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QE2: Just back from 28 day voyage


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Hello all. Thought those of you with QE2 interest might like a brief resume of our recent Southern Delights adventure. Returned to a dull and cold Southampton on Friday after 28 glorious days.


We did the Hilton hotel package and all went extremely smoothly. Relaxing departure morning chatting with other passengers (and unexpectedly meeting a work colleague on the same trip). Luggage was taken the night before embarkation and was in the cabin on arrival. Check in at the terminal took about 20 minutes. I thought it would be longer judging by the queue, but the staff were efficient and cheery. Embarkation lounge was packed and we had to wait about an hour, but there was a lot to watch and others to talk to whilst waiting, so for me, it was all part of the fun.


We were in 1104 and were delighted by both the size and location of the cabin. Very convenient for pool, Pavilion bar and access to all outer decks. It's over 3 years since we were last aboard and I think the ship still looks good. Yes a little worn in places, but aren't we all? IMO she's still the greatest liner. The food and service were excellent. We were thrilled that the Asst. Maitre D arranged for the chef to prepare a goulash by special request. It's a particular favourite (particularly if prepared by an Austrian) and when we enquired if it was going to be on the menu, the Maitre D said he'd see what could be arranged. That's a very personal service and was unexpected so an even greater pleasure.


Memories of a damp and dull Britain disappeared as quickly as we sailed towards the Azores, first port of call on the way out. And it just got better and better. The weather throughout was warm and mainly sunny. We spent a wonderful day in New Orleans. Apparently the first time QE2 has docked there for 30 years. Be warned about river boat trips in the evening. We went on the Creole Queen for a moonlit dinner and jazz trip (Cunard package). The boat was grubby, food disgusting and a piano and double bass doesn't constitute 'jazz band' in my book! More worryingly, safety drill was non existent. Overall very disappointing, to the extent that the entire boatload of passengers shouted help in unison as we cruised past the QE2! We were all given a full refund.


Some interesting speakers: John Stalker, ex UK senior police officer, Caroline Aston, 'Royal' expert, D Burgess who's written some books on piracy, Simon Williams actor with numerous TV and stage credits, probably largely remembered for his role in Upstairs Downstairs. All did a number of talks and were happy to chat over a drink as well.


We were first time visitors to Central America and were looking forward to Costa Rica and Panama as a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience some true rainforest encology and environmnet. Unfortunately Costa Rica was cancelled (allegedly no berth available) and in Panama, our 7hr trip to a native Indian village was cancelled at point of departure. No alternative was offerd, so we had a completely wasted day. Sadly, the QE2 Tour Office (staff and manager)was very unhelpful, to the point of rudeness. We were on a honeymoon trip and had chosen this particular voyage because of the unusual mix of ports of call. We've completely missed the rainforest aspect and it does remain a significant disappointment on what was a very special vacation.


We swam with turtles in Barbados which was amazing but another sail and snorkel trip was also cancelled. We had an unplanned stop in Cartagena, Colombia (because Costa Rica was missed). A disturbing mix of wealth and poverty ans some incredible buildings in various states of elegance and disrepair.


The evening entertainment was a little variable. Not really to our taste by and large, but there were many other ways to spend the evening, so no complaints.


It was good to see the whole of the sun deck available without charge for the loungers. Last time loungers in the sheltered part had to be booked at the start of the voyage and you were charged for each day, regardless of whether the loungers were used. Steward service for a continuous supply of chilled liquid was generally very good up there, less so in the walkways around the Grand Lounge during the day.


A couple of onboard incidents were talked about; a passenger was allegedly assaulted and the perpetrator faced possible criminal charge. Also a gentleman host was flown home from Funchal for over indulgence of alcohol and inappropriate handling of a lady passenger! I must say this time I found all the gentlemen hosts just a little too persistent. I stopped going to the sailaways for that reason. A lady should only have to say no once.


And whilst we're on the subject of things inappropriate, how about this: is a thong suitable attire on sun deck for a male with a tattooed buttock? I ask the question because one of the entertainers, south of 60 and with a tattooed buttock, insisted on dropping his trousers and bending over to pull them off. He wore only a thong. It was not a pretty sight and I'll spare you too much information. Give me denim on board any day if standards are to slip to this extent. I may have to start a separate thread on this vexatious issue!


