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praying before trip


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I agree with most of what you said. I am a Christian, but I do not believe only Christians will go to Heaven. I agree it is not the name you pray to, but the faith you carry that saves you. That said, I must disagree with your point that this discussion is inapropriate in some places. It is easy to proclaim your faith in Church or any other place that all of your audience will agree with you. The real test of one's faith is can one proclaim that faith where it will not be easily accepted? So many people have died for their faith, yet we should worry that our proclamation will make someone uncomfortable?

I think this is a great arena for discussion. I don't expect anyone here convert to any other way of thinking. What they may do though, is think more about their personal beliefs and strenghten them even more.

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Murgman, thank you for your comment. I am almost afraid to respond since I have been rebuked more than once on this board. However, you commented so let me respond, (with trepidation). First, I don't know what a Christian wins or loses by this discussion. It is a discussion reflecting points of view. Second, I do not believe that any one religion has a monopoly on prayer. I have little doubt that every religion has some kind of prayer before embarking on travel in the same way that they all have prayer before partaking of food. Whom we thank is probably not as important as that we give thanks. Third, as for what our Heavenly Father wants of us, that too is a matter of personal belief. I assume that your belief calls for proclamation. My only point, and I mean no offence, is that there are, in my view, times when restraint should be exercised in such proclamations since they may be regarded as disrespectful to the beliefs of others. While they may be appropriate in church, or in gatherings of like minded people, they may not be appropriate for example, in the workplace. Hence, my comment that there are times when religion and as I said politics are best kept private and personal lest they either offend or create a debate that can lead to ill-feelings or more.



Firstly, this should be a no-trepidation forum and while I may disagree or agree with the content of some responses, ther is no condemnation just curiosity. At least on my part.:cool:


Win or lose- A Christian has already gained the greatest gift, hope, promise and Friend ever. The non-Christian has yet to discover that so eternity with Jesus is lost. In my opinion, you can't lose more than that.


Prayer- God has warned of false religions. He has warned of false prophets and of Satan running around trying to deceive people. We are not to pray to false idols or other gods. There has to be a truth here, right?

So with that in mind, there can be only ONE truth. If we think about it, there can be only one ultimate truth. Either God and His word are true or they are not. The same is true with all other religions. Someone is wrong and some one is right. I'll take my chances with the Risen Son of God and the sacrifice that Jesus chose over anything else out there. None of the other religions talk of forgiveness of sin by grace. No one has ever died for me but Christ. Again, I'll take Him.:)


Speaking Up- It is almost impossible, for me, to be quiet about God and what He has done for me and my family, for the human race. I want others to experience what I have. To know what Jesus is all about. I will never be ashamed of Him. I am compelled, not to mention, commanded to tell of his free gift of salvation. I wouldn't want you to stand before God on judgement day, and say I never told you about God and His awesome plan for us. Folks don't have to beleive that we will stand before Him. But that dosen't change the fact that we will.;) You know what they say about a rose by any other name!


I'm not a very politcally correct person. Please forgive that about me. But I would rather risk offending folks than not try to provoke some thought on who God is.


WOW!! I got windy...er...writey! Please don't take offense because none is intended. I love these kind's of discussions.




That's a curious take on who gets into heaven. God's word says that no one comes to the Father except through the Son...meaning a believer in Christ, obviously. Therefore a Christian.


I'm not being unkind or anything along those lines,but could you explain why you think/believe that is true? I'm curious!:)




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That's a curious take on who gets into heaven. God's word says that no one comes to the Father except through the Son...meaning a believer in Christ, obviously. Therefore a Christian.


I'm not being unkind or anything along those lines,but could you explain why you think/believe that is true? I'm curious!:)




I'm not Bluexmoon, but I think I hold similar beliefs. I think there is one God and I think I'm praying to the right one, but I think that 99% of all religions are praying to the "same deity" - they just believe he wants them to worship differently.

