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100+ lbs to lose???


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Soon2bmrsowens- Welcome. I just joined here a couple of days ago and have felt so welcomed. I'm sure you will too. Congrats on the baby and getting married. How awesome to get married on a cruise. If I ever get married again it's gonna be either a cruise or on a beach somewhere!!

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Stacey- I will have to go look for one of those water bottles. Is it like the Nalgene bottles?


Well, I got my WW books in the mail today. So, I'm gonna be working on a menu the next couple of days so that when dh and I go shopping on Saturday we are prepared and will start for reals on Sunday. Wish me luck!!


Good luck with your menus. It's so time consuming to sit down and plan a menu, but so worth it once you do it.


Nope, not the same bottles. Go to wateruonline.com I have the 2.2 liter jugs. It holds 8 glasses of water at once.

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I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I had no idea that there was a weight loss forum on here. I am getting marrried on the Carnival Liberty 2-28, this will be my first cruise. I am 24 and weigh 315. I have an 11 month old and gained 60lbs during my pregnancy. I am desperatly trying to lose weight for my wedding and the cruise. It seems that you all have a tight knit group, but I hope you all have room for one more. I haven't picked a program yet, any suggestions? How much weight do you think I can lose from now until January?



We have room. Congrats on your up coming wedding and your 11 mth old.


Have no idea how much you can loose between now and January - that is up to you. Hard work and determination will be the deciding factor. I need to get back on track and start working really hard. I have had some issues with family, etc, that I have gotten off track and I need to get back on. I know when I was on here almost daily talking to everyone that I did better b/c I had the support I needed.


As far as which program - I would suggest high protien and low carbs. You would not believe how many veggies are considered carbs. Stay away from carrots and corn. They will help you keep the fat on instead of help you take it off. Another person asked about that in an earlier post and I researched it and provided the info for them. I dont know how far back in this thread it is, but it is there.


Also, get up and move. Walk walk walk walk. That is one of the best exercises. If you dont want to put your little one in a stroller and walk outside, there is a wonderful dvd titled "Leslie Sansone Walk at Home". It is a 3 mile weight loss walk. It gives you a really good workout. It's power walking.


Let us know which program you decide. Well ladies, I have to go and see what my little Spidey is into. Dont forget to exercise today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Hurricane season is taking its toll already. Last week my parents were here and stayed with us for a couple of days to escape Gustav and now it looks like we are going to be in the path of Ike. Although we live 3 hours inland so it probably won't be that bad.


Still haven't started the dieting. Last week with family here it would have just gotten tooo expensive. (Healthy food costs so much more.) We were feeding 6 adults and 3 kids.


This week I am going to visit my BFF. She lives in AZ. We will be meeting each other in Minneapolis at the Mall of the Americas. There is a scrapbook show going on there, but we will probably only go to one day of it and just see Minnesota the rest of the time.


As soon as I come back dh and I are re-joining the YMCA. And definitely starting the WW. He has actually taken out his stair stepper and is working out with it in the mornings!!

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I just stumbled upon this thread and wanted to wish everyone encouragement and hopefully inspiration.


I am 48 years old. I started dieting just around May 1, 2007. As of today, I have lost 100 pounds. I want to lose 12 pounds more. I'm pretty excited that I consider myself to be 12 pounds overweight.


I want to give you a couple of suggestions that have worked for me. The NUMBER ONE thing for me is to not consider food a source of entertainment. For one full year it was rare that I ate anything other than cream of wheat and a banana for breakfast. Almost every day I ate a turkey sandwich for lunch. Sometimes with lettuce and sometimes not. I also had a can of V8 everyday with my lunch. When people say "Don't you get bored eating the same thing everyday?", my response is, "I'm not looking for entertainment."


My other suggestion is to remember that when you make up excuses or tell little white lies, you're only hurting yourself. Try to get honest with yourself. I try to keep Dr Phil's expression in my head. "GET REAL." If you fall off the wagon, get back on. If you do badly for a day or a week or a month, get your head on straight and restart your diet.


For ME, weighing, counting calories, etc. are too much trouble and I'm too lazy. I told you what I had for breakfast and lunch and for dinner I ate the same stuff as my family. I just ate a lot more vegetables and smaller portions of the meat and starches.