We've returned with so many new and rekindled memories. It's a privilege to be able to sail on QE2 and hopefully she'll still be in service when we can afford to sail again. Until then, we'll share the experiences vicariously through this site and webcams.

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Did you hear a lot of noise from above (the Lido) in your cabin? The area was not designed to be a Lido above cabins; it was originally a carpeted Q4 nightclub about nice One Deck cabins.


I had friends who were in your area who complained about that!




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Did you hear a lot of noise from above (the Lido) in your cabin? The area was not designed to be a Lido above cabins; it was originally a carpeted Q4 nightclub about nice One Deck cabins.


I had friends who were in your area who complained about that!





Hi Michael,

No there was no noise from above. I knew the Lido was there, but was unaware of it throughout. The only significant noise was from the propellor at low speed; created a low rumbling noise. But that was restful in its' own way. Maybe there's been some soundproofing at refit if there was a problem before.

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And whilst we're on the subject of things inappropriate, how about this: is a thong suitable attire on sun deck for a male with a tattooed buttock? I ask the question because one of the entertainers, south of 60 and with a tattooed buttock, insisted on dropping his trousers and bending over to pull them off. He wore only a thong. It was not a pretty sight and I'll spare you too much information. Give me denim on board any day if standards are to slip to this extent. I may have to start a separate thread on this vexatious issue!


All depends on the gentleman, Anteeta! <G>

One cruise we were on, we were going down to the disco for the halloween party (Not Cunard, if I remember correctly)As I walked out of my cabin, I turned out right after a gentlemn, definitely on the other side of 60 dressed in nothing but leathers...And I mean the kind that were mere straps in the "right" places.

Well, I wouldn't have kicked THAT out of bed for eating crackers, from where I was standing! <LOL> I guess it all depends on what you like. I suppose it beAts our first Cunard trip, which had lots of Germans on board. Germans seem to have a fondness for "naturist camps" (family oriented) and thought nothing of A ninety year old couple, when they were done swimming or sunbathing, on the ship or a sightseeing/snorkle boat in MartinIque (which, of course, has nUde/topless beaches) just shucking the wet suit and changing to dry clothes right out on deck. They were very matter of fact about it, and I got over it quickly, I realized that it was my hang-up, not theirs (in this case) although I have to say tattoo man seems more like he was showing it off, and maybe, not having a "rear view mirror" maybe did not realize it was no longer what it was when he was thirty. That is just sad, and is very different from simply being matter-of fact (and not at all trying to be sensual) about the human body.


I am shocked at the news about any of the gentleman hosts. although I have never met any of them (that I know of,) from what I have heard, they are supposed to be impecccable to the extent of purposely not favoring one lady. And I had assumed many if not most are gay.


Well, I guess it (Tattoo man) does put denim in a whole different perspective, no?


Sorry to hear about Costa Rica and Panama. I know what you mean about your description of Cartegana. Our very first stop on our very first cruise on the Crown Jewel was at the Dominican Replublic. I was so filled with shame, I could not get off the ship. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination (even less so back then) yet, here were these people in the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. They must have looked up on us as so wealthy0 and yet, how many of us worry and moan about money all the time? I was simply embarrassed. I felt so uncomfortable. I have since come to a comfort level, understanding that our tourist dollars do a lot for them and their economy. I try to "make it up to them" by learning what I can about their lives, their culture, poliical system, customs and so on. I may be American, but I don't have to be "the ugly American."



who is grateful for the opportunities I have had and humbled by how truly "lucky" we are.

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And whilst we're on the subject of things inappropriate, how about this: is a thong suitable attire on sun deck for a male with a tattooed buttock? I ask the question because one of the entertainers, south of 60 and with a tattooed buttock, insisted on dropping his trousers and bending over to pull them off. He wore only a thong. It was not a pretty sight and I'll spare you too much information. Give me denim on board any day if standards are to slip to this extent. I may have to start a separate thread on this vexatious issue!


Eeeek! :eek:

Oh well, thongs aren't what they used to be.......

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This seems as good a place as any to ask...


We are booked on the Los Angeles to New York segment of the QE2 World Tour for 2007. Actually our sailing date is Mar. 30, 2008. Can anyone direct me to some links with photos of the QE2? I am particularly interested in interior shots. Any suggestions will be appreciated.




Who has never, ever worn a thong...

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Eeeek! :eek:

Oh well, thongs aren't what they used to be.......


Or maybe thongs are, contents are not.


