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QUESTION FOR YOU ALL: How did you meet your spouse / significant other?

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I met my husband at work. I had seen him in the hallways or cafeteria and thought he was a jerk, but he was kind of cute. He's a bit older, and I thought he was married because I heard him talking about a daughter. We "officially" met in an elevator going to the company Xmas party. One of his co-workers was already three sheets to the wind, and was trying to hit on me. He came to my rescue, and we spent the party sitting together talking. I found out he was divorced and raising two kids by himself. I was crushed when he didn't ask me out, but a few days later our paths crossed at work and he did ask me.


We have a son of our own, and our third grandchild (my step-grandchild) is due in January. Sunday is our 22nd wedding anniversary, which we'll celebrate on Explorer of The Seas!! :)

Sharon H.

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My friend (Bill) and I both worked in a department store. He was interested in a girl from another department (Flo), but she kept hanging out with another co-worker (Mary).


My friend asked me to come along with him to Flo's department to keep Mary busy while he got a chance to speak with Flo. I did.


Flo and Bill have been married for close to 30 years. Mary and I have been married for almost 28 years.


That was some department store !!!!!

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I was divorced a couple of years with 3 young DDs and joined a single parent group so they could be with other children of broken homes. The last thing on my mind was meeting another man. I was in my anti-man/man-hating phase at that time. :D Before I knew it, I wound up on the executive of this parent group. One night we had an exec. pot-luck dinner at someone's house. Current DH, who was also raising 3 DDs alone was there too. He didn't make much of an impression on me at the time. So much so that when he called for a date a week later, I had no idea who he was. :rolleyes: As it turns out he fell in love with my (then) long auburn curly hair. I had an appointment to have my hair done that day and decided to have it all cut off nice and short. When he came to pick me up, I opened the door and he didn't recognize me. :eek:


It took a good 12 years for him to propose. He decided he couldn't wait any longer because I told him that the size of the diamond would go up by 1/2 carat for every year he waited. :D We've been together for 25 years now. Most of them were even happy. :p



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Gingras31, that’s pretty interesting. Glad it worked out for you two.:)


My DH and I met in 1998 while I was attending graduate school. He was a grocery store manager at the store that shopped at after a long day at work as a county government buyer and an even longer evening and night in class. Whenever I stopped in after classes, he’d always give me the “I’m interested look” (which really irked my nerves in the beginning). After a month or so he finally, he got up enough nerve to approach me on the “frozen food” isle:rolleyes: and the rest is history. BTW, he actually thought I couldn’t cook, since I constantly bought lean cuisines, but now he certainly knows different. I’m no stranger to the kitchen.


The southern courtship began slowly because he had lost his previous GF of 2 yrs to breast cancer the year before. He won my family and me over with his sincere kindness, charm, and humor.


We were married on Dec. 7, 2002 in the wedding of our dreams. Thanks Mom.:D


Prayerfully, we will have as many years of marriage as many of you. I have truly married a wonderful person.

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I met my DH at work also. We both worked the graveyard shift at the post office. I would notice him, but I thought he was happily married with two kids (I don't know where I got THAT). One night he asked me something about my car because he had secretly always wanted one (it was only a Toyota Cressida, but it was MY dream car). Anyhoo....we started talking, and it turned out that he was going through a divorce, one child, and that we grew up in the same neighborhood (big city) and went to the same schools. When I took him to a BBQ at a friend's (this is like my extended family) it was like he had been in our little group forever. We all knew so many people in common and shared the same growing up experiences. He had even hung out with my friend's brother a lot, but we had never met before! When I saw how he just fit in so perfectly, I thought "this is a keeper!" We were married the following year and I got the greatest stepdaughter in the bargain! She was 5 at the time and is now 19 and you couldn't ask for a better stepchild.

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Great thread! :) Here it goes:


I was 18 when I met my husband. My friend was dating a guy that bowled on Friday nights. One night, we were hanging out and she asked if I wanted to go to the bowling alley with her. Why not?


