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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hi ladies. Well today has been a little busy for me. I had my weigh in this morning. I lost another 3 lbs. I guess my metabolism is starting to kick in b/c I didnt exercise much. I had that darn headache for several days last week and could not get motivated.


Amy - the list didnt thrill me either. However I do eat a pickle as a snack and jello later in the day. It fills up my tummy and takes away my hunger. Congrats on walking and feeling better!


PJ - thanks for finding and posting the list again. Just watch some of your veggies b/c they are loaded with carbs (ex: Carrots). You did really well this weekend. Keep up the good work. You can do it!!


Vickie - You can drink a gallon of fluid a day. Most needs to be water, but you can substitute the rest for diet soda (diet rite cola, pepsi jazz) or crystal light, something like that. I get most of my fluid intake from water, and get the rest (prob about 30 oz as a guess) from diet soda. As long as you are exercising and not over-doing it, you should not have a problem loosing your electrolytes. I exercise and have yet to loose mine or have a problem with them. I also go out in the sun and watch Spidey play several times a day, and sweat. If you worry about loosing them, just add in a little power aid, or gator aid. That should replenish you.


Umm, yeah, Vic your sister needs to get a handle on her daughter, or send her off to military school. My cousin, who is now 25, was a hellion when she was younger - and still is. My aunt let her and her brother do what they wanted to. The brother now sits in prision. My cousin should be right there beside him. She acted pretty much the same way as your niece. By the time my cousin was 16, she had a daughter. Dont get me wrong, the child is beautiful and we love her and wouldnt trade her for nothing in the world. A couple of years later, she had another daughter by a different man. We adore this child too. Three years ago, she had her 3rd child (from yet a 3rd man). She has been on drugs for a while. She is pretty good about hiding it from people. Only the family and close friends knows what she was doing. Anyway, when her 3rd child (a boy we will call batman) was 7 mths old she lost custody of all children. The oldest went to live with my aunt. The 2nd went to live with her grandmother, and Batman came to us. Yeap, at 7 mths old. I had him and Spidey. Spidey was about 1 yrs older than he is. We kept him for 4 mnths until everything was sorted out. He now lives with my aunt and his oldest half sister. The other sister is still with her grandmother. YOUR SISTER DOES NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH THIS!! It has been a nightmare. I do not have anything to do with my cousin anymore. She is still bad news. Her children are precious and we love them dearly and would do anything for them. It's just sad that she will not be a mom to them. My mom was over at my aunts house a few weeks ago. She had pictures of me and Spidey with her. Batman started to look at the pictures and pointed to Spidey and said his name. He is only 2.5 yrs old. He then looked at my picture, looked at his mom (who was over at that time), pointed to her and said, "No my momma", then pointed to my picture and said, "my momma. my momma." Then started kissing my picture. Even though we only had Batman for 4 months, and it has been at least 8 months since I have seen him, he still remembers me and the love given to him. I was so touched that he did this. We all have dysfunctional families in some way or another.


Ok, I'm gonna go cry now. I miss him so much. Talk later, Stacy

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Why should you stay away from carrots?


High-glycemic carbs can not only make you fat, they will also keep you that way. All fiber-rich veggies (except corn and carrots) are low-glycemic carbs. Eating too many carbs, especially high-glycemic (resulting in increased insulin levels) can have the wrong effect. The high-glycemic carbs enter the blood stream really fast, raise bood-sugar levels quickly, and produce exaggerated insulin response. Instead of burning off your stockpiles of stored fat, you're actually increasing them. Instead of getting leaner - your getting fatter. High-glycemic carbs - bread, pasta, corn, potatoes, papayas, bananas, corn and carrots and fruit juices.


This is according to Dr. Barry Sears, creator of The Zone Diet. Being a diabetic I have had to start following this diet since one of the things it reverses is the effect of diabeties brought on by weight. This is the diet my clinic follows.

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Awww Stacy!! *hugs*


Yeah, I've been eating a lot of green veggies. I like carrots and corn but I know I should stay away from those for right now.



Thank you PJ - I needed a virtual hug!! I LOVE CORN. Cant have it anymore though.

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Thank you PJ - I needed a virtual hug!! I LOVE CORN. Cant have it anymore though.



Yes! Sweet corn with butter, lol. I need to check out this Zone diet, it might be good for me to follow for a while, especially with me trying to get as far away from "pre-diabetes" as possible.


