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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hey Wendy! Welcome back. Happy anniversary to you and your DH. I think for a one time special night you can have the cheesecake. Just double up on your exercises the next day. YEAH!!! You lost!!! That is all that matters. Sorry you have been having a tough time. Hopefully it will get better soon.


Vickie - your weakness is my weakness! Have fun tonight.


Hope everyone has a good night.


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Yep, I know Rummel, BM, Jesuit, Dominican, MC and Chapelle all had exams but not Ursuline. That's what I'm wondering, why everyone else and not us? What grade is he in? I've got a senior and a sophomore. Senior was being tutored by a Rummel teacher in Physics, Mr. John Charles. His intelligence scares me!! Friend of mine was teaching at Rummel until late last year. Taught Religion, Joey Schweitzer. Left to sell Insurance I believe.


How was the Fire and Ice dinner? I weighed in yesterday since we are closed today y'all. I GAINED 2 1/2 pounds. DOES NOT SURPRISE ME nor does it upset me? I prepared myself for it. Bonco got the best of me and all this crawfish. You are right Wendy - R E T E N T I O N! ! ! !


Not going to punish myself or worry until after Sunday. It's a way of life in NOLA so I'll get myself in check on Sunday evening!


Talk to y'all soon, Vic

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Hey Vickie! OK, so it is only 2 1/2 lbs. That will be easy to take back off. Make sure you drink plenty of water. I dont know how it does it, but it does help with retention. It seems like us women just get it all the way around, retention from foods, retention from PMS, retention just from looking at a salt shaker, etc. Hope you have a good weekend.


Everyone - HAPPY EASTER!!! Have a great weekend.


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Vickie, my son is in the 8th grade. Dinner was great and I am with you, I won't even step on a scale right now. But I did have some motivation, I bought a few skirts on sale the other day for my trip in June and I didn't try them on, but I bought them in a size smaller than I normally wear so I have added motivation to get into them, I tried one on at home the other night to see how tight it was and it was too big,:D so I got to return it for a size smaller. I was so thrilled, I called my sister(a size 4 mind you) and was like I am down 2 sizes in my skirts!!!!She's really good and being encouraging for me.

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Vickie' date=' my son is in the 8th grade. Dinner was great and I am with you, I won't even step on a scale right now. But I did have some motivation, I bought a few skirts on sale the other day for my trip in June and I didn't try them on, but I bought them in a size smaller than I normally wear so I have added motivation to get into them, I tried one on at home the other night to see how tight it was and it was too big,:D so I got to return it for a size smaller. I was so thrilled, I called my sister(a size 4 mind you) and was like I am down 2 sizes in my skirts!!!!She's really good and being encouraging for me.[/quote']


That is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been tempted to buy smaller clothes for the trip but scared. Keep up the good work.


Have a headache yet again this AM. but I think I have found the root of it. anyone who gets migraines please tell me if this is what is happening. Last night and yesterday I ate some of the Easter candy, chocolate. More than I have in 2-3 months. Could this be triggering my headaches???? Maybe this is the answer to my prayers for help with my eating????


Oh yeah went to the gym yesterday around 4 pm. Weighed and it said I was back down to 312. which means I lost all 3 lbs I had put back on. I am hoping for 3 this week. Not really gonna make it eating the chocolate but leaving that alone with this headache!!!!!!!!


Hope you all are having a great Easter weekend!!!!!!!!

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Ok, Leah, maybe I can help with this migraine thing. I have them too. I know that I have certain triggers and try to avoid them. Some are unavoidable. Mine like to happen when it is close to my period. Drop in hormones will bring it on so fast. Sinus problems will also bring it on. If there is a lot of pollen in the air - then your sinuses could be given you fits and causing the headache. Also, chocolate has caffine in it. Caffine is a big BIG big trigger for migraine sufferers. I dont know if sugar is, but if you are getting caffine from the candy and from any soda's then that might be your culprit. Also, if you have had any lights shining the wrong way around you it can trigger one too. You prob already know that migraine sufferers are sensitive with lights. Go to a dark room, lay down and try to stay very quiet. Hope you feel better soon. YEAH!!! You lost 3 lbs. I am proud of you!! Keep it up. We are all becoming the incredible shrinking cruisers!


