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Enchantment 7/16-7/21

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OK, OK, I've been hitchhiking on other review threads so I figured I should write my own. I'll try to keep it fairly brief. I took my just HS grad daughter as a present (too bad for the rest of the family - this is what she wanted!)


Used a TA to book and had no problems. Room 4543 (started at the least expensive room and kept bumping it up for $10 each time).


Got our own plane tix, which meant we had to take a taxi from the airport. Not bad, but I hated having to tip the guy who merely pointed to a cab (which, of course are waiting in line) and threw our 3 bags into the trunk. Oh well - I was on vacation. Cost to get to the pier was around $13. Had to show picture ID to enter the port area.


Handed off bags to the guys who collect luggage at th pier and checked in (I think it was around 1pm). Almost no waiting, had our All Aboard photo taken, and boarded this ship. It was very exciting as this was my daughters first plane ride and cruise, and she found every little detail fun and new.


Went to our room, which was fine, sizewise. I was pleasantly surprised. (My last cruise was on AOS in '03, with a balcony cabin, and many many years ago on Disney's Big Red Boat in a small cabin - can you say take a shower while sitting on the toilet?). We then joined the 'scavenger hunt' to find our way around and have a chance to win prizes (which we didn't). That was fun, and we met tons of crew, who were all exceedingly nice.


When that was over we headed to the shopping talk for Key West/Coz since I was nervous about Coz, having never been to Mexico. I had been to the shopping talk on my last cruise, so we skipped buying the coupon book, and mainly it put me at ease to get the map, and realize that Coz wouldn't be so scary as I imagined it to be.


Lifeboat drill - quick, no fuss, no muss, and we were on our way. Our luggage had arrived, so we put on our suits and headed up to Deck 10 for a frozen drink and to watch Ft. Lauderdale fade away.


We had second seating for dinner, so there was plenty of time to relax, hang out, watch the scenery go by, and make our plans for Key West.


Had great tablemates at dinner (always one of my worries), and one other family even had a daughter a year older than my daughter. Intelligent conversation, fun, laughter - what more could you ask for? Food was OK. Nothing spectacular, but very good. Had great service, the head waiter came by most nights, and helped out if needed (cracking lobsters, serving, etc.).


Saw most of the shows and played most of the games, which were a blast. Picture my 18yo daughter running back and forth in billowing formalwear, barefoot, while playing Majority Rules. Too funny. Did not see The Drifters or Can't Stop the Rock. Loved the comedian (both shows), Love & Marriage (always a riot), Quest (first time I'd seen it), and the magician.


The cruise director, Marc, was fantastic. He has a quick wit, and the ability to make a funny situation that much funnier. He clearly loves his job, as does his entire staff. BING BONG! GOT IT!


We spent most of our down time in the Solarium - my daugher's choice. We read our books, lounged on the shelf in the pool, snacked on fries and burgers, and enjoyed the peace and quiet - except there was one time when two guys decided to provide their own music - explicit rap loud enough for most of the pool area to hear. So there we were, right next to the doors to the ping pong room, and each time the doors opened, we were met with roars from kids playing, mixed in with classical music and explicit rap. Quite an experience.


Didn't use the climbing wall, the bouncing thing, the main pool, the spa, the library, internet, or the casino.


Usually had room service for breakfast - for the first few days we didn't know how to get a wake-up call (DUH - the button is right on the phone!), so room service worked well. Windjammer for lunch, and main dining room for dinner. We thought the Windjammer food was really good. I may even say excellent. And never a problem finding a seat.


My main complaint is twofold:

1. Sometimes the water pressure just disappeared. Although it wasn't too much of a problem, becuase

2. We had NO cold water. Not even room temperature. There was HOT and HOTTER. Try that on a minor sunburn. OUCH!


OH - almost forgot - on the first two nights, there were massive thunderstorms on the horizon. Way cool. Our table mates told stories of people on the stern having their hair standing on end while watching from all of the electricity! We never heard any thunder, but the lightning was amazing to watch - great huge fingers spreading out above the clouds, or reaching down to the water.




Snuba of Key West - very cool. It was a windy day with strong currents, though, which caused me to feed the fish over the side after getting out. We went 7-8 miles off of the coast into the Gulf. Visibility was around 60 feet (per the captain). Small operation, just 12 of us on board, and they divided us into two groups of 6 with guides. Had an hour or so to wander around Key West after before leaving.


