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Not another "I had a bad experience" first post


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I rarely post on here but read these boards daily. When I have a ? I ask . The rest of the time I just read what I think sounds good and applies to the cruiseline or ship I am thinking of sailing on next.

Now my question is why do people not find these boards until after they've gone on a cruise. I got on here months before my first cruise was booked to get all the info I could and then I read the ports of call boards to see what excursions I wanted to do. I really think that if they could find this board after the cruise why not find it before and then they might save themselves a lot of headaches. Just my 2 cents I'll hush now and go back to reading.



I can't speak for anyone but myself. I didn't own a computer until about 6 or 7 years ago. My only experience with using one was at work with specific programs designed for the industry in which I was working.


In 1999, my DH decided he wanted to try cruising. Little did he know he would create a monster! :D We decided, because of the commercials, to try Carnival and he had me jump on the internet to find out how to contact them. After our first cruise, it was two more years before we decided to cruise again. The monster had not yet been created. ;)


Ahhh, but now I was getting excited and fell into "research mode". That's when I started figuring out how to work on the WWW and found Cruise Critic. I became hooked on message boards and have since then been a member of about 10. Obviously I don't have time to keep up with that many anymore. I made some lifelong friends over on the fashion forum and have cruised with some of them more than once.


It's amazing to discover that there's a whole new world out there with places like this for almost any subject you can think of. Had I known about message boards before my first cruise, I dare say I wouldn't have been nearly as "green" as I was back then. Things change and so I remain on the net . . . researching, making friends, and learning more about cruising every day.

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I rarely post on here but read these boards daily. When I have a ? I ask . The rest of the time I just read what I think sounds good and applies to the cruiseline or ship I am thinking of sailing on next.

Now my question is why do people not find these boards until after they've gone on a cruise. I got on here months before my first cruise was booked to get all the info I could and then I read the ports of call boards to see what excursions I wanted to do. I really think that if they could find this board after the cruise why not find it before and then they might save themselves a lot of headaches. Just my 2 cents I'll hush now and go back to reading.



You never know when someone will wander in, they could be planning their first, or already be a platinum cruiser or more. The key is that when they post, they agree to abide by the guidelines, which are pretty clear and simple, read, search, post, don't critic posts, if you post please respond to questions etc. pretty common sense.


What is really hard and is the worst thing for the hosts and site managers to deal with, much worse than the trolls are keeping all the posts organized appropriately.


This site becomes a home for someone, then you start getting the "what should I buy mother for Christmas" or "what oil is best in a straight 6 with less than 50K miles".


There are many of us that are just not transients, we post, we read, we respond, we scan capers, menus, other cruise related documents, we post links, I have mailed capers to other cruisers,it is a never ending task, I could literally put hours and hours into all the material. Others just show up and act all snarky, they offer nothing in return, some of the worst trolls are the ones that just hang around and grumble, and don't contribute - sad, very sad. I have been helped by so many here and because I have been able to cruise frequently, have a lot to give back to others.


Guess the bottom line is that everyone will have their own interpretation, and that is ok!

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I rarely post on here but read these boards daily. When I have a ? I ask . The rest of the time I just read what I think sounds good and applies to the cruiseline or ship I am thinking of sailing on next.

Now my question is why do people not find these boards until after they've gone on a cruise. I got on here months before my first cruise was booked to get all the info I could and then I read the ports of call boards to see what excursions I wanted to do. I really think that if they could find this board after the cruise why not find it before and then they might save themselves a lot of headaches. Just my 2 cents I'll hush now and go back to reading.



I have only been on 2 cruises, soon to be 3. I didn't find this site until I was planning my 2nd one, recommended by someone who posts far less than I do, now! But I have learned SO much since I joined, and hopefully will be able to contribute more as time (and cruises) go by!


I do read these boards daily-doesn't mean I post often on them. But you DO get to see the patterns of people, old and new, on here. Some are so friendly and helpful to newbies, and will answer the same question repeatedly, without making someone feel foolish for asking. Others do seem to go into "attack" mode immediately. You can say to a new person "there's a search feature on this site", instead of "why didn't you look this up, it's been beaten to death!" New people don't know that! I didn't. I'm same as Hstrybuff-didn't have much 'puter experience until the last few years. Still have a lot to learn.