I was thinking about doing a fast with the church, moreso for religious reasons vs. dietary reasons but I'm thinking about the other effects of it as well...what do you ladies think? (This is the food portion of it, there is also a daily prayer focus)


Daily Intake

Sunday: Regular meals but lighten up toward the evening.


Monday: No meats. No sweets.


Tuesday: Soups, salads

& fruit juices



Wednesday: Fruit and fruit

juices only.


Thursday: Fruit juices or vegetable juices only.


Friday: Water



Saturday: Day of rest. Day of meditation.

Gradually return to normal diet.


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PJ- Corn anything! Sweet corn, corn bread, tortillia chips, ok, ok, you get my drift!


If you can do the fast, then do so. You will loose weight with it, just b/c of the types of food you eat. Spiritually it will be good for you. I dont know that much about fasting. I would not be able to do it b/c of the lack of food toward the end. With diabeties I get extremely grouchy and feel worn down when I do not eat for a while. That's how I know my blood sugar is dropping.


The Zone diet. Funny thing is, I have the book. I even read some of the book. Bought it years ago. Did I follow it? Heck no. I dont have the will power against food. Now that I am going to a clinic - they follow this diet. My dr works very closely with Dr. Sears. Am I following it now? Heck yeah! I have the accountability that I need in order to stick to it. Definately check it out. It makes a lot of sense.

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PJ- Corn anything! Sweet corn, corn bread, tortillia chips, ok, ok, you get my drift!


ROFLMAO!!!!!!:D TOO FUNNY!!! ME TOO!!!!!!!


If you can do the fast, then do so. You will loose weight with it, just b/c of the types of food you eat. Spiritually it will be good for you. I dont know that much about fasting. I would not be able to do it b/c of the lack of food toward the end. With diabeties I get extremely grouchy and feel worn down when I do not eat for a while. That's how I know my blood sugar is dropping.


The Zone diet. Funny thing is, I have the book. I even read some of the book. Bought it years ago. Did I follow it? Heck no. I dont have the will power against food. Now that I am going to a clinic - they follow this diet. My dr works very closely with Dr. Sears. Am I following it now? Heck yeah! I have the accountability that I need in order to stick to it. Definately check it out. It makes a lot of sense.


Yes, I want to do it for the spiritual ramifications of it. I know that my will power and spirit is WEAK and I hope that this and prayer will strengthen that. I feel like after getting out of that work situation and leaving a stagnant relationship that I need to emotionally clean house. I have a new job and a new love interest and all is going well. I don't want to bring any of that residual "junk" into these new opportunities. Anyway, I'm not going to do it next week, but the week of 4/20. Hopefully I don't get too shaky on the last couple days, but if I do, i'll just modify a little bit.

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Good Morning Leah! Thanks, I'll see how it goes!


Well I weighed in this morning, last week I was 338, this week I am 337.6 :( BUT AF is in the building so I know I'm retaining water. My guess is that I lost at LEAST a pound or two. I need to do my measurements as well, but I'll wait until my body is back to normal.

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PJ ~ I know how it feels not to see a loss on the scale after all your effort and hard work. It's okay though, you are losing weight! I get so bloated that time of the month...I wouldn't even pay any attention to the scale this week;)


As for the fast, go for it! I suggest when you're supposed to drink fruit and veggie juice to go to your local health food store and get a veggie juice from the juice bar, a detoxing one they juice for you fresh with beets, apple and carrots. They are so yummy and like eating fresh veggies, only more concentrated!


To all...I hate to admit this...but I haven't started eating healthy yet:( I keep saying tomorrow, just let me eat this one more day the things I want...but anyway, I'm really anxious to start, it's just such a big undertaking!


I am determined to start today...not one extra thing but my 1500 calories.


I will let you all know how it goes:)

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High-glycemic carbs can not only make you fat, they will also keep you that way. All fiber-rich veggies (except corn and carrots) are low-glycemic carbs. Eating too many carbs, especially high-glycemic (resulting in increased insulin levels) can have the wrong effect. The high-glycemic carbs enter the blood stream really fast, raise bood-sugar levels quickly, and produce exaggerated insulin response. Instead of burning off your stockpiles of stored fat, you're actually increasing them. Instead of getting leaner - your getting fatter. High-glycemic carbs - bread, pasta, corn, potatoes, papayas, bananas, corn and carrots and fruit juices.