I wasn't too bothered about either the thong (or limited content). It was the act of bending over, whilst wearing a thong to remove trousers which distressed me.


Picture the scene; all calm on sun deck, warm sun, minimal swell, lunchtime pre prandial thoughts. Disrupted by a new neighbour on the immediately (within 12") lounger. I continue to work mentally through the cocktail list to inform my noontime choice when my lounger is banged (albeit inadvertently). I open my eyes and ...................shock horror..........what do I see? One exposed buttock and a bodily area which would normally be described as intimate only inches from my face.


Maybe the issue is less around the wearing of thongs, but the propriety of bending on sun deck when scantily clad?


I've heard it said that good things come in small packages. I trust this is so as I bought a pair of emerald earrings in Colombia as a present for my mum. All I can say is beware ageing comedy duos. Their idea of entertainment is a tad different to mine!

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And KindlyChap says that QE2 is much more dressier than QM2!


I'm sure he's sizing up the noose right now,....


Thanks, Aneeta, enjoyed your post.




Thanks Russ. Kindlychap would have found the whole experience abhorrent, I'm sure. Other than ignoring it (which was tantamount to complicity) I just couldn't find the right words to say "Excuse me but I can live without your scrotum in my face thank you". Maybe I'm just picky!


Season's greetings to one and all.

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Here's a great source for Cunard images:




You'll need an id and password. Use "press" and "guyonda". I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.


"I just couldn't find the right words to say "Excuse me but I can live without your scrotum in my face thank you."


Aneeta, I think those would have been just fine,....



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Kindlychap would have found the whole experience abhorrent, I'm sure. Other than ignoring it (which was tantamount to complicity) I just couldn't find the right words to say "Excuse me but I can live without your scrotum in my face thank you". Maybe I'm just picky!


I think anyone would have found the experience offputting. I've never been a fan of the sort of whale watching that seems all to common at the stern.


Not that I am the body beautiful - far from it. But I have the honesty to admit it, and keep it covered up!

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(within 12") lounger. I continue to work mentally through the cocktail list to inform my noontime choice when my lounger is banged


CCurious choices of words, Anteeta! <LOL>

Somehing freudian in the words our brains think up.

First, I read withi as "with"! (followed by... I had to go back and reread it three times! I swear0- The minds eye sees what it either wants or expects to see, in fitting with the context!

Tehn I read "banged my lounger" Well, never mind,.

And in re-reading it- Thought, hnnn, there she is fantasizing about "cocktails, " when what to her wondering eyes should appear but.... Well, once again- never mind! Maybe it's me! Maybe it's my dirty mind which seemed to have those words just jump out at me! Sorry!


As for the "view" I was in the 8 deck spa on QM2 with friends on the January 3 cruise. For those of you who have not been this is on a deck, raised above the surrounding deck. A friend (the wife of one of them men in the spa) walked up to chat. She was standing on the regular (not raised) portion of the deck) and there were sunbathers in loungers behind her. So I am looking down at her, chatting, when my eyes wandered to a gentleman lying on a lounger behind her, one knee raised. He was giving a most revealing show, advertantly or inadvertantly!



who rather thought this show wasn't as bad as Anteeta's experience, and at a comfortable distance!

Maybe you should have "tweaked him" to let him know of his faux pas! (EEEWWW!)

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CCurious choices of words, Anteeta! <LOL>

Somehing freudian in the words our brains think up.

First, I read withi as "with"! (followed by... I had to go back and reread it three times! I swear0- The minds eye sees what it either wants or expects to see, in fitting with the context!

Tehn I read "banged my lounger" Well, never mind,.

And in re-reading it- Thought, hnnn, there she is fantasizing about "cocktails, " when what to her wondering eyes should appear but.... Well, once again- never mind! Maybe it's me! Maybe it's my dirty mind which seemed to have those words just jump out at me! Sorry!


LOL Karie. Maybe you just got a bit overexcited.:)

Trust me, you had to be there to understand why I was rendered speechless!!


As for the "view" I was in the 8 deck spa on QM2 with friends on the January 3 cruise. For those of you who have not been this is on a deck, raised above the surrounding deck. A friend (the wife of one of them men in the spa) walked up to chat. She was standing on the regular (not raised) portion of the deck) and there were sunbathers in loungers behind her. So I am looking down at her, chatting, when my eyes wandered to a gentleman lying on a lounger behind her, one knee raised. He was giving a most revealing show, advertantly or inadvertantly!