YEAH WENDY on the smaller size clothes!!! Doesnt it feel good? Keep it up girl!


Got to go nurse my foot. Stepped in a big crack at the post office and turned my foot the wrong way. I am such a clutz. Have a good weekend. Talk later. Stacy

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Hey y'all! LEAH, Chocolate IS the culprit!!! After a long, painful process of elimination my neurologist discovered chocolate was my trigger. I got away from all things chocolate (which was extremely hard because I lived at Starbucks - wanna know why Starbucks stock has crashed recently? I stopped going!) Anyway, it's not EVERY time that chocolate sets me off so I sneak a little here and there. Good luck and hope you get over them soon. AND C O N G R A T S on the loss!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!


Wendy - I am so proud and envious!!!! Lucky you!! First of all you find a great SALE then you can fit in it AND you get to go to a smaller size!!! WOW! This is great news!!! Hopefully we can all catch up with you soon!! As you know, we are having a crawfish shortage here so we can't get any for tomorrow! I'm heading to Zuppardo's in a few to pick up a rump roast instead. Not our usual Easter meal but I'm kind of relieved not to be eating seafood anymore and worrying about the water retention.

Hope your son did good on his exams. I know he's probably so ready for school to be over like my girls are!


Stacy - sorry, but you made me laugh! I too almost twisted my foot at the post office yesterday! BUT it was because I was going to put my foot up someone's @$$! I specifically called them on Thursday to make sure the passport division would be open on Good Friday. Yes, from 8:00 - 3:00. Ok, we get there at noon straight up and oh, sorry, we're shutting down early. You're WHAT??????? I almost lost it. So, we left and went to the main post office on Loyola and they took us right away. Foot in postal worker's butt averted! I hope yours feels better though!!!


Talk to y'all soon,


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Stacy and Vickie, thank you for your input about my headaches. I don't know if they are migraines or just sinus but either way they hurt like hell!!!!!!! But I truly believe it could be a combination of all the things listed. Like I said my TOM has been ongoing for 2 WEEKS NONSTOP, I ate more chocolate and I also had some Diet Dr Pepper and Cherry Coke Free when I have been living on water.


Sorry to hear about yall's feet issues;) . Hope it feels better soon Stacy. Did you get your passport issue taken care of Vickie?


Was a good girl today and we went to the gym again. It is closed tomorrow so won't go and are going to eat with vicki's mom for lunch. gonna order what I want but put 1/2 of it in a to go box AS SOON as it gets to the table!!!!!!!! might have it for supper but not all at 1 sitting.


Last night at church something came to me and hit me like a lightening bolt. Not to be "preachy" but I have been REALLY selfish letting myself get to over 300lbs, High B/P and probably other things wrong with me when Jesus gave EVERYTHING for me!!!!!! He has given me my beautiful son, a loving partner, the money to buy the food to get this big, a caring family and so much more and I have been careless with my life and selfish. My son has already lost his father and I am doing nothing to make sure his mother is around for him!!!!! Bad Mom, Bad Mom!!!!!!


Well thanks for letting me vent and ramble on. I am sorry if I have offended anyone with my "religious" talkings. I am not trying to be offensive just something I wanted to talk about. Hope you all have a good Easter!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yeah on that same note, my mom becomes Catholic and comes into the church tonite. Very excited and proud. We were raised Baptist and all of us have now become Catholic. Me 17 years ago, then my sister, brother and now my mom!!!!!! Vicki is her sponser so we say she has to call her Nanny!!!!!!!!


Thank you Easter Bunny, bok bok:D

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VIckie - you made me laugh. I wish mine would have been up a postal workers keister instead of twisting the wrong way. It hurts today, but not like yesterday. But hey, at least you are getting your passport right?


Leah - Hope you are feeling better today. Dont worry about being all "preachy". I am use to it. Hubby went to Seminary before we met. Trust me, I hear preachy all the time. We are Presbyterian. Grew up Baptist, but decided to follow the same as my hubby. Congrats for your mom. I know what you mean about being selfish and careless because I have been the same way, but please do not call yourself a bad mom. Even in jest.


