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100+ lbs to lose???


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HELLO< HELLO<HELLO, that was an echo. It sure is quiet here!!!! I guess you both are doing your family tree??? And the rest of you ladies are def. AWOL. I miss yall come back:( :( .


Well we made it to the gym last night, first time since last thursday. Anyway I weighed and I lost 1 lb. Which is good since I went out of town and ate the crap, Monday/tuesday. but I am trying. just finished typing up a food journal for Vicki and I. I have to start tracking my calories. I either eat 2000 or higher:mad: or when I am being "good" I can't seem to make 1200. which is too little for my weight I think. Gotta find a happy medium. Shooting for 1500 to 1800 a day. any ideas or anyone else journaling calories????


Have a good day all, I miss talking and sharing your lives:cool: .

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LOL! It has been quiet. I was not here. I was outside with Spidey. Ugh, it is soooooo hot already!


Yeah! You lost 1 lb. I AM PROUD OF YOU! Keep up the good work. Nah, I dont do a food journal. Too time consuming. I find it very hard to try to list everything I put into my mouth while running after Spidey. I need things that I can come back to without forgetting where I was (such as a family tree).


Well, DH is coming home soon to spend the day with us since he has been working almost non stop the past 10 days. Talk later, Stacy

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Stacy, hope you and family have a great day!!!!


PJ, Hope your fast this week has been uplifting for you!!!!!!!!


Vicki and I went to the gym this am about 10 and I weighed again since it was about 7pm when I weighed yesterday. I am at 313. that is 4 lbs down from last week, but I weighed in the evening then too. I am going with 313 cause if I get down to 290 by time the cruise gets here I get to have a massage on the beach in Cozumel!!!!!!!!!


Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!

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YEAH!!! Leah that is great!! You will be below 290 before you know it. And you will have that massage on the beach.


Had a ok day yesterday. Spidey just decided to have a full blown temper tantrum last night and that really put me in a bad mood, but the day was ok. We went and had lunch, walmart, visit FIL, and went to the movies to watch IronMan. It was really good. I usually am not into super hero films, but since I have two boys (DH and Spidey) I thought I would "suffer" through it. I was pleasantly surprised. It was really good, but I am a fan of Robert Downey Jr.


I think we lost PJ to her family tree. Well, need to run. Stacy

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Just checking in real quick - my hubby ran to drop Emily off at a friends house. They are heading to their 2nd Sweet 16 this weekend! The friends mother is dropping off and I am picking up. It's on the Westbank at Stonebridge Leah!!! I'll wave to your Dad as I drive over the GNO!!!


I started this new diet but I'm not liking it. 2 oz of protein (chicken) 6 times a day. I keep forgetting to eat because I am so busy. I'll fill you in more later. Gotta run because I said I would accomplish something while they were gone and I have to get on it before he gets back!!


Smooches to everyone. And I'm gonna check into that Family Tree thing soon. AFTER Jamie graduates!!


See ya!, Vic

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Good morning ladies!!!!!!!!!! Hope all you are well and discovering your roots!!!!!!!


Yesterday Vicki, T and I all went to a park here in town and played a bout 45 mins to a hour of "tennis". We are now Williams sisters or Agassi but we moved and got some sun. We also are trying to get on a schedule with working out, playing, church, and 1 cheat meal a week. Well we have decided that Sat. night after Mass will be our cheat night. We went for pizza last night. I didn't do too bad if I would have left off the Ranch dressing. But then I suggested going to Sonic for Ice cream but when I got home and looked up the calories in all we had eaten I almost threw my ice cream away. But I didn't and will just have to lower my calories by a couple of hundred a day for the next 5 days before weigh in and work out a little harder:cool: . anyway, we are going back to play some tennis today.


does anyone really understand the calories??? I am currently 313 and trying to stay about 1650 calories a day. I have only been tracking my calories since May 1. May 1 & 2 I did not reach 1650 and of course yesterday I went over. what should my calorie intake be for me to loose weight and my body not feel like it is being starved?

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Leah, I have no idea about the calorie counting thing. I tried at first, but I just cant get into doing that. I just watch what I eat and how much. I bet the tennis was fun! If DH didnt work so darn much, we would do things like that. Ok, Spidey is calling, need to go. Stacy

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Hey lovelies!!!!


I broke into the 320s, I'll weigh officially on Wednesday, but I guess the prayer fast had some good side effects. Towards the last of the week I continued to eat sensibly because I was starting to have shakes as I got too hungry. The Pastor said that if you had any medical issues you should abstain from the fast, so I guess pre-diabetes would be included. Since yesterday I've pretty much enjoyed high-protein and fruits/veggies...so I'm still making good decisions.


