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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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Perhaps we can all agree that "Ravekid" is nothing but a "troll". His post proves he is NOT and never has been a real Law Enforcement Officer.


Lucy, I can't agree with some of what you have said here, but thank you for this comment!


Believe what you want. Then again, maybe you would rather believe some cruise employee whose sole job it is to make the company money. :rolleyes:

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Yes, actually I would.

Everything is a risk. Life is a risk. You have to be careful to some extent, of course. - but you can't eliminate the risk.


I think your crazy for wanting to go to Iran or Iraq, but to each their own. However, I am not talking about eliminating 100% of the risk in your life. We are talking about limiting risk. If getting thrown into an Iran prison because your head scarf fell off is worth seeing some really old, historic places of the globe, then by all means, go. However, don't complain and then demand someone else pay for another person's actions.

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Really scary.

We are cruising Conquest July 1. Jamaica is our first port of call. After 2 days of cruising, I will probably be ready to get off the boat!! After having just endured this on your cruise, what suggestions would you have for the port of Jamaica?

Any excursions you recommend that may be safer than others?

Were the people reimbursed for the excursion, at least?


Any other suggestions for cruising? I am a first time cruiser, so any tips about things to do in the other ports or must -see on the ship would be helpful.

What did you do in Grand Cayman and Cozamel? (we've already done the Stingray City, what else?)





I love Grand Caymen. We always find things to do. Of course you have to do the sting ray adventure at least once. They have a great kayak safari tour. 2 men kayak and you kayak in the most secluded area. No one around but your group it was awesome. They also have a snorkel adventure tour. And of course if you are into scuba it's one of the best places for it. They also have 7 mile beach which is an awesome beach to hang out.

Cozumel most hang out at Paradise beach. But we prefer Mr. Sanchos. Less crowded. Also has a beautiful beach with no waves.

Good luck in what you choose.

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Really scary.

We are cruising Conquest July 1. Jamaica is our first port of call. After 2 days of cruising, I will probably be ready to get off the boat!! After having just endured this on your cruise, what suggestions would you have for the port of Jamaica?

Any excursions you recommend that may be safer than others?

Were the people reimbursed for the excursion, at least?


Any other suggestions for cruising? I am a first time cruiser, so any tips about things to do in the other ports or must -see on the ship would be helpful.

What did you do in Grand Cayman and Cozamel? (we've already done the Stingray City, what else?)






Well I was the same way after two fun days at sea I was ready to get off the ship. But after my experience I can't honestly recommend any excursion in Jamaica. I next time would treat my self to a spa treatment that day and enjoy a less crowded ship.

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Hello everyone,


I wanted to add a couple of reason why I think that this robbery will lead to other ones.


1) The gansters over their no that we are unarmed, don't know anyone and we are all carrying cash and valuables.


2) I estimated that these gunmen got 2-4k off of us (17 tourist). On the way to the plantation, I spoke with the tour guide, who was a very sweet and nice woman. She stated that they are pretty well paid, making anywhere from 50.00 - 100.00 dollars a month. The math says that is approximately $2,600.00 - $5,200.00 annualy. So these gunmen got away with approximately 1 or 1/2 a years salary. Where I live an estimated yearly salary is approximately 30-80k a year. Not to mention the more profesional folks. So by them robbing us they got the same reward as if they had robbed a bank in the US.


On of the suspects was shot and killed. The other we cannot confirm if he is in custody. This Plantation was owned by the former Ministry of Toursim and I believe he now in an election seeking the office again. If Jamaica is like the US in anyway, Political figures tend to have better access to police and investigation. This is why I feel that the authorities really stepped up and covered the crime area very well. I applaud the Jamaican auhorities that worked so hard on this.


Everyone in jamaica has learned of the incident and the "dirt bags" are now planning on how they need to chage in order to get away with the money. Just like in the US, true criminals learn new modes of operations everyday.


The amount they got away with, which did not even include the valuables (cameras..etc) well out weighs the risk.


Our robbery is the first of many more.


17, 20, 25, 30, toursit cannot stop 2, 3, 4, gunmen. You can try and be shot.


Believe me, THIS will happen again, I just hope it does not happen to any of you that are dead set on returning. These things seem to happen to those who least expect it. I have taken that statement from several victims of violent crimes.


It is a free country here, just remeber when you get there that all changes.


I hope you understand.

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People get killed in armed robberies all the time. If the reward did not out weigh the risk, then we shouldn't have any more robberies..Right?


You also have to consider the 50/50 chance that the story of his being killed isn't true.


I hope you have reported this incident to the U.S. State Department and requested that a travel warning be issued. They probably won't issue one, but it's worth a try. You might point out that unlike other crimes against tourists reported on the State Department web site, this one was on the property of a major tourist attraction, and that children were targeted.

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First, Ken, I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatic experience. Best wishes to you and your family.


