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Kauai Suggestions


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We are planning to rent a car when we are in Kauai. I've looked through the Revealed book and I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to see while we're on the island. I just wanted to get some feedback to see if my plans are realistic and if I'm missing anything that is a must see. I'm not sure what order our stops should be in, but here are the things that are on my list so far:


Lydgate State Park

Ke'e Beach

Tunnels Beach

Wailua Falls

Opaeka'a Falls

Kilauea Point Lighthouse


We have a helicopter tour scheduled for the next morning, so we're not planning to drive to Waimea Canyon since we'll see it from the air. I want to make sure that our day isn't too busy because we want to be able to relax and enjoy being in Hawaii. Should we try to narrow down our list some more, or is this realistic?

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We are planning to rent a car when we are in Kauai. I've looked through the Revealed book and I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to see while we're on the island. I just wanted to get some feedback to see if my plans are realistic and if I'm missing anything that is a must see. I'm not sure what order our stops should be in, but here are the things that are on my list so far:


Lydgate State Park

Ke'e Beach

Tunnels Beach

Wailua Falls

Opaeka'a Falls

Kilauea Point Lighthouse


We have a helicopter tour scheduled for the next morning, so we're not planning to drive to Waimea Canyon since we'll see it from the air. I want to make sure that our day isn't too busy because we want to be able to relax and enjoy being in Hawaii. Should we try to narrow down our list some more, or is this realistic?


I think your list is realistic for a full day with a rental car -- the order is a bit mixed up. From Nawiliwili you would do Wailua Falls first, then Opaeka'a Falls, then Lydgate, then Kilauea Point, then Tunnels, then Ke'e Beach (think I got it all in there).


Here's a link to help you plan that day -- we used this for our similar rental car drive to the north shore and it was spot on accurate in times and in things to look for -- http://www.alternative-hawaii.com/byotgdxk.htm. Use the East side first, then the North Shore. Have a wonderful day -- we sure did! I would urge you to be prepared for something to grab you, causing a deviation. We never made it to Ke'e Beach, because on our way up we saw a craft market in Kapa'a that both of us said "ooooh, want to go there!" So we watched our time, and left the north shore in time to make it back to that market and then to the ship. So Ke'e Beach is in our "next time" folder, which is fine. :)

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That's pretty much what we did! We drove out to Kee first with a couple of stops at caves (small ones -- right next to the road) and then hit the falls and lighthouse on the way back. The lighthouse closes at 4 pm so you'll need to plan accordingly. We also included lunch at the Princeville Resort -- a very expensive lunch but an incredibly spectacular view!

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If I might just put your mind at ease regarding whether you'll be missing any "must do" items? The answer is an emphatic yes, you will. This is not a reflection on you; it's due to the fact that there is so much to see and do, and you have limited time on a cruise to do it. You can't do/see it all on a cruise; you can't even do/see it all if you have a week on the island (or any of the islands). So, decide which are most important to you, go for those, and enjoy your time; don't rush-rush-rush to try to see as much as you can if you won't be able to actually have fun doing it and if your memories of Kauai will be "I went here, here, here, here, here, and here, but I really can't tell you all that much about them; here are some pictures." Heck, anyone can take pictures, but it takes more than that to really experience Kauai (and all of Hawaii). End of beachchick's "stop and smell the plumerias" rant.


Enjoy, no matter how many of your "list" you get to see/do.



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For all of us that are on a once in a lifetime trip maybe the best advice is "stop and smell the plumerias ... snap a pic ... and go!" If you intend to go back to Hawaii many times ... sure its best to "s l o w" down. You can see it next time ... no problem. I don't think we will have that option. dpw

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I totally agree with beachchick. We have been visiting the islands for a long time and I still have not seen everything. We always do land based trips in Hawaii because there is so much to do and see on each island, Kauai and the Big Island especially. Just relax and enjoy.


One thing that I would like to recommend is the Island Soap and Candle shop which is at the Kong Lung Co, in Kilauea. You will drive right past it on the way to the lighthouse. They make candles and soap that smell so good, so if you are looking for something "made in the islands" this is a great choice. There are other neat shops there as well!!! The soap and candles make great gifts for people!!!!

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For all of us that are on a once in a lifetime trip maybe the best advice is "stop and smell the plumerias ... snap a pic ... and go!" If you intend to go back to Hawaii many times ... sure its best to "s l o w" down. You can see it next time ... no problem. I don't think we will have that option. dpw
I have never minded packing a lot into a single day...it just matches my personality and energy level better. One of the main reasons I like cruising is that it forces me to slow down a bit on sea days, but I enjoy keeping busy and seeing as much as possible when in port. I did enjoy combining our cruise with a stay at Turtle Bay (next time we will stay in Maui pre cruise)...with a few days in one location I don't mind including some down time in my schedule.
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Yes, I understand that there's no way for us to see everything there is to see in Hawaii while on the cruise. I just want to make sure that we make the most of the time we do have. We definitely want to make sure that we have time to just relax. My husband and I are using this as a way to figure out which islands we want to come back to for a land vacation.


