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I'm back with a looonnnggg Valor review & pics!


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It looked like you enjoyed the aft balcony because I saw you out there a lot

:eek: Sooooooo, you were stalking me?:p Just kidding, it was nice meeting you guys, and it would be fun to cruise together again one day. Go ahead and book the Miracle for Feb. 11th, and we'll see you guys there:D

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Getting ready to print out your review so I can read at lunch. Unfortunately I can't view your slide show until I get home. :( Quick question, can you tell me if Carnival had any contents in the refrigerator and if so do you recall the costs of any of the items? Can you tell me what kind of items were in the frig and could the steward remove them if you didn't want them. Thanks much for your response.

Sodas were in the refrigerator, they were like $1.25, beer was in there (Heineken, Budweiser etc) around $2.50-$3.25, mini liquor bottles around $5.00 (gin, vodka, bourbon, rum, crown, etc). Yes the steward will remove them if you don't want them, just ask.:)

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Hi guys we're back! Sorry I didn't make it on sooner, our cable & internet was out when we got home. Lightning storm last Monday knocked out the whole town, and they just got it up and running today. Here goes, enjoy the pics you guys, we had an awesome time!! Hope it comes out ok, I copied & pasted it from wordpad.



Sunday, June 17th


We flew in the day of the cruise. Our flight left at 7:15 a.m. I was up at 4:30, didn't

get but about 2 hours of sleep, too excited to sleep. We were at the airport by 6:00.

We got checked in, had our bags checked, went through security, and had our morning

coffee while waiting for our plane to board. We left on time, headed for Atlanta. We had

an hour and a half lay-over in Atlanta and our plane left on time at 9:15 headed for Miami.

We landed on time at 11:35 in Miami. We went to baggage claim picked up our luggage,

and found the Carnival rep for our transfer. She pointed to this long line of people and

told us to go to that line and wait. After looking at that line, we decided not to wait, and

walked outside to grab a shuttle. We got one from Enterprise for $8.00 pp and were

headed to the pier within 5 minutes. We gout out handed off our luggage to the porters

and headed inside.


We walked in to basically no line around 12:00. As we got closer, we found the line.

We already had out our passports, docs and our funpasses. We got our Bahamas

immigration form from 1 of the reps when we walked in. We went through the X-ray and

metal detectors with no problem (after DH had to take off his belt, ha ha). While waiting in

line, I filled out the Bahamas Immigration Form. I had to write while I walked because they

kept the line moving. We were called to the desk, gave the rep at the counter our passports,

docs, and immigration forms. We were never asked for our funpasses. In our docs it said

funpass completed, that could be why. The rep told us which way to go to get our S&S cards,

told us to enjoy our cruise, and again we were off. We got our cards, had our pictures taken,

and had to show our I.D. (passports) & docs 1 last time right before stepping onto the ship.

We were onboard by 12:30. We went to the purser's desk and stood in line about 10-15 minutes,

to put a deposit on our S&S account (traveler's checks). Once we got to the counter it took

about 5minutes or so.


After leaving the purser's desk, we went to the promenade deck (deck 5) and had our 1st foo foo

drink. The Lobby bar on deck 3 is non-smoking so we went to deck 5. Quick note for smokers, Valor

does not sell lighters in the shops so if flying in, make sur eyou get plenty of matches until you can get

into a port that sells lighters. After getting my 2nd rum-runner, we headed to our cabin to check out

our very 1st balcony, which was an aft balcony. After taking a few pictures, we headed up to Rosie's

for lunch. I had the Roast Beef with aujus gravy, rice & salad. I was on my 3rd foo foo drink, (took the

other half of DH's he didn't want) and from what he tells me I enjoyed a 2nd serving of roast beef. I even

took a picture of it......don't remember doing it but I did. We headed back to the room to see if our

luggage made it, and it had not. We didn't get it until after 5. I laid down (so sleepy) and the next thing

I knew it was time for muster drill. (4:00) DH put my lifejacket on me (I couldn't seem to do it, wonder why), and

we headed down to our station. I got a pic of muster too, but don't remember taking that one either. DH

said I was standing up facing the wall by a window trying to sleep. He told me to stand up honey, we're

almost done, I said o.k., and laid my head right back where it was. When it was over, we went back to

the cabin, (they wanted us to go towards the front of the ship and walk all the way back, us and another

couple opened the doors we had just come through, and got to our cabin the short way,) we put the life

jackets back up and headed to the aft pool on deck 9 for our CC meet & greet for the 4:30 sailaway. I

was more awake then but my head felt like it was ready to explode (wonder why). We took pictures, talked

a while with the ones that did show up for meet & greet (everyone that said they were coming didn't). It was

storming when we left Miami, but we sailed right out of there into a gorgeous week with no bad weather.

After the meet & greet, around 5:30 or so, we went back to the room to see if our luggage had arrived,

it had, so we unpacked & I politely passed out until dinner. DH woke me up for dinner (8:00 seating). I

changed clothes and we headed for the Washington Dining Room. We were seated with a couple from

Canada who were on their 1st cruise. We made fast friends, and enjoyed each other's company all week.