To the other posters here, I don't think there's any need to chastize anyone else for their own decision either to continue visiting Jamaica after this incident, or to never visit again. As long as someone makes an INFORMED decision, why not allow the decision to be their own? Why not let each person assess the risk for themselves?


As for whether or not CCL should continue to stop there, I would think that rather than merely venting on here, it would be more productive for those concerned to send emails (or a petition) to Carnival. Most cruisecritic members are repeat cruisers -- even the most tin-eared cruiseline CEO in the world is going to pay attention to a well-stated petition signed by a significant number of repeat customers! This applies to those OPPOSED to Jamaica as a stop, as well as those insistent on KEEPING Jamaica as a stop!




As for the CD, without accusing him of actually doing so, it would be really unfortunate if he did say that Carnival "ensures" the passengers' safety. And despite how foolish it would be for any grown person to think that face value, IF he was foolish/careless enough to say that, he and Carnival should take responsibility for it, and at least apologize for the insinuation.


Just a little point of semantics, but I would be interested to know whether he indicated that the passengers' safety was 'ensured' or 'guaranteed'. To me, 'ensured' means "we promise that you WILL be safe", whereas 'Guaranteed' means, "nothing SHOULD go wrong, but if it does, we'll compensate you".

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That is a very good point. The exact words were "Guaranteed Safe"


When you get on the cruise there are no signs that you are unsafe. You are on vacation, and your guard is down. I however, am a little more skeptical then most. I was still not completely sure about the excursion (mainly because I did not want Jamaicans trying to sell me drugs in front of my kids, or pressure me to buy their products). The CD stated that the undesirables (drug pusher..etc - Never mentioned robbers) were in the port area and shops. I was taking my kids out to a country village to give them an experience of seeing true good Jamaicans working in an industry.

I felt comfortable that it was a Carnival Excursion and believed that they had a lot to lose if they sold an excursion that could be subjected to such a horrible event.


After I attended the excursion meeting on the boat, I guess I just fell for the Shore excursion sell pitch that the CD was giving. During this sell's pitch, he did say it was "guaranteed safe." He only mentioned the possibilty of haveing someone try to sell you marijuana, or be persistant on taking one of their cabs. He referred to not taking a cab without a red tag, but never elaborated.


At the bare minimum I feel the excursion meeting was deceiving by ommission.


Excuse me for any mis-spelled words...I rely on spell check and it's not working.



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Have you talked to an attorney yet? IMHO, that's the only way you're going to get any satisfaction from carnival. They will not likely do anything that can be constured as accepting responsibility otherwise.

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The CD stated that the undesirables (drug pusher..etc - Never mentioned robbers) were in the port area At the bare minimum I feel the excursion meeting was deceiving by ommission.



See this is what bothers me. We have traveled alot and Jamaica is the only port we have been to that this actually happens in the port area.

Is it me or is there something wrong with this picture:confused:

Don't get me wrong I know this kind of stuff happens everywhere. But right in the port area where you get off the ship...this I truly don't understand. That is what turned us off from never going back.

Granted we have not traveled to all the ports the cruise ships travel to...so I'm wondering is there any other ports where this happens :confused:

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Have you talked to an attorney yet? IMHO, that's the only way you're going to get any satisfaction from carnival. They will not likely do anything that can be constured as accepting responsibility otherwise.


Are you an attorney:confused: :cool:

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Lucy and jcanino, I can't believe how naive and childlike you are in your thinking. If people who LIVED there all their life are afraid to go back, what does that say? It doesn't matter what one person said, or the family next door went and it was fine, or your friends went and stayed in a resort and didn't have any trouble. The whole place is a cesspool, there IS no law and order there, drugs rule the whole island, and anyone who goes there needs to have their head examined. End of story. You want to go there? Please, be my guest!


I give up on this thread. All the do-gooders who want to pray over the poor Jamaicans just go ahead. They won't have me in their face in the future.


Wow! And you (hmstins) live in Houston? Good thing cruise ships can't get there. Looking at the Houston crime statistics I'd prefer to take my chances on Jamaica.


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Yes, actually I would. But then, we survived three years as civilians in Viet Nam during the war, had two kids and worked in refugee camps. There was plenty of crime, lots of danger. Went to Turkey last summer even though there were bombings.....and probably will go to Palestine as an observer sometime in the next couple of years. ...and back to Jamaica as well.


Everything is a risk. Life is a risk. You have to be careful to some extent, of course. - but you can't eliminate the risk.


Fran in Toronto

Where in Vietnam were you and what year?


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Wow! And you (hmstins) live in Houston? Good thing cruise ships can't get there. Looking at the Houston crime statistics I'd prefer to take my chances on Jamaica.