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I think I need to give Stacy a merit badge or something. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Thanks girl! Looks like the problem poster may have been run off the boards b/c of the way he/she treated others on another post. You know, being overweight - we take enough from people out in the world on a day-to-day in your face basis. We will not tolerate it in the privacy of our own home.


Miss you! Love ya! hugs and smooches Stacy

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I am 48 years old. I started dieting just around May 1, 2007. As of today, I have lost 100 pounds. I want to lose 12 pounds more.


For ME, weighing, counting calories, etc. are too much trouble and I'm too lazy.




Thank you!! Congrats on your weight loss to date and your continued success. What an inspiration to us all!!


I too am just too lazy to count calories etc. Ok, well, not just so lazy, but my 4 yr old requires more of my attention than what I can give to counting and weighing, etc. When my hubby starts his new job I will start going back to the clinic that I was previously going too so I will have some sort of accountability. That is my problem - accountability. Luckily since I have stopped going to the clinic I have not gained any weight back, I have maintained.

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Hello all,


Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Hurricane season is taking its toll already. Last week my parents were here and stayed with us for a couple of days to escape Gustav and now it looks like we are going to be in the path of Ike. Although we live 3 hours inland so it probably won't be that bad.


There is a scrapbook show going on there


As soon as I come back dh and I are re-joining the YMCA.


I hope you are not feeling too many of the effects of Ike right now. I pray that you and your family are safe.


OOOHHHH, scrapbooking is a passion of mine. How fun. I havent gotten into it that much where I would want to go to a show, but it would be a lot of fun.


YMCA is a great place to go. We want to join ours too, but $$ has been short due to the economy. DH works on commission only. Thankfully he starts a new job in about 4 weeks that does not work on commissions. I think we are finally going to join ours after he starts to make paychecks!! :)

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Hi All~:)


Hope you all have room for me to join you!


I am 43 yrs old and I am 5'2" tall and am currently approx 80 lbs overweight. I have lost about 15 lbs or so since June of this year. I have type 2 diabetes so I am 'trying' to do low carb and low fat. I also have IBS (irritable bowel syndorme) which makes eating often difficult.:o


DH and I are both needing to lose weight. We started about 3 weeks ago walking 1.5 miles a few times a week. Can't really say that I am enjoying it all that much just yet but hopefully with time I will!


We are going on our 1st cruise in May 2009 and we really hoping to be in much better shape for it than we currently are.


We sure can use all the help we can get!


Thanks for being here... I look forward to getting to know you all better!


Take Care, Dawn

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Hi All~


Wow...not a very active group, huh? Hmmm...hope that means that you're all doing so well that you don't need to be here!


I have good news and bad news!


Bad News: :mad: :mad: (bad news first as I want to end on a good note)

Unfortuntaly I am NOT doing very well. Have been doing lots of stress eating this past week! (work related) And not been walking either. I know, I know...bad...bad...bad!! I know all the right things to do, but don't do it....grrrrrrrrrrr!


Good News::D :D

We are 'officially' booked on the Princess Star bound for Alaska May 10 2009...I am super excited!


Ok, time to do the right thing NOW and quit slacking off...right?!?



Take Care, Dawn

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Hi all, ok here's the problem, I started a diet in April (I turned 40 Bleh) I was 450lbs. I'm now down to about 325. I thought hey the program I joined was for 6 month's so I'll be done in October. Well I'm not! Now that I'm at this weight I still need to loose another 100 to 140 lbs. The really bad news I'm on the Glory at the end of October.


So what I need is any idea's from a dieter that's been on a cruise. How do I sit there on that ship and not eat everything in sight? Has anyone been able to find a way yet? Do they have any personal trainers on the ship? This is my 14th cruise, I know the gym is in the front but I don't think I've ever been in one on a cruise.


Ok the diet in case your wondering, Optifast. Basically I'm just drinking a shake 5 times a day and swallowing more viatiamins than I knew existed. Plus working out three times a week with weights and 5 times a week on with cardio. And I'm meeting with a nutritionist. So far that's helped me to resist the donuts, cake, pizza ect at work. But let's face it that's not a 4 course dinner with prime rib as big as head.


Well any ideas, I like the one about writting down everything you eat. They told me to that at the center and they also threatened to weigh me before and after. I'm thinking of wearing leg weights for the before.



