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Glad to help ans. Q's on weight loss/fitness


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the wind sprints idea is unfortunately going to conflict w/ the distance training that I am working on right now - trying to get ready for a half-marathon in October, which I'll be doing a combo run/walk, as there isn't enough time to get myself in a position to be able to run the whole thing.


I've been doing high weight low reps right now, 2-3X/wk. I've switched to lower weights for the lower body. I've been doing leg presses of about double my body weight (I've lost about 40 lbs, and my quads got pretty strong by carrying around 270 lbs around all day!!) Lately, I've eased up on weights for lower body, primarily because I don't want to mess up the running When I do work the machines for lower body, I have been lowering the weights about a third less than what I used to so that I don't wear myself down.

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I would rec. beginning a series of wind sprints . Seriously, start with short distances and run 5-10 sprints of 20 ft and add a foot or 2 each day...


Mike - This sounds very similar to the HIIT that I do on the treadmill 3 times a week. Not easy, but I'll swear by the results. :D


No worries about confusing me with a man. I get that a lot with my screen name.



Sheila - People get confused by your screen name? How about mine? LOL! :D


Seriously...Mike - Thank you again for all this great advice! I'm learning a lot just by reading your answers to the others' questions!



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Lynn ~ I KNOW I was confused by your screen name when we first "met." ;)


Mike ~ Any more tips for us? Love reading them! Thanks so much. :D


Here's one..Water retention-can account for a false idea of fat ...

rec. natural ways to rid ourselves of that nasty feeling....lots of sweating and natural diuretics can help. Watch salts and also too much potassium- these can affect heart and bp.


-The atkin's diet's touted fast weight loss, but in the short run-water loss, gives a false sense of real weight loss. It may be good the week before the imp. event that we must feel and look good for, but not a viable long term lifestyle choice.


It's still about "calories in---calories out"...these numbers never fail.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll accept your offer of free help. I'm 22, 5'2, about 142. Trouble areas are thighs and a little patch on the stomach (about 2 inches in any direction surrounding my belly button.) A bit of a double chin emerges when I smile, but is not a constant (any advice on how to get rid of it besides lipo?)


Here are my circumstances (aka "excuses"):

1. I'm a picky eater. The following is a list of the only fruits/veggies I eat - apples, grapes, pineapple, watermelon, pears, raisins, corn, potatoes, lettuce (or premixed salad with shredded red lettuce and carrots.) Starches and sweets :o I have a huge sweet tooth, but can usually pacify it with a WW double chocolate fudge cake warmed in the microwave. The bulk candy bins at grocery stores are both my best friend and my worst enemy.

2. I work on my feet. This could mean in receiving unpacking merchandise, on the floor shelving merchandise, cashiering, general floor supervision, and customer service issues. All of which require me to be on my feet. My problem is I can't work out before work (6:15 wakeup call) and by the time I come home I've been 8 hours on my feet and my feet are too sore to go for a walk (yes I do wear extra cushioning in my shoes.)

3. Because of my job, I don't drink nearly enough water, since I'm not allowed to keep it with me on the sales floor. The evening hours I can't drink that much water without feeling like I'm floating away. I do try to stick to flavored carbonated water, regular water and "light" fruit juices like cranberry and grape.

4. I had back surgery when I was 17. I've never been good at running (tried the couch to 5k plan and couldn't even handle day 1.) Was on drill team in high school. Was a dancer for 10 years.


I hope that's enough to be able to offer some advice. Sometimes I play DDR but get too bored too easily to stick with any method on a constant basis. Thanks in advance for any advice!

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I'll accept your offer of free help. I'm 22, 5'2, about 142. Trouble areas are thighs and a little patch on the stomach (about 2 inches in any direction surrounding my belly button.) A bit of a double chin emerges when I smile, but is not a constant (any advice on how to get rid of it besides lipo?)


