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Scariest Moment aboard a Cruise


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Hey Trock--


Being so self righteous I wish you nothing but good luck. If you can't see that the elderly and infirm etc can be LED by other forces I see you have led a very sheltered life.


I DO NOT want this turned into some kind of game!


If you have problems just go away.

I dont have problems and perhaps it is you who are sheltered.. My mother is almost 70 and she be damned if anyone 'forced' her to drink or conga in in C&C

I was not judging, just giving my opinion that I didnt think she had a case.. and wished her well.. There was nothing self righteous in the post- except for the fact you wished she could have sued...:rolleyes:

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On our first cruise ever we flew to Fiji and took a 7 day Blue Lagoon Cruise thru the Fijian Islands. :D Small cruise ship with only 42 cabins. Traveled in the daytime and anchored at night. On night three we were woke up by the raising of the anchor.:confused: We got up and went on deck. We were informed that we needed to find a safer habour because a Typhoon was heading our way. :eek: The seas were rough and the reason that they travel in the daytime is because of the coral reefs all around. The Islands do not have electricty so everything is pitch dark except for our little ship. (which seems pretty small at this point) The Captian two way radio'd the Tribes on the various Islands and pretty soon on both sides of us on the beaches were kerosene lanterns lit up. It was like we were in a tunnel with lights on both sides. This continued for a couple of hours until we reached what the Captian thought was a safe place to lay anchor. He was correct and the Typhoon passed us by. Causing the seas to be rough but we were no longer in danger.

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My very first cruise was on the, then brand spanking new, RCI Radiance of the Seas. It was her second sailing and it was on the Alaskan/Northwestern itinerary. We, of course, had nervously joked about it being a new ship...just like the Titanic before leaving. Well, everything went great until we were coming back to Seattle in the Inside Passage. We were sitting in the Windjammer when the ship started leaning to one side. It eventually got so bad that my elderly mother and I were actually hanging onto the table to keep from sliding across the floor. We heard dishes breaking as they slid off their shelves and passengers and crew members giving little screams. It probably only lasted a minute, but it was a VERY LONG minute. It turns out that they were testing a remote navigational satellite and the computer didn't take the speed of the boat into the equation when the ship had to make the sharp turn in the narrow part of the Passage.

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After a cruise we were going thru security at FLL airport and suddenly I was surrounded by TSA who asked me to step away. The agent doing the xray screening of my carryon had this strange look on his that suggested I was in deep %^&^. After being quized about what was in the bag the used a swab to check for dangerous chemicals or drugs. After that came up negative he emptied the bag and actually smiled a bit. Turns out I had accidentally place 2 rolls of quarters (that I intended to be used in the casino or laundry) next to my clock. All was well then.


The ironic part is that I am a Xray Technologist and have seen about everything on xray. I should have realized what it would look like going thru their scanner. The other thing is, the bag was a alice pack left over from the Vietnam days that I had bout new at a military surplus store.


Green military pack, 2 cylindrical objects placed next to a electronic device....here's your sign!! The pack will not be getting anymore flight time and I leave the rolls of quarters at the bank.



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I am thankful that I have had no scary moments on a cruise. I was a little anxious when all aboard was in 5 min. and my teenage daughter didn't return with her friend in Ketchican instead she made a phone call at the dock to her boyfriend! She made it onto the ship just in time.

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Was on a Costa ship in 2006. We were on a Costa excursion on Grand Cayman, Stingray. They first forgot us in the parking lot for 45 minutes. Then they put us on an overloaded boat. Then here comes another boat way overloaded, it is just drifting towards open ocean and it starts to roll. People are jumping off into the water. There is a guy trying to hold up his toddler and people are screaming. The crew of that ship just climbed on to the top of the boat and left everybody to fend for theirselves. :mad: A couple of the other boats were trying to help the people in the water. Our captain says he can't help because we were way overloaded our selves.:eek: Those poor people had an awful time getting back on the ship. Their id's were in the ocean. One lady broke her leg and was in a wheel chair. we spoke to the guy that was trying to hold onto his toddler later and he said that Costa said it wasn't their fault even though it was a Costa excursion. They didn't even get a refund for the excursion. The lady behind the desk said "You pay your money, you take your chances." I couldn't believe it, but I heard others say it also. I decided that it doesn't pay to take a ship excursion if they aren't going to stand behind them.