Hope you all are having a Happy Easter!

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I know Stacy that is one of BIGGEST down falls is saying ugly things about myself. My Vicki and T get on me DAILY for it, you think I would learn but it is a defensive thing, if I say them first then when other people say or think them it won't hurt as bad:( .


We went and ate for lunch today and I ordered a crab dinner, of course it was fried, but I did take 1/2 of it and put it in a to go box to bring home;) . Now I did just eat it for supper but that is a lot better than normal. Vicki and I also went and walked for about 20 mins on the beach!!!!! Been having easter candy daily but didn't have as much as normal to start with so just some hershey dark minatures, kisses, and gobstoppers. when it is gone it is gone!!!!!:p


Hope you all have had a Great Easter.

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LEAHHHHHHH!!!!! You are not a bad Mom!!! You are an excellent Mom!!! And you and I have the exact same selfish reasons for losing weight - for our kids!!! I realized that I want to be around for their weddings and their kids and now is the time I have to do something about it. Good for you realizing it now!!!!!


And I was not offended in the least. As a matter of fact I just yelled out to my girls - you reminded me that last night two of the kids in my LifeTeen group were being baptized last night and I forgot!!!!!!!!!!!! How awful of me!!!! I have been participating in their scrutinies for the past 3 weeks and here I go and forget to show up for their baptism! Arrrggghhh!! We were all born and raised Catholic and I happen to be the Mass Coordinator for the LifeTeen (CYO) group for our Church (Our Lady of Divine Providence). My girls go to an all girl Catholic high school (Ursuline Academy) and I try to be as involved as much as I can be. Congrats to your Mom for us!


Got the passport matter behind me. Just waiting for them to come in the mail. Stacy - hope your foot is feeling better soon so you can stay on top of Spidey!!


Well, we ate Roast and potatoes today and I kind of blew it with the chocolate covered Oreo's my sister dips for every occaision. I did not beat myself up over it though. I will be in the gym at 5:00 A.M. tomorrow and get back on track. I want to go measure my meaty thighs like I said I would but I can not seem to find my tape measurer (flexible one). I'm going to go look so I can get that over with and measure again in a month. My birthday is next month so I will use that as a reminder. Any suggestions on how much I can expect to lose inch wise in one month? I would just like to have an idea to see if I meet, exceed or fall short. I guess I should look it up on the internet and see if there are any guidelines on it.


Did I tell y'all what happened with my flights to Denmark? Longstoryshort...Delta changed my flights and did not notify me! I found out when I logged on to see about upgrading my flight to first class to sit next to mom. They have us leaving an hour and 10 minutes earlier than we had originally booked for AND they changed us to leave Denmark a day earlier than we booked! We won't be getting off the ship until the next day!!! Can you believe them??? So, if you are flying to a port, please check way in advance and keep checking back. We are going to fly out two days later so we have an option but I'm pissed because now we will have to pay for a hotel for 2 nights in Copenhagen. Mom said she will call Delta and tell them that since they changed us that they will have to put us up in a hotel on their dime. I'll let you know what happens.


Going night night kiddies! Let's all start this week off on the right foot (or Stacy's left!!) and see if we can all lose at least 2 pounds this week. Are you with me now?????????????????????



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OMG Vickie, Why don't business realize that if you try to mess around with people that word of mouth is STRONGER than any advertisment they could pay for. Good or Bad!!!! We of course don't have to fly this time but were thinking about going to Disneyworld in 2 years and flying there so I will def. be checking on flights and then on my schedules!!!


As for the inches I don't know an average either. Hopefully someone does I would also like to know.


T also goes to a Catholic School not all boys though.


I go tomorrow to my Vicki's work to do a "health fair". I already take meds for B/P but have never had the other levels checked so they will do all of that tomorrow plus weigh and height. I will post the results good(lol) or bad.


I am on board for the 2 lbs this week!!!!!!!! We can all do this.

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Hi Lovelies!!!!


I guess I kind of started the thread and then went MIA. :( I've been dealing with a bunch of stress lately and haven't really been doing anything online but job-hunting and stalking my email. At any rate, I started a wonderful new job yesterday and my stress level has already decreased. I hope that with this lower level of responsibility and higher level of satisfaction, I can stop sabotoging my weight loss efforts. I'll need to weigh in tomorrow morning.


