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POH Cruise 11/6- Never Again!


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Its not baloney.


NCL was required to set up a completely separate company with separate management and operating procedures to comply with this silly union inspired regulation. Other cruise lines have chosen not to follow along because the requirements are unworkable and inefficient. Look at NCL's results: People are unhappy with the service ( which I attribute not to the American worker but the need for a separate and new business entity), and prices are much, much higher than for a comparable cruise elsewhere.


The American public is getting hosed because our unions fear competition.

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Its not baloney.


NCL was required to set up a completely separate company with separate management and operating procedures to comply with this silly union inspired regulation. Other cruise lines have chosen not to follow along because the requirements are unworkable and inefficient. Look at NCL's results: People are unhappy with the service ( which I attribute not to the American worker but the need for a separate and new business entity), and prices are much, much higher than for a comparable cruise elsewhere.


The American public is getting hosed because our unions fear competition.

I agree, other cruise lines believe the requirements are unworkabale and inefficient. Only NCL was willing to try to make these 7 day Hawaii itineraries work mostly within most of the existing Passenger Services Act, which I will repeat again, has been around since 1886. (Over 120 years ago).

The fact the other cruise lines refuse to even try is their own fault, not NCL's nor the Passenger Services Act. They all will look foolish when NCLA starts making huge profits for NCL, for being unwilling to try. I do not see Congress changing these laws soon. Democrats control both houses in Congress, and they get most of their support from unions. If the Republicians wouldn't kill this law, why should Democrats? Someone is providing a service, although expensive in your opinion, within the existing laws and exemptions.

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Its not baloney.


NCL was required to set up a completely separate company with separate management and operating procedures to comply with this silly union inspired regulation. Other cruise lines have chosen not to follow along because the requirements are unworkable and inefficient. Look at NCL's results: People are unhappy with the service ( which I attribute not to the American worker but the need for a separate and new business entity), and prices are much, much higher than for a comparable cruise elsewhere.


The American public is getting hosed because our unions fear competition.


Listen I'm not a union fan at all. They had their time, and it was in the past, but the union is having little to do with NCL'S success or failure. Like ELECTRON said the law is from 1886, long before the power of the union.

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Please lets get over this bash the unions and lets get back to talking about real cruise problems, instead of this conservative scare tactic of ooo unions want to turn us into communist state and want want no competion and even take of the world, blah, blah, blah. Sorry if this sounds very mocking I am just sick of reading about it, when commen sense says that it isnt the unions that made this cruise disliked by some people. Every cruiseline can work with in the rules and sorry if only one is doing it right now, now if you really want compition lets talk about being able to bring liquer on board because that would be true capitlism, hehe couldnt help myself.

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Heres a something you are unaware of, My wife had stomach surgery several years ago and since then food and medications do not stay in her system as long as the average person. So for your info it was the food.


Uhm- alteration of food transit time would affect the 'action' on the "lower end" NOT the "upper end" of the digestive tract (unless of course she ate too much, too rapidly - which given her surgery I doubt) - so your statement just makes your comments even more interesting. Personally I would suspect either something she ate at least 2 hours earlier OR a food allergy (which REALLY should be looked into by your Dr - seriously - given that she has had previous stomach problems) OR it could be a problem related to her surgery - another good reason to get her to a Dr ASAP.

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That doesn't make sense. Just because food doesn't stay in her system as long doesn't mean it would speed up the symtoms of food poisoning. The effects would just show up further along in her system, not to mention the food still had to be in her stomach in order for her to throw up.


You are correct - medically youbid's statement makes no sense. Increased transit speed would ONLY mean that the stomach emptied its contents more rapidly than the norm into the intestine. Vomiting as a reaction to "bad food" has nothing to do with transit time.

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Originally Posted by cruzegirl


I never said foreign workers would "kiss butt".... that's very rude to put those words in my mouth or insinuate I typed them.... I'm a nurse and let me tell you, without Unions, not only would nurses be worked like dogs with major burnout but patient care would suffer as well.. You would have overworked, burned out nurses taking care of you and that would be unsafe.... So be glad there are unions.... And please don't put words in my mouth again....... :p


No, I agree, you never wote that specifically, but imho, you meant it!

As I quote:

"I still feel on that cruise that the American crew did not have the work ethic of the foreigners."


Sorry if you're offended by what I wrote, but I was just as offended by your statement. Imho, Americans are just as hard working as workers from every other nation. So, if I put two and two together and got five, I'm sorry. But I believe I was right, and the sum did equal four.