I honestly don't remember what I ate that night, I just remember havving this splitting headache that would

not go away. After dinner, we checked out the casino and were in bed by 12 or 1. Lesson learned today,

don't ever have too many foo foos on little & no sleep. No more trying to have too much fun too fast for me.


We were in port from 7-2 in Nassau. We slept until around 9:30, grabbed some breakfast and headed

into port. We decided to look for a place that sold cigarettes (DH left his on the ship) and lighters. We

were asked if we wanted to take a horse & carriage ride, we told them yes, but needed to find a place that

sold cigarettes & lighters 1st. The young guy told us he would take us to a place that did while his cousin

got the carriage over to meet us. On the way to the little shop, the guy said so you want cigarettes? DH said

yes, the young guy replies just cigarettes? DH said yes, then the young guy says anything else? DH said

no, just cigarettes and a lighter. He took us into this little tobacco shop, they didn't have DH's brand so he

got a pack of Newport. $5.00 for 1 pack, they were out of lighters, so we were shown the shop next door. DH

bought 2 lighters for what are normally .79 cents here at home for $2.00 each. We left there & headed for the

carriage ride. It was pretty good, our guide was giving us the history behind the different buildings the whole

time. Only once did we feel a little uncomfortable when he took us down this little side street, away from the

hustle & bustle of things, it was very quiet. When he turned down this street, I thought, o.k. wait a minute now,

and about the time that the thought crossed my mind, he started showing us homes that were damaged by

hurricanes and repairs being made on them. We came right back out onto a busy street. We ended up back

where we started before no time. The guide's cousin (the young guy from earlier) wanted me to give him my

camera (the carriage was still moving), to take our picture. DH says go on honey he wants the camera so he

can take our picture, I said not until we stop moving. I didn't hand it over until we were still, but he did take a

couple of pics of us and handed it right back.

After the carriage ride, we got a cab to Nassau and just wondered around on our own a little. We played

roulette in the casino (won a little), then headed back to the ship. Got some great pics inside while we were

there. When we got back on the ship, I went to TV theme trivia at 1:00. Got 18 out of

20, won a medal. DH & I grabbed a bite afterwards and at 3:00, we went to the Ultimate Mind Game trivia

and DH won. He also got a medal. Afterwards, DH took a nap, while I enjoyed our balcony. When he got

up, we went & checked out the casino around 6, played until 7 and headed up to get ready for our 1st formal

night. After dinner, we had some pics taken, changed & went back to the casino.

Fun Day At Sea

I tried to sleep in, DH had no problem. Then announcements woke me up about the various things that

were going on that day. I got up got dressed, went to Rosie's got my breakfast, and brought the tray back

to the cabin and had breakfast on the balcony. I had something for DH too, but couldn't wake him up, so

ate what I could of that. Thoroughly enjoyed being able to eat breakfast on the balcony, but it does get

hot out there quick with no breeze. I quickly learned going out later in the afternoon is a little cooler. Still

enjoyed eating or just having coffee out there. Did a whole lot of nothing on that day. Explored the ship,

took some pics, relaxed a lot, ate dinner later, spent the evening in the casino. Sometime during the night

our ship had to turn around to go and assist another ship in looking for someone overboard. Don't know which

ship it was, never even realized we had turned around to go look, but did find out from the cruise director the

next morning that when something like that happens all ships in the area have to assist, which is completely

understandable, I don't know about everyone else, but we certainly had no idea that it was going on at the time.

St. Thomas

Our time in port was 9 a.m.-8 p.m. We didn't arrive into port until around 10-10:30 because of us having to

turn around the night before. (After speaking to someone in guest relations today, I found out they never did

find the person, and that it was all over the news) Anyway, we got into port and they started immigration.

Immigration for U.S. citizens was held in One Small Step, and immigration for Non- U.S. Citizens was held

in the Ivanhoe. They made it a point to say those with excursions come 1st & were very good about keeping us

informed with how the lines were moving, saying take your time, the lines are long, and the lines are thinning,

make your way there, followed by all that haven't been, come now. Immigration was done & over for the

entire ship within an hour and a half. After immigration, we took our passports back to the room, & locked

them back up in the safe. They tell you at the immigration talk to only take a picture I.D. and your sail & sign with

you into port. They encourage you to leave your passport locked up onboard. We went to Rosie's and grabbed

a bite to eat, and headed off to our 11:45 parasailing excursion that we had pre-booked with Carnival. We walked

all the way to the end of the pier & got in the boat. (Was told by shore excursions dept. in an e-mail that we would

be taken to Coki beach area, but we walked to the end of the pier, unless that's coki beach, we were told wrong)

We headed out, about 6 couples including ourselves. They do allow you to take an underwater camera with you

up in the air but they won't allow digital cameras or camcorders to go up in the air. They do offer to take pics of you,

$20.00 for 12 shots while you are up in the air. It was awesome. They dipped everyone down in the ocean and

took us back up before bringing us in. We were up about 700 feet or so for about 10-15 minutes. It was awesome.

We got the photo package from them, still have to get them developed, and also had pictures taken with our

camera while we were up from someone sitting beside us in the boat that was nice enough to offer to do it.