Who is right and who is wrong we'll all ultimately know, but, I think that having faith and believing in your God and following what you believe his dictates are is what will save you, not having chosen the "right" method of worshipping.

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Prayer- God has warned of false religions. He has warned of false prophets and of Satan running around trying to deceive people. We are not to pray to false idols or other gods. There has to be a truth here, right?

So with that in mind, there can be only ONE truth. If we think about it, there can be only one ultimate truth. Either God and His word are true or they are not. The same is true with all other religions. Someone is wrong and some one is right. I'll take my chances with the Risen Son of God and the sacrifice that Jesus chose over anything else out there. None of the other religions talk of forgiveness of sin by grace. No one has ever died for me but Christ. Again, I'll take Him.:)

I can never quite understand this forgiveness of sin issue.

Look at the Catholic Church, founded in Italy, a country that, coincidentally, is also home of the Mafia, a quite insidious and disgusting organization and virtually every member a God-fearing person. So, they rule by fear, kill anybody who disagree's with them or wont comply with them, and then walk into Church on a Sunday, to ask for forgiveness. They are then given redemption, say 3 hail Mary's, and off they go to kill again...and all with Gods blessing!! And they have an absolute total belief that they will go to heaven, and as you say below, because they pray to the Lord, that is where they will end up.

Yet I kill no one and end up in hell?


Speaking Up- It is almost impossible, for me, to be quiet about God and what He has done for me and my family, for the human race. I want others to experience what I have. To know what Jesus is all about. I will never be ashamed of Him. I am compelled, not to mention, commanded to tell of his free gift of salvation. I wouldn't want you to stand before God on judgement day, and say I never told you about God and His awesome plan for us. Folks don't have to beleive that we will stand before Him. But that dosen't change the fact that we will.;) You know what they say about a rose by any other name!

So, just what has he done for the human race?

Well, he's just killed 150'000 people.

Still, it helps with the over population issue!

What on Earth is this awesome plan? can you tell me?...That'll be a no then!!

And can you tell him to speed things up because, this fabulous World is in danger of imploding, its so riddled with badness.

And the rose comment!...ever heard of another saying...something being as full of holes as a Swiss cheese? Well, thats my take on Christian beliefs.

Believe all you want, and I dont want you to change if it helps you get through life, but, every theory and every story in the bible is like that cheese. They are so full of holes, I could probably make a constructive argument against every one of them, and you will still say that, I dont understand, and I wont until I accept God into my soul. All faith and conjecture and no tangible proof at all.


I'm not a very politcally correct person. Please forgive that about me. But I would rather risk offending folks than not try to provoke some thought on who God is.

I too am not politically correct, but then thats why I post here, and, why I would rather provoke some thought on why there cannot be a God.


WOW!! I got windy...er...writey! Please don't take offense because none is intended. I love these kind's of discussions.




That's a curious take on who gets into heaven. God's word says that no one comes to the Father except through the Son...meaning a believer in Christ, obviously. Therefore a Christian.


I'm not being unkind or anything along those lines,but could you explain why you think/believe that is true? I'm curious!:)


See above...Christian beliefs, in theory, would make the World a better place to live in, I agree with that...unfortunately, Christianity is riddled with hypocrisy and deceit. Too many people use the Church as a cover up for their own failings and falsehoods. If you could look beyond the blinkers, you would see how true that statement is.

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  • 1 year later...

the original poster's question was :"Do you say a special prayer just for trips before you leave?" It was not "do you believe in God" which is what this string turned into. I do believe in God, however I also believe that what will be, will be, no matter how much I pray,believe etc... so, do I pray before leaving- no do i believe in God- yes does prayer change things? who knows?

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Surely, I do pray!..."pray without ceasing"...Oldmedic, you are so right..what is going to happen is going to happen & if it is my appointed time ("...and as it is appointed unto man once to die...") I will make my appointment. However, I truly believe I will make my destination...whether Cozumel or Heaven ...safely.

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Very interesting thread!