Yes, I kind of thought that when I saw their post. Dallas is even worse. I read about a murder just about every day in the newspaper. Yet I live here, work here, raise my children here. We stay away from the "bad" parts of town and so far we've never been touched by crime here. Where I live in Dallas, it seems like anytown USA. We don't stay out at all hours of the night, we don't do drugs or associate with those who do. All those statistics are frightening on paper, but in reality, that kind of life seems very remote to me. But to look at the statistics, you'd think you'd be crazy, or should I say "childlike" to think you can live here and not be raped, murdered, or robbed. See, that's what's so deceptive about statistics.


I don't have an answer for whether or not Jamaica should be dropped from the itinerary. But it does seem that unless we go everywhere with armed guards, we really have no guarantee of safety anywhere. Even then, something could still happen. You just never know. I see both sides of this argument. I think we shoud respect the choice of those who choose not to travel to a country in which they don't feel safe. On the other hand, I find it highly inappropriate to call people who love this island and want to continue to visit "childlike." To each his own, let each of us make our own informed decision without rebuke.

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Wow! And you (hmstins) live in Houston? Good thing cruise ships can't get there. Looking at the Houston crime statistics I'd prefer to take my chances on Jamaica.




That is just a ludicrious comparison. No one has said that there is not crime in the US especially in US cities!! What IS being discussed is the Rampant crime in Jamaice; crime that no one can assure us is prosecuted. There are good people in Jamaica, no one is disputing that, what is in dispute is the OVERALL safety of tourists.


I've been to Jamaica. it is a beautiful country. I STOPPED going there a few years ago and will not book a cruise that stops there. I did not feel safe, it was an uneasy feeling while there. I do not go on vacatiion to feel uneasy. Yes, I might feel uneasy in parts of Miami, and I will knowlingly stay away from those places, just as I will stay away from Jamaica.


I am not one to stick my head in the sand and live in fear, but rather I USE my brain and minimize problems.

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Wow! And you (hmstins) live in Houston? Good thing cruise ships can't get there. Looking at the Houston crime statistics I'd prefer to take my chances on Jamaica.



Houston isn't as bad as people think. Sure if you go to the southside and expect to do some shopping than you just asking to be robbed. But it's like most cities where the hardcore crimes happen in the same concentrated areas. And this city is huge.


Jamaica is small so when you hear about a handful of crimes it feels like many more.

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Houston isn't as bad as people think. Sure if you go to the southside and expect to do some shopping than you just asking to be robbed. But it's like most cities where the hardcore crimes happen in the same concentrated areas. And this city is huge.


Jamaica is small so when you hear about a handful of crimes it feels like many more.


I agree with this quote... I have to defend this as well...

Okay, now this IS getting ridiculous. My son graduated from Rice Univ in Houston, lives in a sweet little house that he is renting on the most quaint street in Houston... I have walked miles along his street and neighborhoods to get to stores, restaurants etc... as well as near his campus when he was in school, and Houston, albeit the better parts of town, doesn't look ANYTHING like Jamaica did... yes, there are bad parts of Houston, but as a whole, you cannot be serious comparing this huge, multi ethnic and progressive city to poverty sticken Jamaica... As a "tourist" in Houston, I was never accosted by anyone or feared for my life. I know it's not completely safe, especially since a lot of people from New Orleans "relocated" there, and many were not the most honest and crime free citizens, but come on...

I am only responding because I HAD to defend a city that doesn't compare to what I saw in all of Jamaica as a whole...

Enough said about all of this... I will hold my tongue (or my typing finger ):D from now on. I'm exhausted! :p This forum is getting crazy...:rolleyes:

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Us locals know there is alot of crime in Houston and that is why we choose to live in the suburbs and not in the city. And technically Houston does have a cruise terminal. It had Norwegian cruising out of there until recently. It is on the east end of the ship channel (a suburb) and there are plans in place now to remodel and turn it into a terminal that will accomodate 3 cruise ships.

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That is just a ludicrious comparison. No one has said that there is not crime in the US especially in US cities!!


Agreed. All these comparisons are ludicrious. Like you said no one is disputing that crime doesn't exist in the US or the world for that matter. These are victims on a cruise vacation. These are victims of a Carnival cruise sponsered excursion. These people chose this excursion because they were told by the cruise line that it is safe.....

Jamaica has had a reputation of being unsafe for quiet awhile. The cruise lines even tell you that.....

You step off the ship and have to face these sleeze ball druggies.......

The cruisline tells you to just ignore them. Why don't the port authority have them removed from the area..

No other port that we have been to have this trash waiting to great the cruisers...

You guys can compare this to the crime in the U.S. all you want. I'm sorry but I have never seen drug dealers standing at any U.S. port to greet us with the deal of the day.:rolleyes:

I'm sad that this had to happen. But maybe it will take something like this to beef up the security if the cruise lines so choose to keep Jaimaca on their intinerary...

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