We were done by 1 and headed back to the ship for some dryer clothes. We changed & headed back out. We

got a cab over to Paradise Point for $4.00 each to take the tram ride. The tram ride was $18 pp. We rode up

grabbed a bite, don't get the steak sandwich it's way greasy and tough and not worth the $8.00 it cost. It's a good

thing it comes with fries, because that's what I wound up eating. There's a pic of it in my pictures. Guess we should

have grabbed a bite on the ship. We hung out, got some pics & video. I drank a shot, a BJ something or another,

that was advertised as coming with a souvenier glass. Well let's just say I drank an $8.00 shot just for them to tell

me that they were out of the souvenier glasses. They only charged $5.00 for the shot. Had I have know that they

were out of the glasses beforehand, I wouldn't have gotten it. It was good though, had a butterscotch taste to it.

We were going to go to St. John's but decided it might be a push for time so we decided to go the next time we visit.

We left the tram ride, did some shopping, and were back on the ship around 6-6:30. DH took a nap, I went out on the

balcony to relax. We ate dinner, went to the Ivanhoe after dinner to see Marcus Anthony's Motown Show.

We were called up onstage to dance while he sang, it was fun, we got a free bottle of champagne. It was kind of like

history repeating itself, we saw him entertain on the Elation on our first cruise, and were called up onstage to dance then also.

Afterwards, we hit the casino for a bit, and went on to bed.


Our time in port was 7a.m. -8p.m. We had pre-booked an excursion for the Horseback Riding in the Ocean excursion

through Carnival for 10:45. We met them on the pier and headed out for about a 20 minute ride to the stables. We wore

long pants like suggested and for everyone who may try this excursion, don't wear shorts. We got off the bus for a quick how

to lesson. We had to wear riding hats that they had. I didn't like that too much, ya never know who's had the hat before you.

They also had a flotation thing you wear around the small of your back that fastens in the front. They took us out to the horses.

I got on mine and prayed. I'm definitely a city girl with no horse experience at all. I was good until the horse moved. We started

out on the road-smooth flat surface, ok, so far so good. Then we went behind some businesses to a trail. On this trail, the

path was just wide enough for the horses to walk. It was rocky, and the path winds this way, then the other way. Then, there

was 1 of 2 or 3 steep hills. We were told to lean forward going uphill, and to lean back going downhill. So, here I am leaning

forward, ok, not so bad, but boy when I got to the top & saw the downhill part-boy baby, I was leaning back saying easy boy,

easy girl, easy horse, easy whatever you are with my eyes closed. You know going downhill speeds up the horse, they can't

help that, downhill was definitely the hardest part for me. Made it down that one then before too long, there was another.

DH's horse kept wanting to stop & eat. He's had experience on horses before, so it wasn't so bad for him. We made it

to the ocean & before we went in, we were told to take our shoes off if we didn't want them to get wet, and tie the shoe-

strings together and wear them hung around our neck. We were also told if we had any cameras/camcorders we didn't

want to get wet to hold them up in the air while in the ocean. It was only a small strip of beach, the horses went right on in,

sitting on the horse, I was knee-deep in water. DH went in waist deep. If you want pictures of this excursion, take your own

camera, they do not offer photos but will take them for you using your own camera. After the ocean we headed back to the

stables. Getting off of the horse was fun. The gude said, you can go ahead and get off now, I said, not until you come beside

me and help me off. Getting down wasn't so bad, it was trying to walk that got me. We left there, and thought for a minute

we were stuck there. After we got on the bus, the driver went cross-ways in the road to back up and turn around. Well, the

reverse decided not to work. He kept inching up and trying to back up. This went on for about 5 minutes. Here we are,

sitting cross-ways in the road, with this little tree in front of the bus he kept pushing down a little, every time he would go

forward, and the guy in the seat next to us says "OK, what's going on here?" Ok, I'm not Einstein, but surely it didn't take

a rocket scientist to figure this one out. After a few more trys, reverse finally kicked in, and we were on our way.

We stopped at a shop for a free drink & headed back to the ship. We put on dry clothes & headed back to the pier to

grab a cab to Orient beach. We wanted to go to Orient beach, Maho beach, and back to the ship. We were told

place to place we would spend around $85.00 between all of the cabs. We got a cab & the driver took us from

the ship to Orient Beach, waited for us--DH wanted to go skinny dipping in the Caribbean . He did, I held his clothes

while the full moon rose on Orient Beach in the day time. He swam about for a few minutes, came back, got

dressed, and we left. Orient is beautiful, we're going back in Feb. We headed to Maho beach, about a 30

minute drive. Got us a drink, got pics & video of the planes coming in while the cab driver waited. Spent 30 minutes

or so there. We left at 4:00 to avoid the traffic rush, We shared our cab with a couple that we met at our CC meet &

greet. Got back to the pier around 4:30. For the whole day the ship to orient, orient to maho, and maho to the ship,

the driver who waited for us while we did what we wanted charged $70 for the day. We did some shopping, and

was back on board before 5:30. We did everything we wanted to do at this port. Got all we could out of it.

We were exhausted, but it was well worth it.

Fun Day At Sea

We slept in, grabbed breakfast & just enjoyed the day. I played Name that Tune trivia at 3:30. Missed 3.

