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Easiest (and most effective) diet EVER - no joke.


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This sounds like the "lifestyle" my wife has just started. We are cruising at the end of March so we are both trying to drop those last few pounds before we board. This is also the "lifestyle" my MIL chooses and she exercises and does ballroom dancing and she is in excellent shape so I know it can work.


My concern for me is will I get enough? I jog......a lot. I jog 6 miles twice a week and then between 12-16 miles on either Sat or Sun. I have to have carbs. I know this diet claims lots of carb intake but every other diet I see for marathoners (trying to get to that level) says pasta, pasta, pasta. Could I do this and just quadruple my intake? Right now I eat whatever I want; breads, sweets, pasta, pizza, and I dropped 18 pounds just by jogging alone but it's that last 15 (in my belly) that I don't think will go away without a "lifestyle" change.

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It is very easy to cook. Follow the directions on the back of the bag re: how much water & rice. Place both in a boiler on the stove on medium heat. When it starts to boil, cover and reduce heat to medium/low. Cook it for approximately 30 minutes without lifting the lid or stirring (VERY IMPORTANT). After 30 minutes, turn off heat and let sit for about 5-10 minutes. The rice should be perfect. :D



Thank you so much. I did respond to you yesterday but can't see my post anywhere - guess it got lost across the ocean. :rolleyes:

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I have been following this diet for almost a week now and doing pretty well. The scale is finally moving and I feel great and noticed I have more energy.


Right now, it takes alot of planning and reading labels but I would imagine it will get easier.


Does anybody take Zumba dance classes? It's a great exercise, very high energy. It's lots of fun especially if you like the beat of Latin music.


With our cruise coming up in March I hope to be 20 lbs lighter. I am however, worried about weight gain on the cruise. I seem to do good the first few days and than all hell breaks loose and overeat. Any suggestions to keep on track while aboard ship? I do stay active, workout etc, but in the past still put on weight.


I want to enjoy the cruise and this would include having some alcoholic beverages. Is there any particular cocktail I can drink and still follow this diet?


Thanks for all the information, I'm glad I found this post!!!

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I think you are right. People want to diet "their way" and try to modify a diet to suit their needs instead of doing what is proven to work. It all goes back to the concept of being impuslive and wanting things "their way". You're talking about a lifestyle change. And you are also right, it's not going to kill someone to not eat bread. I have found that over time, things I used to really like do not taste the same to me after I got used to not having them. What do people expect..of course your stomach and mind are going to complain about new foods or proper portions, because your'e not used to having them..DUH!! :)



Because there is wheat and barley in that bread, it has gluten. If you're going to have bread, you're not on this diet, and it won't be as easy. Period.


Some other notes about this diet: You have to be smart. Just because butter, sour scream, and corn chips are ok on this diet, it doesn't mean you can sit down and eat a giant tub of each and the whole bag of chips each and every night in front of the TV. If you eat that way, you'll gain weight not lose it.


You will not starve or die if you don't eat bread. What's the big deal? Give it up and lose weight. Try it. It's not impossible. If you really want to lose the weight - stop eating bread and sugar and be smart, and you will.

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I think you are right. People want to diet "their way" and try to modify a diet to suit their needs instead of doing what is proven to work. It all goes back to the concept of being impuslive and wanting things "their way". You're talking about a lifestyle change. And you are also right, it's not going to kill someone to not eat bread. I have found that over time, things I used to really like do not taste the same to me after I got used to not having them. What do people expect..of course your stomach and mind are going to complain about new foods or proper portions, because your'e not used to having them..DUH!! :)



Because there is wheat and barley in that bread, it has gluten. If you're going to have bread, you're not on this diet, and it won't be as easy. Period.


Some other notes about this diet: You have to be smart. Just because butter, sour scream, and corn chips are ok on this diet, it doesn't mean you can sit down and eat a giant tub of each and the whole bag of chips each and every night in front of the TV. If you eat that way, you'll gain weight not lose it.


You will not starve or die if you don't eat bread. What's the big deal? Give it up and lose weight. Try it. It's not impossible. If you really want to lose the weight - stop eating bread and sugar and be smart, and you will.

