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How to Do Meridia? Please Help-We Leave in 3 Weeks


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My girlfriend and I will be in Progresso/Meridia on Monday, November 5th. We are going to be on the Fantasy, which I am told, docks at approx. 7am. The ship leaves at 4pm. We are not really "beach" people, so would not enjoy just hanging out by a pool or on the beach. I've read some on Meridia and think that we would enjoy visiting this very European inspired city. I have considered taking a tour run by the cruise line or by auto progresso, but after more thought, I am thinking that we may just do it on our own. That way we can determine how long we spend at certain places and what to do.


How would one go about this? I read that there is a bus that we can take to Meridia for like $6 roundtrip correct? Where will this bus drop us off in Meridia? I think we need to be in the plaza area--where the cathedral, museum, etc. is. I also would like to see the avenue inspired by the Champs DeElysee--is this far from the plaza? We would also need to shop:D I have heard that there is a market near the plaza? Is this true? Is the shopping good in Meridia? It is a fairly big city, so will they have jewelry stores, alcohol/tobacco shops etc? Is the shopping a bargain here? I am in the market for a new watch(Swiss), would this be a good place to look for a bargain or should I just wait until Cozumel? Also will need touristy items--T-shirts, magnets, hats, etc. Is this available in Meridia? How long is the bus trip from pier area to Meridia? What time should we leave Meridia to be back at pier for say 2:30pm? I don't like to cut it close :D

Anyone who can help me with these questions, thank you. I really do appreciate it. I want to be prepared so I know what I am doing

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No replies yet? Ah well :) I guess we'll just wing it. I've searched the net, but there doesn't seem to be much DETAILED info on Meridia. Just a lot of sketchy info. If anyone could please help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks:D

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No replies yet? Ah well :) I guess we'll just wing it. I've searched the net, but there doesn't seem to be much DETAILED info on Meridia. Just a lot of sketchy info. If anyone could please help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks:D


Not sure if you're searching correctly....it's Merida, not Meridia.


Try this link that is oftened referenced here http://www.yucatantoday.com

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We just got back last Saturday and enjoyed Merida. It did not start off very well as we planned on taking the Auto Progreso (public) bus to Merida. The bus station is approx. 3 block from the market where the charter bus drops you off. Progreso is a very authentic Mexican town. Very few people speak ANY English so unless you are fluent in Spanish I suggest you arrange for transportation.

We paid for an excursion from a tour company (the name escapes me other than he said he used to work from Auto Progreso Tours) at the exit to the market area. We arranged for the four of us take be taken to Merida. We stopped at the Museum on the way and dropped off at the

Square. The driver knew no English but the tour operator arranged for an English speaking guide, who was also a Merida Police Officer, to meet us. We visited the Cathedral and the Government Building. There were several other buildings that I can not remember what they were but it was very interesting.

We wrapped up by having lunch at a local restaurant. The food was very good and inexpensive. We tipped the guide $40 for the four of us and the taxi that dropped us off and took us back to the market in Progreso cost us $80. All in all we spent $30 dollars each for a guided tour that would have cost $55 each on the ship.

The moral to this story is do not venture out on your own unless you are very comfortable in foreign lands and are fluent in Spanish. I will be posting pictures on my site this weekend.

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The moral to this story is do not venture out on your own unless you are very comfortable in foreign lands and are fluent in Spanish. I will be posting pictures on my site this weekend.


Thanks for this input! I was also considering just taking a bus into Merida with my husband, but now I think we will just stay on the ship. I know very little Spanish(just high school classes) and don't want to be lost in a some Mexican city. Also, $80 sounds high for a cab ride. Thanks again, at least now I know I'll have a relaxing in port day on the ship.

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Thanks for this input! I was also considering just taking a bus into Merida with my husband, but now I think we will just stay on the ship. I know very little Spanish(just high school classes) and don't want to be lost in a some Mexican city. Also, $80 sounds high for a cab ride. Thanks again, at least now I know I'll have a relaxing in port day on the ship.