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Hey Dawn! It has been really quiet here lately. There once was a time when everyone was posting every day. Then summer hit us. Now that we are moving into fall, maybe everyone will start to post again.


Great news about the cruise. I have wanted to do an Alaska cruise, but have yet to do so. Still so much of the Caribbean I want to see. Congrats!


Regarding the bad news - we all have our bad times. Life takes over and stress eating begins. It happens. At least you recognize it and can make steps to move beyond it. I have been having a time of it too. I dont work, but my husbands stresses from work get to me. He starts a new job next month and that will ease our money situation, which has also been a big stress to me too. I am trying to pull out of it. Just went this week and joined our YMCA. They have a wonderful kids zone that my little one can go into for an hour and a half while I work out. Now that school is back in session it will be easier for me to bring my big fat rear end into the Y to exercise and not deal with kids gawking at the big fat rear end on the machines trying to loose weight.


Ok, we can do this together!! Stop your stress eating and I will stop mine! Running late, gotta go to church now. Have a good day.


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Hi David. Congrats on your weight loss so far! I have not been on a diet recently so I can only give so much info. Since my last cruise I have found that I am now diabetic. How in the world am I going to pass up on all the good, really good desserts and go sugar free? My husband will need to be my accountability and keep me on track.


My suggestions is this:

1. Have someone be your accountability. Let them give you that look if you try to eat more than you should.

2. Try to stay away from pasta and bread. Eat mainly meat and veggies. This is huge.

3. Walk walk walk. Use the stairs, not the elevator.

4. Dont deny yourself some things. If you see a piece of cake you want for dinner or lunch, eat it. But just eat one a day, not several.


A few years ago a friend and I went on a cruise together. I walked and used the stairs. I ate normal. I didnt over-eat or under-eat. I treated the cruise as if I were back home. When I got home I weighed the same as when I left. My friend on the other hand ate everything (it seemed) in sight. She gained 15 lbs by the end of the cruise. It can be done.


Dont put on leg weights before your weigh-in prior to the cruise. You are only doing a dis-service to yourself.


Welcome to the group! Keep up the good work.

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David~ First off congrats on the weightloss to date...awesome job!


Some tips that might help:

- Drink lots and lots of water.

- Scan the menus and buffets "before" you order or put it on your plate and only get what you really want the most of and not a little of everythig just b/c it looks good.

- Do NOT ever go back for seconds.

- allow yourself one splurge each day

- take advantage of the walking track and gym's

- take some of your optifast shakes with you to balance things out a bit

** ALL things in "moderation"**



Stacy~ It's a deal!! Thanks for the pep talk...I really need it!


Take Care, Dawn


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OMG! How could I have forgotten the water intake!!! Thanks Dawn for your input with David also. I had meant to add water also. I was in a hurry to get me and Spidey (my 4 yr old) out the door to church. I am pouring over the Y schedule to see what all is going on. Talk later. Stacy

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Hello everyone. STACEY, I HAVE MISSED YOU SOOOO:( . I am Leah and haven't been on here in a while.


Wendy, I would love to ask you some questions about the thyroid issue. Please come back so I can!!!!!


Anyway welcome to all new comers and congrats on your new lifestyles.


I have not lost any weight since last time I posted on here, but Stacey, my thyroid has dropped from 10.??? to 7.???. So it is my turn to help it along I guess. My dr. gave me Alli to try. I will start it Friday night. So we will see.


I have talked to Vicky a couple of times here during all these hurricanes. Small world, because my Vicki and her have talked on the phone more than once over the last few years for work but didn't know it till recently.:D . anyway, we survived both hurricanes with minimal damage.


Sorry my memory is very bad, but the poster whose parents live in DeQuincy, that is just up the road from me, as you probably already know.


Well welcome to all of you and please keep up the hard work and posting and I promise I will be on here more often!!!!!!!!!!

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STACEY, I HAVE MISSED YOU SOOOO:( . I am Leah and haven't been on here in a while.


lol, I almost forgot who you were!! Kidding. So glad to see you come back. I just thought you were busy with the storms and with T in school. Missed you muches.