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I'm sure you aren't going to like what I am going to say, but this is a BB to help others, right?? So why are you worried about overeating? If you are already thinking like that then you probably will. Do you really NEED to have more than 1 lobster tail, more than 1 dessert, extra cheese, extra whatever? Why can't you learn to be satisifed with one serving? I know this sounds harsh, but you have to start thinking lke a thin person if you hope to become one. A thin person doesn't necessarily overdo it, they think about what they are eating. They eat to live, not live to eat. Trust me, been there, done that, and got the tshirt! :) Unless you change how you think about food and understand what you are doing, you won't lose any weight and then you'll forfeit your right to complain about why diets don't work... M.





I have been following this diet for almost a week now and doing pretty well. The scale is finally moving and I feel great and noticed I have more energy.


Right now, it takes alot of planning and reading labels but I would imagine it will get easier.


Does anybody take Zumba dance classes? It's a great exercise, very high energy. It's lots of fun especially if you like the beat of Latin music.


With our cruise coming up in March I hope to be 20 lbs lighter. I am however, worried about weight gain on the cruise. I seem to do good the first few days and than all hell breaks loose and overeat. Any suggestions to keep on track while aboard ship? I do stay active, workout etc, but in the past still put on weight.


I want to enjoy the cruise and this would include having some alcoholic beverages. Is there any particular cocktail I can drink and still follow this diet?


Thanks for all the information, I'm glad I found this post!!!

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Yep, your right I do have to think like a thin person in order to loose weight. Not only do I want to loose it but I want to keep it off as well and I realize a lifestyle change is necessary in order to do this.


I guess what I mean is that I'm only human and I have developed bad eating habits and now I have to work really hard to get rid of those bad habits whether at home or on vacation.

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We're doing our version of "The Biggest Loser" at work, and I've been doing something like this. I haven't had bread in 2 weeks (besides wheat tortilla chips and a few wheat saltines), and I use Splenda if I decide I want coffee. (which has been 2x) I'm only drinking water and iced tea (w/Splenda) no alcohol, no soft drinks. I have a chicken salad for lunch and usually something very small for dinner (tuna, eggbeater eggs, chicken soup) I've had 2 slips w/ sugar (that ice cream!) but it was only one scoop. I've been eating before 7pm. I've actually gained 1lb, I don't know if I need to exercise more, but I thought cutting back would do something, until the temperature goes up. (it's 17 degrees!!) Anyone have any ideas, because this is really hard and I'm getting frustrated! Cruise is in April!!!!


Mariner of the Seas 4/22/07

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happiwanderer - check your salt intake. That pound may be water weight gain. I do feel your frustration though. Sometimes I think I'm doing so great and don't understand why I haven't lost or even gained. It brings me down because I start thinking....why bother? But I know I have to keep plugging away until I find what works.

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:confused: Thanks Cruisin! I'm working on hanging in there, a few of the guys at work have been pretty supportive. I'm going to start paying more attention to my salt (the soup I've been eating has a ton!) and I think I'll increase the exercise a bit, we'll see what happens!!


3 months to go!!

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happiwanderer - Stop eating wheat. WHEAT = FLOUR. It's POWDERED, PULVARIZED WHEAT. No wheat crackers. No wheat tortilla chips!!! Are you alergic to corn? If not, SWITCH. Another thing about wheat products (in this country, but it's getting better thankfully) is the addition of so much CRAP like hyrogenated whatever... POISON. This is another example of kalamari's EXCELLENT POINT - people want to diet "their way." Well it doesn't work that way. Either you do this diet (NO SUGAR/NO FLOUR=WHEAT) and lose weight, or try to make it fit you and FAIL. YOU have to make yourself fit into the diet, not the diet fit you. Either do it or don't. Stop trying to bend the rules. I also think CruisinKits is right, your salt intake is high: Chicken soup is LOADED with it. Get rid of the eggbeaters! Have a real damn egg, just don't eat the yolk. Simple. Not processed.


Look at kukis - it's WORKING. Losing weight, MORE ENERGY. AlibasterM, it IS a lifestyle change! As for carbs and pasta - GET BROWN RICE PASTA - I eat it at least twice a week. Trader Joes carries it. Even my local Vons (Safeway) has brown rice pasta - both spaghetti and spirals.


