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Puerto's Moin and Limon, Costa Rica


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Although not normally geographically challenged, could someone advise if Puerto Moin and Puerto Limon are one and the same port in Costa Rica?


Also, has anyone actually visited either port on a Cunard ship? Our expected call at Puerto Limon on QE2 on Southern Delights last Nov-Dec was cancelled on the grounds, if I recall correctly, that there was another ship in dock. I would have thought Cunard would confirm port availability with the authorities of the various countries before they published itineraries.


I've forgotten and cannot find an itinerary, but was QE2 scheduled to visit either port on its 2007 world cruise? If so, did it?


On searching through some threads looking for posts on Puerto Limon or Puerto Moin, I came across posts, one by Karie (travel to go), that the QM2 didn't dock at Puerto Limon on her 3 Jan 06 voyage due to heavy swells. I'm beginning to wonder now whether we will dock in Puerto Moin on 6 April toward the end of the QE2 world cruise. QV is scheduled to call at Puntarenas on the west coast on 23 Jan on her maiden world cruise.



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could someone advise if Puerto Moin and Puerto Limon are one and the same port in Costa Rica?


Not quite. Puerto Moin is a banana shipping terminal just outside (1.5 km away) Puerto Limon. From what I've been able to find there is nothing at Moin at all. Mt guidebook gives it 8 lines of text which relate to the 2.8 million bunches of bananas shipped annually and how to arrange shipping for a vehicle. I think this is one of those ports where, if you want to see a bit of Costa Rica, you must do a tour.


Our nurse has informed us that there is a "substantial risk" of malaria there and recommends antimalarials. At the moment we are debating if it is worth taking these tablets or if we should just stay inside on the ship that day. At the moment I think we might be taking the tablets although it seems like a lot of fuss for just one day.


Also, has anyone actually visited either port on a Cunard ship? Our expected call at Puerto Limon on QE2 on Southern Delights last Nov-Dec was cancelled on the grounds, if I recall correctly, that there was another ship in dock. I would have thought Cunard would confirm port availability with the authorities of the various countries before they published itineraries.


I've forgotten and cannot find an itinerary, but was QE2 scheduled to visit either port on its 2007 world cruise? If so, did it?


On searching through some threads looking for posts on Puerto Limon or Puerto Moin, I came across posts, one by Karie (travel to go), that the QM2 didn't dock at Puerto Limon on her 3 Jan 06 voyage due to heavy swells. I'm beginning to wonder now whether we will dock in Puerto Moin on 6 April toward the end of the QE2 world cruise. QV is scheduled to call at Puntarenas on the west coast on 23 Jan on her maiden world cruise.


If they make a habit of skipping Moin then antimalarials might not be worth it!

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Puerto Moin is a banana shipping terminal just outside (1.5 km away) Puerto Limon.


Thanks yet again Malcolm. Now that I recall, we did run out of bananas on Southern Delights, perhaps due to skipping Puerto Limon. Is it Chiquita country then?


I think this is one of those ports where, if you want to see a bit of Costa Rica, you must do a tour!


Had hoped to do the Aerial Tram and T..... National Park last year as these were recommended by my counterpart at the Costa Rican Embassy in The Hague. I haven't got my excursion booklet but I hope they're offered again for 6 April.


Our nurse has informed us that there is a "substantial risk" of malaria there and recommends antimalarials. At the moment we are debating if it is worth taking these tablets or if we should just stay inside on the ship that day. At the moment I think we might be taking the tablets although it seems like a lot of fuss for just one day.


I’m just going to try and head off those mozzies, like we do the midges here, with long pants and shirt, thick socks and shoes and a ton of DEET. Did the same in ’06. For a trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe in ‘94 the PHS prescribed a malaria prophylaxis, Larium, and although not proven, I believe it was the side effects of this medication which led me to have to cancel my safari to Kruger Park ….not a pretty picture healthwise, and expensive to boot!

If they make a habit of skipping Moin then antimalarials might not be worth it!


How long in advance need you start medication? How much does it cost? Perhaps think of carrying the medication and you've still time later in the voyage to decide whether to use it. Just random thoughts.


