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Found ring in safe


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I'm fairly new to these boards too. I applaud you and have to say I'm appalled at some of the nasty comments. If you had no confidence in the purser's desk, you did the right thing. AND, you were honest enough to bring it up here. Maybe you should contact Carnival now and see how they would like you to handle it. I've noticed that some people are just totally rude and nasty in their comments - what's with that?!?!?! If you don't agree with what was done, that's one thing but there are better ways to state it than to be rude and nasty.

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Originally Posted by cruzegirl


Originally Posted by birdsfly

I would never INTENTIONALLY take something that was not mine. I thought I was being helpful.




Exactly.... I don't know you or your integrity.... And while you honestly may think you did the right thing, it should have been left with the pursers desk or certified mail to Carnival. The person who lost it most likely doesn't have anything to do with Cruise Critic and will never see your post. They or I would never think to look on the internet to see about something I lost.... I would be checking with Carnival....

A year ago a person did the same thing.... Never found (at last check) the owner..... It's just not right to take something that doesn't belong to you.... just my thoughts....



Did you read birdsfly first post on this? The reason why they did not turn it in to the desk is because they felt like somone from the desk stole their sun glasses:confused: . And if that would have happen to me and the ring was of any value at all how do any of you know that the same would not have happen to the ring? Another item is gone!!!


On board,

Maybe before you get upset or angry with others you should make sure you have YOUR facts right.... The OP never mentioned losing sunglasses.. It was rvrgirl who mentioned that... :)

The OP has to do what she feels is right.... It's in their hands.. I hope it works out for her.. My posts were never meant to be nasty, I just didn't agree with how she handled it.... And another poster brought the same scenario here last year... Never heard how that one ended.... I wish them luck with finding the original owner.. Hopefully it works out.....:D

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Hold on a god d*mn second here.


Carnival has all your information people!


All you have to do is send it into carnival with the date/ship/cabin number


All they have to do is cross reference the cabin number, look up the booking number of the previous cruise and call them...jeeze.


Actuality keeping it to turn into carnival to look up the previous guest, contact them and mail it to them was the best thing to do.


I doubt personnel at the pursers desk has a data base of previous cabin/guest booking numbers with private contact information like the reservations department has, let alone the time/means to track them down.


Good job! Call carnival, they'll look up the past guest in the cabin and it's a 100% chance they'll get it back!


Remember people, carnival HAS all your info already and can simply cross reference the cabin number booking number and phone number!

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you can't assume the it belonged to the last people in the room - not everyone uses the safe every trip. and not everybody makes sure they check all around the safe to see if they got everything. The ring could have been there for months...


And, truly, you'd be amazed at how many people leave things behind and never think to check back with the places they've been. They often can't even remember when they've lost sometime - the owner of the ring might have contacted the airline assuming they lost it there, or maybe they blamed the room steward, or the dog.


and, perhaps as a previous poster suggested - maybe they left it there onpurpose - the end of a marriage? the acceptance of the lost of a spouse? who knows.... yes, the cruiseline COULD contact say the last 10 cruisers to see if they lost anything, but that requires effort on their part.


(and fie on whoever mentioned Johnny....burn burn burn burn, that ring of fire...)

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I'm a 22 year old girl from Canada and a big fan of NCAA football (as well as Canadian University Football, the NFL and the CFL). :D Does anyone know if they show important games (ex. the bowl games) on cruise ships? I will be on the Legend over New Years and would hate to miss the Rose Bowl!!!!:(



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OP, I hope you're in my cabin after me! If someone finds something of mine, I would hope they would do EXACTLY what you've done. Take the item with them, post it to CC, and notify Carnival. Don't give my stuff to the Purser's desk!!


Can only think of one other thing to do in that situation, ask the room steward if they remember the names and hometown of the prior guests in the room. Then I'd make a phone call to them when I returned home. Took me 5 pages of reading to think of that additional option though.


Thanks for your effort to reunite the ring and its owner, OP. Kudos to you!

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Can only think of one other thing to do in that situation, ask the room steward if they remember the names and hometown of the prior guests in the room. Then I'd make a phone call to them when I returned home. Took me 5 pages of reading to think of that additional option though.