Tara&Jas - Your comment about not knowing what to eat is an awesome testament to how screwed up we all are and why a majority of Americans are overweight. I eat a lot of grilled chicken - in a salad, or with veggies, or tossed with brown rice pasta... I make my own dressing (dijon/balsamic - a good one that is natural not a cheap one that adds sugar, oilve oil, and herbs - LOTS of garlic! Or lemon juice, water, oilve oil, and salt.) I also eat avocados, tomatoes, tortilla chips, lots of mexican food - I just stick to corn tortillas. Steak and big salad, I don't need a potato too, although I add them once in a while. It's easy to come up with menus once you realize that flour/wheat and sugar are only TWO ITEMS out of the millions of things we can eat. But ya gotta use yer BRAIN!


As for not blowing it on a cruise: I went to Mexico for a week on the Oosterdam the week after Thanksgiving (yes I cheated and had ONE SMALL SERVING of stuffing, which I love - I also paid for it later... got crampy & gassy. blech.) I cheated, but very little. I did drink. For the first time I didn't put my breakfast card out every morning (and I was in a suite!) Instead, I would go to the Neptune lounge and get a latte (sweet-n-low), two slices of turkey, and two pieces of cheese. That suited me fine for breakfast. (I know that's all protein, but I'm not a big breakfast person - I just wanted something to put in my tummy so I could take my vitamins.) For lunch onboard, I'd have the taco bar or a salad, and cheated one day with a few bites of penne, again I paid for it. In ports: Cabo: lobster tacos at The Office, shirmp tacos at El Set in PV. We were lazy and didn't get off in Mazatlan this time. At night I had NO BREAD, not even pastry for dessert. I drank wine - but not tons. I stuck to mostly fish, although I did have lamb once. I always had salad. I never had more than one appetizer. I did have two lobster tails, but I didn't have an appetizer that night. I never snacked. I never ate anything after dinner. I waited at least two to three hours after eating to go to bed. I also rarely used the elevators and used the cycles in the gym.


I've noticed something since I've changed to this LIFESTYLE: When I cheat, and eat the dredded CookieCombo™ of sugar & flour, my appetite increases and I want to eat MORE. Even wine alone does that - it's an appetite stimulant. Digesting sugar and flour (wheat) also causes seratonin to be released in the brain - I think that also makes you want to eat more (and sleep immediately afterwards, which is deadly.) And when I eat the CC™, I want MORE of the CC™. When I don't cheat, and obliterate them from my diet, I don't want them at all - even when I'm PMS-ing.


kalamari is right. You've got to think like a thin person, and youv'e got to stop thinking you'll fail.


EVERONE CAN TRY THIS DIET AND STICK TO IT FOR THREE DAYS. Stop making excuses. JUST DO IT. You will see results. And when you do, you'll be motivated to keep going and NOT FAIL. (There's a great quote from TheScottishPlay I'd love to throw down right here, but I'm a silly supersticious actor... :) )

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Your information has really helped me out alot. I feel so amazingly better; and I have only been following this diet for a short time.


Would you mind sharing a typical day of what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.


I work full time and like most people, am always on the run with working, going to the gym, and family responsibilities, etc. It gets difficult to plan everything out, your advice has been helpful to me.


Thanks a million!!!!

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Your information has really helped me out alot. I feel so amazingly better; and I have only been following this diet for a short time.


Would you mind sharing a typical day of what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.


I work full time and like most people, am always on the run with working, going to the gym, and family responsibilities, etc. It gets difficult to plan everything out, your advice has been helpful to me.


Thanks a million!!!!

My pleasure!



Breakfast - 2 hard boiled egg whites, venti nonfat latte, vitamins (I get a dozen eggs, boil all of them, then put them in a bowl in the fridge - I eat these as snacks sometime as well.)

Lunch - 1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese, two fresh tomatoes

Snack - small handful of nuts (no peanuts)

Dinner - sautéed zucchini over brown rice pasta with kraft (crap) parmesan and Pappy's seasoning (like Lawry's season salt except better and with no sugar.) I use olive oil to sauté and on the pasta. And a giant glass of skim milk.


