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Possibly moving to Nassau to live - need help!


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Hello all,


I might have a job opportunity to live in Nassau for 2 years (living expenses paid by my employer - so I pretty much get to pocket my whole paycheck!) and I have never been there before. I want to do all of my research before I jump into something that I might regret. After I complete 2 years, I can go (just about) anywhere in the U.S. to work.


DH and I are expecting our first child in May, so I would most likely have to have this kid in Nassau. Does anyone have any idea what health care is like? Quality of the hospitals out there?


I understand that living expenses are high, but if I won't be paying my rent/mortgage or utilities, it won't really affect me, although I would still have to pay for everyday essentials like food, gas, etc. Although since it's a small island, I doubt we will be doing much driving, so gas won't be too much of a concern.


As far as grocery/everyday shopping, are there any major chains in Nassau, like Walmart, K-Mart, Safeway?


Personally, I don't think I would get super bored living on an island, I have lived in Southern New Mexico for 5 years (no offense to anyone who is from there, but I HATED it - I am from San Francisco and used to city life and was just bored out of my mind because there was nothing to do!) and got through that. DH and I love the beach and we will be so busy with the new kid that we probably won't have time to be bored. Plus, the U.S. is just a short flight away.




Bahamian people's view of Americans? Do they like us?


Hurricanes, I know this is a good possibility, but the people I work for always make sure to evacuate all of their people when there is a threat.


Weather - DH grew up in the D.C. area (where we are living now) and hates the cold, so Bahamas weather would definitely be an approvement.


Anyway, I would like to hear what anyone has to say about Nassau, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I just want to know what I may be getting myself into.


Thanks in advance!!

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Hello all,


I might have a job opportunity to live in Nassau for 2 years (living expenses paid by my employer - so I pretty much get to pocket my whole paycheck!) and I have never been there before. I want to do all of my research before I jump into something that I might regret. After I complete 2 years, I can go (just about) anywhere in the U.S. to work.


DH and I are expecting our first child in May, so I would most likely have to have this kid in Nassau. Does anyone have any idea what health care is like? Quality of the hospitals out there?


I understand that living expenses are high, but if I won't be paying my rent/mortgage or utilities, it won't really affect me, although I would still have to pay for everyday essentials like food, gas, etc. Although since it's a small island, I doubt we will be doing much driving, so gas won't be too much of a concern.


As far as grocery/everyday shopping, are there any major chains in Nassau, like Walmart, K-Mart, Safeway?


Personally, I don't think I would get super bored living on an island, I have lived in Southern New Mexico for 5 years (no offense to anyone who is from there, but I HATED it - I am from San Francisco and used to city life and was just bored out of my mind because there was nothing to do!) and got through that. DH and I love the beach and we will be so busy with the new kid that we probably won't have time to be bored. Plus, the U.S. is just a short flight away.




Bahamian people's view of Americans? Do they like us?


Hurricanes, I know this is a good possibility, but the people I work for always make sure to evacuate all of their people when there is a threat.


Weather - DH grew up in the D.C. area (where we are living now) and hates the cold, so Bahamas weather would definitely be an approvement.


Anyway, I would like to hear what anyone has to say about Nassau, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I just want to know what I may be getting myself into.


Thanks in advance!!


You really have to spend some time in Nassau to see for yourself.


I get VERY bored, and have given up living there full time.

There are certainly issues with medical facilities (if there's a problem), and the crime rate is out of control.

Heat in the summer is brutal and there are no real "shopping" like we have in the states.


Take a trip, check out the inside of the island. (you really don't live in tourist town ). Day care issues, Health care issues.. talk to some of the expats that work for a living.


Gas prices are sky high.. and yes.. you'll burn gas. traffic is terrible and take forever to get anywhere at peak traffic times.


And once again. It's boring, boring boring. there's only so many times you can hear the same band, and the beach.. as lovely as it is.. is not readily open to locals.. so you have to go to the hotels to go to a decent beach.


Too many issues to list. It's certainly not paradise, unless you can afford to lock yourself behind gates in the luxury areas of the island.


Slackness is a virtue in the bahamas. Don't get me started on that.

