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Wonder - Late Dining...any luck changing on board?


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We leave in a few weeks. Our tickets say "second" seating....no specific time. I have 2 boys...6 and 8 and I think the dining will be too late. The TA said that there is a buffet if the second seating is too late. When I visit the Disney website, it only mentions room service and Pinocchio's Pizza! I am sooo upset!

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Thanks for pointing me the right direction with the roll calls. I asked your same question on a different thread that got way off topic. My original question was titled Excursion question and it has a yellow happy face beside it. I got a thorough response back to your question that will help you out. I'm sure there is some way to put the response on this thread?? but I don't know how!! Heck I couldn't even figure out where the roll call is! So you'll have to look it up yourself! (under Excursion question) It is the very last response. It is very helpful though. Good luck.

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We have had our dining time changed a few times from late to early.

It never happened because we were on the wait list, but it happened after we boarded the ship.


Upon check in you will be given a paper that tells you where lunch is beign served and when you can go to your room etc...

Also on that paper it will name a place and time, usually a club upon boarding where you need to go to make dining reservations and to change your time for dining.

Go there right at the appointed time!!!


Sometimes you will get changed right then and there. Other times they will call you later and leave you a massage if they can get you changed. Many people go there for changes ,so as soon as they can sort them all out they will change everyone they possibly can.


We have got our changes all but one time. The more people in your party the harder it is to get changed, but it can still happen.


If it doeant get changed:

Remember if the kids want to they can eat dinner with the kids club and stay there while you are having a later dinner. Many kids love to do that so they dont have to sit for 90 minutes for dinner,it is so hard on the kids.


Or you can feed them at food places around the pool or use room service to feed them, then leave them in the club while you eat. You will have a beeper so they can get a hold of you if needed.


On the Wonder there is no dinner buffet like on the Magic.



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My friends and I were on second dining. There were four children ages 7,5,4, and 1. The second dining didn't bother them because we would have snacks at "nap time" and "down time" around 2:30/3pm and then go to the show and then head to dinner.


I was surprised I liked the second dining (I am an early eater 6pm).


Something to think about: On the day of disembarkation, you don't have to get up for breakfast at 6:30 a.m. (because you had first seating) and then get off the ship. You have a little more time because you have second seating at 8:30 (so you breakfast at 8:30) and this way you can take your time on that last day.


You should definitely take the advice of a previous poster and consider putting yourself on that wait list though because everyone wants the early time for the same reason you do.


Good luck and Magical Sailing!

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We are assigned the second dining too. We are travelling with a 3,4,5 & 6 year old. I was concerned at first but after reading info on a different site...I now think it will work out better!


By eating at the late dining...we can go to the early shows with our kids...we don't have to rush back from shore to have dinner...the kids clubs also have great programs offered around 8:30 for the children so we plan on feeding them early and then having a relaxing dinner for us...and if they do join us for dinner they can have something small as there bed snack...plus we are in no hury to get of the ship the last day so we can have a later breakfast before heading to Orlando


The other dining choices one the Wonder are the beach blanet buffet...goofy's gallery...Pinocchio's Pizza...pluto's dog house and room service.

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Guest BeckyThane

We booked the Magic for 12/6/08 about a month ago. Our TA -- being the wonderful guy he is! -- requested and obtained early seating for us. However, this is the first fixed-seating cruise we've done since 2005, and we've since come to realize we prefer late seating on port-intensive itineraries. (No kids, so we don't have the same considerations as many of you.) Long story short, we'll wait until we get aboard to switch to late seating. Reading these boards over the years I've learned that there are a LOT more people who have late and want to switch to early than vice versa. Perhaps there will be more like us aboard your sailing? I hope so! Good luck!!!

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We had the late seating on our last Disney cruise and we loved it. It wasn't rushed at all. Our kids were 15 and 2 and it didn't bother them either. We weren't rushed during our meal or rushed to get ready for dinner after getting back on board the ship after excursions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We opted not to change it, but we were in the Rockin' Bar D/Wavebands (I can never remember which is on which ship!) shortly after we boarded and had lunch to get Palo reservations - and they offered to switch us to the early seating if we wanted.


Definitely call DCL and get waitlisted - and if you don't get switched before the cruise, as soon as you embark, rather than going to the lunch buffet, turn right and go to Rockin' Bar D/Wavebands RIGHT away and you stand a really good chance of getting it switched!