What days do ya'll weigh in?


At last weigh-in, I'd gained weight. I think I was at 332 (I'm 5'10") and I'm wearing a comfortable (sometimes) size 24 dress. My original goal was to be down to a size 18 dress by 8/3/08. Is that still possible? I doubt it, that's like 3 sizes in 19 weeks. *sigh*


HELP!!!! lol

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Hi ladies! I have been missing for a day or two. Spidey was just off the wall yesterday and I had a lot of errands to run. My weigh in was today. I am down a pound. So I am now at 21.7 lbs lost weighing in at 297. My goal for my next weigh in will be the two pounds that we are all striving for. I do not know what the average for measurements would be either. If Spidey gives me a minute, I will try to research it.


Leah - It is so much easier to put yourself down when you think others are doing the same. I know when I am out and about I automatically think that others are making comments, etc, b/c of my weight. It is a defense and we just need to work hard at changing this behavior. Hope the health fair went well for you.


Vickie - Glad the passport issues are behind you. My foot(my right one) is feeling better. I think I just twisted it some. As you know, being a mom - you can never feel bad for too long - our kiddies require too much for us to feel bad. That was horrible about your flights. Since I use to work in the travel industry I have come to really dislike the airlines. They can be so hard to work with. Let us know what happens.


Hi PeeJay719! Welcome back. I wish I were as tall as you! Then my fat might be more distributed. hehe :D I look squashy at only 5'5". I was wondering what happened with you. Glad the stress level is going down. It makes a big difference in trying to loose weight. You can do it. You are now in a better place mentally, and that will help the weight fly off from you. We all have different days that we weigh in. Mine is on Tuesdays since that is the day my appointment is on at the clinic I go to. I think everyone else weighs in toward the end of the week. Ok, just say it, I had to be different. :D Getting down to a size 18 is so possible. Eat more protein and less carbs, and exercise. That has been working for me. I have cut out bread, rice, and pasta. All the things I love. We are here if you need us. We give each other support and just plain ole friendship. You can do it. Keep up the good work!


Well, Spidey wants to go outside - it is cold today - so I need to go. Talk later. Have a good day! Stacy

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First of all - PeeJay - Thanks for starting this thread and thanks for coming back! I've gained some pretty neat friends here and lost a little weight! Good exchange I think!! And as far as going down to an 18 by August - I can guarantee you it can be done! I did it!! In January of last year I was in a 24 and the day of my hysterectomy (first week of July last year) I was in an 18 and had been for a while! And believe it or not, those were my easiest months to lose! However, after the surgery I was laid up for a lot longer than anticipated (ran into the trailer hitch of our FEMA trailer - LITERALLY - 2 days after surgery and busted my incision wide open in the driveway!) so instead of eating healthy I was being served fast food from a busy husband and teenagers. No gym - doctor said nothing physical for a while - second stitching took months to heal - so I piled it all back on FAST!!! I was back in a 24 before Christmas last year! So, it can be done and we are doing it!!


Stacy - great for your 1 pound!!! IT'S A LOSS!!! Can't be angry about that! We don't have the luxury of working out 7 hours a day with a trainer (a la Biggest Loser) so we can't expect 6 - 8 pound losses a week. But we will get there sooner or later! I say we all plan a cruise together when we meet our goal weight! So who's going to hold us up? More incentive now huh? Let's take a poll to see!! I have 100 pounds to lose and I'm hoping and praying that it takes me a year to a year and a half to lose it. So that puts me somewhere in the neighborhood of late 2009. I'm going to be planning a cruise in the summer of 2010 for my youngest daughter for her graduation gift. Think we can all be slim and trim and HEALTHY by the summer of 2010? Do we dare book it?


Leah - let us know how the Health Fair goes. It's scary getting "scores" or "levels" on sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. I guess I need to do the same. I have to lose some weight first though. If I go to my doctor and he sees that I have gained so much weight after my surgery (I stopped going to my followups after surgery because I knew he would blow his top when he saw I was gaining the weight back!) he will kill me. When I hit 215 I'll go for an annual visit and get my blood checked.