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Hmmmm, definitely something to think about. Thanks for giving me the insight. If I get the job offer, I will make sure to talk to other people within my agency who are assigned there to get the scoop on what it's like to live there for 2 years. As far as boredom, I would be the one working full time while DH stays home with the baby. Since we wouldn't be paying for housing or utilities, there is no need for him to find a job...he can be Mr. Mom. He is also a writer, so he will have plenty of time to work on his "masterpiece". He's the one that's really pushing for this more than me, he swears he won't get bored living on an island. In my down time, I will probably just want to relax, go to the beach every once in a while and spend time with the family. As far as gas, I am sure the people that I would work with have carpools.

My biggest concern is definitely the hospitals, and having the baby there. Anna Nicole had hers there....well....maybe that's not the best example to use...... didn't her son die there? I would think that with all of the multi million dollar mansions out there, there would have to at least be one decent hospital. Like you said, I guess I will have to go out there and see for myself.

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When we were in Nassau our taxi driver pointed out the hospital where Anna Nicole had her baby (we were there 2 weeks after) and said that there are two hospitals in Nassau, one has good care and one has good food. I'd take the one with good care and have DH bring you take-out. Sorry, I don't remember which one it was but one was the Princess Margaret (I remember that because we have one in Toronto). They seemed to like Americans and Canadians, he was telling us all about the lack of taxes and how you don't need a license if you want to be a gardener or a house painter, etc... There are gas stations, our van load on the way to Atlantis had to stop for it. If your company has people already down there why don't you try to email one of them with questions, they would know more about stores and shopping.

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I think I just need to head out there to check things out to make sure Nassau is a place we could live for 2 years before I accept the job offer. If I were to accept the offer and then change my mind, that doesn't reflect well with my employers and could affect any future job offers.

I think we may take a quick 3 day cruise next month, just so we can get an idea of what Nassau is all about. There is a cruise out of Port Canaveral (on the Sensation) and one out of Miami (Fascination) that have the same itinerary - just an overnight in Nassau and back. One leaves on a Thursday and one leaves on a Friday. We would have to fly out from D.C. so both are pretty much the same for us, and the prices are within a few dollars of each other, so it will probably come down to which ship is better.

I am 12 weeks pregnant, and at the time of the cruise, I will be about 4 months along, so I won't be so big that I won't have a good time (cruise will be cheaper too without any booze) - I just won't look as cute in my cruise clothes because I will just look fat! too early to look obviously pregnant. I will just enjoy the food, take it easy and relax and check out Nassau.

Never thought I would cruise while pregnant, but why not?

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I think I just need to head out there to check things out to make sure Nassau is a place we could live for 2 years before I accept the job offer. If I were to accept the offer and then change my mind, that doesn't reflect well with my employers and could affect any future job offers.

I think we may take a quick 3 day cruise next month, just so we can get an idea of what Nassau is all about. There is a cruise out of Port Canaveral (on the Sensation) and one out of Miami (Fascination) that have the same itinerary - just an overnight in Nassau and back. One leaves on a Thursday and one leaves on a Friday. We would have to fly out from D.C. so both are pretty much the same for us, and the prices are within a few dollars of each other, so it will probably come down to which ship is better.

I am 12 weeks pregnant, and at the time of the cruise, I will be about 4 months along, so I won't be so big that I won't have a good time (cruise will be cheaper too without any booze) - I just won't look as cute in my cruise clothes because I will just look fat! too early to look obviously pregnant. I will just enjoy the food, take it easy and relax and check out Nassau.

Never thought I would cruise while pregnant, but why not?


I really don't think you'll get much of the real picture from a few hours in port from a cruiseship.

Downtown Nassau looks like any other caribbean city. But it's not where you will go to shop or hang out.. or much of anything for that matter.

You'll need to really drive around, talk to people. Ask about how long it takes to get a phone line installed, or a refrigerator part to be flown in from the US (2 months - last time) . Or whether or not your new tires are really new or "refurbished". (they are refurbished.. believe me)

How to get "bottled water delivered" and how often the electricity goes out, or water gets shut off, etc. (often.. believe me)


I'm not trying to scare you.. but unless you are used to having bars on your windows, and you car being broken into regularly, (we cant keep rims or a radio in our car longer than a few days). then you really have to take time to check it out.

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I'm sorry, I really don't have any information for you, but I just wanted to say I think it's very cool that you are considering this opportunity with being pregnant. I know a lot of women would just automatically say no right away because the thought of living in a new/unfamiliar place for pregnancy/childbirth/parenting a baby would be too overwhelming.


