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Tipping on QM2

Fred C

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Crumpet? A bonny young lass in my youth. They don't make em that way nowadays.




Ahhh...I thought that was "strumpet" ;) ....I really must pay closer attention to my British English for Ignorant Americans' book....:rolleyes:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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I don't know what all of these responses have to do with my question

regarding tipping.


Sorry...thread drift....it's one of the htings we do best lately it seems...didn't we answer your tipping question in the first couple of posts? ;)


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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I'm going to bet that the English have never heard of English muffins


I've heard of them! Not quite sure what they are supposed to be though. Like really doughy muffins. Also not quite sure why you would call scones biscuits or have them with creamed vomit. (That is what that white gunk is isn't it?:D ) Do I win for most tasteless post ever?




NOT A BRUMMIE! I is posh I is, I is from Cheshire!

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Excuse me...I'm from the deep south...can I toss a biscuit in here for consideration? Dripping in butter? :D


I didn't know Fred Drift never played for England...learn something new everyday. :p


Cruise Critic...Wikipedia for cruise nuts....:rolleyes:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....


Pardon me. Make mine drenched in sausage biscuit gravy! With lots of butter melting under the gravy. Plenty of pepper in the gravy.

and plenty of sausage.

And a side of grits with butter and red-eye gravy.

Mabe some scrambled eggs with cheese.



OK. They may be on your "posh" side but over here (the best side) the names are interchangeable.


Interestingly enough on wickipedia it says that Australians , New Zealanders and people from the English Midlands (OMG you're not a Brummie are you? ) use the word to describe a pancake. It also goes on to say that it can refer to a muffin, drop scone, Scotch pancake or crumpet. It doesn't say if they mean a normal muffin, an American one or just an amiable ignoramus


Pikelets are small fish. (Pike is a fish, ergo: a pikelet would be a smaller version of same!)

Over here we have meadow muffins. You don't want to have those for Breakfast.


And I agreee with Penny the Strumpet, who plays the trumpet, eating her crumpets (and her curds and whey!)







P.S. Fred Drift was sent down to the minors before he ever got to play his first league game!

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Pardon me. Make mine drenched in sausage biscuit gravy! With lots of butter melting under the gravy. Plenty of pepper in the gravy.

and plenty of sausage.

And a side of grits with butter and red-eye gravy.

Mabe some scrambled eggs with cheese.


And I agreee with Penny the Strumpet, who plays the trumpet, eating her crumpets (and her curds and whey!)







P.S. Fred Drift was sent down to the minors before he ever got to play his first league game!


If I want to fit into the "lady in Red" Come November I have to skip all that good stuff and stop at the butter!! :( OK, maybe just a tiny bit og egg and cheese...


Not strumpet Karie...read the other thread...something about a book review...I'm the "Tart"...I passed on being the strumpet when I checked the dictionary :rolleyes:


PS...there was a real Fred Drift??? :confused:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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On the issue of tipping I always have the tips removed when on board any ship who does this. On X I often will have them taken off the OBC I have but I will also tip over and above this.


With Cunard it is no problem just go to the desk and they remove the charge from my bill.

I always tip generously and give much more than the recommended $11 a day. I want to give it to anyone who has looked after me which includes any room service the dining room staff as well as the Waiter and Bus boy.


I want that control but I have heard through the grapevine that some remove their tips as late as the last day and give nothing or on conventional tipping arrangements don't go to the dining room on the last evening.

I know this to be absolutely true and from a very reliable source and I am sorry to say that on further questioning I regret to say that the BRITS are the biggest offenders. This came from the Pursers and I was shocked to learn this. X in the Caribbean don't ask people by letters in their room on a couple of occasions I was told they do when the ship is in Europe. On further probing the longer the cruise is the highest risk there is for the waiters and cabin stewards.

They should pay them a living wage but this is another story/ $50 a month is scandalous but it is right across the industry. I guess it would mean higher costs for us but if you work out that $11 is just around £6 a day and if you went in a taxi you would tip. At the hairdressers you tip.

