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id like to ditch my cabin steward


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SUSANITA :)....thanks for getting my point!....and i think it IS possible that maybe, just maybe, the steward wouldnt mind one less room to clean......and u make valid points about the room maybe getting messier than im thinking in a week.....but i seriously think it wouldnt be so bad....we never eat in the room...never order room service.....and i cant recall ever having much of any garbage that we throw away......we really NEVER use our room....we sleep, bathe and change clothes and thats it.......having a neat room just means veryyy little to me when vacationing...its soooo far down the list.......i appreciate the fact that many of u enjoy the clean room......to me its not gonna change my vacation experience at all........and its more the principle of not throwing money away, as opposed to how MUCH it costs......whether its 50 bucks or 5 bucks, if its not a mandatory service and if i feel i dont need it, why should i use it and pay for it....

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LOL trolling?....i assure you, my post is dead serious and not created for the giggles.....well, maybe a lil :).........why is it so hard to believe that someone seriously wouldnt want to use their steward????.....what do they do that is sooo invaluable?....cause ive yet to see it.....big deal, they make my bed and clean the bathroom...i think i can live without that for 7 days.....why is that so hard to believe?.....ill agree that it borders heavily on the TACKY side....but tactfullness isnt my strong suit! as we all know!

.....big deal, they make my bed and clean the bathroom...i think i can live without that for 7 days... Yuk!!!!:eek: I don't want to go near your bathroom if it hasn't been cleaned in 7 Days!!!!

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Polly....lol....ok...i guess i forgot to consider the ONE cleaning they'd have to do after the week is up! ha....now i would feel obliged to pay for that one cleaning.....thats only fair......im still not sure if IM just that neat, or YALL are just that messy!:)......cause i really dont think my room would be that messy by the end of the week.....out of habit we pick up after ourselves no matter where we are at......so we dont leave some trail of mess behind lol..............ok....so if i would decide to do this, i would have to come up with a fair payment for cleaning the room one time at the end.....based on how long it would take them, compared to how much time they otherwise woulda spent in my room, id say $10 would be more than fair......so now that dilema is solved:)..........SUSANITA:)....ok i have comebacks for you....we have no windows ever booking inside cabins.....we would never use more than the 2 rolls of toilet paper provided.....we dont need the ice....we dont make garbage......we dont dirty the mirrors:)....the sand i kick myself down the shower drain lol......im tellin you, i really havent the need for a steward!:)

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I suppose you could request that your steward not clean your room for a week. BUT after 7 or more days of dirty toilets, dirty clothes, dirty dishes, and who knows what else your neighbors might complain! Yuck! Yeah, I have to agree with you robby, it does border on tacky.

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Ok, I am thinking that Robby read my post on tipping and this is where this started from.


I am sorry, but I agree with Robby - I know opening a can of worms here, but I will admit, that I am a first time cruiser so I may feel differently when we get back.


For all of you that have cruised once, twice or several times, it is easy for you to understand handing out money to everyone and I am sure that they level of service you receive it well worth the money -


BUT you have to understand, not all of us have had this expereince and when you hear the suggested tipping guidelines - it is a quite a SHOCKER.


I have read over and over again - just chaulk it up to the cost of cruising - ok fine, but when the heck would I have found this all out if I hadn't started reading the boards.


Another one I have read "$10pp per day is so much cheaper than tipping for 3 meals out a day" Let me stop that right now, I have never eaten at a resturant 3 meals a day for an entire week - or an entire day. When we stay at a hotel we choose one with a breakfast (just like a cruise buffet) and there is no one to tip and a tip is not expected and for lunch we tend to stop at a fast food resturant and maybe go out for a "Fine dining" experience once on our vacation.


I, personally, am taking my 2 kids and my grandmother on a generational vacation to help "pay her back" for all that she has done for me, but I am still on a limited budget. I waited until after deposits were due to look for this cruise to make sure I got the lowest price I could and now with all the other fees that I didn't know about ahead of time I am STRESSED OUT that I am not going to have any money to spend and then my trip will suffer that way.


I don't drink, I don't gamble and I too don't want to waste money on unneeded or unwanted items.


I don't think it is too much to ask "why pay for a service I am not using" and yes for the record we don't use housecleaning when we are at a hotel.


On top of the cost, I am worried about theft - both of my property and my identity. And I know none of you can say that you have never heard of things on board disappearing - the cruise lines can't be so much better at interviewing and hiring staff than any other employer.