On the other hand, I'm starting to be able to tell the difference between a valid question and a Troll. What I don't get, is why they aren't ignored? People complain about them, but then are very quick to carry on a long thread beating the OP, while they have obviously disappeared, laughing, no doubt!

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On the other hand, I'm starting to be able to tell the difference between a valid question and a Troll. What I don't get, is why they aren't ignored? People complain about them, but then are very quick to carry on a long thread beating the OP, while they have obviously disappeared, laughing, no doubt!



Ah you have just exposed the Power of the troll and the ignorance of the responders. :rolleyes:

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I didn't find out about CC until after a certain cruise that did not go very well. After that cruise, I was trying (on the internet) to find out what info I could and what I could do, and I found CC. And my first post was negative.


And did I get flamed! However, as posters kept asking me questions and I kept answering, most agreed that I had a legit complaint.


Now, if I had a complaint, I would word it very differently than the first time I ever posted. Live and learn. In fact, I learned pretty much all I know about forums on CC. I'm not a computer savy person, and I really only visit CC as far as forums go.


But, because of my experience, I always feel a little sorry for those posters who get flamed after a complaint. Especially if they seem legit. The hit and runs, they don't come back to see what people say, so it doesn't matter.


Now that I know about forums in general, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will do research before anything. If I had known about CC before boarding the Holiday, I would have known she'd had major propulsion problems, and we probably wouldn't have taken the cruise.


Again, live and learn.



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Trollspotting 101

Clue 1: Someone posts a negative post, most often with nothing good to say.

Clue 2: The negative stuff is both vague and/or extreme, i.e., everything was dirty, all the shows were bad, I didn't like the food.

Clue 3: When questioned (as in what didn't you like about the shows or didn't you like ANY of the food and what was wrong with it?) OP does not respond.

Clue 4: If the OP does respond, he takes offense at being 'challenged' and does not answer any questions no matter how benignly put.

Clue 5: It's the OP's first post.

Clue 6: The OP complains about things that are not the cruise line's responsibility, i.e., the cab driver took the long way to the pier and overcharged us.

Clue 7: The OP includes petty things in his tirade, i.e., my dining room waiter forgot my ice tea once.


The greater the number of clues you see in a post, the greater the chance that you are looking at a troll.


Good post, SueSea. Me thinks you nailed it right on the head.

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Let's see if this qualifies as troll material.

1. Fantasy-----This was my wifes first cruise. Had to find out if she liked cruising. She got hooked. Now we have to cruise annually.:D

2. Pride-----This was our first time on a Spirit Class 'boat'. There was just too much room on the 'boat'.:rolleyes:

3. Glory-----We got married on this 'boat'.:D It was great but the towels were just too white.:rolleyes:

4. Legend-----The food was fabulous. It's Carnivals fault I gained 20 lbs.

5. Liberty-----I was looking forward to Costa Maya. We missed this port because it was too windy.


OK, OK, we're gonna try another in just about 3 weeks.

6. Triumph-----How could Carnival schedule the cruise I wanted the week before Superbowl weekend? Do you know how hard it was to get hotel and airfare for this one?:rolleyes:


OK, I'm done. I quess I just felt like typing this morn.

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As another poster pointed out, the name "Cruise Critic" could make some folks search this forum out in order to do just that, criticize.

Ah, there's the inherent problem. Define "critic". A critic, or at least a good critic, does not only point out the problems. If that was the case, Roger Ebert would only be giving thumbs down to movies. And Ben Brantley would hate everything on Broadway.


crit·ic (krĭt'ĭk) Pronunciation Key speaker.gif premium.gif


  1. One who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a matter.
  2. One who specializes especially professionally in the evaluation and appreciation of literary or artistic works: a film critic; a dance critic.
  3. One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder.

Unfortunately, people tend to associate the word critic with definition number three.


I found this site via google while planning my first cruise and looking for reviews. The name suggested to me that it contained opinions both good and bad. I read them all and they have been invaluable to me in planning that cruise and the two that followed. And as I expressed in a trollish thread that has since been removed, I find the negative reviews that are well thought out and well expressed to be even more helpful, because I learn how to avoid or deal with problems the poster encountered.


