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comparing cave tubing companies


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I went Nov of '06. Was off CC boards for a while, I'm back on again as I have another trip planned. I would imagine the info is not outdated after a mere 12 months. :)


I see where you will be sailing in Jan. 2008.... I certainly was not questioning your validity regarding your opinion as you may think. Was just curious since it had been a year since your last cruise and yet you all of a sudden give high marks about a tour a year after the fact :D I thought possibly you had traveled to Belize as I have, for a resort vacation inbetween cruises and took a tour at that time thus the additional feedback you experienced with this company.

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My cruises have been with HAL and Princess, but it is my observation that leaving behind passengers who have gone on shore excursions, whether cruiseline-sponsored or not, is rather an embarrassment to the cruiseline, and the ship will take an interest in how and where you are returned to the ship. Usually you are asked to be aboard an hour before the actual sailing time, and any crewmembers ashore are expected to return half an hour before sailing time. You may see for yourself what this means in a tender port: there will be a "final" tender for crewmembers that is not intended for passengers. Of course I would not BET on getting on the "final tender" myself, and have always managed to be aboard in plenty of time for the Sailaway Party, but still I have seen few passengers from any cruiseline crying on the docks at any port.


In Belize City--as here in Hampton Roads--there will be hundreds of craft theoretically available to get you to your ship--this is, after all, a historical pirate port--so it is best not to worry overmuch. They love you as a tourist, but they don't want to take you home with them.


I do think it is good policy to advise several people in the crew that you (and your party, if applicable) intend to be on a NON-CRUISELINE-SPONSORED shore excursion, and if you know beforehand, WITH WHOM YOU ARE TAKING THE TOUR. If, for example, your cabin steward and your dining steward and someone in Shore Excursions and perhaps someone in Hotel or Purser's knows that you have taken a specific excursion, even if the ship is forced to sail without you it may be possible for the ship--or the local police--to discover what has become of you in a more timely manner. Ship Security will always know you have not returned aboard, but if they also discover that, for example, Yhony and Major Tom have had flat tires that day, and that you were with one of them on a shore excursion, they will know you are in good, safe hands, and will be expecting a message from the Port Captain outlining the method by which you are to be returned to their ship now under way. Some of you, of course, will be rich enough to charter a helicopter, but your ship's Captain will need to anticipate that as well . . . .


The two most important sentences in the whole Caribbean, passed on to us by the elder President Bush , who spent many very active years in or in contemplation of the Central American jungles, in many a commercial message long ago are, "Don't WORRY! Be HAPPY!" There are many worse places to be marooned these days than the Paradise of Belize . . . . :D

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Goodness, Travel Angel, I have taken shore excursions as long ago as seven years and remember them--lovingly--as if they were only yesterday! Ay, and posted enthusiastic reviews of companies no longer in existence, I am sure! Things do change rapidly in the tropics--notably in the wake of a hurricane--but the important thing about cave tubing, I suspect, is that the experience is MEMORABLE AND FUN FOR EVERYONE!


You may have noticed as I have that topics relating to Cave Tubing in Belize regularly draw as many as 4,000 hits: that suggests to me that people are still finding cave tubing MEMORABLE and FUN and--if they folow your advice, EDUCATIONAL, no matter whether the experience was yesterday or ten years ago. If every tube could be filled for every tour operator, it could only be good news for passengers, who should have the time of their lives; tour operators, who could expand and perfect their services; and the Belize and cruise economy! This is a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN situation--as I will be happy to demonstrate myself in January.


But for your sake I will try to post my personal findings on the board within hours of getting off the plane on my return to Swampland, VA, so that you may find them sufficiently current for your taste!--Doug EEK! DON'T ROCK THE BOAT!--Sheila ;) :D

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Hi all. We just returned from a Panama Canal cruise with a stop in Belize. We had contacted Major Tom for Cave tubing after reading posts on cruise critic. We were a party of six. The excursion was handled efficiently and professionally, we had a great time, stopped off for a quick lunch/beer and we were back about 1 hour before last tender. About 5.5 hours all together.