Oh NO!!! You would be missing a wonderful port with down to earth, very friendly people and interesting culture. In Progreso, you can take the shuttle bus (free) into town. When you get off the bus just take a left at the corner and walk two blocks to the Malecon. There are WONDERFUL restaurants there, including my two favorites Le Saint Bonnet and Jean Lafitte's Seafood House. Progreso is an EXTREMELY safe place to spend the day, lots of people speak English and I believe you would be poorer for missing it. I really hope you'll change your mind.:)


P.S.: Also, right where you get off the bus in town, you can take a guided double decker bus tour of Progreso for just 2 dollars...cheap, fun and informative. I'm including a link to pictures from our cruise just 3 weeks ago. http://good-times.webshots.com/album/560811430OSCqeX

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Oh NO!!! You would be missing a wonderful port with down to earth, very friendly people and interesting culture. In Progreso, you can take the shuttle bus (free) into town. When you get off the bus just take a left at the corner and walk two blocks to the Malecon. There are WONDERFUL restaurants there, including my two favorites Le Saint Bonnet and Jean Lafitte's Seafood House. Progreso is an EXTREMELY safe place to spend the day, lots of people speak English and I believe you would be poorer for missing it. I really hope you'll change your mind.:)


P.S.: Also, right where you get off the bus in town, you can take a guided double decker bus tour of Progreso for just 2 dollars...cheap, fun and informative. I'm including a link to pictures from our cruise just 3 weeks ago. http://good-times.webshots.com/album/560811430OSCqeX


But what about Merida? My girlfriend and I were hoping to take a bus into Merida and tour that city on our own. However, after reading a previous post, I am now hesitant to do this on my own. I can speak passable Spanish, not great or even good, but I can get my point across for the most part. I was just wondering how to get to Merida? There is a bus right? I was planning on spending the majority of my time there around or near the Plaza section(the church, musuem, courthouse, etc). Checking out the sidewalk cafes, and maybe do some shopping. I read that there is a market near the plaza? I need to know how far away Merida is from the port? How long the bus ride is? How much the ride is RT? and what time I should leave the city of Merida to get back to the port say 2 hours before the ship leaves(I don't like to cut it close). Will I be safe in Merida?

Thanks for everyone's replies! :)

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We too decided to venture out on our own and we had a great time. This is what I remember. When you get off the ship you walk through a small market place and then everyone boards shuttle buses which take you down a long pier into the city of Progresso. It is a commercial type area and it is suggested that you don't try to walk down the long pier into town. (They may even prohibit it.) The cruise ship buses will drop you off at a central market place in the city. We then took the public bus into Merida, just a few dollars each. I don't remember if we had to walk a few blocks to the bus stop or if it was right there where the shuttle buses dropped you off, but I'm sure that you will be able to find someone who speaks english to direct you. My son thinks that it was right in the same location, because he remembers us shopping around the market while waiting for the bus.


My family seems to remember that the bus ride took about 45 minutes into Merida, but I'm sorry to say that we are not positive. (I speak spanish so I chatted with the local people that were sitting next to me.) There were several tourists on the bus, and I don't think that you would feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


I had preprinted a map of Merida from a link on these boards, so when we got off the bus, we easily walked the few blocks to the central plaza. I'm sure that you could find something that you could use. It was a quaint old world city and we people watched and walked around a little bit.


At some point we hired a cab to take us on a short tour of the blvd. that you mentioned and we even stopped at a big Mexican Walmart that had it's own parking garage with escalators that you could ride down with your shopping carts. We then walked a few blocks down to a restaurant, caught a cab back to the bus station and returned to the ship in the early afternoon. We looked around at the market that is located right at dockside for "touristy" souveniers and were back on board by 3 p.m.


I'm sure that you could hire a local cab driver to take you on a short tour of the city. It seems like there were several around the central plaza offering tours. There was also some type of tourist information spot across the street from the main plaza in one of the historical buildings.


I wish that I remembered more details for you, but it was several years ago.


Hope that this helps - Annette

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But what about Merida? My girlfriend and I were hoping to take a bus into Merida and tour that city on our own. However, after reading a previous post, I am now hesitant to do this on my own. I can speak passable Spanish, not great or even good, but I can get my point across for the most part. I was just wondering how to get to Merida? There is a bus right? I was planning on spending the majority of my time there around or near the Plaza section(the church, museum, courthouse, etc). Checking out the sidewalk cafés, and maybe do some shopping. I read that there is a market near the plaza? I need to know how far away Merida is from the port? How long the bus ride is? How much the ride is RT? and what time I should leave the city of Merida to get back to the port say 2 hours before the ship leaves(I don't like to cut it close). Will I be safe in Merida?

Thanks for everyone's replies! :)


Yes, you will be safe in Merida. There were police everywhere we went around the plaza area. We enjoyed Merida very much. I do not want to give the impression that once of the ship you will be in a bad area, on the contrary, I did not feel physically threatened at all. I did not feel comfortable not be able to communicate adequately. That was my misfortune. I was a visitor in their country.