Wendy - you've been quiet!! I bet she's lost 10 pounds this week and is afraid to tell us!!! OR she found another incredible sale!!!


Talk to y'all soon, Vickie

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Oh I just hate to cruise in the middle of summer. Too hot, too many kids, hurricaines. BUT - - - I do love to cruise, so I just might need to change my mind. I think it would be fun for us to get together like that. Let's see where this goes!!


OK, have never done this before, but tried to attatch a picture of Spidey for all who would like to see him. Talk later. Stacy


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Wow, I'm glad to hear that ya'll think it's doable. I guess *I* just need to think it's doable and just do it...


*insert whiney voice here* Carbs are my faaaavorite!!!! :( This is one of the problems I have. I LOVE bread and pasta and potatoes so much. I tried atkins one time and the headaches were just unbearable. One victory I have accomplished is that I've cut back on my sweets lately. The cakes and cookies and stuff that I used to eat, I don't indulge in as much anymore. It's as simple as don't bring it in the house. There was a time where I'd go to the store JUST to get a twinkie or something, but I'm much better now, lol. Another one of my setbacks lately is that I've been taking public transportation due to my car being out of commission (and me being too cheap to get another because I don't want a car payment). My commute to/from work (at my old job) was about 4 hours. By the time I got home, I wouldn't even THINK about exercising. Now that my commute time is only about 30 minutes, I have much more time to get physical.


I can do it!!!! :D I just need a little motivation.

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Oh Stacy he is tooo cute!!!!!!!! Great job on the weight loss too. as for cruising during hurricane season to me that is where the insurance comes in.


Welcome back PeeJay!!!!!! Thank you from me too. I have found comfort more than once on this board. Good friends and good advice too.:D I am shorter than all of you:mad: at 5'2" on a good day. I am 311 as of Saturday and wear at 26 that is kinda loose. I want to wear a 22 or lower by August 4, 2008. So I am hoping it is possible. Let's do this together.


Jodi- A cruise together sounds wonderful. We were planning on going to Orlando in 2010 but probably in April so maybe we can get a cruise in that summer. Just make it after May please we will have 1 high school graduation for a niece and T will graduate 8th grade!!!!! But maybe I can talk Vicki into it.


Well the health fair was postponed until further notice. Kinda have mixed feelings about that but what cha gonna do. Don't have health insurance at the moment so not going to the Dr. to have levels checked.


Hope you all have a good tuesday!~

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Oh Leah, I know all about that ole dreaded no insurance thing. We just went through that. DH was working for a person who had about 4 total employees (and he paid horribly) - no insurance. When we moved back to FL, we had been without insurance for about 2 yrs or more. We looked at trying to get it on our own, and a lot would not cover me b/c of how much I weighed. We just got insurance about 5 mths ago and we are using it a lot it seems, but we had to get our health back in order. Thankfully - Spidey was covered on an insurance that the state we were living in provided for him. Keep your eyes posted in the newspaper b/c there might be a health fair that the community will hold. Doesnt happen often. I have seen where they would hold a little event to check for diabeties, etc.


Thanks for the congrats on the weight loss. I wasnt able to exercise last week, so I was really surprised that I had lost anything. I guess I did get some when I had to chase Spidey from the walls.


Thanks for saying Spidey is cute. I am pretty partial to him myself. :D It is really funny to see him out and about because women just flock to him - old and young. This kid will flirt with them so much. A little Cassanova he is. I am not looking for the time he starts dating. Ok, I am going on the dates with him. hehehe.


I know, I know, I am just a wimp when it comes to bad weather and I am scared that we would get mixed up in high waves, wind, etc. All bad things that could happen come to mind. Now, I know they stay clear of hurricaines, but it is still there in the back of my mind. But - I didnt say I would not go. A cruise is a cruise and I am addicted. Hi, my name is Stacy, and I am a cruise addict.

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You are too funny Stacy!!! T is covered by the insurance that Louisiana provides. It has been a life saver cause of his ADHD. Now I don't take him to the doctor they tell me too, but I use it for his meds, teeth, etc. Of course it doesn't cover the braces but pretty much everything else.


