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Weight Watchers and Cruising!


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They have the omelet bar at breakfast...you can always get an egg omelet with veggies, that would be core. At lunch, there are always soups in the various 'restaurant' areas, you can probably find a broth based soup. And remember, if maintaining, you get plenty of points for the week. Hope you can use them and enjoy. Check out the gym the first day, they have lots of equipment, the pool and classes, maybe there is something similiar to Curves.

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  • 1 month later...

I started WW Jan 2007 and went on a 7 day cruise just 4 weeks before making lifetime. 2 weeks after the cruise I received my key. I ordered from the cooking light menu items unless there was something that I couldn't live without, then I ordered what I wanted and tried to do better the rest of the time. I walked instead of using the elevator most all of the time. I plan to do the same next week while on the NCL Sun and maintain my lifetime status!!!!!!! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Great Advice! I've started back up on WW too. We were on the NCL Star 2 years ago, and CCL Elation 4 years ago. Both had EXCELLENT sugarfree and low-fat desserts. I am SO looking forward to the fresh veggies and fruits. We just moved, and the produce really stinks here, where I was used to shopping farmer's markets and such. So, I hope I can just have the control to pass over the sweets and head for the veggies and fruits.


I also have a severe allergy to sulfur dioxide, that's the preservative they use to keep things looking fresh. On the Elation I went up that first day before we left, and they had most divine looking fruit desserts. I asked one of the staff about it, if there were preservatives on it, he didn't speak English, brought out the head cook, maitre d, some more waitors, and I was totally embarassed. But, they assured me it was fine, and I felt like a queen the rest of the time! Even bringing me out more of it. lol It's all presented so beautiful and tastes so good too! Very fresh! So, I'm excited again to take advantage of those fruit dishes and veggies again.


I also get my water with the individual packs of Crystal Light, and Propel Water I bring with me. We brought a 6 pack of the tall Aquafina waters with the wide mouths, and those were perfect for refilling all week.


Stairs, sunrise walks on the decks, walking everywhere in port(that you can). The Star had a walking deck that 4 times around was 1.4 miles. I'm eager to find out what it will be on the Valor.


If you don't track your WW points, then you've still been armed with a tremendous amount of info on better choices to keep you mostly on track. You can do it!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys gave me some great ideas! Thanks especially for the personal water bottle and Crystal Light single packs ... PERFECT!


I'm Lifetime, a few pounds over goal right now, hoping to fix that before I leave. I've done a few cruises since hitting goal. What I've learned is similar to what others here have already said:


--Walk, walk, walk, and take the stairs EVERYWHERE. My only exception to this rule is formal night, when I'm wearing heels.


--Light breakfast, salad bar plus something carby (a small bit of pasta salad, for example) for lunch. And be reasonable at dinner - order like you would in a restaurant at home. I try to stick to seafood and shellfish, or a lean steak for the entree -- sauces are fine, but ask for them on the side and just put on a teaspoon or so for flavor; a low-point salad, dressing on the side; broth-based soups; and NO soupy-goopy items with who-knows-what hidden inside. I DO take dessert, but at dinner only.


--Try to stick to wine and beer, avoiding high-calorie fancy mixed drinks. The juices and mixers have SO many points in them, plus many of the mixed drinks have several shots of alcohol in each drink. Margaritas and pina coladas ... I LOVE 'em, but try to do only a couple throughout a cruise.

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  • 3 months later...

I see it's been awhile since anyone posted on this board....but I just found you!

I (re)joined WW in Jan........and taking a cruise in August.......this is our 5th cruise........I was already eating with restrictions (I'm diabetic) but now I am even pickier!

As for breakfast I eat only protein (eggs....cheese....) with veggies.....

I also have a low carb/high fiber hot cereal that I can eat........would it be alright (I know....almost everything is okay, food wise) if I bring a packet to the dining room, and get a bowl of hot water with s/f syrup? Then I can add my own oatmeal.........

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HI! I'm a lifetime member of WW also and will be on a cruise with my husband's company in June. On the Noordam in the Mediterranean.


I've read some really good tips on this thread. Hope we can continue it. Really helps get me psyched for maintaining on the cruise.


I too was wondering about taking my own oatmeal. I like to make it with skim milk. I'm on core and at goal right now.

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I am a life time member at goal and am determined not to gain any weight on my upcoming cruise. I am going to take my bathroom scale with me and weigh myself each day (and write it down), track everything that I eat and drink, and exercise each day. If by chance I am doing well enough on the last night of the cruise, I will order the chocolate melting cake and have a taste.