In Cozumel we did the Mayan Sunset Horseback Ride. There were no sunsets involved, as it started at 3pm, however I believe that the ranch does offer those sometimes. Horses were great, well cared for, and our guide, Pancho, was a riot. They did a fantastic job of matching horses and riders, giving me the owner's palomino (wow! this horse is ready to go and has push button control!), and my inexperienced daughter a horse that would only trot if really, really pushed - which is what she asked for. When not being ridding, the horses run free on the 5,000 acre ranch. Very cool. Authentic mexican dinner after, with dancing, an open bar, and a real pinata! Very fun.


We did buy Key Lime Pie on a stick in KW, but, having fed my breakfast to the fishes a little earlier while on the Snuba boat, I just had a bite. I think it was pretty good.


LOVED Coco Cay. Slept in a hammock, took pictures of the fish by the rocks, sat in the water as long as we dared (fears of turning into lobsters), didn't even eat lunch, appreciated the drinks being served in a covered cup with a really bend straw, eliminating the need to sit up to take a sip - YES! It was a beautiful island as promised. We were on the first tender out, so we took lots of photos before everyone else arrived. If I was to go again, however, I'd recommend heading to the right, where the beach is much more deserted, with plenty of lounges and hammocks, and the water is gorgeous as well. That's where all of the newlyweds were.

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Nice review. We were on that cruise also and spent most of the ship time in the Solarium as well. We probably saw each other and did not know it. I was the short, fat, grey headed guy (well that explained 1/4th the men on board LOL).


The music you posted to, was that by the entrance door to the right as exiting the Solarium? If so, we noticed that when walking by and thought it was horrible that the pool staff allowed that.



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Thanks for the review! A question....about Coco Cay...

I would prefer the more secluded "right turn" instead of left to procure a chair, Coco Loco, etc. However, we would all like to snorkel and/or rent a beach mat to lounge in the water. If our family of four goes right instead of left to procure chaise lounges, is that too far from the snorkelling area with the sunken ships, etc.? Thanks....

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I personally don't snorkel but have heard and read from others that most of the snorkeling area is just out from the very first beach (the most populated one). I have also read that you should snorkel early as the water gets pretty stirred up from all the swimmers. You will be able to take your beach mat and float on the other beach though.


FYI, I have heard and read the snorkeling is VERY GOOD at CocoCay.



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Tim - yes, that's exactly where the music was. I believe it was during the afternoon of our day at sea. I was surprised that it was allowed also - but it didn't bother me enought to make a scene or complain. It was mostly amusing to us to hear that, plus the solarium music, and the noise from the ping pong table.


As for your desciption - LOL! Yeah, I saw a few men fitting that description.


How about those 15 year old Argentinian girls? Did you check out their swimsuits at coco cay? LOL - who didn't? Different standards in different countries I guess.


Jan Krav - the more secluded beach area is quite a bit away from the main beach area. We sat in that water for a long time and mostly I worried about my camera and other stuff we just left at our hammock and lounge. There are lockers, but we didn't realize that until later. I saw most of the snorkelers at the main beach area. I heard people saying that later in the day it was choppier and not as fun/easy to do. From the looks of it, people were going waaaaaay out to snorkel - it's a HUGE area with lifeguard stands and everything. I'm not sure if they would let you snorkel at the more secluded area. There are lounges and hammocks (and palm trees) at the more secluded area to the right.


OH - and our dinner mates also described how they were eating lunch at the shaded picnic area (away from the main eating area) and large iguanas were leaping right onto their table to help themselves! And be forewarned that if you leave a plate of food for even a second, it will be descended upon by ravenous seagulls. Pretty funny to watch.

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Yes, it was the Sea Day!! If I had been in there I would have said something to Sarg (Pool attentant lady that did her job very well and I thank her for it, Sarg is my wife's and I pet name for her). She would have stopped it if someone had said something.


I go there for the quiet. The last thing I would have wanted to hear would have been rap music in the Solarium.



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There were also cabana type things at Coco. Off to the left as you head towards the main beach. Didn't even see them until we were leaving (good ship picture from the far left beach by the wall).


Take the early tender, scout out the beaches, and enjoy the day. Sun, shade, hang at the numerous bars, jet ski, play in the inflatable area, or just have your own Corona moment. Wear flip-flops. Take a picture at the Glass Bottom Boat pier of one piling and the white rope with the beautiful teal water beyond. Look for itty bitty shells, but don't harm any itty bitty animals. There's always room on the lower level of the tender if you've had too much sun (they let you stand). Heck - they even had wheelchairs with big inflatable tires for people who needed them - we had several wheelchair bound people on our cruise.