When we rebooked, we opted for 2nd seating b/c we realized that with our DD (4 1/2) being from the Mountain time zone... 6pm was really 4pm to her body clock... so the 8pm dinner was right on schedule for her.



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  • 2 weeks later...

When we booked we also were assigned the late seating. Since we have a 5 yo & a 11mo it was very important to us to get the early seating. I bugged my TA and she not only put us on the wait list she faxed the dining department. About 2 weeks later I noticed that we were changed to the 1st seating.


Good luck,


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Hello....we have early seating for dinner - what time is that? What time are the shows? When is the late seating? On the days at port how late does that run? Forgive me for all the questions...our first Disney cruise (our first cruise since kids). Trying to decide how the evenings would work best for us & just not sure how the timing will work our for our 6yr olds. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Relax there will be plenty of time to do all the shows and dinner too.

First the early dinings are 5:45, 6:00 and 6:15 , I believe.

It has been a few months for me to remember exactly.

But they have 2 shows each evening, one for early diners to catch which i believe was 8:00 p.m. and one for late diners which was either 6 or 6:30. I always have early dining so I'm not exact with the first show time of the evening.


You didnt say which cruise you are on, but if it is a 7 day cruise they will also offer an afternoon matinee for the shows at 2 p.m. . They are the same exact show accept they are less crowded and not so late so it is easy on young kids to be alert and enjoy it.


Sorry I can't help with times for late seating we have never done that.

as far as length of time in port that depends on which cruise you are on.

each island has a different arrival and departure time.


Hope this helps you some, I'm sure others who know more about late seating will answer you too.


For a 6 year old I would say be sure and see The Golden Mickeys and Disney Dreams. They have the most characters in them. If your on the Magic they have Twiced Charmed which I thought wa sok, but for kids I think it is boring. If they love cinderella they will probably love it but no other characters in it. On the Wonder you have Hercules which doesnt have the traditional Disney characters either but I loved the show. Lots of humor but it is geared more towards the adults.

Welcome aboard shows and farewell shows have characters in them.


If you tell me what cruise you are taking and when I may be able to give you a few helpful hints about kid friendly excursions and tips for on the ship too.


mom x4,grandma x4

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Thanks mom x4,grandma x4 for all the info!

We're on the Wonder 4 night Caribbean in early December...yes I know we have plenty of time & I'm not wanting to plan everything out (I've tried that & while I enjoy the planning, the execution is not always much fun for the family...lol) just looking for insight & suggestions from those who have 'been there / done that'. Our reservation says 'main dinner seating' and I was not sure what that meant...also just curious about the pros & cons of the different seating times. Your help is appreciated - thanks!

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I think main dining is the best for having young kids with you because the late dining can go as late as 10 p.m. before you finish. that is way to late for kids to wait to eat.

dinner takes about 90 minutes. In Animators Palate the room itself will help entertain the kids.

you also have the option of letting them eat with the kids club. You must tell the counselors if you want them to eat with the club that night. The do a kid friendly buffet for them.


At Nassau the Dig (aquarium) at Atlantis is very kid friendly, there is a glass bottom boat ride that if the fish are there is ok, but it seems we never catch the right time to see many. It is an old boat and kind of dirty looking but it is safe. The glass bottom does have a small wall that kids need to look over in order to see anything. The short set of stairs are very steep to go down.

as sson as you go through the port building to exit the dock area, turn to the right and walk the aidewalk, it well take you one block to the main road. just to the left as you reach the main road is a horse and carriage ride that is fun. they go different lengths of rides for different prices. we did a 30 mijnute ride for $15 per person last time.

There is also a pirate museum for $12 per person that is about 10 minute from the ship. If you want to do it, allow about an hour to see on your own. after you reach the first road turn right and go until you see the white tent building which is the straw market, go out the back side of the straw market and walk up 2 blocks and you will see a nice big purple building. That is the museum . You buy tickets in the gift shop. The first area after you enter is dark, it is a night scene incase your kids dont like the dark but all the rest is lit up very well. Our grandkids love this place.

Of course they do offer beach days on the ships excursions too. They do have very nice beaches there and they are not too far from the port area.


If the kids were older I would suggest the 2 hour historical city tour. It consists of 2 forts and queen annes staircase which is fascinating to learn about.


I have heard good and bad about Ardastra gardens but we havnt been there yet, we got rained out. I guess it is a small old zoo with beautiful vegetation around. the highlight there is the marching flamingos.


straw market you can dicker for prices and get some great bargains if you like doing that sort of thing. My husband loves it, I dont.