I went and checked out the Great Game Show at 4:30. Spent the rest of the time relaxing & playing a

little 3 card poker. Then got ready for our 2nd formal night. After dinner, we went to the Festivale Gala

Buffet. 11:30-12:15 was for picture taking, and 12:30-1:30 was for eating. We took the pics and left,

were too full from dinner to think about eating anymore.

Fun Day At Sea

We slept in. I had a seaweed wrap massage scheduled for 12:45. It was $129 for 90 minutes. I had breakfast

on the balcony, then went for the massage. I was back around 2:45. Went to Name That Tune trivia, at 3:00 which

was changed to TV theme Trivia because the piano player wasn't there. They never did say why he wasn't there.

After that, DH went to the casino, and I started packing. DH came back and packed his stuff and we were done

before dinner. If setting luggage out they want it out no later than 11:30. We had decided to go ahead and pack

so that after dinner, we could just pack what we had on, and wear for the rest of the evening, what we would wear

when we dis-embarked the next morning. We went on to have dinner, and while waiting for the elevator, I had to step

twice to my right to keep from falling over. DH said, he just took a pretty hard left turn. I didn't think anything about

it. We went down to the dining room which is at the back part of the ship. Everyone that's been on a cruise knows

that when they slow down the ship, it vibrates in the back. Well, we're sitting there eating, and the vibrating gets worse

and worse. I knew then, something wasn't right. Then we heard the announcement bell, and complete silence came

over the dining room. They announced Sierra Team, deck 4, lifeboat 20. We wanted to know what was going on

of course, so DH asked the waiter, and he told us the Yellow Team was the medical team. I was about to have a

duck to go see what was going on (the kid in me), but stayed put and finished my dinner. We found out later that

someone had gone overboard, but were pulled back up and they were o.k.......in lots of deep chit, but ok. After

dinner we changed, set the bags out, and spent the rest of the night at the casino.


What can I say? Typical debarkation, self-assist was called 1st with general debarkation afterwards. We waited

until close to 10 to get off. From the bus in the parking lot, we saw immigration leaving at 10:30, so everyone

was off by then. Not bad at all for that many people.

Transfer to Airport & Flights Home

All I can say is Wow------Just when we thought our adventure was over.....NOT! We got our luggage, walked

out of the terminal, and saw the Carnival Rep with the little sign for Carnival transfers. We told her we had

a transfer to Lauderdale. She said bus # 2851 right over there. We thanked her, and headed that way. The

bus even had a Lauderdale sign in the windshield. The driver was loading luggage. He asked us which airline,

we told him, and he was loading our luggage when we walked away. There was a lady by the bus right where

you get on collecting the transfer tickets. She also confirmed this was the bus to Fort Lauderdale Airport, as

she took our ticket. We got on at 10:00, with the bus mostly full. We saw immigration officers leaving the

terminal at 10:30. Someone asked the driver why it was taking so long to load luggage with the bus being

almost full at 10:00, and the driver replied, "Let's hand you all of that luggage, and see how well you do with

it." We finally left at 10:45. The driver began by telling us that road rage was the #1 thing in Miami that would

get you killed, and that if we looked out the window and we were to get "the look" from the person in the other

vehicle, that we needed to look away or we'd get shot. Then he showed us where the "rich" teens hung out, and

said that the clothes they wore were next to nothing and they hung out there smoking & drinking until the wee

hours of the morning. Here comes the icing on the cake. After a little different chit-chat of famous people he

has met in his lifetime, I look up and we are at Miami-Dade International Airport. ???? He had taken us there

instead of the Fort Lauderdale Airport. Then he asks "None of you are going to Miami Airport?" Everyone

on the bus told him no, that we were all going to Fort Lauderdale, and even reminded him that the sign in

the windshield said Fort Lauderdale, not to mention the people taking our transfer tickets had also told us

all that this was the bus for Lauderdale. He said, and I quote "Well, you people are taking me out of my way,

I don't go to Fort Lauderdale, I only go to Miami." Everyone on the bus replied, well today you're going to

Lauderdale. He stopped outside of the airport because one of the luggage bins had come open, and when

he got that closed up, we were on our way. We got going again and got stuck in a traffic jam on I-95 due

to a wreck. He wiggled in and out of traffic almost hitting a car or 2 in the process. We finally got to

Lauderdale Airport at 12:00. One of the people had a 12:30 flight. The driver was gonna go terminal to

terminal and let everyone off in order, knowing that the person who would have been the last drop off had

a 12:30 flight. We all insisted that he take this guy to his flight first and that hopefully he would make his flight.

At our insistence, he did, I hope the man made it ok. We all finally got off. Luckily our flight wasn't until 1:50.

We had smooth, safe flights home, and got in around 6:30 after stopping by the grocery store first. I called

guest relations today about the driver and was assured it would be sent to higher management. He gave

me a file number, and said I should hear something in a week or 2. Finally, we have reached the end of my

review. We had a great time, and are already counting down to Feb. for our next cruise. Miracle look out we're coming!


I had a problem with my driver following my Legend cruise. I did not mark my bag with SOUTHWEST and when we got to the Southwest terminal he unloaded all the bags but mine was buried. When i didnt see my bag i told him it was till buried under the bus and he refused to look for it, He insisted i reboard the bus and wait until all th e luggage was off. He said "it was his problem". I will never take the Carnival shuttle again!