It is true that if you take the free shuttle to the end of the pier and walk straight past the flea market area and turn left you will be at the Malecon. This is a very beautiful area. About half of a block down on the right is Le Saint Bonnet where we stopped to get some cold ones before returning to the ship. This is where HDawson (hope all is going well with his time away) gives rave reviews. We ate in Merida so we were not hungry but I wish I were. Everything looked great.


Do not stay on the ship! At least go the Malecon. Take the DD Bus ride down the Malecon. I only recommend that if this is your first time in Progreso and you want to go to Merida get a guide.

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My girlfriend and I will be in Progresso/Meridia on Monday, November 5th. We are going to be on the Fantasy, which I am told, docks at approx. 7am. The ship leaves at 4pm. We are not really "beach" people, so would not enjoy just hanging out by a pool or on the beach. I've read some on Meridia and think that we would enjoy visiting this very European inspired city. I have considered taking a tour run by the cruise line or by auto progresso, but after more thought, I am thinking that we may just do it on our own. That way we can determine how long we spend at certain places and what to do.


How would one go about this? I read that there is a bus that we can take to Meridia for like $6 roundtrip correct? Where will this bus drop us off in Meridia? I think we need to be in the plaza area--where the cathedral, museum, etc. is. I also would like to see the avenue inspired by the Champs DeElysee--is this far from the plaza? We would also need to shop:D I have heard that there is a market near the plaza? Is this true? Is the shopping good in Meridia? It is a fairly big city, so will they have jewelry stores, alcohol/tobacco shops etc? Is the shopping a bargain here? I am in the market for a new watch(Swiss), would this be a good place to look for a bargain or should I just wait until Cozumel? Also will need touristy items--T-shirts, magnets, hats, etc. Is this available in Meridia? How long is the bus trip from pier area to Meridia? What time should we leave Meridia to be back at pier for say 2:30pm? I don't like to cut it close :D

Anyone who can help me with these questions, thank you. I really do appreciate it. I want to be prepared so I know what I am doing


We plan an on beach massage next week..and lunch at the plaza/tents at StBonnet..good chhep food I read

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Go to http://www.yucatantoday.com Go to Maps Maps Maps link. Print out the one for Progreso and then print out the one for Downtown Merida.


When you get dropped off in Progreso, go around the block to the AutoProgreso bus station. It was somewhere around $2.50pp for the ticket. It takes about 30-45 minutes to get to Merida. You will be dropped off approx 2 blocks from the Central Square where the Cathedral is located.


If you take the AutoProgreso tour, it does not leave until 10:30am. If you do it on your own you could leave around 7:45 or 8am. The bus's run every 15 minutes. I would leave Merida around 2pm. I have a little electronic translator that I bring. While it does not have every word, it has enough to get your idea across.



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The bus station is on Calle 29 between Calle 80 and 82. Just ask anyone, autobus? (OW-to-booss?)

You can also take collectivos (vans) from the corner of Calle 80 and 29.

The shuttle from the boat takes you to the Casa de Cultura on Calle 80 and Calle 27. So just walk south (away from the gulf) for a block.

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The collectivo vans are actually fun to take. They are air-conditioned and relatively comfortable. A one-way trip to downtown Merida will cost you 14 pesos (less than $1.40) each. The terminal is one and a half blocks from the main plaza. (Plaza meyor). Merida is a very safe city and you'll find people helpful. You can print out a map of downtown Merida here: http://www.yucatantoday.com/maps/eng-merida-downtown-map.htm

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The collectivo vans are actually fun to take. They are air-conditioned and relatively comfortable. A one-way trip to downtown Merida will cost you 14 pesos (less than $1.40) each.

I haven't taken the collectivos in Progreso but we used them from Akumal to Playa Del Carman. It is a neat and cheap way to travel. A taxi from Calica to Akumal was $30. We returned to PDC by collectivo for $2 @.;)

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Returning from Merida is easy - you can either take a collectivo from the main station downtown where you disembarked, or a big bus (AutoProgreso) from the station south of the main plaza. The collectivo vans leave when they are full, not on a set schedule, so give ourselves some leeway. The Autoprogreso buses leave about every 15 minutes until 10 pm. The Progreso terminal in Merida is on Calle 62, between 65 and 67.

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The collectivo vans are actually fun to take. They are air-conditioned and relatively comfortable. A one-way trip to downtown Merida will cost you 14 pesos (less than $1.40) each. The terminal is one and a half blocks from the main plaza. (Plaza meyor). Merida is a very safe city and you'll find people helpful. You can print out a map of downtown Merida here: http://www.yucatantoday.com/maps/eng-merida-downtown-map.htm

Are US dollars accepted or do we have to convert money to Pesos? If have to convert, where can we do so conveniently in Progreso? Thanks, we'll be there next week.

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