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Bag the Lifeboat Drill?


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You've just proven the adage that there is "one" in every crowd!


Come visit me on my balcony, and I will not only give you free swimming lessons, but flying lessons, as well!

Semper Fi.


The Me generation?

I find that as ignorant as missing the drill! where did that come from.. the ME generation.. I hope that isn't about us youngins.....I have a friend that went back to iraq 3 times even though he could have retired the military... well he is no longer with us due to heavy fighting in Fallujah ...may he rest in peace! He died there so no more of us will have to die here! I find it very offensive to say something like my generation isn't as good as yours!! I've been hearing for so long about the golden generation... Any time someone puts everyone into one stereotypical boat you can just as well forget what they have to say... I'd like you to tell my friends parents that he is from the lazy no good generation... careful what you say... you will depend on us for social security and legislation that protects seniors when they loose their voice... off my soap box....

but back to the topic... if it really kills you to wait for the drill... go after a few minutes so that they start shortly after youll arrive.this way your not standing there for 15 minutes before they start. I can feel the heat coming for even suggesting this..( oh but then i have to wait for you) .. true.. but what did you expect from the ME generation....Cruises are for fun... don't let others always negative views and comment disrupt your cruise... there are more of us then them anyway!


I am a late baby boomer and father of Gen Xers or whatever the label is....let me point out that skipping the muster drill has nothing to do with any generation or age... this is a problem that transcends all age groups as all age groups have done it....Play NICE!


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Why miss this priceless bit of free entertainment?


We didn't have one when DH and I cruised out of Ft. Lauderdale in May of 2007?! We just went on with our afternoon and had a lovely cruise - I didn't think about it until my Dad asked what my husband - then, a first time cruiser - thought about the muster drill.


I don't mind them, but I do remember one year when I was 13 or 14, my Mom was having motion sickness issues after a rough flight and drive down to Port Canaveral and we didn't go - Costa Cruise Lines slipped a nasty-gram into our "mailbox" outside the cabin door about the importance of attending said drill and we should familiarize ourselves with how to put on the life jackets and find the easiest route to our muster stations on our own time.


I keep reading little snippits about cruise lines skipping the drill or modifying it so it's more "comfortable" for passengers - does anyone know if there are offical laws or rules maritime or local or even federal government rules about it??

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uh? sure there is.


skipped the last two, skipping this one as well.


if you've been to one, pray tell why go again? in that 30 minutes, i can unpack, read, figure out what we want to do, and whatever. not putting on the liftjacket and being crammed thisclose to people. I honestly don't go on cruise to meet people. I'm perfect happy if I don't meet anyone. I go to spend time with dh. ooooo muster drill everyone else will be there...we won't.


"If you miss the drill, you are required to go to a "make-up" session."


Never been to a make-up session either. never gotten notice to go. really questioning this make-up session theory. has anyone ever been?


"and as they get your name and cabin number they KNOW who skipped. Those who missed are required to do a make up drill on the first sea day."


hehe lucky then, no days at sea for me.


"Of the six cruises I've been on, only attended one muster drill. Wife and I figure as long as you know where your station is, all the other info is going to be the same."


Thank you. We check for life jackets, read the handy dandy chart thingie on the back of the door. and i'm good to go.


"They mark your cabin number down when you check in at the drill. Trust me, if your cabin number is not marked...they WILL come and find you!!!"


again. nope. at least not on NCL or Carnival.



now mind you, I don't skip work, never skipped school either. but muster drills i'm skipping. if i go down on a cruise ship for skipping, there are worse ways to die.


To each his or her own. go or don't. I don't see why it's a big deal. If you go and I don't, that really doesn't effect you, does it? If you go or don't go, that really doesn't effect me.


(I would however make my kids go, and of course go with them. can't expect them to follow the rules if I won't. Once 18, it's up to them).

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Everyone certainly has the right to decide whether or not they are going to participate in the lifeboat drill. I have no idea if there is a record kept of who does not attend, but if it holds everyone up, why would you do it? It is an important drill to attend (even if you have cruised a bunch).


To the people that say they won't and you can't make them attend, that is just fine with me. It doesn't affect me, but you really need to think how it could affect you.


Be safe out there and enjoy your cruise!!!