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I didn't notice Sarg. Where was she when that older gentleman slipped and cut his arm as he was getting into the pool (day 2?)? He dripped blood all the way to the mens room and it was a while before it was cleaned up. I mentioned something to the bartender and he acted as if I was from Mars. Language barrier, I suspect.

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Seriously, we were in there at the same time more that I thought!!

LOL - Were you with that group that was always sitting in the corner of the pool near the bar?


No idea how the man cut himself - he slipped on the wooden stairs. I'm thinking that maybe, being older, his skin tears easily? Or he had a previous scab or something. He didn't even realize he was bleeding until one of those corner peole pointed it out to him.

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No I was in there with my wife. Both of us are short (5'2" & 5'7"). I am a bit overweight and with grey hair. I always had sunglasses on with one of those small holders that keep them around my neck as I would lose them otherwise. I would spend a lot of time in the pool while my wife would be in there some but up normally on the area where you just sit in the water.


He was bleeding pretty good when I saw him. You are probably right about the thin skin thing. I felt really bad for him as he was trying hard to keep the blood off the floor and such.



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Hmmm. I usually had a light blue sort of strapless (depending on whether I took the strap off) suit with a dark blue pattern. My daughter usually had a two piece bikini on and blond hair. She is on the short side (5'2") as well.


I am a horrible one for noticing people around me, though. I grew up in NJ and learned at a young age to walk around with blinders on, not paying any attention to anyone around me.

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Hi Dogtranr. Great review! We're going on Enchantment on August 13. Can you tell me more about the scavenger hunt you talked about? This is the first I've heard of it. Thanks!


Sure - it was finding the answers to various questions about the ship, such as:

How long will my tattoo last (temporary)?

What is the favorite entree on the menu?

What is the most popular excursion on the cruise?


It was about 10 questions long. There were some hints about where to find the answers, although some were wrong, but that made it that much more fun. It was being run from the Centrum, where you first board. Just grab an entry and go for it. It lasted until around 3:30. After you complete it, just drop it into the entry box and be there when they pull out winners (must be present to win). It was a fun way to talk to the crew, explore the decks, and learn some things you might not know about it.

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Wow....how's this?????


We got off the ship on the 16th, it was my daughters HS grad present and it was just the two of us!


Loved our table mates, I was a little worried about Coz as well. We had been there before but with all I have been reading about women being drugged, I was a little leary. We ended up having a great time and went to Paradise Beach and then into downtown.


On the sea day we not only got to see the coastline of Cuba (very exciting for my daughter), but we saw an incredible storm! Seemed closed than the horizon and the clouds appreared to be on the water. The lightning was incredible and we could feel the heat travel over the water. Snapped some great photos and video of the storm.


I thought Marc was the best Cruise Director we have ever seen. Very outgoing and funny! My daughter spoke with several of the CD's staff as she will major in travel and tourism with the intent to work for a cruise line. They were all very friendly and gave her as much information as needed.

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2boxers - what a coincidence. I hope you two had as great a time as we did. GOT IT! (need an English accent there)


I LOVED Marc as well. Of my few cruises, he was the best by far.


We saw the coastline of Cuba as well, although we were 'sunning' on the other side of the ship, so it wasn't in constant view.


Alan & Laura - have a GREAT time! See the shows and play the games - you'll be glad you did!


Glad everyone has enjoyed the review.

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During the Love and Marriage game a comment was made about one of the husbands and his "man part", Marc said "Do you call it Woo Woo?" So he when he made his next public announcement, at the end he would say "woo woo" and everyone who watched the game should cheer. Sure enough, every time he made an announcment for the remainder of the cruise, he said that. Very funny!

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Thanks for the review! We will be sailing her on August 13th as well. One question....did there seem to be a lot of jellyfish at Cococay? I was wondering whether I need to get safesea or not for my two small children.


I am glad you had a good time. :)

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Thanks for the review! We will be sailing her on August 13th as well. One question....did there seem to be a lot of jellyfish at Cococay? I was wondering whether I need to get safesea or not for my two small children.


I am glad you had a good time. :)


DH and I swam around on Coco Cay and didn't see any jellyfish!

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