People who post only negative comments with little or no detail or explanation don't help me, themselves or anyone else. That is why people question (not necessarily attack) or assume a troll is lurking when people post negatively in their first post.




(I was a Bugaloo girl myself :D)

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Let's see if this qualifies as troll material.

1. Fantasy-----This was my wifes first cruise. Had to find out if she liked cruising. She got hooked. Now we have to cruise annually.

2. Pride-----This was our first time on a Spirit Class 'boat'. There was just too much room on the 'boat'.

3. Glory-----We got married on this 'boat'. It was great but the towels were just too white.

4. Legend-----The food was fabulous. It's Carnivals fault I gained 20 lbs.

5. Liberty-----I was looking forward to Costa Maya. We missed this port because it was too windy.

6. Triumph-----How could Carnival schedule the cruise I wanted the week before Superbowl weekend? Do you know how hard it was to get hotel and airfare for this one?


Oh, no! I didn't mean to create a step-by-step handbook for trolls!:D


Ya know, to answer the question, "How do you spot a troll?," it's kinda like pornography--you know it when you see it!

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Why do some posters feel the need to belittle new posters who have a complaint? My family sailed on the Spirit December 1st and all loved it, no complaints. We loved the ship, the food, the staff etc. but I did not take the time to post a review. I also don't call the cable company when the signal is coming in clear to thank them, or take a moment to tell the grocery store manager that the cashier was friendly and made no mistakes, and I'm pretty sure that most people don't either. But when something goes wrong, that's when I take the time to voice my complaint, even if it's the first time I have something to say. Many people lurk here for months gathering information without feeling the need to post, that should not invalidate whatever they do eventually have to say. And when they don't come back to post after they've been attacked, it might just be because they've been frightened away. Just my 2 cents.


I'm not sure why some feel the need to belittle either. Disagreeing seems to bring the anger out in some. I myself like to hear good reviews along with the bad. Seems if you post a bad review you have to balance it with some positives, otherwise no one will believe you, or they feel like they are being attacked instead of Carnival. Some will continue to pick your bad review apart until the posts finally get out of control and the thread goes poof. Some say that the bad reviews are trolls.....some think the trolls are the ones looking for the bad reviews just so they can start trash. If I were you I would not waste my time to explain to anyone why you think the way you do......

Happy sailing!


Oh...and I have no questions so I don't expect any answers;)

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I'm not sure why some feel the need to belittle either. Disagreeing seems to bring the anger out in some. I myself like to hear good reviews along with the bad. Seems if you post a bad review you have to balance it with some positives, otherwise no one will believe you, or they feel like they are being attacked instead of Carnival. Some will continue to pick your bad review apart until the posts finally get out of control and the thread goes poof. Some say that the bad reviews are trolls.....some think the trolls are the ones looking for the bad reviews just so they can start trash. If I were you I would not waste my time to explain to anyone why you think the way you do......

Happy sailing!


Oh...and I have no questions so I don't expect any answers;)

Thank you for the good advice, and thanks to everyone for your responses. I especially appreciated osiebosie sharing their experience as it was a perfect example of why sometimes a post is just a post, albeit one not worded in the best of ways, and not someone trying to cause trouble. :)

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Thank you for the good advice, and thanks to everyone for your responses. I especially appreciated osiebosie sharing their experience as it was a perfect example of why sometimes a post is just a post, albeit one not worded in the best of ways, and not someone trying to cause trouble. :)

Yes......"sometimes" it is just a post...BUT....the majority of the time...it is not!...so there in lies the problem.......so we just deal with each one as we come to it.:cool:

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Yes......"sometimes" it is just a post...BUT....the majority of the time...it is not!...so there in lies the problem.......so we just deal with each one as we come to it.:cool:


Are you saying a majority of the time someone posts a bad review, they are a troll looking to start trouble? :confused:

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CAps off....(sorry)

EXACTLY!.....and what is sad is when someone gets sucked in and feels sorry for the troll thinking they are poor innocent people..:rolleyes:


Ok....this subject should be covered here now.....I'll close the thread but leave all the info up for others to see and maybe gain a little more knowledge of what goes on with that discussed here.:D

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