Well, we got there and I saw this guy who, for some reason, I was attracted to. I never spoke to him (but his brother did speak to me for quite some time) and I never saw him again.


About a month later, my friend was going to the movies with her boyfriend and wanted to set me up with the guy I liked - good thinking but wrong guy!


A week later, to make up for the misunderstanding, her boyfriend set me up on a date with the RIGHT guy. We went on a double-date to the movies.


We just celebrated our 15th annniversary on the Voyager of the Seas, with a total of 20 years (how time flies) together! :)


Oh, and his brother that spoke to me? Well, my friend broke up with her boyfriend and my husband and I set them up. They just celebrated their 15th anniversary also! :) We were best friends since 7th grade and now we have the same last name! :)

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Like Jbicker, DH and I met on a chat board (waaaaay before the internet) in 1993. I sysop'ed a BBS in Philly, he belonged to a board in NJ. Back in those days, we would link multiple boards up with Chatlink and share the same teleconference (chat room). I got into a discussion about David Lynch movies with a guy online. We talked on the phone a couple of times, and some weeks later decided to meet at a 7-11 between our houses (we lived 150 miles apart). Well, the moment we both met we knew we found "the one" -- within a few hours, he proposed, and 18 months later we were married.


We are cruising on VOS this year to celebrate our 10th anniversary!

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We were friends in high school and were on a double date. Our dates were chatterboxes (we were not on this date as a couple) so while they were talking nonstop we got together. That was 38 years ago. We are cruising to celebrate our 35th anniversary on the grandeur,8/15!:) Phyllis and Mike

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We met at work. We worked at a small company, but never really took interest in each other until after 2 years of working together. Our company was having their annual retreat and all the project managers left a day early to attend some seperate meetings. He caught my eye for the first time at those meetings. We spent the entire retreat (outside of the sessions) chatting - we just clicked. I knew at that moment he was the one. The morning after the retreat I was driving down to the college I attended to meet up with some girlfriends for Homecoming. I told them I had just met the man I was going to marry :D . They laughed... but a year later we were engaged, and a year after that we were married! We will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary on our 9/26 Mariner cruise (our first cruise) :) .

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My husband and I were "High School sweethearts." We met in German class when he was a senior and I was a sophomore. Our first date was a Buffalo Sabres hockey game.


We dated all through high school and college-- finally getting married after I graduated from pharmacy school. We will celebrate our 11th anniversary next Saturday (8/7).


The nearly 19 years I've known him have been wonderful, even through the tough times. He has been ill for the past two years and has endured 2 surgeries and 4 hospitalizations. He is my soulmate and true love and I would not change a thing except to hope that he recovers soon!


Thanks for starting this interesting thread-- I think affirms that there is still plenty of great relationships out there!

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Marisel and I met 6/29/04 on board the Adventure of the Seas, and have been together ever since. And since sailed the Mariner (NewYears 04), the Adventure, again (Easter 04) the Voyager to Nova Scotia this past June and are booked for the Radiance 9/4/04 from Vancouver..... I guess you could call Royal Carribbean the "Real Love Boat"

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Girlfriend set me up on a blind date with her boyfriend's best friend. It was Friday January 25th or 6th and it was actually 30 degrees below zero. I had always said it would be a cold day in H*LL before I'd go on a blind date. Anyway, 20 years later we are still together.

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So cute, all of them.


My DH and I were also a blind date, my first and last. I worked with his brother at MIT and I couldn't stand him (the brother). He asked me for 6 straight weeks if I would go out with his brother who had just returned from Vietnam. I said NO so many times (I was afraid he would be just like him). Well, anyway I finally did say yes, we went and I knew on our first date that I would marry him. 37 years later, we are still together (34 yrs married) and very happy. I still can't stand his brother.


ONDECKATSEA, I remember a Buffy St. Marie from many years ago. If I rmember correctly, she and her sister lived near us for a time in MA. I beleive she was a singer.