Tipping in restaurant is either added by service charge and if not then with good service you would have to be real mean not to tip/


Probably get shot down for this but and yes I should be asleep!


Penny still enjoying the EUPHORIA of your sweetheart! Tired ++ feel asleep with the TV and the even missed a phone call. PROMISE to write more later. I'm just a rather old creature who danced the night away and loved every minute of it.


Love Sue

or rather as I am known in my family circle where I am called Susan but they call me CRUSIN SUSAN!

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Penny still enjoying the EUPHORIA of your sweetheart! Tired ++ feel asleep with the TV and the even missed a phone call. PROMISE to write more later. I'm just a rather old creature who danced the night away and loved every minute of it.


Love Sue

or rather as I am known in my family circle where I am called Susan but they call me CRUSIN SUSAN!


Well Cruisin Susan...I'll be all ears to hear your tales of dancing the night away...you go girl as we say over here!!:D


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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You don't know what you are missing if you don't consume a two pound bag of sugar in one sitting. And we wonder why so many kids are ADA among other things.


Hey! It's called ADD and I am a proud member of that group, and it takes me a couple of years to consume a two pound bag of sugar, maybe more. Much more fun being ADD as an adult than a child, fwiw.

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I've heard of them! Not quite sure what they are supposed to be though. Like really doughy muffins. Also not quite sure why you would call scones biscuits or have them with creamed vomit. (That is what that white gunk is isn't it?:D ) Do I win for most tasteless post ever?




NOT A BRUMMIE! I is posh I is, I is from Cheshire!


From the looks of the Wikipedia picture, and English muffin is almost exactly like a crumpet. You could look and let me know.


If by creamed vomit you mean a milk gravy, why, you just have to taste some, because it really is delicious, if the gravy maker knows what he/she is doing. Otherwise yes, your most tasteless post is just true. :eek:


What's a Brummie?

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From the looks of the Wikipedia picture, and English muffin is almost exactly like a crumpet. You could look and let me know.


If by creamed vomit you mean a milk gravy, why, you just have to taste some, because it really is delicious, if the gravy maker knows what he/she is doing. Otherwise yes, your most tasteless post is just true. :eek:


What's a Brummie?



We can get together and compare meds!

So as a child did they call you MBD or Genius?

Undiagnosed, when I entered school, they figured if you couldn't pay attention in class, you must be bored. You were probably a genius and the class was not stimulating enough to hold your attention (Of course, in my case, the genius part was true <G>) They moved me to a new class with "all genius kids" (Probably half of whom were also ADHD) I wasn't diagnosed until well into adulthood, though I knew I was. I cried when finally told there was no questions whatsoever in the diagnosis. I suffered and struggled so much growing up. It felt good to be finally validated as a human being!



So all you coffee-holics out there. They say that coffee addiction is an attempt by many ADDers to self-medicate, since the caffeine has the paradoxical effect of calming them down. It's not usually a conscious thing, but is actually quite common amongst AADDs (Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) I know coffee does not make me the least bit jittery or up, and uppers make me go to sleep!


Now you don't suppose that half of the crew on the Fred Thread (or half of the other ones on this board!) might have a tendency to wander off topic, go off on a tangent or get easily distracted with side trips to other topics, do you?



Not us! <G>



who still struggles at times, especially in distractive environments.

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We can get together and compare meds!

So as a child did they call you MBD or Genius?

Undiagnosed, when I entered school, they figured if you couldn't pay attention in class, you must be bored. You were probably a genius and the class was not stimulating enough to hold your attention (Of course, in my case, the genius part was true <G>) They moved me to a new class with "all genius kids" (Probably half of whom were also ADHD) I wasn't diagnosed until well into adulthood, though I knew I was. I cried when finally told there was no questions whatsoever in the diagnosis. I suffered and struggled so much growing up. It felt good to be finally validated as a human being!