Anyway, I'll check in next week, I'm just doing a drive-by.

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Hello!!! I have been busy. DH is getting FIL right now, and we are bringing him here so he can help us with gardning. He likes doing that kinda stuff. It helps keep him active too.


PJ, girl I am proud of you. Keep up the good work. That is awesome!! YYYYAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO! I think you are going to make your goal before your cruise.


I had my weigh in today. I lost 5.7 lbs. Total now is 40.2. Well, gotta go. Talk later, Stacy

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Thank you for being my cheerleader Stacy. 40lbs!!! THAT IS FANDAMNTABULOUS!!!!!!!! :D I hope I do meet goal before the cruise, my goal is renewed to get down to a size 20 dress (possibly an 18) I'm in a 24 (some 22s) dress and I'd reallllly like to purchase this little number in an 18 for the cruise:




Last year I went dark with my dress, this year I want to wear something brighter. My friend is going and I don't have to battle him to wear a suit so it's nice to know we are going to be dressed up, lol. He's thinking of wearing a tan, linen suit and having accessories to match mine. I was thinking of something coral like that or a mint or apple green.

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How is everyone doing???? I miss you all.


Great job PJ. I am also planning on wearing a floral print dress on our cruise. Mine is not as fancy as the one you are looking at, but none the less out of the norm for me. Vicki is going to wear a pair of white linen pants and a green cashmere sweater (macy's went out of business here, bought sweater for $14:D ).


Finally had the "health fair" at my Vic's work. According to them I am still at 313:mad: but I am 5'4". Have always thought and told people I was 5'2" on a good day!!!!!!!!!! But they mearsured me twice and said 5' 3 3/4". So I am saying 5'4" now. but I think I have figured out that I am not eating enough calories for my size, for my body to let go of the fat. Vicki lost 2 lbs since friday and is eating 1500. I was not reaching 1500 and have lost nothing and I have over 100lbs on her. So I have researched in some books and online and they all say I should be eating 2100 but I am not going that much and have upped mine to 1800 and trying my best to get that many a day but with healthy food. We will see come Friday morning how it is working.


Stacy hope you, DH, Spidey and FIL are all doing well and happy!!!!!!


Vic, hope all is going good with graduation!!!!!!!!!! I know you are probably very tired but also soooo proud of Jamie!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is good with DH and Emily.


Were are the rest of our "family" members!!!!!!!!!

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Hi Everyone. I am new here and like what I see so far. I had to lose 140 lbs after my Christmas Cruise last year. Yikes. I ate like a pig. A lady at work told me about Kimkins.com and I joined and so far I lost 78 lbs since Jan 1. I have not cheated yet! I feel great and my doctor is pleased and took me off my high blood pressure pills and cholesterol pills. My sleep apnea no longer exsits so I do not have to use my CPAP.


I hope to lose another 22 lbs by June 1 to make my 100 lb lost. Then I will have 40 to go.


Have a nice day.

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Hola my soul sisters!!! I've been missing y'all. We're almost done. Practice tomorrow graduation on Saturday. Breathe! I can't wait.


I see that you are all busy too!


Stacy - give Spidey a hug for me. I like checking in to see what he's been up to as well as y'all! NIce that y'all are taking FIL home to visit some days. That's great that y'all can do that.


Leah - I'm praying for T as the end of the year gets closer. You and Vickie are awesome parents and role models!


PJ - I LOVE the dress! It looks like the dress I wore for my senior prom. The pleats are very flattering!


I went to Target today to try on some shorts (my first cruise is in less than 30 days) and I was disappointed that I am still in a 20/22. My stomach is shrinking but not my hips. I need to be more consistent in going to the gym. Just dog tired with helping Jamie with exams but now that is over and I need to own up! Pray for me. I need strength.


I don't know if I told you all about Jamie being in the Photo Contest. She won the first round a few months ago for $100 and we found out yesterday that she won the final round and won the scholarship to LSU! AMEN!!! I am so thrilled!


I will post pictures from graduation soon. If anyone has a Facebook, please Friend Request me (Vickie Shields in the New Orleans network). That way you can see all our pictures!


Toodles my lovelies. Still think about you all every day and pray for all of us to be strong.


Love ya, Vic

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vic, that is great about the schloarship to LSU. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!! Hang in there!!!!!!!!! Prayers are with you all!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for the praise and prayers!!!!!!!!! It is so nice to not be judged because of my "sexual orientation" or my weight!!!!!!!!! I am a mom, sister, daughter, niece, wife and good friend!!!!!!!!!! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!!! I love this place!!!!!!!!!!


