dvd to amuse their child in a restaurant. Just because they are considering doing so on a cruise, in an isolated situation, does not in any way mean that they let their kids watch tv during dinner on principle. I'll be wearing a floor length formal gown to dinner on my cruise, but I don't wear it every day either. Special circumstances call for special measures.

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You are preaching to the choir with me. I happen to love kids and have no objection to the DVD idea. But yes, I do have a couple of DVD players and grands, a hubby and myself who use them. And unless they are on extrememly low (which makes it hard to hear), I can hear them. People bring them on planes all the time, and if I'm in the seat behind them, I'm stuck "enjoying" it if they don't have headphones. But that's better than an upset child, so we understand..even though I'd rather they be taught to use headphones. While all kids won't, once my grands found out they couldn't have it on without headphones, they had no problem using them. And while I have no problem with kids using them in the dining room, I would have a problem if I heard it. I can't think of any reason why , if a parent wants to use these in a crowded room, they wouldn't work with them at home to use head phones. Same with any hand held game.


As for disruptive behavior from adults..well, that's not what this thread was about. I'd take disruptive behavior from kids who don't know any better without complaining better than I would disruptive adults.


I think it's absolutely ridiculous that people bitch and complain about kids, then it's not just kids, but kids that are disruptive, but it's not just kids running and having fun, it's kids that don't sit still in the dining room.

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I think headphones are really child-specific. My neice wore hats from the day she took her first breath, and when the day came that someone put a set of headphones on her head to see how she did, they stayed there. It took her a few minutes to get used to the sound difference, and then she was good to go. My daughter, on the other hand, had to have all hats securely tied with a double knot or they would come off... and the same went for headphones until she got older. At 15 months, there is no way, even after months of 'practicing', that she would leave them on her head. She just hated having anything on her head... maybe it was because she had nothing but baby hair until she was about three... Of course, she may have been kept busy through dinner dismantling said headphones... ha ha ha

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And for her, the DVD player might not have been a good choice..however, if it came with a screwdriver it might have :) .

Seriously though, that was why I mentioned the other headphones. Although if kids don't know that they can get a voice any other way, except through headphones, that might help. Supposedly there are some that kids like like better than the regular ones. I just didn't pay enough attention, but I've heard them mentioned on other boards as well as on a plane. It really just comes down to doing the best we can as parents without annoying others (and of course some will be annoyed just because the child is there..not much you can do for them). Sometimes our best just won't be enough for others, but we can't expect anymore than than our best.


At 15 months, there is no way, even after months of 'practicing', that she would leave them on her head. She just hated having anything on her head... maybe it was because she had nothing but baby hair until she was about three... Of course, she may have been kept busy through dinner dismantling said headphones... ha ha ha
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Ha ha ha ha ha A screwdriver indeed.


I agree with you completely. There are just some people who cannot get past the fact that there are children in an environment that where they don't think they should be... they can be playing quietly and happily and those people will still find fault. I feel badly for such people, because they allow negativity to be so predominant in their outlooks and perceptions. Not having - or somehow having lost - the ability to feel joy watching a laughing child is something I can't begin to imagine. I couldn't be happier about it, either!!!

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Gee whiz, how did our folks keep us well mannered at the table when we were kids.....there was nothing to plug us in to!!! But somehow we managed. I cringe when we go to restaurants and I see a child watching a DVD at the table. They seem so far removed from their parents at what should be a time for family sharing. Yes I agree it will keep the child occupied during the meal, but perhaps it would be better to teach the child to keep himself occupied with the necessity of an electronic crutch. From the time my six year old was a baby, we have always had a no TV rule for all meals. We sit together and chat or play. On our cruises, Timmy has always been content with a small car or some board books or a couple of crayons. If he began to fuss, one of us would leave the table and the remaining parent would finish their meal and have mom or dads boxed up in a to go container. I urge to you rethink the use of the DVD player at the table because I really think that down the road it will be more difficult for your child to enjoy a nice meal without supplemental entertainment. Yes you folks are paying a lot for your vacations, so don't you owe it to your little ones to start them off on a good note and let them learn how to enjoy the whole experience??:o

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We have been on many vacations with our son since he was a small baby and we have never had to resort to using a dvd player as he is a well behaved child (we've had many occassions when people have come to our table at restaurants to comment on how well behaved he is). I am hoping that we will not have to resort to using one on the cruise, but let us not forget that dinner at home or in a restaurant is not a 2 hour (or sometimes even longer) marathon like on a cruise. How anyone can expect a 2 year old to sit for that long and not get antsy is beyond me. If your child can be quiet and sit still for all that time, congratulation, you have an exceptional child. Mine on the other hand is a normal 2 year old who can manage to sit still long enough to eat dinner with us (maybe 1/2 an hour if were lucky) and then he wants to go, go, go! As I said before, i'll do what I have to to enjoy my cruise and allow other to enjoy theirs too. 'Nuff said.;)


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The 'root' question is why is a portable DVD player all that different than any other diversion that many of the 'anti-DVD' posters have mentioned.


If the underlying reason why a DVD is not appropriate is that it makes them ". . .seem so far removed from their parents at what should be a time for family sharing" - why would a child absorbed in a book or coloring be any less removed?


If the underlying reason is that a DVD is not appropriate is that it would disturb other pax - would a child making car noises while puttering a car around the table and up-and-down one of his/her parent's arms really less distrubing? One can put earphones on to mute the sound of a DVD or electronic game.


My DD doesn't do DVD's in dining situations, but I won't say that anyone who does allow their child to view DVD's is wrong, bad or ingracious. And I really cannot understand why a quiet DVD or video game is any different than crayons, books, etch-a-sketches, or small toys.

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