This is according to Dr. Barry Sears, creator of The Zone Diet. Being a diabetic I have had to start following this diet since one of the things it reverses is the effect of diabeties brought on by weight. This is the diet my clinic follows.


I had no idea!

Makes sense though, that's usually the ONE veggie (corn) I eat most of during the day and it actually makes me feel yucky.

I guess no more corn for me! Is it okay in moderation, or are we not supposed to have any?

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I had no idea!

Makes sense though, that's usually the ONE veggie (corn) I eat most of during the day and it actually makes me feel yucky.

I guess no more corn for me! Is it okay in moderation, or are we not supposed to have any?


If you are following a diet that is for diabetics then you should not have any b/c of what it does to your blood sugars. If you can find a book called The Zone, by Dr. Barry Sears, it has a lot of good information in it regarding why diets work or dont work. It is a really good book that I should have started to follow years ago when I bought it. A lot of celebrities also follow this diet. I dont think I will ever have a body like a celebrity, but I am trying to just get my body back to a normal weight. There is also a web site for the zone, but I have yet to look into it. It is http://www.zonediet.com. I know what you mean, I LOVE corn. Anything corn. But I have just noticed that I do not always feel well either after I eat it. I have dropped everything that has corn from my diet. Not even in moderation. With me being diabetic, my system just reacts to different foods and it makes me have really bad mood swings. I would rather do without than have the mood swings. Plus, like Dr Sears has said, it will continue to make me fat.

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Hi everyone. Just wanted to post an update on the FIL situation. DH left this morning (the shuttle service was here at 530am) flying to Michigan. He is in Atlanta right now for his connection. When he gets there he will go see his dad, spend the night with one of his aunts. Tomorrow he will go pick his dad up and have breakfast, then travel 3 hrs to get back to the airport and fly home. They wont be home until around 8pm, but we are taking FIL straight to the nursing home. The home and both of us figured this would be less confusing for him instead of getting him here to our home, then a week - or even a few days later move him to the nursing home. Everyone please pray that this is a smooth transition for all of us, especially FIL. We have no idea how he will be traveling, and DH is by himself with FIL on the flight home. Talk later, Stacy

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Hi everyone. Just wanted to post an update on the FIL situation. DH left this morning (the shuttle service was here at 530am) flying to Michigan. He is in Atlanta right now for his connection. When he gets there he will go see his dad, spend the night with one of his aunts. Tomorrow he will go pick his dad up and have breakfast, then travel 3 hrs to get back to the airport and fly home. They wont be home until around 8pm, but we are taking FIL straight to the nursing home. The home and both of us figured this would be less confusing for him instead of getting him here to our home, then a week - or even a few days later move him to the nursing home. Everyone please pray that this is a smooth transition for all of us, especially FIL. We have no idea how he will be traveling, and DH is by himself with FIL on the flight home. Talk later, Stacy


Not problem Stacy. I have been praying for a quick end to all this mess for you and all of yours.


earth- as for starting tomorrow, I know what you mean. I quit smoking almost 2 years ago and I just said okay I am threw and walked away. So I took kinda the same approach to this weight loss a few days ago. Instead of saying tomorrow I said 4/9/08, I start watching what I eat and moving more and not just TALKING about it all the time!!!!!!!!!! I didn't talk about my quitting smoking everyday, even though I thought about it daily for the first few weeks then it just eased up. So I am trying this. I am hoping it works. Maybe I will start thinking about the good things about me instead of always tearing myself down in "jest"!!! Anyone else do that??? Make snide comments about your weight or other things about yourself in "fun". Vicki is always on me about saying i am fat, and I tell her its true, but I guess I should just not say those things and try to think about my good traits and maybe the obession will just go away and the weight will begin to come off. Any comments or ideas on this????

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Good morning ladies!!!!!!!!!!!


Stacy- How did yesterday/last night go???? I am so worried for yall.:(


Oh yeah my new weigh in day is Tuesday evenings because of the contest, and I have not weighed since then:D . but which also means I haven't even graced the gym doors!!!!!


I went yesterday to Avenue to get me some jean capris. I swore I was not buying any more clothes at this size but I had to I had nothing casual to wear!!!!!! So of course everything is stretch, which at the moment I like. But anyway I got a few pairs of capris, size 26, and put them on then I thought okay I am gonna try a 24, AND IT FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I know they are stretch but I bet I couldn't stretch a 22 at the moment, so I am pretty happy. I also bought some shirts and got 26/28 instead of 30/32!!!!!!! So maybe my body is changing shapes even if I have put some weight back on????? Well I am going to the gym this am and at least doing some resistance!!!!!!!!!! I like the way it felt yesterday to get in a smaller size for a change!!!!!!!!