Gonna weigh in Friday and see how things are going but won't be too upset if I don't have a loss. Trying to figure out calories!!!!!!!!!


Have a good night all!!!!!!!!!

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Ok...How do I join this happy little family?? :) My name is Jennifer and I am 5'4and weigh 70-75 pounds more than I did when I delivered my son 14 years ago! (i'm 240ish) I love food! (I have always said if there was an enchilada's anonymous I'd be there) ....but I feel like crap and my knees hurt, I can't cross my legs and I'm sick of my thighs rubbing together. I don't want to be "thin" but I'd LOVE to see a size 12 again! (and my grandkids someday) I just want to feel better and have more energy. Not get winded walking a little distance or up the stairs...I'm sure you know the drill. I am cruising 11-6-08 and also 9-20-09. Im trying to decide a good goal for the 11-6 sailing. Do you all set your goals in sizes or pounds? Anyhoo....I need all the help I can get so I hope you will welcome one more into the fold! :)

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Ok...How do I join this happy little family?? :) My name is Jennifer and I am 5'4and weigh 70-75 pounds more than I did when I delivered my son 14 years ago! (i'm 240ish) I love food! (I have always said if there was an enchilada's anonymous I'd be there) ....but I feel like crap and my knees hurt, I can't cross my legs and I'm sick of my thighs rubbing together. I don't want to be "thin" but I'd LOVE to see a size 12 again! (and my grandkids someday) I just want to feel better and have more energy. Not get winded walking a little distance or up the stairs...I'm sure you know the drill. I am cruising 11-6-08 and also 9-20-09. Im trying to decide a good goal for the 11-6 sailing. Do you all set your goals in sizes or pounds? Anyhoo....I need all the help I can get so I hope you will welcome one more into the fold! :)



Welcome. I set my goals in pounds...about 3-7 a week is what I have been averaging. Eating low-carb with Kimkins.com cycling plan let me stick to my diet this time. Lost another l.5 overnight or 79.5 lbs today.


You can lose a significant amount of weight before your cruise if you plan what you are going ta eat and have the foods on hand.


Good luck....whatever diet you choose.

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Hola my soul sisters!!! I've been missing y'all. We're almost done. Practice tomorrow graduation on Saturday. Breathe! I can't wait.


I see that you are all busy too!


Stacy - give Spidey a hug for me. I like checking in to see what he's been up to as well as y'all! NIce that y'all are taking FIL home to visit some days. That's great that y'all can do that.


Leah - I'm praying for T as the end of the year gets closer. You and Vickie are awesome parents and role models!


PJ - I LOVE the dress! It looks like the dress I wore for my senior prom. The pleats are very flattering!


I went to Target today to try on some shorts (my first cruise is in less than 30 days) and I was disappointed that I am still in a 20/22. My stomach is shrinking but not my hips. I need to be more consistent in going to the gym. Just dog tired with helping Jamie with exams but now that is over and I need to own up! Pray for me. I need strength.


I don't know if I told you all about Jamie being in the Photo Contest. She won the first round a few months ago for $100 and we found out yesterday that she won the final round and won the scholarship to LSU! AMEN!!! I am so thrilled!


I will post pictures from graduation soon. If anyone has a Facebook, please Friend Request me (Vickie Shields in the New Orleans network). That way you can see all our pictures!


Toodles my lovelies. Still think about you all every day and pray for all of us to be strong.


Love ya, Vic


JAMIE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Congrats to her!! I'll add you on facebook Vic.


Leah, you know we love you! There's no judging here!


Youcandoittoo...welcome to the thread. Congratulations on your WL success thus far. I'm glad you found a program that works well for you. What's your name? :)


Jennifer! Welcome to our family!!!! I feel you on the knee/joint pain. I've only recently (within the last 6 months or so) been having knee issues. Not where they hurt all the time, but if I sit still too long, I ache getting up or if I bear down on them too quickly I have to ease back. When I stand for a long time my knees and legs are really stiff the next day too. I totally understand and I am TOO young for this! This is why we are changing, right? For me, although I've said I want to lose a certain amount of weight, I really don't care what weight I am if I can get down to a comfortable size. It's hard for me because I'm tall and I think that I have a "large frame" so I don't think that the "recommended weight" will work for me. I think I'd look emaciated at 145-169. I'm shooting for 190-220, but more importantly a comfortable size 14. Now if you ask me tomorrow I might tell you I'll be happy in a size 16 and if you ask me the day after that I might say I want to be a perfect 12, lol. At any rate, you definitely can do it and I love the ladies here and the support that they give.