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I dated his roommate for a while. He knew my parents before he knew me and he was 5 years older than me and the age of my sister. When he called to ask me out, I thought he had the wrong daughter. I really didn't want to go out with him because he was short and had a mustache. We ended up falling in love on the first date and were engaged 6 weeks later after a two week separation. We were married within 3 months of the time we met.


Now, 25 years later, we will be celebrating our anniversary on the Serenade. :)

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Our sons introduced us. They'd been friends since they were about 12. My son's friends parents were divorced, and my now-husband had custody of the children. For some reason, we never met through the years except to wave from the doorway when one of us was dropping the other child off at home, etc. We talked on the phone ('hi, is J are your house?' "I'll pick them up at the movies if you drop them off"). Finally, when the boys turned 18, they figured 'hey, why not finally introduce them". Well, 2 years later, best friends became brothers, and we're now married nearly 12 years.....

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That's interesting, because my online chat system was in New Jersey too. ChatLink I haven't heard of. Our system was originally Ddial (so my wife was right -- I didn't own the system when we first met -- I bought into the network a year later), and then STS (Synergy). The names of the system were Flashtalk, Frankly Speaking, Shore Thing, etc. Ring any bells, epoulsen?

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hubby and I met on Match.com. it was a few months after 9/11 and i was commuting 3 hours each way for work (Long Island to NJ) since my building had sustained heavy damage in the attack. i was all depressed and with commuting so much, didn't have the energy on a friday date to do the typical single-gal stuff like bars and such. my girlfriend recommended match.com and the rest is history!!!

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Like Jbicker, DH and I met on a chat board (waaaaay before the internet) in 1993. I sysop'ed a BBS in Philly, he belonged to a board in NJ.

That BBS didn't happen to be a D-Dial system, did it? Had lots of friends in the NJ/PHilly area during the late 80's/early 90's. I'd be surprised if we hadn't met at one time or another at the get-togethers they used to have.

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I met my wife in my previous life before we got reincarnated. I told her I love her so much that death will not separate us apart and we'll meet each other and marry her again in my next life and the next life and the next life........and forever.




Join our Mariner of the Seas 10/24/2004 roll calls at:


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Met my DH at a Volunteer Fire Dept Bingo. He was the caller and I was a patron. Smiled at me from the stage and finally came over and said hi. We were both married at the time to other people. Never thought any more about it. About 2 months later I was separated from my ex and decided to go to a club with friends from the bingo. My DH was at the club and also just recently separated from his ex. This was Dec 79. We were married 2/2/81. Been enjoying life together ever since.


Cindy ;)

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My DH and I met when I was 14. He was 17 and working at the local grocery store. I used to love to go shopping with my older best friend (16 at the time) who could drive just so I could get to look at him.


When I was 16 he asked me out! We have been together ever since.


We will be celebrating our 23rd Wedding Anniversary on the Grandeur of the Seas on Sept. 5th.

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My husband and I met the first night of a 12 week Dale Carnegie Sales Training Course...January 1997. I'm in Medical Sales and he is in Industrial Sales. I'm not sure if we would've met any other way...we were both single at the time, but pretty much over the bar scene. We sat at the same table and I could tell you exactly what he was wearing that night. He made me and a co-worker I was in the class with laugh so hard. I'm still laughing with him now! We got engaged in February 1998 and were married in June 1999. We had a baby girl last June and couldn't be happier!


Thanks for posting this topic...it's neat!


Happy Sailing!


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My DH and I met through a personal ad in the "Want Ad Digest" (local publication). My DH placed the ad and I answered it. I had purchased the publication on a fluke, not knowing they had personals. I read a couple of ads, found his interesting and responded. This was the only personal ad I had ever answered. We had three phone conversations before our first date. We lived 2 1/2 hours away from eachother. We were married 11 months to the day after our first date. We have been married 10 years this coming October.

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