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Hi guys we're back! Sorry I didn't make it on sooner, our cable & internet was out when we got home. Lightning storm last Monday knocked out the whole town, and they just got it up and running today. Here goes, enjoy the pics you guys, we had an awesome time!! Hope it comes out ok, I copied & pasted it from wordpad.



Sunday, June 17th


We flew in the day of the cruise. Our flight left at 7:15 a.m. I was up at 4:30, didn't

get but about 2 hours of sleep, too excited to sleep. We were at the airport by 6:00.

We got checked in, had our bags checked, went through security, and had our morning

coffee while waiting for our plane to board. We left on time, headed for Atlanta. We had

an hour and a half lay-over in Atlanta and our plane left on time at 9:15 headed for Miami.

We landed on time at 11:35 in Miami. We went to baggage claim picked up our luggage,

and found the Carnival rep for our transfer. She pointed to this long line of people and

told us to go to that line and wait. After looking at that line, we decided not to wait, and

walked outside to grab a shuttle. We got one from Enterprise for $8.00 pp and were

headed to the pier within 5 minutes. We gout out handed off our luggage to the porters

and headed inside.


We walked in to basically no line around 12:00. As we got closer, we found the line.

We already had out our passports, docs and our funpasses. We got our Bahamas

immigration form from 1 of the reps when we walked in. We went through the X-ray and

metal detectors with no problem (after DH had to take off his belt, ha ha). While waiting in

line, I filled out the Bahamas Immigration Form. I had to write while I walked because they

kept the line moving. We were called to the desk, gave the rep at the counter our passports,

docs, and immigration forms. We were never asked for our funpasses. In our docs it said

funpass completed, that could be why. The rep told us which way to go to get our S&S cards,

told us to enjoy our cruise, and again we were off. We got our cards, had our pictures taken,

and had to show our I.D. (passports) & docs 1 last time right before stepping onto the ship.

We were onboard by 12:30. We went to the purser's desk and stood in line about 10-15 minutes,

to put a deposit on our S&S account (traveler's checks). Once we got to the counter it took

about 5minutes or so.


After leaving the purser's desk, we went to the promenade deck (deck 5) and had our 1st foo foo

drink. The Lobby bar on deck 3 is non-smoking so we went to deck 5. Quick note for smokers, Valor

does not sell lighters in the shops so if flying in, make sur eyou get plenty of matches until you can get

into a port that sells lighters. After getting my 2nd rum-runner, we headed to our cabin to check out

our very 1st balcony, which was an aft balcony. After taking a few pictures, we headed up to Rosie's

for lunch. I had the Roast Beef with aujus gravy, rice & salad. I was on my 3rd foo foo drink, (took the

other half of DH's he didn't want) and from what he tells me I enjoyed a 2nd serving of roast beef. I even

took a picture of it......don't remember doing it but I did. We headed back to the room to see if our

luggage made it, and it had not. We didn't get it until after 5. I laid down (so sleepy) and the next thing

I knew it was time for muster drill. (4:00) DH put my lifejacket on me (I couldn't seem to do it, wonder why), and

we headed down to our station. I got a pic of muster too, but don't remember taking that one either. DH

said I was standing up facing the wall by a window trying to sleep. He told me to stand up honey, we're

almost done, I said o.k., and laid my head right back where it was. When it was over, we went back to

the cabin, (they wanted us to go towards the front of the ship and walk all the way back, us and another

couple opened the doors we had just come through, and got to our cabin the short way,) we put the life

jackets back up and headed to the aft pool on deck 9 for our CC meet & greet for the 4:30 sailaway. I

was more awake then but my head felt like it was ready to explode (wonder why). We took pictures, talked

a while with the ones that did show up for meet & greet (everyone that said they were coming didn't). It was

storming when we left Miami, but we sailed right out of there into a gorgeous week with no bad weather.

After the meet & greet, around 5:30 or so, we went back to the room to see if our luggage had arrived,

it had, so we unpacked & I politely passed out until dinner. DH woke me up for dinner (8:00 seating). I

changed clothes and we headed for the Washington Dining Room. We were seated with a couple from

Canada who were on their 1st cruise. We made fast friends, and enjoyed each other's company all week.

I honestly don't remember what I ate that night, I just remember havving this splitting headache that would

not go away. After dinner, we checked out the casino and were in bed by 12 or 1. Lesson learned today,

don't ever have too many foo foos on little & no sleep. No more trying to have too much fun too fast for me.