Tom (Mr. *********) was easy to find, waiting on the pier for us when we disembarked from the tender. (we were on the very first tender opened to non-ship excursions) We had a short wait, 20 minutes, for another two people to arrive on the next tender, then we all headed off in a van to the caves. We did a partial city tour on the way, narrated by George. At the caves we were outfitted with life jackets and tubes. The walk through the rain forest was a gravel path. Some steps up and down but nothing too strenous. The walk was about 1/2 hour or so, although the trip could be made faster if you are a fast walker.


The cave tubing was great fun, can't really tell you how far we traveled in the cave, but it seemed like we were in the cave 45 minutes or so? Beautiful formations, wide channel, high ceilings, didn't feel claustrophobic at all to me. At the end of the cave, we were greeted by a torrential downpour. Never seen so much rain. Only caution I have is that a couple people in our group seemed to have been bitten by sand fleas or someother bug. Very big and itchy for a couple of days. May want bug repellent, although the water could wash it off. They didn't bother me too much.

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Hi all. We just returned from a Panama Canal cruise with a stop in Belize. We had contacted Major Tom for Cave tubing after reading posts on cruise critic. We were a party of six. The excursion was handled efficiently and professionally, we had a great time, stopped off for a quick lunch/beer and we were back about 1 hour before last tender. About 5.5 hours all together.


Tom (Mr. *********) was easy to find, waiting on the pier for us when we disembarked from the tender. (we were on the very first tender opened to non-ship excursions) We had a short wait, 20 minutes, for another two people to arrive on the next tender, then we all headed off in a van to the caves. We did a partial city tour on the way, narrated by George. At the caves we were outfitted with life jackets and tubes. The walk through the rain forest was a gravel path. Some steps up and down but nothing too strenous. The walk was about 1/2 hour or so, although the trip could be made faster if you are a fast walker.


The cave tubing was great fun, can't really tell you how far we traveled in the cave, but it seemed like we were in the cave 45 minutes or so? Beautiful formations, wide channel, high ceilings, didn't feel claustrophobic at all to me. At the end of the cave, we were greeted by a torrential downpour. Never seen so much rain. Only caution I have is that a couple people in our group seemed to have been bitten by sand fleas or someother bug. Very big and itchy for a couple of days. May want bug repellent, although the water could wash it off. They didn't bother me too much.


Glad you enjoyed your experience.....After thorough research we were advised to bring insect repellant with "DEET" and did so, but Tom had it readily available for our use and actually sprayed everyone down before going to the rain forest....

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We booked our New Year's Day cave tubing excursion with Major Tom, and so far have received wonderful service and information. He's answered all of my emails and questions promptly - couldn't be better. It sounds like finding him at the dock is easy, as he's given specific instructions.


We're really looking forward to this adventure - I'll give a report when we get back! :)

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There are two threads discussing cameras and water on page two of this very board--one of them begun by me. There are bags specifically made to protect cameras in wet environments, with nice windows to shoot through. I have not used one myself. Most of those who have used them seem in time to acquire waterproof cameras of one kind or another, and I suspect it is because a camera in a bag is clumsy to use. If you live near a large camera store you may be able to see a waterproof bag before you buy one; I'm pretty sure I would have to search online myself, although we have a few large camera stores near Swampland. Demand and profit margin are not large, so few stores will carry them. But the bags are clearly less expensive than waterproof housings, which are almost as clumsy to use, and like housings they can be used more than once.


If you were hoping for a sort of Ziploc solution, I am sorry, I don't think anyone would recommend that sort of thing. Water will do less damage to a cat than to most cameras! And most cats don't recommend that you get them wet . . . .

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Are you cave tubing in Belize this time around? My fiance and I went last Christimas Eve with Major Tom. We enjoyed it so much we are going again this time. I just noticed we are on the same cruise on 11/11/07. We are getting married on the ship on 11/11/07!!

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TSECC, We will be with Major Tom on Nov 15 too. What ship are you on? We are on the Jewel of the seas. We have one other couple who will be going with Major Tom also. Congradulations on your upcoming marriage.



We are on the Carnival Legend. Have you done this tour before? I guess we will see you Nov. 15th!!