Again, No..... I did not mean what you are accusing me of. My comment was an observation on that cruise, by that crew. I have been on several other cruises and have seen the crew bend over backwards to make passengers happy, try to be sure they were taken care of.... On THAT cruise, they didn't seem to try as hard. They seem to be "put out" if you needed something or wanted something extra. With the exception of our room steward. She was exeptional. My statement in regards to the "american crew", they were mostly American. Sometimes I think we take our ability to work for granted. But it doesn't apply to all.... I'm an American worker and give 100% to my patients. I have a very high work ethic. But that doesn't apply to all people. So it seems your math is a little off..... I still don't appreciate your comments.... But the great thing about this country is you have the right to think/feel how you do and so do I..... I still feel it was rude to apply I said that.... But that's done and over..........

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Originally Posted by cruzegirl


I never said foreign workers would "kiss butt".... that's very rude to put those words in my mouth or insinuate I typed them.... I'm a nurse and let me tell you, without Unions, not only would nurses be worked like dogs with major burnout but patient care would suffer as well.. You would have overworked, burned out nurses taking care of you and that would be unsafe.... So be glad there are unions.... And please don't put words in my mouth again....... :p


No, I agree, you never wote that specifically, but imho, you meant it!

As I quote:

"I still feel on that cruise that the American crew did not have the work ethic of the foreigners."


Sorry if you're offended by what I wrote, but I was just as offended by your statement. Imho, Americans are just as hard working as workers from every other nation. So, if I put two and two together and got five, I'm sorry. But I believe I was right, and the sum did equal four.




Again, No..... I did not mean what you are accusing me of. My comment was an observation on that cruise, by that crew. I have been on several other cruises and have seen the crew bend over backwards to make passengers happy, try to be sure they were taken care of.... On THAT cruise, they didn't seem to try as hard. They seem to be "put out" if you needed something or wanted something extra. With the exception of our room steward. She was exeptional. My statement in regards to the "american crew", they were mostly American. Sometimes I think we take our ability to work for granted. But it doesn't apply to all.... I'm an American worker and give 100% to my patients. I have a very high work ethic. But that doesn't apply to all people. So it seems your math is a little off..... I still don't appreciate your comments.... But the great thing about this country is you have the right to think/feel how you do and so do I..... I still feel it was rude to apply I said that.... But that's done and over..........

I've already wrote sorry,

Sorry if you're offended by what I wrote,...
What more do you want?


This is a forum, where posters are allowed to give personal opinions. I gave mine. Sorry you didn't like it, but it's never rude to give an opinion.

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When Norovirus is on a ship, it can change a lot of things including the service. With the extra work the crew must do plus being short because some of them are sick too, I have no doubt the people reporting on THAT cruise are painting an accurate portrait of the cruise as the Norovirus did hit our cruise in the middle of it. The celophane went up in the buffet on Wednesday. This did slow things down a bit but was not the disaster some make it out to be. The quality and quanity of the food was still there. I guess we have to realize that the food supplies for our cruise was already on the ship before the virus struck. The 11/6 cruise might not have gotten an adequit amount of supplies due to the virus, this however is sheer speculation. All I know is our cruise went great and ended on 11/6 when these negative reviews started up again. If they were due to the virus precautions one should take that into consideration.
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Its not baloney.


NCL was required to set up a completely separate company with separate management and operating procedures to comply with this silly union inspired regulation. Other cruise lines have chosen not to follow along because the requirements are unworkable and inefficient. Look at NCL's results: People are unhappy with the service ( which I attribute not to the American worker but the need for a separate and new business entity), and prices are much, much higher than for a comparable cruise elsewhere.


The American public is getting hosed because our unions fear competition.

I looked at Celebraty before choosing NCLA. NCLA was cheaper. Also I was far from unhappy with the service as were the majority of the reviews in the past few months. We had a woderful time, excellent food and excellent service.

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I don't agree at all. They are two separate companies under one corp. We had a big thread on this not long ago. A man posted who worked for NCL had to resign his position with NCL and apply for a position with NCLA to work for them. If it were the same company, he would not have to resign and reapply. He would have just been transfered.


They made a mistake to name the new company NCLA as it just confuses people into thinking it is one and the same.

Same company or not there is a very big differance in pay, benifits and requirements. In every business I know of but this one stricter requirments and better pay generally mean better service. If anything NCLA should be better than NCL.

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I don't agree at all. They are two separate companies under one corp. We had a big thread on this not long ago. A man posted who worked for NCL had to resign his position with NCL and apply for a position with NCLA to work for them. If it were the same company, he would not have to resign and reapply. He would have just been transfered.