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I was on a Princess cruise to Mexico with my mother, who was 80 at the time. On one tour we were at a ruin and my mother tripped and fell flat on her face. I was in front of her and turned around just as she hit the ground. I was certain something was broken and we were headed for a Mexican hospital. Thankfully, she had nothing but some soreness and a couple of bruises. Everyone was very helpful and solititous, including other cruisers and the tour guides. When we got back to the ship, after continuing the excursion at her insistance, Princess personnel were also very concerned. We were very lucky.

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Chromey: Don't cancel your cruise. Like I wrote, my DH almost died in an ill-fated tubing expedition in Utah. Bad things are eventually going to happen to you, whether you stay in your house or leave it. I'd rather die on a cruise or on vacation in a blaze of glory instead of never having left my house!

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We were on the Legend last year and was getting ready for Formal Night. I was just coming out of the shower (we had an inside room) and heard a big bang and all the lights went out!


Luckily, I always bring a flashlight, found it and felt my way to the door. All the lights were out except the emergency lights. We didn't get a message from the intercom for about 20 minutes.


Our friends called and said to come up to their balcony room so we would not be stuck in the dark. We grabbed our booze and all partied until the lights finally came back on..about 45 minutes later.

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I was on the Holiday once and although I've had several cruises with her and many wonderful memories made, she has had her share of "troubles". We were in the dining room one night while out at sea and the engines pretty much decided they were "tired" and took a break....no lights...no engine hum...no NOTHING. It was only out for a few minutes but when she "cranked" up again, the music in the dining room was softly playing the Titanic theme song. It was creepy and funny all at the same time.

Then there's the time she hit a sand barge....aaaahhhh...good times...good times LOL.:p

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Chromey: Don't cancel your cruise. Like I wrote, my DH almost died in an ill-fated tubing expedition in Utah. Bad things are eventually going to happen to you, whether you stay in your house or leave it. I'd rather die on a cruise or on vacation in a blaze of glory instead of never having left my house!



Oh I'd be fine dying on a cruise. I'm just not excited about the prospect of a huge storm making me and 2000 other people vomit.

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I was on my first cruise. It was around 11 at night. I was alone, walked out on a side deck to see what it looked like at night. It was dark, and foggy, and gave me a very eerie feeling.........it was very quiet. Then all of a sudden a drunk man stumbles out of the double doors behind me. Scared me to death. I took off running the opposite way to the first door back inside and never went outside at night alone again! :eek:

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The scariest thing that happened was on our 2006 Liberty cruise while we were in Grand Cayman. My hubby wanted to do the Pirate excursion so we were on the pirate ship and they were doing all sorts of pirate-y stuff then they said "walk the gangplank everyone". Many people began to line up to jump off the gangplank when they gave the warning "the ocean has a strong current today and we suggest you swim around the front of the ship". Ok so person by person everyone begins to jump off, swim around the front then climb back on the opposite side. One lady jumps then her husband helps thier young son off to swim to his mom then he jumps right afterwards the grampa jumps in. A large wave hits the older man in the face, he loses his air and begins to be swept off into the ocean by the current. Many people begin to scream and the "pirates" throw life jackets and life preservers to the panicked man. Two of the 'staff members' jump overboard with life preservers and begin to swim for him. In what seemed to be a lifetime of moments the man was lifted or hauled back on board. He was horribly pale and almost lifeless but was sobbing. His children were crying and his wife was hysterical. I refused to even step a foot off that boat! He was eventually ok I believe but we returned quicker than normal to the ship after that excursion.

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Don't cancel. We are going on our fifth cruise in Oct and can't wait. We even went back on Costa last year, just didn't take any of their shore excursions. We were on the Holiday during a tropical storm and you talk about fun LOL. Everybody on that ship laughed about the rocking and rolling till it was hilarious. The contest was to see if you could walk a straight line.

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Don't cancel. We are going on our fifth cruise in Oct and can't wait. We even went back on Costa last year, just didn't take any of their shore excursions. We were on the Holiday during a tropical storm and you talk about fun LOL. Everybody on that ship laughed about the rocking and rolling till it was hilarious. The contest was to see if you could walk a straight line.