Spidey and I have been going to the YMCA. We finally got a membership to it. That boy LOVES going to the pool while there and the women in the kids zone LOVE watching him while I work out. Oh he is a little flirt. Glad to know that your thyroid is getting better. Let us know how the alli works. We have been in a money crunch for months (DH sells cars for a living- hope that is about to change). So, I stopped going to the clinic I had been going to. They were my concious (did I spell that right?). I have been in a funk and have not even tried to loose any more weight. I may have gained about 10 lbs back b/c of the funk I have been in. Trying to drag myself out of it. That is one reason I have started going to the YMCA.


Ok, I have some things I need to take care of. Talk later. I have missed you girl.


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Hi Everyone :)

Last week was not so great! Didn't have a gain, but probably should have!

I work at school (special ed aide) and most days are pretty stressful. Unfortunatly I handle that just how I handle everything else in my life...I EAT! (NOT good!)

My toughest time of day is the minute I walk in the door after school...I want to eat everything in sight! I Need to find some ways to de-stress that don't involve food.


What do you all do to de-stress from your day??



Take Care, Dawn



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Hey Dawn! Maybe this week will be better for you. Cant help you on the de-stress thing. Still trying to find what works for me. It's really hard because I am a stay at home mom and my stress is from my ADHD son. I cant just get away from him whenever I want. Plus, when he hs really stressing me out it most likely is b/c of his ADHD. So, to deal with it I will focus more on the computer or trying to find something to do with my hands. I would love to learn some tips for de-stressing as well.

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Hello my Beauties!!!


Stacy, I've also just been diagnosed as diabetic recently (I don't know if I put that in my last post) so I've had to make some changes to my diet as well. I mean, they were changes I should have made anyway, but now it's MANDATORY. My vice is bread, cake, pasta, etc. and it's just really hard trying to wean myself off of some of these things. I said wean because I really need to "re-wire" my brain because I don't consider a meal a full meal unless there's a starch in it. *sigh* I've learned to subsitute brown rice for white rice, whole weat bread and whole wheat soft tortillas (for tacos, which I make at least once a week), and things like that.


I've also found the best thing EVER. Bird's Eye makes these steam and serve veggie boxes that are (for me) 2 servings. You take it out of the other box and put the bowl in the microwave for appx. 4-5 minutes. They already come seasoned, so I just stir them and put them on the plate. I find that one of my big issues is having to "work" for my food. I like what's easy. Unless I have a lot of time during the week, I'm just going to grab what is readily available. With these, I just throw some chicken or fish in the oven when I get home, while I shower or open mail or iron clothes for the next day and voila...dinner is served, lol.


Anyway, I'm rambling. I just wanted to check in on you guys. *grouphug*

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Hey Erika. Nope you had not mentioned that you are now diabetic. I can tell when I am getting way to much sugar. During the night I get really really bad leg cramps when I eat too much sugar and have no exercise for the day. Our $$ has been really limited so we have had to buy rice and pasta, etc to make our food stretch. DH is starting a new job soon so I will be able to go back to the way I need to eat. Stick mainly to meat and veggies and you cant go wrong. Stay away from corn and carrots. Those two are just no good for you. The Birds eye veggies sound great. Keep us updated with your diabeties. {{hugs}} Miss you.

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I know what you mean Stacy. Food prices are constantly rising, as with everything else. It's just me so I get by but I'm definitely looking for other opportunities to supplement my income and bolster my savings. It seems like I go to the grocery store 5-6 times a month because I never go and get a bunch of stuff because it just gets expensive. I go every week and get at least enough for the week and if I have extra, get meats to put in the freezer. Anyway, we'll do better and you have to make good decisions with what you have. :p



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Hey Erika. Remember that exercise will help control your sugar levels. I dont know how it does it, but it does. Try to exercise almost every day. I have been going to our YMCA and they are kicking my rear end. I have been taking some of their exercise classes. The next day I am hunkered over and can barely walk. Getting up and down from the toilet has been a challenge. lol. But I continue to go the next day and do it all over again. Darn it, I am going to get this weight OFF one way or another.


We have been blessed recently. We have told several people at our church our challenge with $$ recently. The last three weeks we have received (annonamously) gift cards in the mail for our local grocery store. That has helped me be able to go and purchase better choices for us to eat. I dont know what I would do without my church family.


Well, I need to go get ready to have my rear end kicked again today! Have a great day. Stacy

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