I have been following core for the last few months, and lost the 25 lbs that I gained over the last year and a half. I have checked out the Carnival menus on the unofficial Carnival wiki and there are lots of core options. At breakfast there is oatmeal, eggs and ham. Lunch there are always salads and lean meats. Dinner there is plenty of spa cuisine, and the option to order a piece of grilled beef or chicken and steamed vegetables. For dessert there is always fruit. I don't eat bread very often at home, so don't plan on eating it on the cruise.

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Hi All!!

I am thrilled to have found this thread. I am joining WW the first week of May for my October Cruise. My goal is to lose 25 lbs in 5 months. Which seems to be doable.

I would love to continue this thread and encourage all of us that need to lose or need to maintain our weight.

WW seems to be a great program and easy to do.

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Another WW member here, I do the online plan. My cruise is REALLY REALLY REALLY far in the future and I only want to lose about 30 more pounds to be at my personal goal. I am assuming by the time my cruise comes I will be working on maintaining which gives me more to work with.


My plan is to do some sort of exercise on sea days, either swimming, using the gym or walking on the decks. I will try and skip cheap fast food type things and fried things. Why waste calories/points on something you can make anytime. On sea days I will be quite careful about what I eat because we will be relaxing more and I hope that during shore days we can do something active or walk a lot.


Right now wearing a hot formal dress is a good motivation for me and so is the thought of wearing a swimsuit in front of people with out making them gag :p

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Another WW member here, I do the online plan. My cruise is REALLY REALLY REALLY far in the future and I only want to lose about 30 more pounds to be at my personal goal. I am assuming by the time my cruise comes I will be working on maintaining which gives me more to work with.


My plan is to do some sort of exercise on sea days, either swimming, using the gym or walking on the decks. I will try and skip cheap fast food type things and fried things. Why waste calories/points on something you can make anytime. On sea days I will be quite careful about what I eat because we will be relaxing more and I hope that during shore days we can do something active or walk a lot.


Right now wearing a hot formal dress is a good motivation for me and so is the thought of wearing a swimsuit in front of people with out making them

gag :p


I am considering joining WW and have a few questions. I have read all of this thread and don't understand why eat the salad at lunch and the big meal at supper??? Shouldn't it be done the other way around so you can work off the heavier meal during the day?? also I am thinking about doing the online method, how does that work? Also I am reading about these people all who have lost weight, but up next to me not lots:( . I have about 135-140lbs to loose:eek: . I am hoping for 25 before I cruise August 4. Any ideas if WW would work or me???

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I have been on Weight Watchers for almost 5 years now. Although I had only about 30 pounds to lose, I know many who have lost much much more than that on WW. It is a proven weight loss method, with the science to back it up. It also will become a way of life when you really get into the plan. As my leader always says, "Once a weight watcher, always a weight watcher." Even though you have many pounds to lose, I highly recommend WW. It really works if you work the program. Let me recommend that you visit the weight watchers site online. It is very helpful to me. I am currently at goal and on maintenance. I don't get to meetings every week, but the support I get online is tremendous! Be sure to visit the message boards. You'll find lots of folks doing the same thing you're doing and being successful at it who will be such inspiration to you. They are also willing to share tips and recipes with you. Good luck on your journey! And Happy Sailing!

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Vic/leelee, I didn't answer your question about the salad for lunch and the bigger meal later. Weight Watchers just asks you to count the pts for everything you eat. They don't dictate to you when you can eat certain foods. you can eat around the clock on ww and simply count the pts for it. Personally, when at home I eat my biggest meal at lunch and eat light for supper. That's just the way my husband and I enjoy doing. But when we are away from home, we tend to eat light at lunch and heavier at dinner. I don't think it will make a difference as long as you are not eating over your pts allowance for the day.


I've never done the online program, so I can't really address that question with you. I'm sure someone on this board will see your question and answer it for you. If not, try the ww site online. There you can ask questions and get help.

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The chefs pull out all the stops for the evening meal, so that is why we say eat salad at lunch time, save your points for the evening meal. The other issue is that you need to eat the right things, it is always good to have a some protein and a little fat with a meal so that you feel satisfied for longer. If all you ate for lunch was salad vegetables without salad dressing (with oil) and protein, you'd be hungry again in no time and might make a suboptimal food choice. It is about balance. When I say a little fat with a meal, I mean a little, maybe a teaspoon of oil with your lunch, then another in the evening. Fat is essential, but a little goes a long way. If you go to Centers for Disease Control website, you can check out their food pyramid. The human diet needs lots of variety, but in North America we tend to overdo the carbs, fats and meat, and underdo fresh fruits and vegetables.


The basic equation is calories in must be less than calories out if you want to lose weight. If you're maintaining, you need to balance those more or less exactly.


I really enjoy the core program because it focuses less on tracking, however it does require more discipline about knowing when you are satisfied.