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WynterSong, if you would like to see what is available in bags to protect cameras, here is one website:




There seems to be a wide variety for various kinds of cameras--and a wide variety of prices for them! Good luck!

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Sorry to ask a question slightly off topic, but I don't know where else to ask about it...

My husband and I would really like to take a cave tubing excursion while in Belize, but I am a little hesitant because every now and then I see someone comment about large spiders/tarantulas.... Other "critters" (snakes, rodents, etc) don't really phase me too much, but when it comes to spiders, I am totally petrified!!!

How bad are the spiders? Please don't flame me for the question- I really want to do the tour, but am genuinely terrified of the spiders!

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I will put up my beloved wife Sheila as the person most fearful of spiders and other arthropods (except perhaps Blue Crabs and any lobsters) in the Western World against any other fearful persons whatsoever: yet in January 2008 you may see her tubing cheerfully away in the company and wake of Major Tom, and I will be there photographing her--and any other subject matter which may present itself on that occasion. Very brave? Not really.


Nothing could shut down the industry faster than any negative experiences with the creatures you mention--yet they are no more fond of being around us than we are of being around them. They live in this tropical environment as they have since the dawn of Time--but they have no desire to meet us nor to frighten us.


To paraphrase President Franklin Roosevelt, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself--and perhaps a runaway truck." Everything else takes its place in the normal order of the universe. Come on, let's have some fun!

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We booked our New Year's Day cave tubing excursion with Major Tom, and so far have received wonderful service and information. He's answered all of my emails and questions promptly - couldn't be better. It sounds like finding him at the dock is easy, as he's given specific instructions.


We're really looking forward to this adventure - I'll give a report when we get back! :)



Hiya SpeedyAlice!!


Im gonna be on the Carnival GLory, stopping off at Beliza on NYD! I'm looking at booking with either Tom or Yhony, but quite fancy adding on the ATV with Yhony as well!!!


What ship you on??


nicky x

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We booked our New Year's Day cave tubing excursion with Major Tom, and so far have received wonderful service and information. He's answered all of my emails and questions promptly - couldn't be better. It sounds like finding him at the dock is easy, as he's given specific instructions.


We're really looking forward to this adventure - I'll give a report when we get back! :)



Hiya SpeedyAlice!!


Im gonna be on the Carnival GLory, stopping off at Beliza on NYD! I'm looking at booking with either Tom or Yhony, but quite fancy adding on the ATV with Yhony as well!!!


What ship you on??


nicky x

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My husband and I used cave-tubing dot com, on 11/1/07 and loved them. If you walk thru the jewelry store they will be out side waiting for you. We got off the tender about 9:00 a.m. and there where already a few people waiting in the bar across the street. Then with in 10 min we where headed to the bus. Evan, Leron and Dirty Harry where our guides they did a great job. We had about 25 people in out group. On the 45 min bus ride there they told us all about the Belize. They even let us sample the cashew wine  not my thing, but other people loved it. We where the very first bus to arrive at the park. It took our group a little while to change and get ready, once we where we headed to the river. During this time the ships tour arrived. We passed them at the point where we cross the river. After about 30 min we came to our spot to enter the river. We given the option to jump in or use the steps. I jumped! Loved it! The water was refreshing after the walk. They got us set up into three chains, where you have the person behind you but there feet under your arms. I was the first person so the Evan the guided either pulled my tube or had his feet locked on to my tube. Then we where off. About half way into the first cave the guides splash everyone. This was very funny, because the whole way up Even made several comments that this was a 100% wet tour. After a short water fight we where off again. The guides start to race then all of us joined in. This was the one of the few times we had to paddle and it was more choice not a requirement. The first cave was very big and deep. Once we exit it you can see into the next cave and the ships tours where just entering it, as well as another tour waiting to enter. The second cave was more shallow and we had lots of “Butts-Up” this is what the guided called out in shallow parts so we would not hit our butts. Entering the next cave our guides pulled us to one side of the cave so we don’t get bumped as much. This cave was a little hectic because of all of the people calling for help and other people. Several people from the ships tour tried to grab on to our group. It was funny. Since I was at the front of my chain Evan handed me a huge flashlight and asked me to point it forward, then he whips the chain around and we are all facing backwards and see the ships tour hit a wall and get stuck. I felt really bad for these people. Our guided had pulled us thru this part so we had no problems. The next part of the river gets very shallow and we had to keep our butts up for some time. When we did get stuck the guided pulled us over that part. The Ship tour had to get up and walk. We got back to the pier with an hour and a half to shop before the last tender. We had a great time on this excursion, and recommend everyone to try it.