We were in port from 7-2 in Nassau. We slept until around 9:30, grabbed some breakfast and headed

into port. We decided to look for a place that sold cigarettes (DH left his on the ship) and lighters. We

were asked if we wanted to take a horse & carriage ride, we told them yes, but needed to find a place that

sold cigarettes & lighters 1st. The young guy told us he would take us to a place that did while his cousin

got the carriage over to meet us. On the way to the little shop, the guy said so you want cigarettes? DH said

yes, the young guy replies just cigarettes? DH said yes, then the young guy says anything else? DH said

no, just cigarettes and a lighter. He took us into this little tobacco shop, they didn't have DH's brand so he

got a pack of Newport. $5.00 for 1 pack, they were out of lighters, so we were shown the shop next door. DH

bought 2 lighters for what are normally .79 cents here at home for $2.00 each. We left there & headed for the

carriage ride. It was pretty good, our guide was giving us the history behind the different buildings the whole

time. Only once did we feel a little uncomfortable when he took us down this little side street, away from the

hustle & bustle of things, it was very quiet. When he turned down this street, I thought, o.k. wait a minute now,

and about the time that the thought crossed my mind, he started showing us homes that were damaged by

hurricanes and repairs being made on them. We came right back out onto a busy street. We ended up back

where we started before no time. The guide's cousin (the young guy from earlier) wanted me to give him my

camera (the carriage was still moving), to take our picture. DH says go on honey he wants the camera so he

can take our picture, I said not until we stop moving. I didn't hand it over until we were still, but he did take a

couple of pics of us and handed it right back.

After the carriage ride, we got a cab to Nassau and just wondered around on our own a little. We played

roulette in the casino (won a little), then headed back to the ship. Got some great pics inside while we were

there. When we got back on the ship, I went to TV theme trivia at 1:00. Got 18 out of

20, won a medal. DH & I grabbed a bite afterwards and at 3:00, we went to the Ultimate Mind Game trivia

and DH won. He also got a medal. Afterwards, DH took a nap, while I enjoyed our balcony. When he got

up, we went & checked out the casino around 6, played until 7 and headed up to get ready for our 1st formal

night. After dinner, we had some pics taken, changed & went back to the casino.

Fun Day At Sea

I tried to sleep in, DH had no problem. Then announcements woke me up about the various things that

were going on that day. I got up got dressed, went to Rosie's got my breakfast, and brought the tray back

to the cabin and had breakfast on the balcony. I had something for DH too, but couldn't wake him up, so

ate what I could of that. Thoroughly enjoyed being able to eat breakfast on the balcony, but it does get

hot out there quick with no breeze. I quickly learned going out later in the afternoon is a little cooler. Still

enjoyed eating or just having coffee out there. Did a whole lot of nothing on that day. Explored the ship,

took some pics, relaxed a lot, ate dinner later, spent the evening in the casino. Sometime during the night

our ship had to turn around to go and assist another ship in looking for someone overboard. Don't know which

ship it was, never even realized we had turned around to go look, but did find out from the cruise director the

next morning that when something like that happens all ships in the area have to assist, which is completely

understandable, I don't know about everyone else, but we certainly had no idea that it was going on at the time.

St. Thomas

Our time in port was 9 a.m.-8 p.m. We didn't arrive into port until around 10-10:30 because of us having to

turn around the night before. (After speaking to someone in guest relations today, I found out they never did

find the person, and that it was all over the news) Anyway, we got into port and they started immigration.

Immigration for U.S. citizens was held in One Small Step, and immigration for Non- U.S. Citizens was held

in the Ivanhoe. They made it a point to say those with excursions come 1st & were very good about keeping us

informed with how the lines were moving, saying take your time, the lines are long, and the lines are thinning,

make your way there, followed by all that haven't been, come now. Immigration was done & over for the

entire ship within an hour and a half. After immigration, we took our passports back to the room, & locked

them back up in the safe. They tell you at the immigration talk to only take a picture I.D. and your sail & sign with

you into port. They encourage you to leave your passport locked up onboard. We went to Rosie's and grabbed

a bite to eat, and headed off to our 11:45 parasailing excursion that we had pre-booked with Carnival. We walked

all the way to the end of the pier & got in the boat. (Was told by shore excursions dept. in an e-mail that we would

be taken to Coki beach area, but we walked to the end of the pier, unless that's coki beach, we were told wrong)

We headed out, about 6 couples including ourselves. They do allow you to take an underwater camera with you

up in the air but they won't allow digital cameras or camcorders to go up in the air. They do offer to take pics of you,

$20.00 for 12 shots while you are up in the air. It was awesome. They dipped everyone down in the ocean and

took us back up before bringing us in. We were up about 700 feet or so for about 10-15 minutes. It was awesome.

We got the photo package from them, still have to get them developed, and also had pictures taken with our

camera while we were up from someone sitting beside us in the boat that was nice enough to offer to do it.

We were done by 1 and headed back to the ship for some dryer clothes. We changed & headed back out. We

got a cab over to Paradise Point for $4.00 each to take the tram ride. The tram ride was $18 pp. We rode up

grabbed a bite, don't get the steak sandwich it's way greasy and tough and not worth the $8.00 it cost. It's a good

thing it comes with fries, because that's what I wound up eating. There's a pic of it in my pictures. Guess we should

have grabbed a bite on the ship. We hung out, got some pics & video. I drank a shot, a BJ something or another,

that was advertised as coming with a souvenier glass. Well let's just say I drank an $8.00 shot just for them to tell

me that they were out of the souvenier glasses. They only charged $5.00 for the shot. Had I have know that they

were out of the glasses beforehand, I wouldn't have gotten it. It was good though, had a butterscotch taste to it.

We were going to go to St. John's but decided it might be a push for time so we decided to go the next time we visit.

We left the tram ride, did some shopping, and were back on the ship around 6-6:30. DH took a nap, I went out on the

balcony to relax. We ate dinner, went to the Ivanhoe after dinner to see Marcus Anthony's Motown Show.