They made a mistake to name the new company NCLA as it just confuses people into thinking it is one and the same.

Same company or not there is a very big differance in pay, benifits and requirements. In every business I know of but this one stricter requirments and better pay generally mean better service. If anything NCLA should be better than NCL.

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I don't agree at all. They are two separate companies under one corp. We had a big thread on this not long ago. A man posted who worked for NCL had to resign his position with NCL and apply for a position with NCLA to work for them. If it were the same company, he would not have to resign and reapply. He would have just been transfered.


They made a mistake to name the new company NCLA as it just confuses people into thinking it is one and the same.

Same company or not there is a very big differance in pay, benifits and requirements. In every business I know of but this one stricter requirments and better pay generally mean better service. If anything NCLA should be better than NCL.

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When Norovirus is on a ship, it can change a lot of things including the service. With the extra work the crew must do plus being short because some of them are sick too, I have no doubt the people reporting on THAT cruise are painting an accurate portrait of the cruise as they saw it.

Sorry, a tecnical error messed up your post with my response, here it is again:

The Norovirus did hit our cruise in the middle of it. The celophane went up in the buffet on Wednesday. This did slow things down a bit but was not the disaster some make it out to be. The quality and quanity of the food was still there. I guess we have to realize that the food supplies for our cruise was already on the ship before the virus struck. The 11/6 cruise might not have gotten an adequit amount of supplies due to the virus, this however is sheer speculation. All I know is our cruise went great and ended on 11/6 when these negative reviews started up again. If they were due to the virus precautions one should take that into consideration.

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I've taken the NCL PofAm and loved every minute.


Labour Unions !! The crew of the Pride of Hawaii are Unionized ?? You have to be joking. I thought the reason they have an American crew is because of the Jones Act.

Almost all cruise lines are registered outside the US to aviod The Jones act but they certainly operate in American waters with a restriction that they must exit US waters at least once. #You would not have something agaisnt Americans working ?? # really etgbc


Having said that, we all need to recognize that NCL is the ONLY cruise line exclusively operating in Hawaii because our crooked politicians years ago caved to the Maritime Labor Unions and banned non-American crews from operating in American waters.


I guarantee you service would improve dramatically and costs would drop like a rock if Carnival, R.C. and others could post ships in Hawaii, but they won't because our wonderful labor unions don't want competition.

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regardless NCL & NCLA will be judged as one. Carnival owns a number of cruiselines but Princess or Cunard will never be confused with carnival just as Celebrity and Royal caribbean will be judged seperatley. Sorry but NCL must do something about NCLA


I think that everyone needs to realize that NCL and NCLA are two different cruiselines, just like Celebrity and Royal Caribbean are two different cruiselines. They may be owned by the same parent company but are totally different.
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Its not baloney.

Are you kidding that the service has anything to do with a union ? The crew are certainly not union!! Do you have some kind of agenda or are you just an I'm the greatest and I deserve it all. Maybe you are a rightest or a leftest and but whats that to do with the Pride of Hawaii. The Jones act was passed by the US government not bussiness or labour!! Hosed by non Union workers??? come on give your small brain a shake!! etgbc


NCL was required to set up a completely separate company with separate management and operating procedures to comply with this silly union inspired regulation. Other cruise lines have chosen not to follow along because the requirements are unworkable and inefficient. Look at NCL's results: People are unhappy with the service ( which I attribute not to the American worker but the need for a separate and new business entity), and prices are much, much higher than for a comparable cruise elsewhere.


The American public is getting hosed because our unions fear competition.

Hosed by who??
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Hosed by who??

How much have you read of these boards? I was on POH Oct. 30 - Nov. 6th and was NOT unhappy with the service as were the vast majority of the posts in the last 3 months. The few postings on the Nov. 6 cruise are the only negative ones I've seen in quite a while. Much of that seems to have been attributed to the nurovirus precautions we also had. Our cruise however had excellent service!

As far as NCL being different than NCLA, unions or not the training requirements pay and benefits are extremely different. Weather this is due to the Jones Act or Unions I really don't know but these differences do exist. In every business I know of when you require more training and give higher pay you get a better quality employee. Maybe they were naturalized citizens or had green cards but a number of the crew had definite foreign accents. So much for the all American crew.

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Its not baloney.