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:) We are headed to Costa Rica on March 24th on Queen Mary 2 and when my son heard of our journey mentioned right away that we would probably need a malaria protection, this because my daughter-in-law, a doctor, had needed malaria tablets--among other precautionary vaccinations-- when she went to Costa Rica for three months to work/vacation. When I talked to her two weeks ago she told me that the tablets would not be needed for just one day, that she had needed the tablets because she had spent more time there. My question is, will a mosquito know or care how long you are staying in the country in order to infect you?:confused:

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We were scheduled to stop at Puerto Limon on the April 2006 QM2 cruise, but it was also canceled due to *heavy swells*. The sea seemed as calm as a lake that day and I wondered if there might have been some other reason for not stopping. :confused:

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Had hoped to do the Aerial Tram and T..... National Park last year as these were recommended by my counterpart at the Costa Rican Embassy in The Hague. I haven't got my excursion booklet but I hope they're offered again for 6 April.


We haven't got our book either but we've still managed to book the excursions we want (we hope:) ). Go to http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html and enter the .com web address for Cunard (you need to make sure that the http:\\ bit is in the box as well. Navigate to the QE2's World Cruise page and click the tab for "shore Excursions". That gives a full list of all the excursions they're offering. If you want the site to work faster and without adverts you have to subscribe but as the cost is only about 10 AUS$ for a month I thought it was worth it.


Our TA then said that if we emailed a list of what we wanted to her she'd fill the form in and fax it to Cunard.


For a trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe in ‘94 the PHS prescribed a malaria prophylaxis, Larium, and although not proven, I believe it was the side effects of this medication which led me to have to cancel my safari to Kruger Park ….not a pretty picture healthwise, and expensive to boot!



That's putting me off the idea of Malaria tablets again!


How long in advance need you start medication? How much does it cost? Perhaps think of carrying the medication and you've still time later in the voyage to decide whether to use it. Just random thoughts.


They're about 35 AUS$ per person. You need to start a week before arrival and continue for four weeks afterwards. The dose is only 2 tablets a week so it isn't either that expensive or arduous!

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I've forgotten and cannot find an itinerary, but was QE2 scheduled to visit either port on its 2007 world cruise? If so, did it?



The call at Puerto Limon for QE2's World Cruise 2007 was canceled well before we set sail from NY. Cartagena was substituted. I think it was canceled because of difficulties getting in on the Caribbean Calypso cruise the month before.


We also skipped Maui because of heavy swells (no substitution). We skipped Sri Lanka for security reasons, resulting in an extra day in Cochin, India and the addition of Mormugao, India (Goa).

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We stopped at Puerto Limon a few years ago on a Carnival ship. We signed up for an excursion which took us into the rain forest via a 6-wheel drive vehicle. Steve would be able to discuss the details of the truck/bus. It was a wonderful excursion and took the better part of a day. We got to see the beautiful coastline of Costa Rica and see some wildlife and lots of bananas. Ironically, the ship had run out of bananas and couldn't replenish until they arrived back in the states. We got to see a sloth, the highlight of my day:)

It is a beautiful country and we truly enjoyed the ship-sponsored excursion. The local craftspeople set up shop at the dock and sell a variety of goods. I purchased some bags and wooden puzzle boxes. Costa Rican coffee is the best!

As far as anti-malarials, only your medical professional can tell you for sure if you need them. I take plaquenil for arthritis which happens to be an anti-malarial medicine.

Have fun if you go to Costa Rica, but stick with ship-sponsored tours.


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Ironically, the ship had run out of bananas and couldn't replenish until they arrived back in the states. Judy

I think I've found our bananas Judy, albeit a little late!


The local craftspeople set up shop at the dock and sell a variety of goods. I purchased some bags and wooden puzzle boxes. Costa Rican coffee is the best!

A handy tip especially as they sound like nice items as souvenirs or as gifts. The coffee will be an added bonus.

Have fun if you go to Costa Rica, but stick with ship-sponsored tours.

I had always intended to take a ship's tour here, if we get to dock, but your advice is much appreciated. I don’t wish to be pessimistic, but I believe our chances are looking slim.

The call at Puerto Limon for QE2's World Cruise 2007 was canceled well before we set sail from NY. Cartagena was substituted. I think it was canceled because of difficulties getting in on the Caribbean Calypso cruise the month before.

We also skipped Maui because of heavy swells (no substitution). We skipped Sri Lanka for security reasons, resulting in an extra day in Cochin, India and the addition of Mormugao, India (Goa).

I wonder what explanation was given for the difficulty getting in on the Caribbean Calypso. Not that it matters, though, as noted above I no longer rate our chances of docking in April very highly. If not, much disappointment, as I think this would be one of those ports when expectations may be low and the outcomes surprisingly high.