Well I really just jumped on to gloat a little!!!! I just finished mowing the grass and when I sat up on the seat my belly didn't touch the steering wheel. Last time I sat on it and mowed I had to try and suck in to turn it and today I could even get my hand between the steering wheel and my stomach. I know its the little things in life!!!!!!!!!


Talk to yall later!!!!!

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Ok, let's try this again. I had a little response here going and tried to attach a picture of my girls (I'm hoping I can save them for Spidey and T so keep the girls away from those boys for me!!) So, let's see if I can pull it off. If this doesn't work then you are going to have to tell me how to do it Stacy.


Here we go:



Did it work?

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Yay, I did it. That's Jamie on the left. She turned 18 last week. She's a senior and just left for her Senior Retreat (Boo Hoo - I"ve sent her 10 text messages telling her how much I miss her and love her already today and she only left at 3:00 p.m. !!!) My Emily just made 15 and is a Sophomore. She's my little genius that is being courted by some of the top colleges in the country already! She looks like me. Jamie is the spitting image of my husband. Blonde, green eyes, very petite - 87 pounds when I took her for her immunization updates for LSU a few weeks ago. I always say we have "His and Hers" kids. My Dad says it's scary how much Em looks like I did when I was her age.


Leah, I have to say I know exactly how you feel!! This weekend I crossed my legs for the first time in YEARS!!! Isn't that sad that we get so excited over such silly things. But these are BIG things for us!! I'm looking forward to being able to paint my own toenails.


Ok, I'm going to do something I have not done since last year! TAKE A BATH!!! HAHAHAHA, got you on that one!!! I only have a shower stall in my bathroom. Since Jamie is out of town I thought it would be nice to use her bathroom and take a nice long hot bath! They hate me to use their bathrooms when they are gone! They say I leave a film in their tub with the body butter I use when I treat myself to a bath. I am bringing the Dow bathroom cleaner in with me so I can remove all traces of Mommy when I get out. She will never know I was in there unless Emmy rats me out. She's watching Greek so I may be able to pull this one off. Wish me luck!!



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Good job on the loose pants LeeLee!!!! Yes, we can do it! I brought my gym clothes with me today and I plan on going after work. If the rain holds off, I might even walk outside.


Vickie, you have beautiful girls!


My family cruises every August and we've never experienced any major problems. Last year we were outrunning Ivan, but it only rained the first day (stopped by mid-morning) and for about 5 minutes when we were in Grand Turk. Other than that...it was fabulous. I did have a friend that cruised the week after me and the captain had to alter their itinerary, but she still said they had a wonderful time. I guess my family likes August because it's cheaper because of it being hurricane season, and there are a couple kids/teenagers that go with us, so it's a nice vacation before they go back to school. I can't WAIT until August!!!!!! :p

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Good morning all! What a night! Well, last night I was just starting to write on here again when Spidey started to be Spidey again. I called him out of his room to reprimand him, he then went running back into his room. He slipped on something and hit his little head on the foot of his bunk beds. Immediately a big knot formed and it was close to his temple. I immediately put ice on it and called DH. DH thought he was fine, but since it was so close to his temple I wanted to go to the ER to make sure. We arrived there around 9pm. By 1am, he had not seen a doctor. He was very active and had drank his milk without being sick. If he were not alright he would have been sick. So we came home without being seen. His pediatrician just called and told me to keep an eye on him, but he is probably ok. There is not too much that will keep Spidey down for very long.


Anyway, I cant remember what I was going to write. Vickie your girls are so pretty. I bet you have to beat the guys away from them! Hope you enjoyed your bath! I usually only take showers since it is just a pain to try to get out of the tub.


Leah - I am the same way with the steering wheel in my car. Doesnt it feel good? :D


PeeJay - I usually cruise sometime between Nov and the first part of Dec because it is so much cheaper. Never had to worry about pulling children out of school since Spidey was not born. As soon as he gets into school, then we will need to find a new time to cruise. Have fun with your workout today.


Well, today is DH birthday. Need to get Spidey and go do some things to get ready for it. Hope all have a good day and dont forget - DONT RUN IN THE HOUSE!!

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