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I am trying to find the exact wording from the appropriate agency, I believe the governing body is the International Maritime Organization and the United States Coast Guard upholds for Cruise ship safety in regards to Muster drills.


I have no problem with people skipping as long as some have said that they on their own become aware where their station is, have located their life jackets and are prepared to make their way to their station in case of emergency.


It's the yahoos that won't have a clue, being stupid running around screaming at people and bowling little old women, men and children (and maybe some young adults too :D ) to climb on a lifeboat...any lifeboat because they have no clue what is going on and because it is important for them to be SAVED FIRST!

Personal responsibility is given at birth. Sometimes governments try to take away persoal responsibility and then there are some people want someone else to be responsible. Please don't get in the way of those of us who have chosen to go to the drill or have made themselves aware of the locations of muster stations, and what is required of them in an emergency.


During a time of crisis is not the time to ask questions nor is it a time to disagree with those directing, coordinating an evacuation.

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This drill takes 30 minutes tops. I read these posts and it reads like a bunch of kids trying to figure out how to get out of doing thier homework. Good grief. Suck it up and just go to the drill. It is great entertainment if nothing else.

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The muster drill is the point where I know that in just a few short minutes we will be leaving port.. It is the only thing I am required to do.... I love seeing the newbies too... priceless memories...[/quote



I agree 110%!!!

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For our second cruise we took our children and booked one adult in each cabin with one child each. Hubby decided he hated muster drill and was gonna skip out so he hid in the bathroom. I took kids and went and was livid when I discovered that because of where our 2 cabins were (inside forward, one on left side of center and one on right side of center) we were on two different places on the ship!!! Thankfully it was my 16 year old who was on one side by himself and not my 7 year old! if that had been the case I would have ratted him out and had them drag him kicking and screaming to the drill. As it was I just let my anger simmer and lit into him when we got back to the cabin.


Lesson hubby learned: if cruising with the wife and kids YOU ARE GONNA DO THE DRILL if you wanna have a peaceful cruise!!

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You may fool someone who has never cruised but I have cruised 15 times-what you say is not true. The stations check off your stateroom number and some lines even ask your name. they know very well who do not participate.



I have been on 2 cruises, and no one took down our stateroom number or name during the muster drill on either cruise.

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"If you miss the drill, you are required to go to a "make-up" session."


Never been to a make-up session either. never gotten notice to go. really questioning this make-up session theory. has anyone ever been?


Yep My friend who missed her airline connection on our NCL cruise last year had to attend drill since she missed the first one. Several people who were not at the first drill also attended.



"They mark your cabin number down when you check in at the drill. Trust me, if your cabin number is not marked...they WILL come and find you!!!"


again. nope. at least not on NCL or Carnival.

They sure checked off our cabin # on NCL last year.


51Co0bFF3ML._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpgRequired reading for all drill skippers;)

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I don't always feel like stopping when the traffic light is red, sometimes there's no one around. Bet I could get by with going on through. But I stop. It's the law.


I don't feel like paying taxes, I get they would never catch me if I didn't. But I pay. It's the law.


Life boat drills. Boring. Been there, done that. There are a dozen things I'd rather be doing. Bet they would never catch me if I skipped it. But I go. It's the law.


Obeying a law isn't always what we would choose to do, but it is there for a reason. If you don't want to go to lifeboat drill, no one forced you on the cruise ship. Stay home!


Parents who skip out on life boat drill are teaching their child that laws are something one can ignore if one chooses. "If I don't want to, nobody can make me do it."


This whole thread is rediculous. Adolescents who are trying to get out of something just because they can. Making a game out an international law. Grow up! It bugs me to think somebody thinks that hiding from the lifeboat drill is a "Cruise Ritual."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never ditched a drill, and never will. You could get kicked off the ship if found purposely evading the drill. I'd rather everyone see me with a funny, orange life jacket on. It's less humiliating than getting tossed of the ship. It happened to a lady on my first cruise... Sucked to be her. :/

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I have no problem with people skipping as long as some have said that they on their own become aware where their station is, have located their life jackets and are prepared to make their way to their station in case of emergency.