I by no means am a cheap person - I tip generously having been a waitress


With that said - to each their own - I don't want to cheat anyone, but at the same time I don't want to feel cheated

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CJAR LOL....it just happens that I am one of those rare guys who has deadly aim!....if u catch my drift ha......so this makes me wonder, how often do yall clean at home?....cause i only clean house once a week....except for the kitchen area which obviously needs daily watching.....but as far as the bathroom goes, our bathroom takes a week to start to look like it even needs cleaned!......am i missing something here?....so doesnt seem like a far stretch that our cruise bathroom wouldnt be that filthy in a week.....

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some of us work a helluva lot harder jobs when we are working!.......I may not work 7 days a week and 15 hour days but my work is 100 times more straining and back breaking than their jobs.....and im not working in airconditioning!.......so no real sympathy is gonna be comin from me to them....i work my aszz off for my money as well as they do

robby sweety; Exactly what DO you do for a living? Just curious.xoxo

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Theft can happen, but I've never experienced it nor has anyone I know personally. Lock everything of value that will fit in the safe and hide the rest. They simply don't have time to go through everyone's stuff.

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I understand your theory Robbie, but I believe the stewards also help to maintain the public areas and unless you are willing to swab the decks a couple times during your trip then your steward would in fact end up getting stiffed at least a portion of his tips.


You do unfortunately think just like my "thrifty" husband, who never could understand why we couldn't just take generic adult liquid ibuprofen and dilute it down to an acceptable level for our son. No thanks, I like to know my cabin has been spiffed up while I am out. It is all part of the trip and I enjoy it.

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VESW....yes, it was your post that i saw and thought of this:)...i actually had thought of it before....but was just happy to see someone else even mention the thought of it.......and yes the tipping thing does catch some newbies offguard!........for the record, weve done 11 cruises and ive always tipped the standard amount with a lil extra to any of the dining wait staff that stood out.....ive never tipped extra for a room steward.....cause we really keep a neat room and ive never needed any extra services from them........i have no doubt that this would be a bit tacky to attempt....and tacky to even propose doing it lol.......SELUCREY, im self employed landscaper/mowing.......hard work, fast paced, hot conditions.....many a days i come hope and can barely move from exhaustion and dehydration.....ive seen the room stewards do their job same as you have....the hardest part of their jobs is prolly the fact that its such long days and so many days in a row....but as far as intensity of work, their is no comparison between their job and mine ...........i really have no desire to cheat them out of anything...im all about playing fair.....im just not wanting their service....same was as they dont need me to come mow their yard:)

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I have to say that $10 for cleaning a cabin after 7 days of not having it cleaned is nothing more than a slap in the face, IMO.


Nothing wrong with being "responsible" with your money but tipping while not in the price of the cruise, IS in a sense. It's a given and choosing not to use a service because you don't want to spend the $ is rediculous.

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Oh XO...you're at it again (sigh)


The one thing that has me totally baffled after going though this thread is...aren't you the one who is consistantly putting down Carnival passengers for their supposed lack of 'class'?

I don't care how 'tidy' you are...not wanting to pay a lousy $10 a day for you and your wife to have a clean room seems very class-less to me.


I'm sure you can find a better idea for a hot topic than this one.

Try again.

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Are the tips pooled like some other cruise lines? I know I've sailed on Princess and they automatically charged $10 a day and I think $3.50 of that goes to the room steward. So, if Carnival pools their tips, then removing the $3.50 per day from your account will only hurt the wait staff and others that receive tips for your room. I still think the room steward will get his/her tip, just a little lower than the $3.50. I also believe that if you give extra to your waiter and removed the tip for the room steward then your waiter won't be able to keep the extra in tips that you gave him/her for the great service they provided. The extra tips will then be equally distributed amoung the room steward and the waiters. They can only keep the extra in tips if you leave the $10 per day on your account.


Maybe someone more knowledgable on Carnival's tip policy can provide more information on this.


First Carnival cruise 11/4/04. Julia

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I also believe that if you give extra to your waiter and removed the tip for the room steward then your waiter won't be able to keep the extra in tips that you gave him/her for the great service they provided.


The extra tips will then be equally distributed amoung the room steward and the waiters. They can only keep the extra in tips if you leave the $10 per day on your account.




Don't most people give "extra" in the form of cash??

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Ves, bless you... poor gal seems to post all the controversial subjects!!! LOL! Not your fault.


BUT, I think this whole post is ridiculous. If you went on a 7 night land vacation, you would have to pay for hotel, 3 meals a day (sometimes more), entertainment, etc. And spend WAY more money than it costs to cruise. My next two cruises are averaging $100 pp/pd... Includes all the meals, my room (staying clean), entertainment and more... where else can you find this kind of value?