To me, it sounds like an adventure. Your situation with your husband being able to stay home with the baby would be great. I'm sure you will make whatever decision is best for you, your family & your career. Good Luck and keep us posted!

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Yeah, it would be an adventure all right. I am really doing my research. Today I spoke to somebody at my job that works in the office that handles the foreign assignments to get the scoop on what it would be like. I guess the Dept. of State handles the housing situation for us and they really are particular about what housing they approve for us and ensure that we are in a safe area and have nice housing. They don't want us to be in any danger, I mean, if anything happened to one of us, they would just have to spend the time and money to get a replacement.

I would be more concerned if this was a permenent move, but since it's a 2 year stint, it wouldn't be too big of a commitment.

I just want to make sure that I am doing right by my baby by making this move. Sure, we would be out before the baby was 2, so she or he would have no recollection of their time in Nassau, I just want to make sure that the hospitals are decent. I would ask about this, but I don't want to announce that I am pregnant as then, I probably wouldn't get the job offer because they would think that I would get there, and then go on maternity leave for 6 months. In reality, I don't anticipate taking any more than a few weeks. My sister had 2 kids in the last 4 yrs (works for the same people I do) and only took a few weeks off for each one, and worked up until the day she went into labor. If I get the job offer, and then they find out I am pregnant and then renege the offer...that would be illegal.

So, I will probably sit tight and see what happens, and maybe take that cruise next month.....any excuse to take a cruise!

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I appreciate your honesty, these are definitely things that I need to be aware of before I make any kind of decision. This also might be a moot point because I haven't even received any kind of job offer yet...I just know that my application package has made it to the deciding official, and that there are 2 positions. As a former girl scout, I have learned to always "be prepared". If I decide against this job, there are also positions in Ireland, Aruba, Freeport, Bermuda, and all over Canada. Aside from Nassau, I would only really consider Ireland or Vancouver, and maybe Freeport. I have heard that Bermuda is awesome, but isn't it extremely expensive? I also don't think there are many job ops there either. I have heard stories of people (people in my agency) going crazy in Aruba because of the isolation and being on such a small island. I would love to visit, but I don't know about living there for 2 years.


Catgirl, Most people might think I would be crazy, and that I should just wait because of the baby. I tend to seize an opportunity when it comes my way. Although if I check things out there and realize that it will just be too risky to try to have my baby there and raise it there for it's first 2 years of it's life, I would probably change my mind. I see this whole thing as a very good economic opportunity (most people who take these assignments do it because you save so much money since you're not paying for living expenses) and it is also good work experience. You also get to go wherever you want to when you are finished with your assignment. We live in the D.C. area and got into the housing market right before the bubble burst, so the majority of our money goes into the mortgage. Also, if we were to try to sell our house on our own, we would lose a lot of money - nearly all of the equity that we have. If I get this job in Nassau, I would have help from my employers, and all of my moving expenses are paid. Then once I am done with my 2 yrs. they pay for all of your moving expenses to get to your next place. For that reason alone, I would most probably take the job.


Well, we will see what happens!

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I just want to make sure that I am doing right by my baby by making this move. Sure, we would be out before the baby was 2, so she or he would have no recollection of their time in Nassau, I just want to make sure that the hospitals are decent. I would ask about this, but I don't want to announce that I am pregnant as then, I probably wouldn't get the job offer because they would think that I would get there, and then go on maternity leave for 6 months. In reality, I don't anticipate taking any more than a few weeks. My sister had 2 kids in the last 4 yrs (works for the same people I do) and only took a few weeks off for each one, and worked up until the day she went into labor. If I get the job offer, and then they find out I am pregnant and then renege the offer...that would be illegal.

So, I will probably sit tight and see what happens, and maybe take that cruise next month.....any excuse to take a cruise!


Since you have asked about the hospital/health care situation, I will add some unsoliticited advice to your comment above.


Just because your sister only took off a few weeks for her children and had no problems, doesn't mean you should count on the same. Childbirth and pregnency are not the same for everyone and problems do arise. You said you are doing your research, so I would encourage you to do it relentlessly.


If you end up needing an emergency C-section, or if the baby or you becomes ill, what kind of care can you expect? Talk to people living there. Talk to an insurance advisor that may be familiar with Bahamian laws. Talk to your OB-GYN for his or her guidance on getting proper pre & post-natal care in Nassau. Make sure that each and every one of your questions is answered to your satisfaction before you make your decision.


Best of luck to you and your soon to be family.

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