It's the yahoos that won't have a clue, being stupid running around screaming at people and bowling little old women, men and children (and maybe some young adults too :D ) to climb on a lifeboat...any lifeboat because they have no clue what is going on and because it is important for them to be SAVED FIRST!

Personal responsibility is given at birth. Sometimes governments try to take away persoal responsibility and then there are some people want someone else to be responsible. Please don't get in the way of those of us who have chosen to go to the drill or have made themselves aware of the locations of muster stations, and what is required of them in an emergency.


I'm sure the clueless screaming stupid ones would be much more likely to have an accident if they were near a rail or a balcony--<bump> screeeeeeeaaaammmmm.....<splash> "Too bad s/he wasn't wearing his/her flotation device--oops! Oh, well, it _was_ their personal choice, I suppose.":rolleyes:

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How many of you seasoned cruisers bag the standard lifeboat drill and stay in the room? Any rituals??????


Yeah, my mom had some mobility issues and the front desk told her she could just stay in her room when we asked about wheelchair procedures for the drill. She did, and even the cabin steward just shrugged and went on his way. I know it's mandatory Coast Guard ordered, etc... but really it's like the drill on planes - if you've cruised before, you know the deal and tune it all out anyway. I'd definitely skip it if I could, but until then, I just make sure I grab my ipod along with the lifejacket :)

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I don't always feel like stopping when the traffic light is red, sometimes there's no one around. Bet I could get by with going on through. But I stop. It's the law.


I don't feel like paying taxes, I get they would never catch me if I didn't. But I pay. It's the law.


Life boat drills. Boring. Been there, done that. There are a dozen things I'd rather be doing. Bet they would never catch me if I skipped it. But I go. It's the law.


Obeying a law isn't always what we would choose to do, but it is there for a reason. If you don't want to go to lifeboat drill, no one forced you on the cruise ship. Stay home!


Parents who skip out on life boat drill are teaching their child that laws are something one can ignore if one chooses. "If I don't want to, nobody can make me do it."


This whole thread is rediculous. Adolescents who are trying to get out of something just because they can. Making a game out an international law. Grow up! It bugs me to think somebody thinks that hiding from the lifeboat drill is a "Cruise Ritual."


Couldn't have said it better!

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“God I wish I would not have skipped the safety procedure!”


First hand video on the Star Princess Fire, March 23, 2006. Listen to the comment made near the end of the video.




I don't think the muster drill would have helped these geniuses. :rolleyes:

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Believe me, they know who shows up and who don't. We missed the first drill on Saturday because we didn't arrive until almost 6 pm due to our plane arrival time:(...but later on, we received notice in our cabin that there was a make up drill in the Cabaret':p...yep, we were there for that one....so, if you do miss the first one....they will find you and make you go to the second one....lol....:D



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I do not plan on missing the life boat drill on either of my upcoming cruises... Awesome picture op plus what a better way to see the tipsies of the cruise. Just go, get it over with so everyone can get on with the fun.


Hooray for the awesome orange out fits...

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Wouldn't miss the muster drill for security reasons and also because it means : The cruise has begun :D:D:D !!!


On Costa in 2008 they had portable scanners and they scanned everyones room key, even the children.



I travel with my kids, and they distribute a bracelet to each kid under 14, printed with their muster station number so if there's an emergency and the kids are at Camp, the personel knows to which muster station the kids belong to and they can reunite them with their parents.


Trying to find ways out of it is more trouble than attending.

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  • 3 months later...

It must be crew specific because on my first cruise I got married on ship and when they came around for the muster, my door was locked and I was a bit...um...busy. They knocked several times, eventually stopped, and never said a word to us afterwards.


I've never seen them do more than knock on doors, never had to do an actual muster at the drill.


People get awfully uptight about other people's decisions. If you get that worked up over something like a lifeboat drill, maybe you need a vacation...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was standing next to you the last time. Remember me: I was the other person in the orange vest.

Everytime I get on a Ship for a new adventure I WANT to ditch the muster drill. I end up going to my respective station everytime and realize it's worth it and not for safety reasons but for the people watching!


Who's already lit? Who's in a wedding dress? Who doesn't know how to put on a vest? Who are the people holding us up?!?


Seriously it's thirty minutes out of 7+ days. Look for me, I'll be the guy in the orange life vest. ;)


- Matty C

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