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Hi Everyone. I am new here and like what I see so far. I had to lose 140 lbs after my Christmas Cruise last year. Yikes. I ate like a pig. A lady at work told me about Kimkins.com and I joined and so far I lost 78 lbs since Jan 1. I have not cheated yet! I feel great and my doctor is pleased and took me off my high blood pressure pills and cholesterol pills. My sleep apnea no longer exsits so I do not have to use my CPAP.


I hope to lose another 22 lbs by June 1 to make my 100 lb lost. Then I will have 40 to go.


Have a nice day.



Congrats!! YOu have done a wonderful job. I am not able to do anything online b/c of the accountability fact. I know when I go for my weigh-in every tuesday, I have to face these people. I dont want to show up and have gained, so to save face I stick to my diet. If I did not have to face someone weekly, I wouldnt be doing as good as I do. But I am so happy for you and thank you for sharing the web site. I am sure that someone else might decide to try it and they will succeed with it.


Welcome to our little group. We are glad to have you here.


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Ok...How do I join this happy little family?? :) My name is Jennifer and I am 5'4and weigh 70-75 pounds more than I did when I delivered my son 14 years ago! (i'm 240ish) I love food! (I have always said if there was an enchilada's anonymous I'd be there) ....but I feel like crap and my knees hurt, I can't cross my legs and I'm sick of my thighs rubbing together. I don't want to be "thin" but I'd LOVE to see a size 12 again! (and my grandkids someday) I just want to feel better and have more energy. Not get winded walking a little distance or up the stairs...I'm sure you know the drill. I am cruising 11-6-08 and also 9-20-09. Im trying to decide a good goal for the 11-6 sailing. Do you all set your goals in sizes or pounds? Anyhoo....I need all the help I can get so I hope you will welcome one more into the fold! :)



Jennifer - You have joined!!! We are a happy little family here and are happy to have more. I am only 5'6", so I know what you mean. I also love food, plus it doesnt help that DH use to be a chef for Emeril's. We have had to change everything about our eating. You will see that size 12 again, it just takes discipline (something I lack). I can tell you, now that I have lost 40 lbs (still need to loose about 110) I feel sooooo much better. I didnt get winded walking, but walking up stairs was a killer. I was breathing so hard. I am doing better now. I am not getting out of breath as quickly now. I am going to a weight loss clinic for help with my weight loss. I weigh-in every week. For the first 48 hrs of the diet, I ate nothing but lean meats (15-20 oz per day). This will throw your body into keotosis (prob misspelled). Basically you are making your body use it's stored energy (sugars and fats). Once it starts doing that, you have started to turn your metabolism around and you are burning your fats. After that 48 hrs, you start adding in a little veggies and fruits. Now if I have a week where I loose only a little (like I did a few weeks ago - only.2 lbs) I do the all protein for 24 to 48 hrs to kick my body back into fat burning mode.


As far as goals, yes I have goals. I do not give myself a time limit, I just give myself an amount to get to. I do 10 percents. My first 10 percent was 31.8 lbs. I have already met that. Now I have a new goal of 28.6 lbs to loose. I still have 20.2 lbs to go before I meet my new goal.


Girlfriend - you can do it. We are glad to have you here and look forward to getting to know you!


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Aaawwwweeee, PJ, we love you too!


Leah, no judging here! I would be the pot who called the kettle black if I were to start judging anyone on here. We all have our strengths/ weaknesses/ etc. We are all human. We are allowed to stumble along the way. What's important is that you are a good person - and it definately shows! You know how to love and are loved. With you, I love this place too. I am so glad that they had the health fair finally. I know you feel better after going to it.


Vic - I might give Spidey a pop on the hiney for you!! Nah, I'll hug him for you. He is a good hugger and I LOVE getting them. Congrats to Jamie on the scholarship win. I knew she was going to get it. I will go to facebook and add you. I dont go over there often, I mostly go to myspace. It is nice that we can get FIL and bring him here right now. We know that there is going to be a day when he will get to confused and will not be able to leave the facility. We are just trying to make the best of it. I have not been going every day anymore. I now only go about 2 or 3 times a week. Gas is just too expensive and he has now acclimated really good to his surroundings, so we thought it was a good time to taper off the visits some.


Ok, I am off here. I really need to try to clean this house today. Talk later ladies. Stacy

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