We, as a family, always have a special prayer before we leave on a trip. Well, we pray before we leave home each day, but that's another story.


Maybe saying a prayer doesn't change what is to happen, but maybe it helps you deal with situations better. I also think it helps you to be more in-tune with our Heavenly Father so that you can receive promptings to help guide you throughout the trip (or day).


I know that I have had "feelings" or promptings that have turned out to be very real. Other times I have had promptings that I have followed and will never know what might have happened if I would have ignored it.


To me, saying a prayer before a trip is like making sure I have had my car checked and serviced. Just a little extra insurance!



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Many of you may not yet have heard about the accident killing 12 Americans on a shore excursion who were passengers on the Celebrity Millenium.


If you do pray, I'm sure that some extra prayers tonight would be appreciated by all involved in this tragedy.


Here's the link to the posts on the Celebrity board where people are leaving well wishes and posting updates as they hear news:



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I do pray, especially everytime I get on a plane because I am terrified of flying. However..... I do believe that when it is your time it is your time. Look at the recent bus tragedy. You have to question why 2 people and the driver (who caused the accident) survived while everyone else perished. Why were they chosen as the survivors..... it wasn't their time. I do pray often, I'd like to think that when it is my time I am hopefully somewhat on God's good side, however I realize I am FAR from perfect. I'm sure He's listening, but He'll do what He wants with His plan. :)



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Just found this old thread from a little over a year ago and i am glad to see how many people stood up for what they believe and in the power of prayer. I pray before each trip and I hope you all do too.

I have just read this thread with my jaw dropping further and further. I found it truly scary that there could be so much unquestioning faith in myth and superstition.

I am of the firm view that the increasingly fundamentalist take on religion throughout the world is actively dangerous. Bush and Bin Ladin are possibly the most obvious demonstration of this.

I am of no doubt at all that the world would be a better place without religion - in any form.

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What you posted sure wasn't very kindly. Especially when critizing another countries President. I sure wouldn't make comments about the PM or the Queen on this board. There are political boards to air your politics. I'd like to meet you there!


The question was about prayer before a trip, not asking if you believe in a higher being.


But be assured, tonight I will add you to my prayers!

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What you posted sure wasn't very kindly. Especially when critizing another countries President. I sure wouldn't make comments about the PM or the Queen on this board. There are political boards to air your politics. I'd like to meet you there!


The question was about prayer before a trip, not asking if you believe in a higher being.


But be assured, tonight I will add you to my prayers!


Be assured then, that I shall be offended.


You may criticise either the Queen or Tony Blair as much as you like. I for one would be pleased to see the back of both of them. Blair is at least as bad as Bush, but without the excuse of stupidity. In my view that makes Blair worse.

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God always answers prayer- it's just that sometimes the answer is "no"!
I remember a sermon that I heard when I was a child. God has only three answers to our prayers: Yes, No, and Wait. Some people like to think of God as a big vending machine in the sky; insert prayer, wait for blessing to arrive. He doesn't work like that. Or they're like Huck Finn who prayed for fish hooks, and when he didn't get any, he decided there was nothing to prayer.


The Bible tells us in Romans, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE LORD. So if you're His child, He's going to make sure that good things happen for you. You'll have temporary setbacks and problems, but it's all part of a plan -- often a plan that we can't envision start to finish.


Finally, remember the Lord's prayer. Jesus said that is the way we are to pray: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done . . . lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil . . . Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever" . . . he's saying that we're to pray that God's will is to be done, not our own. We're supposed to pray that He'll lead us in His way, not that the circumstances of our lives will fall into place as we'd wish. We can't pray for casino winnings and assume it'll happen.