Oh definitely don't cancel. You saw all my stories and we still average 2 cruises a year. :D :D :D

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  • 2 years later...
I was on the Carnival Miracle on Dec. 26, 2004. The day after Christmas was the day of the tsunami on the other side of the world. We were hit by the same storm the above poster was dealing with on the Imagination. But, we were just coming back into Tampa Bay at dawn when the winds increased suddenly. On the cabin TV, I saw one 82 knot wind gust (on the anemometer on top of the mast over the bridge) as we were going under the Sunshine Skyway bridge at about 6 am. We listed severely and struggled to stay in the channel. People were thrown out of bed, pool water washed all over the Lido, and liquor bottles were all broken in the shops, the grand piano fell over. One person had to leave in an ambulance when we reached a dock near Tampa. Several tug boats were called in to help keep us in place until the wind decreased. This was the same low pressure area crossing Florida and associated cold front which brought bad weather to the Imagination. It was also the same system which brought a very rare Christmas snowstorm to far South Texas.



I was up that night. Almost everyone else was asleep, but I thought it'd be fun to stay up late and hang out with my Canadian friends who had to be up early for customs anyways so we all were pulling an all-nighter. Then the storm hit, I remember seeing the ship tilt to one side, tug boats out, emergency porting in a shipping port, furniture flying off the ship, and frantically trying to lock my door to the balcony deck. The following morning I was informed that the pool had destroyed the dining room and seeing all the broken alcohol bottles and smelling them. I've been scared for years to get back on a ship.

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Didn't actually happen on the cruise ship but occurred while we were in port.This kind of long, but is a pretty good story. I will summarize as much as possible.


We, DH, DGS and me, were in Jamaica and decided to take a private taxi tour of the island. We had read all the warnings and knew to take a taxi with a red tag. The driver was great at first. He took us up through Fern Gulley (or something like that). It was very scenic; saw Bob Marley’s house and such great view, wonderful ride. On the way back he told us he was going to take us on a special route. Before we knew it we were on a one lane road in the back of nowhere. He stops the taxi and tells us to get out he wants to show us something, that he had a friend that grew amazing fruit and sold spices you could only get in Jamaica. The driver would not start the taxi unless we got out for a few minutes to meet his friend. We tried to argue, but he kept smiling and was very insistent and would not start the taxi. By this time I am a complete nervous wreck. The driver kept saying don’t worry pretty lady, you will like. We finally get out of the cab and cross the street telling the drive "OK, just make it quick." His friend has a giant machete that he is using to cut fruit grown from his garden for us to taste. I kept trying to move away from the driver and his friend and go back to taxi (twice the drive moved me from the path of an oncoming vehicle (very narrow road). But this time I am almost out of my mind with fear. My DH isn’t much better; luckily our DGS just thinks it is a great adventure. If all this was not enough; a truck with 6-8 Jamaicans with their own machetes in riding in the truck bed drives up. The driver’s friend is now trying to sell my husband spices, a couple of the guys from the truck are crossing the street coming towards us (machetes in hand). I totally freak out. I start screaming to my DH – buying the ^*&%* stuff, just buy it – give them your money – I want to go home, I want to go home now. My outbrust takes the taxi drive and his friend totally by surprise, they start trying to calm me down and stand in front of me telling the two guys from the truck to go back across the road. I was really going pretty crazy by this time. Now everyone was now trying to calm me down – even the guys in the back of the truck with the machetes as well as the two that had crossed the road coming toward us (apparently all they wanted some plastic bags to put the fruit in after they cut it (which it what their machetes were for). Needless to say the taxi driver and friend escorted us immediately back to the cab apologizing all they way. My DH and I were both rather rattled; DGS still thought it is all great. Everyone keeps saying, “its’ ok pretty lady, we no hurt you.” We got back in the taxi, the drive just kept apologizing took us to every historic site in Jamaica, every school he knew (had told him I was an educator), to Dunn falls and other places of interest. Each time we got out the cab, he behaved as my personal body guard. If another Jamaican even got near me, he would ran them off. It got rather comical at the end, but I have to tell you even writing these brought back unpleasant memories of the “Visit to the friend’s house.” It turned out ok, but it has to be the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. And to those we are wondering if I would ever do it again, NOT NO – BUT H*** NO!

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