Other times:

Breakfast - fresh berries (low in fruit sugar); or slice of turkey, I'm not a big breakfast eater and basically just need something in my tummy for the vitamins.

Lunch - salad with my dressing; or grilled fish or chicken tacos with soft CORN tortillas; or chopped avocado/tomato with lemon juice/olive oil/black pepper/fresh parmesan.

Dinner - grilled chicken breast over lettuce/avo/tomato/black beans/yellow pepper/red onion/my dijon vinegrette with tortilla chips; or brown rice pasta with damn near anything as long as it's not wheat or sugar - read the labels on the pasta sauces; or grilled steak & a big salad w/tortilla chips.


I drink a lot of seltzer water (cheaper than Peligrino) at night with dinner as well.


Here are my rules:


Remember: fried food = sugar (frying food changes the chemical makeup - when my mother became diabetic I learned this - something like it changes a natural sugar (fructose) into a hard sugar (sucrose - like cane sugar), so she couldn't have it. I make every attempt to stay away from fried food - except my tortilla chips, and it's not like I'm eating the fresh restaurant ones right out of the fryer that are still bathed in oil. My point is, I'm not eating fries, potato skins, fish n chips (which are also battered in flour), hamburger, bacon, ice cream...(ok, that's not fried, but you get the point - you have to be smart, and eat healthy. Just because you're not eating sugar & flour doesn't mean you can eat stupid.) I also don't eat then go to sleep. I like to eat at least three hours before bed, and no snacking after dinner. ONE SERVING, eat slow. I'm good. I'm not FULL, but I'm not HUNGRY. That is a big key. You don't have to be FULL. Full=overeating, and unfortunately, most of us were raised to clean our plates. Well, now when I'm not HUNGRY anymore, I clean my plate straight into the garbage. I also intentionally take smaller portions.


Believe me, there was a time when my metabolism could handle TWO FULL PLATES of food, and ice cream. I was a skinny rail and I could eat anything I wanted, and as much of it as I wanted. But those days are OVER for me. I've had to relearn how to eat. I'm 47. I'll be 48 in May (OMG.) From the time I turned 40, and my tapeworm died ;) I've been struggling, and in HUGE DENIAL. Well, I had a big wakeup call with my glucose test, and I made a decision right then to get SERIOUS, and NOT BE MY MOTHER. I'm 5'3". I was a size 3/4 and 115 lbs until I turned 40. I ballooned up to 137 lbs and a size 10. On a little thing like me with elf-bones, that is a LOT of weight. My left hip started hurting (old cheerleading injury that will haunt me most likely.) My lower back was in constant pain. Well, since I lost the weight, I'm back in a 3, I'm back down to 115-118 depending on what day of the month it is. My hip and back no longer hurt. I get on my used gym cybex cycle every day for 20 - 40 min. I lift weights, I do a little yoga in front of the TV when I have time. I sleep better. I have SO MUCH MORE ENERGY. I don't crave stupid food. When I cheat and have the occasional glass of wine, it's with dinner. I no longer like just sitting and sipping wine. It's with food (once a week MAX at this point) or else I don't even want it. On the cruise, I found that once I'd finished my food, I didn't want to finish my wine, and I DIDN'T. I walked away! :D I feel über-powerful when I do that. I control what I eat. I control what size I am. I CONTROL. I love my new Guess skinny jeans.


You have to remember: I didn't do this diet to lose weight. I did it to lower my fasting glucose results. I didn't want to be my mom. I also chose giving up sugar/flour because I was falling into a food-coma every time I'd put anything into my mouth. The fact I lost a pound a day the first week came as a surprising bonus since I'd resigned myself that I was over 40 and I was just never going to be a skinny girl again. Was I ever wrong! I just found out I can't eat that crap anymore. The only reason I could get away with eating it before was that I was blessed with an über-high megametabolism.


What's the best bonus of all is I FEEL SOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER. I can't wait to get all my bloodwork retested next month. I'm sure my cholesterol is down as well.