I will give you a list of tips about things on the ship soon that may help you to make the most of your time.

But right now Ineed to do a few things around the house.

I will catch you later,



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here are a few tips that may help you,


early arrival gets an early boarding pass number.

2.terminal opens 10 a.m.

3.boarding starts around 11:30 to noon.

4.keep camera with you at ALL times, even in the terminal. characters will appear there for photos. ourdoor viewing area of the ship for photos.

5 check in at kids club table while waiting to board ship. saves you time on the ship.

6. take a few ones. some for room service tips some to tip porters who take your bags at the termnal. They dont get any wages for their work, tips only for their wages. $1 per bag is customary.

7. take small bills for the islands. msny small shops dont have change.

8. if your going to use your credit card on the islands, call your CC company first and tell them or you will have to wait on a phone call to ok all your purchases. This is a big hassle and can take 30 minutes or more.

9. most shops who take credit cards, require a $20 minimum purchase.

10 take camera to dinner each night, surprizes happen all the time. You wont be alone. you will even see cam corders at dinner.

11. arrive at all shows 20 minutes early for good seats.

12. arrive at character meets 10 minutes early

13 Princess meets arrive 15 minutes early

14. on Castaway cay if you want your photo taken with Captain Jack Sparrow, do NOT ride the tram to the beach area. It doesn NOT stop near him. You must walk in to the beach signs say 20 minute walk in it takes us 10 minutes. he will be along the way inthe sand and photo has the flying dutchman behind you, great photo! Check navigator for times he will be there.

15 There are characters along the way to the beach, ok to ride the tram for this. Lines are short and move quickly so it is a great opportunity to see characters without lines. check navigator for times and places.

16 also characters appear at the gazebo near cookies BBQ on the island during the day.

17 adult only beach has it's own area for lunch they often have steaks or lobster there as a special treat for the grown ups. But Cookies BBQ by family beachhas more variety of other foods.


18 dont ,miss the good bye late the last night in the atrium. ALL the characters will line up on the stairs and will pose for photos for you. This farwell party is really nice and fun.


19 check for photos everyday at shutters. buy a package deal and save $$ if you dont buy enough photos for the package deal they will refund you the difference at the end of your cruise .

or if you buy a photo and then decide the next day you see one you want more, just bring back the one you bought and the receipt and tell them you want to exchange it and they will be happy to do this for you.


20. you can order warm chocolate chip cookies or Mickey ice cream bars from room service even though it is not on the menu.


21. bring 2 white pillowcases or a matte style picture frame in a zip lock baggie with water proof markers and leave at guest services desk ask to be autographed and it will be returned to you the last night all signed by the characters. I also add a card with my name and room number on it just in case their card gets lost. I like to use dark colored markers, the light colors dont show up as well.


mom x4,grandma x4

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Sorry no tables for 2.

The smallest I have seen is a table for 4.

But there may be nights when your tablemates may be gone to Palos or eating somewhere else. Often we have have gone as a couple we have been seated at a table for 8 or 10 people to fill in the last 2 seats. we have always had very friendly people to chat with.


mom x4,grandma x4

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mom x4,grandma x4-

Wow! Those are some of the best tips I have read so far...many things I have not heard about in the guide books or online. Thanks!

I have been to the Bahamas several times and Nassau doesn't appeal to me that much (our kids are young, we've been on lots of other island vacations, we really want to enjoy the Wonder)...we might get off & look around, but might just spend the day on the ship (maybe check out the spa?). I'm assuming there is still plenty to do onboard?


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yes they always have some things to do on board but not as much as a sea day. The pools are much less crowded in the morning. In the afternoon as people start returning to the ship it gets more crowded.


If you just get off for a bit to look around the kids may enjoy the horse and carriage ride right by the pier. It is just a different experience for the kids and most kids love horses. The driver will take your photo while your all in the buggy if you ask, after your ride, of course he will expect a tip if he does this, but we have some great family photos from this, so it was worth a couple of bucks to get it.


I'm sure you'll have a great time!!!


if I can help with any other questions, please ask and I will help if I can. I am getting ready to make my door signs for our 15th Disney cruise this November, so I want to make a special door sign this time.


mom x4,grandma x4

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We just returned from the Wonder and had early dinner and so wished we had booked late dinner. Our dinner was at 5:30. It was so early that it was hard to get ready for and we ended up feeling really rushed in the evenings. We talked about it and next time will book late and feed the kids a snack at 4:30 or 5. It may work out better than you think.

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