Thanks for your effort to reunite the ring and its owner, OP. Kudos to you!


The steward would lose his job if he gave out any information like that... Carnival would be fined BIG TIME if they gave out any info like that... so that's probably not a good option ;) But a nice thought... either way, I hope this person gets their ring back.


OP, did you contact Carnival??

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My two cents....


My neice went on the Paradise with her school choir from AZ as well as other local schools...(glad I missed that boat).....she lost per purse which had anything imaginable that a 17 year old would carry, including suveniers and what not......Carnival called her 4 months after the fact.........she was peein her pants in anticipation........and informed her that they "still had not located her purse"........she told me straight out "I with they never even called" me cuz I thought they were gonna say they had found it.....


There are alot of dishonest people out there....but there are a few honest people too....the fact that Carnival....actually went out of there way for a 17 year old.....HELLLLLLLOOOOO....priceless really....


I suppose its easy for most to discount the service people in this world, cruise workers, hotel maids....et al....but hello if I found a ring in my safe or a wallet with dough in it.....I might try to take things into my own hands...just because......well maybe its the look on ones face when returning it.....(Ive found 2 wallets in my lifetime...and took great lengths to find the owner) which I did....and one occassion was offered all the green in the wallet......670 bux....the other 60 bux not offered anything he was a kid.....but still.....just the relief knowing all the freakin hassel it is....DL...credit cards...blah blah blah.....


Honesty is a good thing...and can be quite gratifying....but sheesh to be sitting on a ring thats not yours....oyyyyyyy.......clearly Carnival can inform the passengers before you and share some addys or a tele number.....


I donno, like I said my 2 cents worth.

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If I find anything of value on a cruise, you can consider it gone, because I'm going to donate it to Pastor Jim's parish in Moreno Valley, CA.

Now sit on that!:p

I am sure that Pastor Jim would be pleased to know that you ......steal stuff ...........for his parish.....:rolleyes:

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I think you did right by posting the item on here. Goodness knows if you had turned it in to the Purser's desk, it would have gone on the first finger it fit. I have been on several Carnival Cruises, and I am sure that it would never have made it back to its owner, whether they filed a claim or not. You could have just kept the plain ring, and never have posted it here. Good for you, and shame on all those who are sitting in judgement!

It is outrageous that you are encouraging people to steal.


Your comment that the officers that man the Purser's Desk.......yes they are ship's officers.......would jeopardize their careers to keep the item you turn in.......... is libelous.


Unless you have proof........you have no place to tell others that Pursers are dishonest......:mad:

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It is outrageous that you are encouraging people to steal.


Your comment that the officers that man the Purser's Desk.......yes they are ship's officers.......would jeopardize their careers to keep the item you turn in.......... is libelous.


Unless you have proof........you have no place to tell others that Pursers are dishonest......:mad:


I don't believe they are all officers behind the pursers desk. I believe they have one managing the employees behind the desk. When we asked for help on certain things they would have to get their manager.

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i'm so intrigued by this topic that i'm going to perform a little experiment.


i'm going on victory in a few weeks and will leave something in my cabin safe for the next cruiser to find. somthing mildly important but of no real value to me. any suggestions?


and lets see if i get it back :)


i'll report back when i'm done.

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I don't think anyone here is saying ALL the ships officers or personel would steal or keep a item that has been turned in as lost


But lets be honest...It DOES happen not just on a ship but everywhere. Hotels , department stores, anywhere.

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I don't think anyone here is saying ALL the ships officers or personel would steal or keep a item that has been turned in as lost


But lets be honest...It DOES happen not just on a ship but everywhere. Hotels , department stores, anywhere.


Of course it does... just like there ARE some people that find things and keep them for themselves. I'd like to think that most people are good and honest however. And that includes the ship staff... I can't imagine even WANTING to cruise with some of the attitudes about the staff that some people here have!!! If I was so untrusting of those that worked on the ship, I simply wouldn't go...

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I am sure that Pastor Jim would be pleased to know that you ......steal stuff ...........for his parish.....:rolleyes:

Stealing is when you invade someones personal domain and take it. The person found the ring in her domain. She paid for that room it's her domain. I guess all the jewery I took from the beach that I located with my metal detector was stolen by me. Out of 146 pieces of jewery I've been able to find 2 owners, the others made good gifts

I made that statement because I am tired of all the bickering about what she should have done. What she is obligated to do. She isn't obligated to do anything.