We were called up onstage to dance while he sang, it was fun, we got a free bottle of champagne. It was kind of like

history repeating itself, we saw him entertain on the Elation on our first cruise, and were called up onstage to dance then also.

Afterwards, we hit the casino for a bit, and went on to bed.


Our time in port was 7a.m. -8p.m. We had pre-booked an excursion for the Horseback Riding in the Ocean excursion

through Carnival for 10:45. We met them on the pier and headed out for about a 20 minute ride to the stables. We wore

long pants like suggested and for everyone who may try this excursion, don't wear shorts. We got off the bus for a quick how

to lesson. We had to wear riding hats that they had. I didn't like that too much, ya never know who's had the hat before you.

They also had a flotation thing you wear around the small of your back that fastens in the front. They took us out to the horses.

I got on mine and prayed. I'm definitely a city girl with no horse experience at all. I was good until the horse moved. We started

out on the road-smooth flat surface, ok, so far so good. Then we went behind some businesses to a trail. On this trail, the

path was just wide enough for the horses to walk. It was rocky, and the path winds this way, then the other way. Then, there

was 1 of 2 or 3 steep hills. We were told to lean forward going uphill, and to lean back going downhill. So, here I am leaning

forward, ok, not so bad, but boy when I got to the top & saw the downhill part-boy baby, I was leaning back saying easy boy,

easy girl, easy horse, easy whatever you are with my eyes closed. You know going downhill speeds up the horse, they can't

help that, downhill was definitely the hardest part for me. Made it down that one then before too long, there was another.

DH's horse kept wanting to stop & eat. He's had experience on horses before, so it wasn't so bad for him. We made it

to the ocean & before we went in, we were told to take our shoes off if we didn't want them to get wet, and tie the shoe-

strings together and wear them hung around our neck. We were also told if we had any cameras/camcorders we didn't

want to get wet to hold them up in the air while in the ocean. It was only a small strip of beach, the horses went right on in,

sitting on the horse, I was knee-deep in water. DH went in waist deep. If you want pictures of this excursion, take your own

camera, they do not offer photos but will take them for you using your own camera. After the ocean we headed back to the

stables. Getting off of the horse was fun. The gude said, you can go ahead and get off now, I said, not until you come beside

me and help me off. Getting down wasn't so bad, it was trying to walk that got me. We left there, and thought for a minute

we were stuck there. After we got on the bus, the driver went cross-ways in the road to back up and turn around. Well, the

reverse decided not to work. He kept inching up and trying to back up. This went on for about 5 minutes. Here we are,

sitting cross-ways in the road, with this little tree in front of the bus he kept pushing down a little, every time he would go

forward, and the guy in the seat next to us says "OK, what's going on here?" Ok, I'm not Einstein, but surely it didn't take

a rocket scientist to figure this one out. After a few more trys, reverse finally kicked in, and we were on our way.

We stopped at a shop for a free drink & headed back to the ship. We put on dry clothes & headed back to the pier to

grab a cab to Orient beach. We wanted to go to Orient beach, Maho beach, and back to the ship. We were told

place to place we would spend around $85.00 between all of the cabs. We got a cab & the driver took us from

the ship to Orient Beach, waited for us--DH wanted to go skinny dipping in the Caribbean . He did, I held his clothes

while the full moon rose on Orient Beach in the day time. He swam about for a few minutes, came back, got

dressed, and we left. Orient is beautiful, we're going back in Feb. We headed to Maho beach, about a 30

minute drive. Got us a drink, got pics & video of the planes coming in while the cab driver waited. Spent 30 minutes

or so there. We left at 4:00 to avoid the traffic rush, We shared our cab with a couple that we met at our CC meet &

greet. Got back to the pier around 4:30. For the whole day the ship to orient, orient to maho, and maho to the ship,

the driver who waited for us while we did what we wanted charged $70 for the day. We did some shopping, and

was back on board before 5:30. We did everything we wanted to do at this port. Got all we could out of it.

We were exhausted, but it was well worth it.

Fun Day At Sea

We slept in, grabbed breakfast & just enjoyed the day. I played Name that Tune trivia at 3:30. Missed 3.

I went and checked out the Great Game Show at 4:30. Spent the rest of the time relaxing & playing a

little 3 card poker. Then got ready for our 2nd formal night. After dinner, we went to the Festivale Gala

Buffet. 11:30-12:15 was for picture taking, and 12:30-1:30 was for eating. We took the pics and left,

were too full from dinner to think about eating anymore.

Fun Day At Sea

We slept in. I had a seaweed wrap massage scheduled for 12:45. It was $129 for 90 minutes. I had breakfast

on the balcony, then went for the massage. I was back around 2:45. Went to Name That Tune trivia, at 3:00 which

was changed to TV theme Trivia because the piano player wasn't there. They never did say why he wasn't there.