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Instead of trying to get away, why didn't all the Christians turn around, run towards the wave with open arms shouting "Yee haw, this is it"? . . . Sounds to me like God is a dictator...believe in me or you can't come in, and if you can't come in it will be HORRIBLE!!! Thats like a rigged ballot . . . Now, i'm pretty sure I haven't seen a single animal pray or walk into a Church on a Sunday so they must all go to hell? The Devil must be sick of animals by now!!!
As a Christian, I don't fear BEING DEAD -- I know where I'll be, and I know that it'll be better than here on Earth; however, as a human being, I do fear the process of GETTING THERE. I don't want to be in pain or suffer, and if I see something deadly -- like a giant wave -- heading my way, I'm sure going to run! That's human nature.


God would be a dictator if he decided randomly who's going to be allowed into His heaven; however, has made entrance freely available to anyone who chooses to follow Him. In this way, He's the Good Shepherd, guiding His people in the right direction. Hell was created for one purpose: for Satan and his fellow demons. When man sinned, however, he earned his place in hell along with them. We can avoid that fate through faith in Jesus.


Animals don't have souls. They don't go anywhere after death. You and I, however, along with every other human being ever born, have eternal souls that are going to go somewhere after life on Earth.

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Christians: We don't have to continue the debate. We have planted a seed. That's the good thing about being a child of God.
You're right. God has promised that His word will not return void. Those seeds often sprout into questions, which lead people to seek out deeper answers.


One more comment -- several people asked, "Why not just keep it to yourself?" A Christian can't. In Matthew, Jesus gives the Great Commission: Go and tell the gospel to everyone, everywhere. My pastor is fond of joking that it isn't the Great Suggestion! We're not ordered to argue and push the point upon people who obviously don't want to hear it, but we are to share His message. The people here who've argue against Christian beliefs obviously know a part of the story, and that's what we're able to do for them.

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I think a lot of this is that no one thinks that they are not a good person. A lot of people think that the way to heaven is being good, a moral person. And asking 80% of people, they would tell you they are a good person. When God says:


"There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one. Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes”


So, He set before us a Savior, Jesus Christ to take away all our sins on His cross. And the only way to recieve what He wants for us (heaven, and an open pathway to talk to God.. it is blocked before we accept Him since God can't stand looking at our sin).. is to accept His death as payment of our sins.



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You make wonderful points but I feel like no one is blocked from talking to God. We are all his children and he will listen to all prayers offered to him.


Many people do not "talk to God" until a situation in their lives forces them to do so. When adversity strikes, most people will turn to God for comfort. But when our lives are going wonderfully, most forget to thank the person who has provided the way for us to travel.


It is up to us to get on our knees and to pray. He will listen, no matter who we are or what circumstances we are in. Most will use this as a stepping stone to discovering a better life by having faith in the Savior and knowing there is a Father in Heaven watching out for us.


It is also up to us to keep the lines of communication open. His spirit will not dwell in an unclean place, but he will listen when we talk to him.


It is much like us in this life. We love our children unconditionally, but not their actions at all times. Just because my child makes wrong choices, doesn't mean I will not answer the phone when he calls!


PS. Make sure that when you "talk to God" that you don't hang up too soon. He will answer if we stay on our knees long enough.

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God would be a dictator if he decided randomly who's going to be allowed into His heaven; however, has made entrance freely available to anyone who chooses to follow Him.


If true, this is a bit rough on all those who lived before Jesus.

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Sorry Kindlychap, but provisions were made for those who came before Christ and desire eternal salvation. It's an ordinance called "baptism for the dead" in which people are allowed to be baptized by proxy for those who have gone before. At least one religion believes in this.

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If true, this is a bit rough on all those who lived before Jesus.
Old Covenant, New Covenant.


I can't say I really understand "the expectations" in the Old Testament, but when Jesus came He changed the rules. Prior to His life people were expected to follow a series of rules that were next to impossible; when they broke one of those rules, they were required to sacrafice to God to atone for those sins. When Jesus died, His death became the sacrafice for everyone who came after. His death marked the turning point and the beginning of the New Covenant with God.


However, while this is an interesting topic, it's history. One day we'll understand fully, but it doesn't affect those of us born today. A more important question is what we're doing with our lives today in 2006.

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