I put the blame for leaving it behind on the person that lost it.

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Stealing is when you invade someones personal domain and take it. The person found the ring in her domain. She paid for that room it's her domain. I guess all the jewery I took from the beach that I located with my metal detector was stolen by me. Out of 146 pieces of jewery I've been able to find 2 owners, the others made good gifts

I made that statement because I am tired of all the bickering about what she should have done. What she is obligated to do. She isn't obligated to do anything.

I put the blame for leaving it behind on the person that lost it.


Actually, it's still Carnival's domain. They can remove you from the ship at any time. You are never in "ownership" of the room. I can't imagine at my age... which is still fairly young, but I consider myself at least somewhat wise, still believing in "finders keepers"... seems so 2nd grade :rolleyes:

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I put the blame for leaving it behind on the person that lost it.


I agree, it is their fault, but a good honest person would make a reasonable effort to return it if it was possible, that would have to include notification of Carnival. We can differ on opinions, I personally would leave something with the ship - best chance of getting it back to the owner, if someone in the chain decides to swipe it, well, I can still look at mysefl in the mirror. Second best chance is to keep it and notify Carnival.


You are certainly free to keep anything you find in your "domain" or in public, but I would feel guilty without reasonable effort, but that is me.

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i'm so intrigued by this topic that i'm going to perform a little experiment.


i'm going on victory in a few weeks and will leave something in my cabin safe for the next cruiser to find. somthing mildly important but of no real value to me. any suggestions?


and lets see if i get it back :)


i'll report back when i'm done.


Memory card for a camera

Prescription glasses

A pair of nice looking but inexpensive earrings

Gold or Silver Chain - like that gold by the inch stuff

Are you going to report it as a left item or leave it totally up to Carnival to contact you?

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Of course it does... just like there ARE some people that find things and keep them for themselves. I'd like to think that most people are good and honest however. And that includes the ship staff... I can't imagine even WANTING to cruise with some of the attitudes about the staff that some people here have!!! If I was so untrusting of those that worked on the ship, I simply wouldn't go...


I agree with you, I do think for the most part people are good and honest. I would hope anyway LOL! But I think trust is a whole other issue.

I would not and do not trust a total stranger. That's just my way of dealing with protecting me and my family. But that's a whole other issue.

That would not stop me from cruising. Same as resorts and hotels.

I think this whole thread is going South:D

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I agree with you, I do think for the most part people are good and honest. I would hope anyway LOL! But I think trust is a whole other issue.

I would not and do not trust a total stranger. That's just my way of dealing with protecting me and my family. But that's a whole other issue.

That would not stop me from cruising. Same as resorts and hotels.

I think this whole thread is going South:D


Trust as in, not being so paranoid all of the time. Not trust as in "will you babysit my kids" :p LMAO!!! I know what you are saying... I feel the same way...


Ya'll come on down :D

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Trust as in, not being so paranoid all of the time. Not trust as in "will you babysit my kids" :p LMAO!!! I know what you are saying... I feel the same way...


Ya'll come on down :D


Of course :) You can't be paranoid all the time , but you still always take precautions. You wouldn't leave your purse on a table unattended in Lido while you went up to get your plate. You wouldn't leave your car running in front of a store while you go in to shop. You wouldn't ask a perfect stranger on a street to watch your baby in a stroller while you run into the ladies room.


Thats just common sense :)

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Of course :) You can't be paranoid all the time , but you still always take precautions. You wouldn't leave your purse on a table unattended in Lido while you went up to get your plate. You wouldn't leave your car running in front of a store while you go in to shop. You wouldn't ask a perfect stranger on a street to watch your baby in a stroller while you run into the ladies room.


Thats just common sense


LOL, I leave my purse just about anywhere... I never generally take things of value to the Lido deck :D Yes, leave my car running in front of stores all the time :D The baby thing... can't say I've ever done that :D


I agree... you have to use common sense and take precautions. BUT, in the context of what I was talking about... you can't be paranoid that everyone on the ship is going to steal from you :D

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