Hope you all have a GREAT Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good morning everyone.


Leah - Cool - your new weigh in day is the same as mine. Congrats on the changing of sizes. I know I did that too about a month ago and was so excited. I always call when I dont loose weight, but I fit into smaller clothes - weight shifting. Maybe some of it shifted just a little into another region. Keep up the good work!


I need to get back onto my exercise routine. With all this going on with FIL, I have neglected my exercise recently. Doesnt help that I was getting Spidey to the doctor for adhd and DH to the doctor to have skin cancer removed. This week has been crazy in my household.


Well, DH saw his dad yesterday. He told me that his dad is very frail. His dad did not remember who his son was. He recognized some of his own siblings, but not my hubby. DH told him several times that he was his son. He also showed him pictures of Spidey, and told him that Spidey is his grandson. He did have the pictures of Spidey up in his room from where I had been sending them to him. I just know when I see him tonight that he will not know me. Anyway, DH said that his dad was still witty and very agreeable, but just doesnt remember hardly anything. It's this stupid disease that I pray they will find a cure for, or at least how to slow it down drastically. I fear that since both of DH's parents have this, that DH will also get it. DH fears that too. He has already told me that he doesnt want to live like that - to take him out on a boat in the ocean, love on him, say my good byes, stick his feet in cement, put him out of his misery and then shove him over into the ocean. OMG! I couldnt do anything like that - I love him too much. I can understand why he would say that though. Anyway, they are on their way back today. They dont leave Detroit until 5pm, so they wont be home until 8 tonight. Then we head straight to the nursing home. Today will be a long day for all of us. I will let you know how it's going through the next few days. Gotta go. Lots to do today. Stacy

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I'm here, but I guess I haven't really felt motivated to post. Did you have a good weekend?


I had a pretty low-key weekend but I did have some friends over on Sunday. My friend and I fired up the grills and did some cooking and my friends brought some dishes. I actually did pretty good (with the exception of a few cookies) and stayed away from most of the carb-y side dishes. I haven't done any exercise because I'm still having the AF from HELL! Yes, it's been over a week now and AF is still in the building. I guess that's why I haven't really been motivated to post (especially about weight loss) because it's all I can do to function, lol. UGH

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Yeah, PJ, weekend was good. I spent a lot of time at the nursing home with my FIL this weekend. Since it was his first weekend there, I just wanted to be a familiar face for him.


I too have not had a lot of motivation. Guess with everything going on, just didnt feel like exercising or anything. That is great that you stayed away from the carb dishes. It really does make a big difference. Girl, I can sympathize with you over AF. My visits are always really bad. A few days before, DH says he knows the visit is coming b/c I am so touchy.


Well, I need to find out what Spidey is doing. Have a good night. Talk later, Stacy

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Well, it looks like everyone has been MIA lately. I had my weigh in today. I guess with everything going on last week, it just took it's toll on me. I only lost a .2 of a pound. Oh well, I'll try harder this week. I have spent a lot of time with FIL at his new home, so that has cut into the time I would normally exercise. I just need to balance my daily life again. Anyway, hope everyone is having a great week. Stacy

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HI everyone. I hope you all have been having a good week.


Just a quick note, Vicki and I have quit the "Biggest Loser" thing we were doing. Turns out it was all just a Herbalife salespitch/contest. :mad: Oh well expenisve lesson. Also I have gained 4 more lbs. Back up to 320!!!!!!! :( I think TOM is coming but I also have not been to the gym in 3 weeks. I know I sound like a broken record but I just can't get motivated!!!!!!!!!! Just kinda depressed lately I guess, well I will keep praying for strength and hope for the best.


Congrats on all of the losses!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good Morning Leah! Thanks, I'll see how it goes!


Well I weighed in this morning, last week I was 338, this week I am 337.6 :( BUT AF is in the building so I know I'm retaining water. My guess is that I lost at LEAST a pound or two. I need to do my measurements as well, but I'll wait until my body is back to normal.


This morning, 335.6 :) Hey...it's a loss! Check in with you lovely ladies later!

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