Let me stop that right now, I have never eaten at a resturant 3 meals a day for an entire week - or an entire day. When we stay at a hotel we choose one with a breakfast (just like a cruise buffet) and there is no one to tip and a tip is not expected and for lunch we tend to stop at a fast food resturant and maybe go out for a "Fine dining" experience once on our vacation.

Well, think about it this way, Even if you ate out that ONE time a day on vacation and it cost you $100 for 2, you would tip $20 (20%), which is what the TOTAL for EVERYONE being tipped comes out to be (but on a cruise, that includes additional meals if you want more than one fine meal, your room being cleaned, the ship staying clean, etc.), so you are coming out WAY ahead on a cruise.


If people are so concerned about tipping being the end all and be all of breaking the bank on a cruise, there are far more other things that will do it. I think even with tips included, it is a FAR better bargain than something comparable on land.

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BUT WAIT!!! Robby, you at LEAST have to tip for the LAST day of cleaning service, you know, the day where the poor steward has to clean up a weeks worth of your mess????? LOL!!


And that should be double the going rate, even though it's actually 7X the mess. You can't stiff the poor guy out of the last days tips, he's going to have one messy cabin to clean.


BUT, I still think you should try and make a deal with him and see what he says. Something like, OK, I don't need you to clean my cabin all week. Let's agree on twice during the week for $15, OK? ;)

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Thanks for the reply robby. I agree,there is no comparing their job to yours.:D Can you imagine having to clean up after a spring break cruise? I have seen the mess left by some cruisers after a day in Cozumel.Pee on the floors; sh*t on the walls; puke everwhere:eek: .No thanks,I would rather cut grass. I do tip my steward if the services warrant it.:)

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I think most people give the extra in tips in the form of cash. I talked with my room steward on my last cruise and he said that he has to turn in the extra tips and will receive them back only if the $10 tip has been left in place. Now concerning the waiters, I don't know how they really can determine what cabin you're in, etc. I had personal choice dining and I tipped one of my favorite waiters, who waited on my husband and I a few meals and he wouldn't have know my cabin number since I just handed him the cash. Now, they did provide envelopes that had your cabin # listed on them if you wanted to tip extra. I guess this is one of the ways that they can monitor who's getting what and how much. However, I think my waiter was able to keep the tip because I handed him cash and not in an envelope.

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Ummm, maybe your wife likes the bed being made everyday, and the chocolate mints on the pillow and those cute towel animals. Maybe she likes the idea of the bathroom being cleaned twice a day and nice clean towels that she didn't have to clean and fold. I know my husband could care less about this stuff either, but I know I appreciate it cause I like the pampering. :p Therefore, I have no problem paying those tips.



Women appreciate this stuff because it is a well-deserved break for us, most men (not all, but most) think this stuff is just "so easy" because they rarely have to clean up after anyone including themselves, at least not on a daily basis. :rolleyes:


I think the service is what makes the cruise experience what is is. If you don't want that then rent an RV and travel around then you won't have to worry. I think if you told the room steward to buzz off it would be offensive and it would be like stealing from him/her. :(

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Well Robby,

I agree with you to a point in reference to another thread I posted on. Include the tips in the cruise fare and the issue is taken care of.

I still have not seen an answer to your question and I will start another topic on another question. IF you eat every meal at the lido do you have to tip the Waiter and bus boy?


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Halos!....im not denying that discussing this with others takes some bravery lol.....and it certainly would fall under the Walmarty kinda thang to do.....but still different from the kinda lack of class that i usually refer to......my lack of class would always be well hidden from public knowledge.....but now when someone is wearing jean shorts in the pool, its kinda hard to hide..........and what if somewhere in carnivals little rule book it says that its not mandatory that you use your steward?....if its not mandatory, id like to decline their services.....LIVTOJUMP.....if 10 bucks to clean the room ONE time is a slap, than how insulting must it be for them to come clean it 14 times in a week for only the standard $49 for 2 ppl?....i think my 10 dollar offer is generous in comparison!:)...GOINCRUISIN....i soooo agree that cruising offers tremendous value!....thats why i cruise!...cause im all about bang for the buck........but its not the point im makin........if they wanna give me the choice of using a steward or not, than i want to to decline.....im asking for carnival to give me that choice of declining their service...........and as I SAID, in reality im sure ill never be able to try this.....my wife wouldnt allow it, same as most wives.......so im mostly just thinkin outloud and wishin....

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