NCL was required to set up a completely separate company with separate management and operating procedures to comply with this silly union inspired regulation. Other cruise lines have chosen not to follow along because the requirements are unworkable and inefficient. Look at NCL's results: People are unhappy with the service ( which I attribute not to the American worker but the need for a separate and new business entity), and prices are much, much higher than for a comparable cruise elsewhere.


The American public is getting hosed because our unions fear competition.

How much have you read of these boards? I was on POH Oct. 30 - Nov. 6th and was NOT unhappy with the service as were the vast majority of the posts in the last 3 months. The few postings on the Nov. 6 cruise are the only negative ones I've seen in quite a while. Much of that seems to have been attributed to the nurovirus precautions we also had. Our cruise however had excellent service!

As far as NCL being different than NCLA, unions or not the training requirements pay and benefits are extremely different. Weather this is due to the Jones Act or Unions I really don't know but these differences do exist. In every business I know of when you require more training and give higher pay you get a better quality employee. Maybe they were naturalized citizens or had green cards but a number of the crew had definite foreign accents. So much for the all American crew.

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$ 6.85 wow!! and it's costing jobs wow and I thought slavery was a thing of the past. maybe you can import some 3rd world people and get rid of those over priced very highly paid leftest minumum wage workers.


As a teacher of American History and American Government, I agree that Labor Unions were at one time very important to this country and were needed to bring about the end of child labor, unequal pay for sexes, unsafe working conditions, 6 day work weeks, 12 hour work days, etc.


Labor unions however have lost their focus in this country. Instead of trying to create a system fair to workers, they are now trying to move us toward socialism and communism. (basically equal distribution of wealth, no incentive to do a better job, socialized medicine and laws trying to dictate to the economy what to do.) The problems that NCL America is facing with its employees is a prime example of the fact that these ideas won't work! Why does a waitress in a restaurant give you better service? Because they want a larger tip! Why do roofers work so hard? Because they get paid by the number of roofs they finish!


Perhaps NCL America should go back to normal tipping just to inspire thier workers. Then maybe service would improve.


My state just passed a minimum wage increase on election day ($6.85). It doesn't go into effect until January 1, but small business (especially restaurants and fast food) have already laid off over 2000 workers with more to come after the holidays because they can't afford the increases in pay! The wage increase sure will be nice for those who's jobs still exist! You can't legislate or pass laws about the economy!!

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$ 6.85 wow!! and it's costing jobs wow and I thought slavery was a thing of the past. maybe you can import some 3rd world people and get rid of those over priced very highly paid leftest minumum wage workers.

I agree. $6.85/hr x 40 hrs = $274. What's that after taxes are taken out? $220-230? It's difficult to imagine anybody attempting to support a family on that wage. And just think - the federal minimum wage is $5.15/hr and has NOT increased since 1997. I'd like to see a show of hands from anybody who wouldn't mind working 10 years without a raise of any sort, not to mention the fact that inflation (even though it's been very low recently) eats away at that $5.15/hr. $5.15 back in 1997 is presently worth a little more than $4.00.

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I was on the POH Oct 23, my review is posted under reviews. We had a great time overall but I did notice that in the buffet no one enforced using the hand santizier. It was there but I saw very few people use it. When we sailed on Princess (May 06) staff made sure that anyone coming into the buffet HAD to santize their hands. You could not get by them. Different cruise company, different rules.


I have been on several cruises and had the Norvo or Norwalk whatever virus ..3 times. I was at a table of 12 and 2 of us were sick, but no one else. The cruise is not pleasant once you are sick but it does clear up in 24 - 48 hours but no one wants to be sick while vacationing. When we first sailed Princess in April 2004, there was a letter advising of virus and what to do. That was my first encounter with the bug. WE were 3 couples and only I got sick. I touch nothing with out washing my hands and yet I got it. It is not pleasant and after having it 3 times I feel like Typhoid Mary. :(


It is a shame as I had sailed just 2 weeks before and did not have the same issues as you had. I made reservations for early times, 6:30 and did not have a problem, but the later times are popular, 7:30 and maybe thats part of the problem. Please remember that other than the 2 main dining rooms, the others are small in size. They cannot accommodate everyone at once or even all for one night. One restaurant Tapenaki (spelling) only held 32 people for one sitting and I think it only has 2 sittings. Do the math.


Because of these threads I knew more or less what to expect. I knew I was lucky because my room did get cleaned. I think that is a sad statement in itself, you expect your room to be cleaned yet some people were not as fortunate as us. Yet I would still sail NCLA again as it was a fantastic way to see the islands. This cruise, Hawaiian islands is why you sail, not the other way around.



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