Here are my circumstances (aka "excuses"):

1. I'm a picky eater. The following is a list of the only fruits/veggies I eat - apples, grapes, pineapple, watermelon, pears, raisins, corn, potatoes, lettuce (or premixed salad with shredded red lettuce and carrots.) Starches and sweets :o I have a huge sweet tooth, but can usually pacify it with a WW double chocolate fudge cake warmed in the microwave. The bulk candy bins at grocery stores are both my best friend and my worst enemy.

2. I work on my feet. This could mean in receiving unpacking merchandise, on the floor shelving merchandise, cashiering, general floor supervision, and customer service issues. All of which require me to be on my feet. My problem is I can't work out before work (6:15 wakeup call) and by the time I come home I've been 8 hours on my feet and my feet are too sore to go for a walk (yes I do wear extra cushioning in my shoes.)

3. Because of my job, I don't drink nearly enough water, since I'm not allowed to keep it with me on the sales floor. The evening hours I can't drink that much water without feeling like I'm floating away. I do try to stick to flavored carbonated water, regular water and "light" fruit juices like cranberry and grape.

4. I had back surgery when I was 17. I've never been good at running (tried the couch to 5k plan and couldn't even handle day 1.) Was on drill team in high school. Was a dancer for 10 years.


I hope that's enough to be able to offer some advice. Sometimes I play DDR but get too bored too easily to stick with any method on a constant basis. Thanks in advance for any advice!


Hi kandace,

Just a suggestion: For me- I get up between 4am and 6am to give myself time to workout... If you do the same routine you do every day- nothing will change, so best to change it up...

Re. eating and drinking: Try to avoid drinks with bad carbs! No coke!!


Also, get a pass to a health club, and try out the different cardio machines...see which one you can do w/o hurting your back.

Once you find which you can live with , invest in your health and buy one, and then use it daily

Set your goals small like 5 min to start, and build up alittle each week!

Whatever you do, sacrifice time before work and you'll never regret it!!!


Good luck!!


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"...Starches and sweets :o I have a huge sweet tooth, but can usually pacify it with a WW double chocolate fudge cake warmed in the microwave. The bulk candy bins at grocery stores are both my best friend and my worst enemy."


Just a thought: A sure fire way to totally get rid of the "sweet tooth",

NO and I mean NO, sugar for 5 days, and you lose the desire for sugar altogether.

If you don't believe, me give it a try!

You'll see....But no artificial sweetners either, the body is fooled by them and this "sugar fast" won't be as effective.



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Lose 2 lbs in 1 wk! If you qualify...


I've done it...OK here's the catch:

  • It's only for those who are presently drinking lots of REGULAR soda/pop, fruit juices, milk of any kind, milk shakes, cappachinos...any liquid that contains calories.
  • For one week - do not allow any liquid that has sugar/calories of any kind...
  • unlike what I said before, for this you can substitute a non-caloric sweetened drink, but h2o's preferrable...and lots of it!

Check it out! The ave. drink=250-350 calories or more! (milkshake=670 cal)


ill. 250 times 4 glasses/cans per day==1000 calories

1000 times 7 days ===7000 calories or 2 lbs.

of stored sugar(FAT)

This may not fit your health situation or plan, but hey give it a try!!!

You'll get used to diet drinks in no time!


Let me know how it works for you!!



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Anyone else with Q's??


BTW- Just had a 50 ft tree fall on our house.:( Chainsawing...a good work out, but oh my back, a little too oblique for spainal problems.

So, I guess I don't recommend it, nor the tree- falling part.



Mike, I just saw this post about the tree falling on your house. I hope you were able to remove it without injuring yourself.


RE: Sodas and "sugar/calorie" drinks.....I've stopped buying soft drinks at my house. Even my 19 y/o is cut off. He drinks water now with those Crystal Lite packs. He loves them and no more sugar drinks! ;)

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WOW! What an offer; hard to refuse! Thanks for helping everyone out!

I am 52 year "young" woman, 5'4" with 26 pounds to lose. I joined WW in 2000, lost the weight, and kept it off a year or two; now it has crept back. I am back on WW because it worked for me in the past and I can stick to it. For me it is all about accountability and serving size. I have no problems getting my water in during the day; I actually like water! I do have an occasional diet soda; sometimes mixed with rum ;) I am in good health and want to stay that way!