You're naugh;)ty



who rather thought this show wasn't as bad as Anteeta's experience, and at a comfortable distance!



Maybe you should have "tweaked him" to let him know of his faux pas! (EEEWWW!)


No No No No No OooooooooooooooooH No!!!!!!!!! Too late, I've got the vision. Please spare me..................keels over and expires quietly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wondered how your trip had gone. I'm pleased that you enjoyed it.


We were in 1104 and were delighted by both the size and location of the cabin.


We were on a honeymoon trip


Have you ever wondered who was in your stateroom before you? Have you ever thought about who's there now? We were in 1104 last night. We were also on a honeymoon package. (Didn't you find that area with the wardrobes and the fridge just in at the door a waste of space? It did keep the cabin very quiet though)

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I wondered how your trip had gone. I'm pleased that you enjoyed it.






Have you ever wondered who was in your stateroom before you? Have you ever thought about who's there now? We were in 1104 last night. We were also on a honeymoon package. (Didn't you find that area with the wardrobes and the fridge just in at the door a waste of space? It did keep the cabin very quiet though)


Spooky! maybe it's all part of Cunard's great plan, whatever that may be. You're right about the wardrobe/fridge area space. A lot of it, but somewhat wasted and we just put it down to odd planning 45 or so years ago. But the cabin was indeed totally free of noise from the corridor or adjacent cabins.


Have you decided about Caribbean later this year yet? I seem to remember the compromise was to wait until after Christmas!

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We just put it down to odd planning 45 or so years ago.


We discussed how we could have better designed the cabin (what else do you expect of two gay men!;) ). We came to the conclusion that there was nothing that could be moved that would improve the design.

(BTW - did you find that ducting cut down the headroom in the shower?)


Have you decided about Caribbean later this year yet? I seem to remember the compromise was to wait until after Christmas!


I'm still waiting. I'm just hoping that I'll know for definite in a few days.

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We discussed how we could have better designed the cabin (what else do you expect of two gay men!;) ). We came to the conclusion that there was nothing that could be moved that would improve the design.

(BTW - did you find that ducting cut down the headroom in the shower?).



Whaaaaaat!? You've slipped into a foreign language. What on earth is a ducting cut. Better drainage for dykes? Tee hee! No, I don't think I did notice. The shower was a little low, but manageable.


We came to a similar conclusion re layout. The fridge recess could have been better kitted with streamlined fridge/chiller/ice machine with shelves for drinks. Space along the wall to the left could be fitted with a small linear bar with backlighting and spots, selection of exotic drinks and liquers, shakers, olives, cherries et al. Downer is limited room to entertain, but I'm sure a select few would enjoy!



I'm still waiting. I'm just hoping that I'll know for definite in a few days

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Doh. I've got my stupid head on today. Just realised what you were asking. I was thinking that I hadn't noticed a cut in anything. Yes, headroom was a little tricky. I'm just over 5'7" and there was no spare above. But it wasn't a problem really.

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Have you decided about Caribbean later this year yet? I seem to remember the compromise was to wait until after Christmas!


Since posting below last night I got an email that resulted in several long distance phone calls - three to my parents in Gibraltar (they will be coming with us) and then to our agent. We've booked:)

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We were in 1104 and were delighted by both the size and location of the cabin. Very convenient for pool, Pavilion bar and access to all outer decks.



You have brought back some nice memories from a 1984 QE2 cruise when my wife and I had the very same cabin as you did. Cabin 1104 is a gem as far as we are concerned. We really liked the feel of the cabin and its layout. It was almost like a two room suite. Having the sofa in front of the two portholes, a nice distance from the bed, was brillant. We also liked the fact that the first area you entered had the closets and the full bath, separated from the living area.

The other great attribute is the location. You are quite right when you said that the proximity to the open deck area was a plus. Couldn't agree with you more!

Very happy you had a great time.................

Best wishes............Kurt

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Having the sofa in front of the two portholes


Hi Kurt - I'm pleased that we're bringing back nice memories - I suppose it's not so odd that more than one person has had 1104 - I suspect that it's sold for most trips. Are you sure that we're talking about the same cabin though - when we were in it there wasn't a sofa and there was only the one porthole. You're right about the first area having the wardrobes and the bathroom. I wonder if they've renumbered the cabins at any time?

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