On the 2006 QE2 WC we were advised before sailing that Bali had been withdrawn, with no substitution. Although we called at Laem Chebang, the ship cancelled its tours to Bangkok, though touring locally went ahead. Aqaba for Petra was also cancelled for 'security reasons' and Kusadasi substituted.

As far as anti-malarials, only your medical professional can tell you for sure if you need them. I take plaquenil for arthritis which happens to be an anti-malarial medicine.

They're about 35 AUS$ per person. You need to start a week before arrival and continue for four weeks afterwards. The dose is only 2 tablets a week so it isn't either that expensive or arduous!

I may arrange for a prescription and decide later during the voyage Malcolm. We wouldn’t need to commence the course until a day out from LA and we may learn something in the mean time.


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I had always intended to take a ship's tour here, if we get to dock, but your advice is much appreciated. I don’t wish to be pessimistic, but I believe our chances are looking slim.


We've prebooked a tour here. If the trip is rescheduled we'll get our money back.


A handy tip especially as they sound like nice items as souvenirs or as gifts. The coffee will be an added bonus.


It sounds a bit like the small market they had in Dakar the last couple of Christmases. The way to get the best prices was to visit the market just before the ship sailed and, if the stallholders didn't come down to a reasonable price straight away, make to walk off. Then they quickly dropped their prices:)


much disappointment, as I think this would be one of those ports when expectations may be low and the outcomes surprisingly high.


From what I've read of Moin the expectations could only be upward! I think that some sightseeing in Costa Rica could pay dividends though:)


I may arrange for a prescription and decide later during the voyage Malcolm. We wouldn’t need to commence the course until a day out from LA and we may learn something in the mean time.


How easy will it be to get drugs away from our home countries? I think we might buy the tablets before we set off then we're not spending our day in LA trying to buy antimalarials.

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[/color]How easy will it be to get drugs away from our home countries? I think we might buy the tablets before we set off then we're not spending our day in LA trying to buy antimalarials.


I meant to imply Malcolm that I propose getting a prescription filled here at home before leaving for the UK. Then, if I do decide to start the course, in the scheme of things the first two tablets may be taken as late as Los Angeles.........if you see what I mean.....probably as clear as mud.


I have made reservations for champagne brunch on QM on Sunday 30 March after our arrival in LA. I invited two friends as a treat as the father of one, a right bonnie Scottish lady, was a steward on QM and sailed on her to Long Beach and subsequently on QE2 and, as it will be QE2's final salute to QM as well, I could think of no better way to start the day. :)

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I meant to imply Malcolm that I propose getting a prescription filled here at home before leaving for the UK.


Oh - I see:) The prescription here is the piece pf paper the doctor gives you that you have to hand in when you get the drugs.:)


I have made reservations for champagne brunch on QM on Sunday 30 March after our arrival in LA.


I hadn't realised that the QM was doable in a day from LA. It should make an enjoyable outing for you. In fact it sounds so enjoyable I wouldn't be surprised if we decided on lunch there as well:)

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Hi there, Leone! Karie here (travel-to-go)

Puerto Moin, Limon.

One is a few miles South of the other.

On the January sailing last year, we were to port in to the brand new port at (Which ever one it was- Pueto Moin, I think) It is not a deep deep draft port, and although deep enough for the QM2 to dock under calm conditions, if there were heavy swells, there was the risk of the ship bottoming out. On that particular day, the swells were coming at a direct right angle, 90 degrees to the side of the dock and where the ship would be. This means that the ship would be pushed into the dock, and presumably to shallower water, since there was not much leeway there. (literally- It has no Lee side, or what is known as a hurricane hole, with some sort of reef, island or isthmus protecting the anchorage or port- Hence, the waves come in directly at it) Commodore Warwick decided that he did not wish to risk damage to the ship. He tried to go down to Puerto Limon, which is an established port. However, while it is fine for smaller ships with shallower draft, we would have to anchor out and tender in. He had the tender platform lowered and they launched the first tender, with only crew aboard. The waves washed over the tender platform making it too dangerous to attempt to disembark passengers. The commodore made the decision to pull in the tender, pull up the platform, and make way comfortably for New York.


Because she has a shallower draft, the QE2 would be LESS likely to suffer this fate than the QM2. However, as you already know, it is possible to be too rough (or rather the direct swells) to comfortably and safely port in.