As for exercise.....I have walked (briskly) 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week for many years. I started that when my 5 sons were little; get up at 0500 and walk with a neighbor. We are still doing it religiously and I only have one son left at home! I know that I need to add to that routine, and I now have a recumbent bike that I ride 3 days a week. I usually do 30 minutes at my max target heartrate. I feel like I am getting a better cardio workout then I do walking. I do some free weights to try and keep my arms toned, but don't have a real program to follow. I have a muscular build and do not want to look bulky; just toned and sculpted! Suggestions? We do have a Bowflex available as well as free weights.

Again, I really appreciate any help/advice you can offer!

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WOW! What an offer; hard to refuse! Thanks for helping everyone out!

I am 52 year "young" woman, 5'4" with 26 pounds to lose. I joined WW in 2000, lost the weight, and kept it off a year or two; now it has crept back. I am back on WW because it worked for me in the past and I can stick to it. For me it is all about accountability and serving size. I have no problems getting my water in during the day; I actually like water! I do have an occasional diet soda; sometimes mixed with rum ;) I am in good health and want to stay that way!

As for exercise.....I have walked (briskly) 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week for many years. I started that when my 5 sons were little; get up at 0500 and walk with a neighbor. We are still doing it religiously and I only have one son left at home! I know that I need to add to that routine, and I now have a recumbent bike that I ride 3 days a week. I usually do 30 minutes at my max target heartrate. I feel like I am getting a better cardio workout then I do walking. I do some free weights to try and keep my arms toned, but don't have a real program to follow. I have a muscular build and do not want to look bulky; just toned and sculpted! Suggestions? We do have a Bowflex available as well as free weights.

Again, I really appreciate any help/advice you can offer!


Hi Gail,

Sounds like you're doing great, but like many of us ...our bodies develop "set points" and we have to disturb it from time to time. I would rec. that you walk after the higher cardio routine. That way-your metabolic rate may be higher and you would get more out of the walk. If you know how to do a total body w/o then increase your reps. don't be afraid to do more than 15-20, if you desire to tone...continue to push yourself , without hurting yourself! Be happy with small gains...I guess that would be losses.;)



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Thanks Mike! I will TRY to do the bike before walking, but with us leaving at 0545 it will be challenging! ;) Would just 20 minutes on the bike prior to walking be beneficial? As for weights, should I do more reps with lower weights, or more weight with less reps? I have 5 and 8 pound free weights. Should I use get any lighter/heavier to use?

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Ok, here's my problem. Prior to 08/07/07 I was lifting weights and doing body weight exercises around 4 times per week (pull up sets, push ups, and dips) and running approximately 25 miles per week (including in this was fartlek type runs). However, on that day I suffered an accident while boating and wrenched my left shoulder pretty badly. It'll be another 3-4 weeks before I can even think about lifting any sort of weight with it again, and running is out of the question.


I've been using the exercise bike to try to keep some aerobic fitness, but I was wondering if there's anything else you can recommend, or should I just wait until October to start up again?


I'm a 25 year old male, by the way.

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Thanks Mike! I will TRY to do the bike before walking, but with us leaving at 0545 it will be challenging! ;) Would just 20 minutes on the bike prior to walking be beneficial? As for weights, should I do more reps with lower weights, or more weight with less reps? I have 5 and 8 pound free weights. Should I use get any lighter/heavier to use?



Let's start with what you are presently doing...frequency/week, number of sets, reps, etc. That should give us a baseline to start with.



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Ok, here's my problem. Prior to 08/07/07 I was lifting weights and doing body weight exercises around 4 times per week (pull up sets, push ups, and dips) and running approximately 25 miles per week (including in this was fartlek type runs). However, on that day I suffered an accident while boating and wrenched my left shoulder pretty badly. It'll be another 3-4 weeks before I can even think about lifting any sort of weight with it again, and running is out of the question.