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I am considering joining WW and have a few questions. I have read all of this thread and don't understand why eat the salad at lunch and the big meal at supper??? Shouldn't it be done the other way around so you can work off the heavier meal during the day?? also I am thinking about doing the online method, how does that work? Also I am reading about these people all who have lost weight, but up next to me not lots:( . I have about 135-140lbs to loose:eek: . I am hoping for 25 before I cruise August 4. Any ideas if WW would work or me???


The not eating at night is one of the biggest myths in weight loss/nutrition. Calories in/calories out is the only thing that matters. Now, if you have a weigh-in the next day, you might not want to eat a lot the night before, but ultimately, over the long-term, it makes no difference when you eat.


As for WW and you, you will likely lose a lot of weight in the beginning, but then it slows, and I know people with a lot to lose get frustrated (My cousin lost 30 pounds in the first month, but gave it up when that pace didn't continue). You know you have a lot to lose, and you just have to set yourself up for the fact that it WILL take a long time - most likely a year to two years. WW will work for you if you follow the plan. I never attended a meeting - got the materials from my parents since they had two sets. I'm motivated enough to get it done, my mom and dad say they need the meetings. My dad reached goal and lifetime status, and he still goes to the weekly meetings with my mom. My mom is a lifetime member and has 7 pounds to go.


I lost 21 pounds in 3 months - 17 pounds in the first 2, the last 4 took a bit:). I'm now maintaining. I cruised last week. We were on the Riviera deck, and the only time we took the elevators were at embarkation and debarkation when we had our carry-on luggage. I worked out at the gym 6 days. I didn't pig out - but I enjoyed what I wanted to enjoy. I had pizza, ice cream, desserts, appetizers, etc. I only ate 3 meals - no room service or in-between "snacks" because it was there. I "gained" 3 pounds. I put that in quotes because it was water weight. As of yesterday (I got back Sunday the 20th), I was back to my pre-cruise weight.

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Vic/leelee, I just noticed that you are from Lake Charles. I am from a small town south of Monroe. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law live in Lake Charles. Small world, huh?


Its funny how this is not a very large city but many people here that I don't know. But who are your inlaws, I might know them??? Thanks for the tips.

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The not eating at night is one of the biggest myths in weight loss/nutrition. Calories in/calories out is the only thing that matters. Now, if you have a weigh-in the next day, you might not want to eat a lot the night before, but ultimately, over the long-term, it makes no difference when you eat.


As for WW and you, you will likely lose a lot of weight in the beginning, but then it slows, and I know people with a lot to lose get frustrated (My cousin lost 30 pounds in the first month, but gave it up when that pace didn't continue). You know you have a lot to lose, and you just have to set yourself up for the fact that it WILL take a long time - most likely a year to two years. WW will work for you if you follow the plan. I never attended a meeting - got the materials from my parents since they had two sets. I'm motivated enough to get it done, my mom and dad say they need the meetings. My dad reached goal and lifetime status, and he still goes to the weekly meetings with my mom. My mom is a lifetime member and has 7 pounds to go.


I lost 21 pounds in 3 months - 17 pounds in the first 2, the last 4 took a bit:). I'm now maintaining. I cruised last week. We were on the Riviera deck, and the only time we took the elevators were at embarkation and debarkation when we had our carry-on luggage. I worked out at the gym 6 days. I didn't pig out - but I enjoyed what I wanted to enjoy. I had pizza, ice cream, desserts, appetizers, etc. I only ate 3 meals - no room service or in-between "snacks" because it was there. I "gained" 3 pounds. I put that in quotes because it was water weight. As of yesterday (I got back Sunday the 20th), I was back to my pre-cruise weight.


I would love to have the material you were talking about. I don't know if we can afford the weekly meetings just now. Could you fax me the info, or some of it??? I would email or give you my fax number???

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I would love to have the material you were talking about. I don't know if we can afford the weekly meetings just now. Could you fax me the info, or some of it??? I would email or give you my fax number???


Unfortunately, there's a lot of info, and it's in a book, so it's not really faxable. Also, a key item is the points finder (you need it for core or flex), which is worthless on regular paper lol.


As for not affording it, I obviously don't know your exact situation. Meetings are about $11 a week (varies slightly based on area). How often do you eat out? Cut out one time a week and you're ahead. What about drinking sodas, coffees, etc? Your health is worth more than $44 a month. Or go every other week. A minimum, find a meeting, go once or twice to get the materials, and then go on your way.

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I highly recommend that you attend a meeting. I have done WW numerous times on my own only to lose and then regain. Going to the meetings somehow makes me stay on program. Also, if you have that much weight to lose $11.00 a week is not much money to get yourself at a healthy weight. The most expensive part is when you lose the weight and have to buy all new clothes :D . I have lost 26 pounds and want to lose another 20 by Sept. I'm not sure where you live in Lake Charles but I attend a meeting on Monday nights in Moss Bluff.

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