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I have to say thank you, sometimes you just need a swift kick in the behind!


I had a bad day yesterday and I REALLY wanted something that I shouldn't. I stopped and thought..... I would just feel like crap afterwards, then be upset when I wasn't losing. It may be minor, but that was a little victory for me. (no I didn't eat it, I went to bed instead as it was 10pm)


As of this am, I'm down 3lbs! Here's to keeping the momentum going!!


Thanks again!

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Thanks so much for the information, it really helps alot. I'm so focused on taking the weight off, nothing can stand in my way.


It does help read the threads and the nutrional information people share; what works for them, what doesn't etc.


I have to admit though, I am concerned about the food & drink when we go on our upcoming cruise. It's so much easier to eat at home because I know what is going into the food that I'm preparing. On a cruise, it's questionable, but it boils down to making the right choices.


On board ship at night, we like to end the evening in the disco with dancing and drinks. I have to be very careful, dancing is great, but cocktails, gotta do without.

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HW: YOU are a perfect example of someone who is learning how to THINK about what they are doing..it's the impulse control I've mentioned before. Good thinking! I don't think your attitude adjustment is minor at all..it's MAJOR...you have a by far better chance of succeeding then everyone else who is setting themselves up to fail.


How long did it take you to lose your three pounds after you made your adjustment to this new way of eating?? Menina


I have to say thank you, sometimes you just need a swift kick in the behind!


I had a bad day yesterday and I REALLY wanted something that I shouldn't. I stopped and thought..... I would just feel like crap afterwards, then be upset when I wasn't losing. It may be minor, but that was a little victory for me. (no I didn't eat it, I went to bed instead as it was 10pm)


As of this am, I'm down 3lbs! Here's to keeping the momentum going!!


Thanks again!

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I went to my family doctor for a check up.


History~ I broke my leg 2 years ago. I am just starting to excersize again. I am now pre-diabetic, most likely from the weight I have gained.


My doctor was very upset when he seen my weight gain, again. He told me I must loose weight by excersizing a minimum of 20 minutes a day and not consuming flour, sugar, starches or basically anything white. I smirked and of course he was shocked. I thought of this site and the progress that everyone here has made by making those choices.


I am telling you all this to confirm what we are reading is absolutely correct. I have lost 4 pounds since my visit on Tuesday.


Thank you for the wonderful site and the encouragment that is being given here.


Good Luck fellow cruisers!

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HW! GOOD JOB!! I too think it's a major victory! And don't you FEEL GREAT when you're stong like that?!?!


STL - 4 lbs since Tuesday! WOOOOOO!!! SEEE????


Kukis - You're so right that you have no idea how the food is prepared in a restaurant/onboard ship. Chances are there is sugar in the sauces and flour in the gravies. However, knowing that anything fried is a sugar, and anything with batter/breading on it - then fried is the dreaded CookieCombo™ - you can start there by staying away from that. 90% of noodles are made with flour and not rice, however, 50% of Thai noodles (like in Pad Thai) and 30% of Chinese noodles (like chow fun) are rice noodles. The major drawback with both those two types of cooking is that they're loaded with sugar usually.


Your first step on the ship is to pass up the BREAD. No rolls with dinner. No sandwiches for lunch. No toast, donuts, danishes, or croissants for breakfast. No cereals either; they're cookies in a bowl. Beer is bread and sugar in a glass. Like I said, on the cruise I ate mostly grilled fish, fresh veggies, lots of salads, and rice. Yes it's a starch, and when I'm ordering from my local Asian restaurants I get brown rice, the best thing is it's not WHEAT. When you're out dancing and everyone is having cocktails, have Peligrino - you need to hydrate when you're dancing anyway!!! SKIM MILK ALWAYS.


*Did you know that the two highest saturated fat foods in the American diet are whole milk and hamburger? WHOLE MILK. So don't kid yourself: Even 1% is still a LOT of saturated fat.


Another bonus to eating no sugar/flour for the girls: I've noticed my pre-menopausal hotness/night sweats have disappeared, and when I cheat (especially with more than one glass of wine) it comes back. :eek:


OH - and as you all know: Drink WATER WATER WATER!




:D :D :D

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