After that, DH went to the casino, and I started packing. DH came back and packed his stuff and we were done

before dinner. If setting luggage out they want it out no later than 11:30. We had decided to go ahead and pack

so that after dinner, we could just pack what we had on, and wear for the rest of the evening, what we would wear

when we dis-embarked the next morning. We went on to have dinner, and while waiting for the elevator, I had to step

twice to my right to keep from falling over. DH said, he just took a pretty hard left turn. I didn't think anything about

it. We went down to the dining room which is at the back part of the ship. Everyone that's been on a cruise knows

that when they slow down the ship, it vibrates in the back. Well, we're sitting there eating, and the vibrating gets worse

and worse. I knew then, something wasn't right. Then we heard the announcement bell, and complete silence came

over the dining room. They announced Sierra Team, deck 4, lifeboat 20. We wanted to know what was going on

of course, so DH asked the waiter, and he told us the Yellow Team was the medical team. I was about to have a

duck to go see what was going on (the kid in me), but stayed put and finished my dinner. We found out later that

someone had gone overboard, but were pulled back up and they were o.k.......in lots of deep chit, but ok. After

dinner we changed, set the bags out, and spent the rest of the night at the casino.


What can I say? Typical debarkation, self-assist was called 1st with general debarkation afterwards. We waited

until close to 10 to get off. From the bus in the parking lot, we saw immigration leaving at 10:30, so everyone

was off by then. Not bad at all for that many people.

Transfer to Airport & Flights Home

All I can say is Wow------Just when we thought our adventure was over.....NOT! We got our luggage, walked

out of the terminal, and saw the Carnival Rep with the little sign for Carnival transfers. We told her we had

a transfer to Lauderdale. She said bus # 2851 right over there. We thanked her, and headed that way. The

bus even had a Lauderdale sign in the windshield. The driver was loading luggage. He asked us which airline,

we told him, and he was loading our luggage when we walked away. There was a lady by the bus right where

you get on collecting the transfer tickets. She also confirmed this was the bus to Fort Lauderdale Airport, as

she took our ticket. We got on at 10:00, with the bus mostly full. We saw immigration officers leaving the

terminal at 10:30. Someone asked the driver why it was taking so long to load luggage with the bus being

almost full at 10:00, and the driver replied, "Let's hand you all of that luggage, and see how well you do with

it." We finally left at 10:45. The driver began by telling us that road rage was the #1 thing in Miami that would

get you killed, and that if we looked out the window and we were to get "the look" from the person in the other

vehicle, that we needed to look away or we'd get shot. Then he showed us where the "rich" teens hung out, and

said that the clothes they wore were next to nothing and they hung out there smoking & drinking until the wee

hours of the morning. Here comes the icing on the cake. After a little different chit-chat of famous people he

has met in his lifetime, I look up and we are at Miami-Dade International Airport. ???? He had taken us there

instead of the Fort Lauderdale Airport. Then he asks "None of you are going to Miami Airport?" Everyone

on the bus told him no, that we were all going to Fort Lauderdale, and even reminded him that the sign in

the windshield said Fort Lauderdale, not to mention the people taking our transfer tickets had also told us

all that this was the bus for Lauderdale. He said, and I quote "Well, you people are taking me out of my way,

I don't go to Fort Lauderdale, I only go to Miami." Everyone on the bus replied, well today you're going to

Lauderdale. He stopped outside of the airport because one of the luggage bins had come open, and when

he got that closed up, we were on our way. We got going again and got stuck in a traffic jam on I-95 due

to a wreck. He wiggled in and out of traffic almost hitting a car or 2 in the process. We finally got to

Lauderdale Airport at 12:00. One of the people had a 12:30 flight. The driver was gonna go terminal to

terminal and let everyone off in order, knowing that the person who would have been the last drop off had

a 12:30 flight. We all insisted that he take this guy to his flight first and that hopefully he would make his flight.

At our insistence, he did, I hope the man made it ok. We all finally got off. Luckily our flight wasn't until 1:50.

We had smooth, safe flights home, and got in around 6:30 after stopping by the grocery store first. I called

guest relations today about the driver and was assured it would be sent to higher management. He gave

me a file number, and said I should hear something in a week or 2. Finally, we have reached the end of my

review. We had a great time, and are already counting down to Feb. for our next cruise. Miracle look out we're coming!


I see you have sailed both Liberty and Valor...Can you give us an idea of which ship you liked better. I have both in my TOP 5 Carnival Ships list.....Thanks!

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Thank you for the link...I don't understand why I can't see the cute countdown clocks and animation on my personal laptop, but when I am at work I see all the cute gadgets. I also have a desktop at home and it is XP...I don't see them there either. Can anyone help? I am computer illiterate. I feel like I am missing half the fun. :confused:

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Bubbles: AWESOME review. We were on the cruise with you. I ran into you and dh about 5 times back by the ice cream machine !!! I'm in two of your meet and greet pix. Its interesting to read about your excursions, because we did completely different ones. I'm glad you made it back safely. Have a great time on your next cruise! Dave

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Thank you for the link...I don't understand why I can't see the cute countdown clocks and animation on my personal laptop, but when I am at work I see all the cute gadgets. I also have a desktop at home and it is XP...I don't see them there either. Can anyone help? I am computer illiterate. I feel like I am missing half the fun. :confused:


I have the same problem with my laptop. It's got to be a setting somewhere but I can't find it.

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Ruskatab.............I am sure you are getting all keyed up. :D I just called in my final payment today, so its official. :D


I realllllllllly appreciate any pictures. :) :)


What shore excursions are you planning?




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