I've been using the exercise bike to try to keep some aerobic fitness, but I was wondering if there's anything else you can recommend, or should I just wait until October to start up again?


I'm a 25 year old male, by the way.


Hey George,

I saw you on TV the other day... you don't look your age:D

I know what your dealing with. It's frustrating!!! I had a similar injury and the result is often a slowing of the resting metabolic rate due to decreased demands on the body. So the tendency is to gain weight, lose cardio fitness and lose muscle mass.

Do what yor pt says, for me I just did what I could - isometrics and bike, if something hurts the injured area-Don't do it!! You'll probably lose some fitness, but it'll come back in no time!



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Yeah, the most frustrating thing is the way I'm losing muscle tone in the upper body. (Well, mostly just on my injured side . . .) My arms used to be likes bands of steel, absolutely solid. Now, my left shoulder feels like mashed potatoes. Its ok though, I'd rather sit on the sidelines and heal up as good as new rather than take any chances.

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Yeah, the most frustrating thing is the way I'm losing muscle tone in the upper body. (Well, mostly just on my injured side . . .) My arms used to be likes bands of steel, absolutely solid. Now, my left shoulder feels like mashed potatoes. Its ok though, I'd rather sit on the sidelines and heal up as good as new rather than take any chances.


George W,

Just be a good patient and watch out fo the feeling that "i'm a quick healer!" lots feel that way and reinjure themselves and double their healing time>




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I have been on a 1200 calorie diet since Jan. 5th. I work out with weights 2 days per week, for over an hour each session. There's roughly an equal amount of machines I use to work out the upper & lower body. Also, I walk briskly 30 minutes 6 days per week. I've lost 29 lbs., and my doctor is quite pleased. My Dr. told me after I lose 15 more lbs. to begin maintenance.

My question is about the weight lifting. Every 3 months, I try to shake things up. Add more weight or repetitions or both. In October, I plan to start working out with weights 3 days per week. Which is best to do, add more weight or increase the number of reps?

Weight lifting has really been helpful to me. I just want my work out sessions to provide me the maximum benefit. I am a 51 year old female just looking to tone & build healthy muscle, not bulk up.

Thank you,


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I have been on a 1200 calorie diet since Jan. 5th. I work out with weights 2 days per week, for over an hour each session. There's roughly an equal amount of machines I use to work out the upper & lower body. Also, I walk briskly 30 minutes 6 days per week. I've lost 29 lbs., and my doctor is quite pleased. My Dr. told me after I lose 15 more lbs. to begin maintenance.


My question is about the weight lifting. Every 3 months, I try to shake things up. Add more weight or repetitions or both. In October, I plan to start working out with weights 3 days per week. Which is best to do, add more weight or increase the number of reps?


Weight lifting has really been helpful to me. I just want my work out sessions to provide me the maximum benefit. I am a 51 year old female just looking to tone & build healthy muscle, not bulk up.


Thank you,




Hi TravlinChick!

Great results! I need to know the amount of reps and sets per workout -to give advice on changes...but if your going to a 3xs/week, that means you'll need a full routine that is affecting each major muscle group.

15-20 reps and don't make the mistake of letting your muscles rest between sets. 90sec is plenty time inbetween...


Keep going!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a "what not to do" to avoid gaining weight on your cruise.

Big greasy breakfast before starting a day of alot of activity....

Yeah..just learned that this last week on our Fascination cruise,

BUT, it looked so good....:o Oh well, that's what happens when you change your routine and add a gazillion calories.


Hey, I work it off in the days to come!!!


Happy cruisn

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Here's a "what not to do" to avoid gaining weight on your cruise.

Big greasy breakfast before starting a day of alot of activity....

Yeah..just learned that this last week on our Fascination cruise,

BUT, it looked so good....:o Oh well, that's what happens when you change your routine and add a gazillion calories.


Hey, I work it off in the days to come!!!


Happy cruisn

Amen to that, Mike! I hope you enjoyed your cruise....other than all of the fat you ate. LOL

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