So all you coffee-holics out there. They say that coffee addiction is an attempt by many ADDers to self-medicate, since the caffeine has the paradoxical effect of calming them down. It's not usually a conscious thing, but is actually quite common amongst AADDs (Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) I know coffee does not make me the least bit jittery or up, and uppers make me go to sleep!


Now you don't suppose that half of the crew on the Fred Thread (or half of the other ones on this board!) might have a tendency to wander off topic, go off on a tangent or get easily distracted with side trips to other topics, do you?



Not us! <G>



who still struggles at times, especially in distractive environments.


We didn't have any of those kinds of special classes or programs where I went to school, but yes, passed the genius test, the boredom, etc. I pretty much kept it to myself. I find in my advanced age (<g>) it means I learn all kinds of things fast, and like it. It's fun.


And it also means I could lead any thread/Fred into drift singlehandedly if I didn't work hard to control myself. :D


PS: RE coffee: It doesn't do a thing for me when it comes to waking up. I can drink a couple cups of coffee and then take a nap. It's true.

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I tipped midway on a 24day b/b/b to my cabin steward on the QM2 last year. I heard he was getting off the ship for some time in an upcoming port and gave him a twenty dollar bill and told him to use it for cab fare or something to make sure he got back to the ship because I thought he did a good job with my cabin.

I also tipped midway on a Princess one month cruise(The Sapphire Princess April 17, 2007) but this aint the Princess thread so I better not say much here. I don't want to digress or something.

At any rate, I usually leave the thirteen dollars a day on my account or whatever the posted gratuity is.

Oh, I made myself toast, an egg beater omelette, and strawberry jam, this morning, for breakfast. With a lipton tea bag in hot water. I found someone to make me a egg beater omelette one morning on the Sapphire Princess in the Horizon Court dining area at six in the morning, this past May, and wanted to tip him but I had all my cash locked up in the safe in my cabin. But I am digressing again and better stop here.

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We didn't have any of those kinds of special classes or programs where I went to school, but yes, passed the genius test, the boredom, etc. I pretty much kept it to myself. I find in my advanced age (<g>) it means I learn all kinds of things fast, and like it. It's fun.


And it also means I could lead any thread/Fred into drift singlehandedly if I didn't work hard to control myself. :D


PS: RE coffee: It doesn't do a thing for me when it comes to waking up. I can drink a couple cups of coffee and then take a nap. It's true.


Interesting revelations here. I too have ADD (thanks for the correction by the way - so many different abbrv. I get confused). What is sad is that we actually try to cure this problem with drugs when what we need is what we did when we were growing up. Find a way to channel the ADD into creative paths. Now all we are doing is killing off the creativity of millions of kids, which we all will need to solve other problems later on in the world's cycles. I recently wrote one of my weekly opinion columns on this subject. Maybe, it will get some people thinking about the situation.

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Manchester's in Cheshire?


No, I put Manchester in my profile because it is the nearest large city to me. I actually do live in Cheshire, right on the edge bit next to the Lancashire and Derbyshire border.

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We have been on QM2 five times and enjoyed every minute of every day. Part of that enjoyment comes from the people who will be working to make your trip memorable. Yes, Cunard does charge you $11.00 per day, but my guess is you will want to do a special thank you to your waiters, wine steward and cabin attendent. We have come to know many of them a friends and are in touch with them still. I bring some notecards with me. I like that better than using the Cunard envelopes. I also pre-plan and bring additional cash to cover what I probably will place in them. Do get to know the people who serve you. They have lives and families they must leave behind for long periods. She is a grand ship and have a wonderful voyage.

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Could someone please confirm that tips on world cruises are included in the fare (so already paid before cruising)? I think I read that in a Cunard brochure.


No, the gratuities are added as on other cruises. There is an offer of complementary inclusive gratuities on the 2008 QV World Cruise if booked before Jan. 07, plus some on board credit.



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