Malaria- the type of mosquitoes which carry Malaria (For some reason I think it is something-or other pipens) come out at duck. If you are back on board by dusk, you need not worry about exposure. The Red Cross used to only defer you for blood-giving here in the states if you had stayed overnight. However, as you may have read on the roll call for the World, Dengue fever is on the rise. These mosquitos, a different breed, do bite during the day. I do not know what the preventative is other than copious quantities of the highest strength of DEET. As for malaria, you may know that the old time remedy and treatment for Malaria was Quinine. Another name for Quinine is Tonic Water. So have yourself copious quantities of Gin and Tonics (I prefer Bombay Sapphire or Magellan, or will try to other one recommended by Paul, I think it was, or Tandem Tourer maybe, as soon as I look up or remember the name of it! <G>)


As for Costa Rica, It is one of the most wonderful places to visit. They abolished their army in the 50's. they are a very peaceful democracy. Many Ex Pat Americans choose to retire there. It is known for both its eco-tourism, which they take great strides to protect and its medical tourism. Americans go there for low cost, high quality dental work and other procedures. Their economy has been solid and stable for many many years.


If you have the opportunity, the volcano in the rain forest is beautiful, but it is usually shrouded in clouds. the Rain Forest is well protected. they very carefully built the platforms so as to not disturb the rain forests to get to the top. Marc and I went White Water Rafting from the Pacific side ten years ago. (It is the same rain forest and volcano from either port- It is kind of in the middle of the land) The coffee there is unparalleled by many people's standards and is- what is the term. Fair Market? Where they promise to pay the farmers a fair price. We were scheduled to do the Sloth tour last year, but of course, missed it.


I hope you are able to make it in there. Costa Rica is a beautiful stable country and economy and its people are wonderful. Its history is long and interesting and it is a truly peaceful place where people have come together from many cultures to live peacefully together.


Before our first trip there, I picked up the book Caribbean Ports (I thin is the name) by Kay or Kate Showalter (Saybrook Press). It gets updated frequently (I think I have three versions of it) It gives a very nice synopsis of each country's politics, history, holidays, economy etc in the beginning of the book.


good luck!



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Have any of you played golf in Costa Rica? We are on QV with a stop there and the course is "view of the ocean on one side and rain forrest on the other" which sounds great! I posted a question about golf on the Roll Call for the trip and have not received an answer yet. BTW, there are very few CCrs on that Roll Call. ...I guess very few of us on the trip? I am rather astonished. QV isn't the QM2 nor the QE2 ; however, her deck plans and rooms look very, very nice.

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To add my experiences at Puerto Limon.....


First, you don't want to miss seeing at least part of this beautiful country. In fact, I know two couples who have bought homes in Costa Rica and another young man who has chosen to live there permanently.


On a January 2005 cruise, Puerto Limon was an anticipated stop; however, the seas were so rough that the captain of the Coral Princess decided we could not dock. We sat off the coast for most of the day because the captain had been told that the huge waves would abate, and we could dock, albeit for a shorter day on shore. That never happened.....and we missed stopping at Limon.


Then on a January 2006 cruise, the Brilliance of the Seas docked at Limon with a calm sea. We thought about several tours, including the Aerial Tram tour, but decided on the Sloth Sanctuary and Canoe Adventure. This tour does not involve any strenuous activity and is nice and relaxing. The American couple who have established this sanctuary run a well organized and interesting facility. Here is a video from a UK tourist: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=4601141811837690316


We will be there again in January and have to decide on another tour. However, I have now seen enough rain forests......We have never been advised to take anti-malarial medication, and I talk every week with people who are with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). I think a stop in port for one day may be a factor. There is a wealth of information at http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/destinationCostaRica.aspx#mal_risk

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Because she has a shallower draft, the QE2 would be LESS likely to suffer this fate than the QM2.


The draft of the two ships is almost the same.


The Red Cross used to only defer you for blood-giving here in the states if you had stayed overnight.


I'm not sure what the position here is with travel to Costa Rica, but certainly if you've been to North America in the last 28 days our blood transfusion service will say "thanks, but no thanks" to donors.



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I'm not sure what the position here is with travel to Costa Rica, but certainly if you've been to North America in the last 28 days our blood transfusion service will say "thanks, but no thanks" to donors.



Yes. And the malaria medication takes awhile to get out of your bloodstream...

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I called to book a couple tours and found that my tour for Limon had been canceled and I had not been notified!

I was told that the Feb 2nd voyage will not stop at Limon, Costa Rica! They told me the plan is to go to Barbados!

Does anyone know tne new itinereries? Barbados is not Costa Rica

Thnk you

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