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My husband and I just returned from our cruise on the carnival Miracle and we used Major Tom. Our guide was Charlie Chan and we had him all to ourselves. He was absolutely the best!! He was so knowledgeable about everything in Belize and we felt so safe and comfortable with him. We took great care of us in the cave and stayed hooked on to us the whole time. While other people were stuck off to the side we glided through the cave without getting stuck or anything and charlie knows the caves like the back of his hand! He was really the best guide possible and I would recommend him and Major Tom to everyone. If we ever go back to Belize, I would use them in a minute. It was an A++++ experience and one I will never forget. It was definitely one of the highlights of our cruise.



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My family and I took a western Caribbean cruise in July. We booked a cave tubing excursion with Major Tom after reading about his cave tubing tour on the internet cave-tubing {dot} net. Major Tom was waiting for us on the dock as soon as we got off the ship. He was a fascinating man, and taught us about the culture of the people living in Belize. It was obvious to all of us that the Major had an appreciation for nature and that he truly loved teaching people about his country.

After driving for over an hour, we finally reached the rainforest. We were given flashlights to use in the cave, as well as an inner tube to carry as we trecked through the rainforest. Major Tom explained the various plants and insects to us, as we made our way to the river that would eventually take us through the caves. Joe, one of Major Tom's "Fun Team" was very attentive to my two children. He helped them carry their inner tubes, and made sure that they stayed with our group.

The Major was very safety conscious. Once we arrived at the river, Major Tom made sure that we were hooked together in our inner tubes. My biggest worry was that somehow my children would end up floating thorough the dark cave without me! The Major assured me that we would be hooked together for the entire trip. At one point, when we began to break apart, he made sure that he got us joined together again before we continued down the river. I saw many other cave tubing "outfits" allowing their customers to float freely. I was thankful that we were safely hooked together!

Upon entering the cave, we found it to be a very sacred place. It was so peaceful, until some of the other cave tubing companies began shouting in the caves. To me, it almost seemed irreverent. As Major Tom tried to explain what we were seeing in the cave, his voice was drowned out by the other cave tubing companies chanting through the cave. It was clear to me that some of the other companies did not share the Major's respect for the caves.

I was very impressed not only with this man, but with the way he ran his company. He had the utmost respect for the environment and nature, as well as for the customers that he served.

If I were to visit Belize again, I would surely go cave tubing again with Major Tom, Tom Jr. and the Fun Team! I would recommend this company to anyone interested in cave tubing. You will not be disppointed, and you will come away with a new appreciation for nature and the world we live in!

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After doing much research on this cruise critic board I decied to book my extended family cave tubing adventure in Belize with Major Tom. Thanks to all for your valuable reviews! I really like the reviews he has gotten and feel very safe cave tubing with him, as well as looking forward to soaking up all the information he provides. Not to mention the fun! He responded to all of my emails promptly and answered all of my many questions. With such a large group I was very happy to find that he gives the option of paying when you get there rather than having to go through the hassle of putting down deposits for all of those people. I can't wait to go cave tubing with Major Tom...we will be there December on the Grandeur of the Seas...will let you know how it goes when I get back.

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I wanted to add my voice to those recommending cave-tubing(dot)com!


We went with Richard and Rafael (Tigre!) and their crew in November of 2007, and it was a GREAT experience. From the ride to the park all the way through to the ATV ride afterwards.


The guys were knowledgeable, fun, and had just the right tone. Safety was the number one priority, but having a good time was right below it. One of the things that impressed me was how careful they were to make sure everyone was having fun, and was individually cared for, which was important as we had 30 people in our group alone traveling together.


I can't say anything about the other operator, but I would recommend Yhony's guys highly!

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