Thanks for the recommendation for the Island Soap and Candle shop. I absolutely love stuff like that, so I'm sure we'll check it out.

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We have been on 2 land trips to Kauai and it is our first love among the islands. I would recommend driving to your furthest point and working back. Personally, I think the north shore is the most beautiful place. The picture of Ke'e pretty much says it all.


Which helicopter company are you using?

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We have been on 2 land trips to Kauai and it is our first love among the islands. I would recommend driving to your furthest point and working back. Personally, I think the north shore is the most beautiful place. The picture of Ke'e pretty much says it all.


Which helicopter company are you using?


We are booked with Blue Hawaiian. We had a hard time choosing between Inter-island and Blue Hawaiian, and I'm still not totally sure which one I'd rather use.

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sorry I forgot to write - there used to be a rope and rough trail to the right of the Wailua falls lookout. You would need to backtrack down the road a bit. We really loved the view from down there.


What is a rope and rough trail? Thanks dpw

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We have been on 2 land trips to Kauai and it is our first love among the islands. I would recommend driving to your furthest point and working back. Personally, I think the north shore is the most beautiful place. The picture of Ke'e pretty much says it all.


Which helicopter company are you using?


I think that's a great idea.



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For all of us that are on a once in a lifetime trip maybe the best advice is "stop and smell the plumerias ... snap a pic ... and go!" If you intend to go back to Hawaii many times ... sure its best to "s l o w" down. You can see it next time ... no problem. I don't think we will have that option. dpw


I do understand, truly. I don't mean to say or imply that everyone should spend the whole time relaxing or going slowly; although, if that's what someone wants to do, terrific too. I do mean to say or advise or just flat be opinionated that your memories and your trip will be enhanced greatly if you stop and smell the plumerias, snap a picture, but instead of rushing off every time, instead sit and simply take in the sights for 20 minutes (or whatever). Stopping to breathe and slowing down from time to time doesn't mean you shouldn't plan to do and see many things. Not at all. For those who truly enjoy the go-go-go-go until they collapse, no problem. It's those who think they must go-go-go-go to do/see "it all," but don't really enjoy it who need to reconsider.


My post was really intended as a reminder that no one on a cruise can ever do/see all the "must do" places and activities because of the limited port time. Often people stress to the max about the possibility that they might miss something--often to the point of not being able to enjoy what they are able to see and do. That's no way to remember Hawaii.


Yes, I understand that there's no way for us to see everything there is to see in Hawaii while on the cruise. I just want to make sure that we make the most of the time we do have. We definitely want to make sure that we have time to just relax. My husband and I are using this as a way to figure out which islands we want to come back to for a land vacation.


Thanks for the recommendation for the Island Soap and Candle shop. I absolutely love stuff like that, so I'm sure we'll check it out.


Excellent! Wonderful to hear that you're planning your "next trip"--that's always a good thing.:D



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On the helicopter - I can't comment on blue hawaiian since I have not flown with them. We did fly with inter island and the experience was absolutely fantastic. We did the trip with the waterfall landing and it was a great choice. The reason we chose inter island was because of the waterfall landing and because they fly with the doors off. The views were unobstructed and just breathtaking.


In regards to the trail - it was literal - there is a rope to help you down the initial part of the trail because the first portion was very steep and rough. What I should have written is that the trail is steep and rough. There is a rope to help you lower yourself down initially. Do be discouraged when you first look at it. We saw people decide not to go down - just go slow. It was raining when we went and my husband went first and then held the rope steady for me to come down. Not bad at all.

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Thanks Beachchick ... you make some excellant points and you provide some great advice that is very much appreciated. It is such a balancing act trying to figure out what to do and see in such a short amount of time on each island and not feel rushed doing it ... taking away the fun. That is why I am trying to develop a reasonable plan for each port so we can get the most out of our time there. No ... you can't see everything but I don't want to miss any of the "wow" sights! dpw

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We have a helicopter tour scheduled for the next morning, so we're not planning to drive to Waimea Canyon since we'll see it from the air.



We are scheduled on PoAm with the newer itinerary where we leave Kauai on day 2 at Noon. Can a helo tour still be scheduled on day 2?

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We are scheduled on PoAm with the newer itinerary where we leave Kauai on day 2 at Noon. Can a helo tour still be scheduled on day 2?


We are supposed to check in for our helicopter tour on the second day in port at 7:45 AM, so we'll have plenty of time to make it back to the ship. I'm not sure if they have any openings now because they were acting like everything was filling up when I booked weeks ago.

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Thanks Beachchick ... you make some excellant points and you provide some great advice that is very much appreciated. It is such a balancing act trying to figure out what to do and see in such a short amount of time on each island and not feel rushed doing it ... taking away the fun. That is why I am trying to develop a reasonable plan for each port so we can get the most out of our time there. No ... you can't see everything but I don't want to miss any of the "wow" sights! dpw


Aloha. I meant to mention that, based on some of your posts, I think you're putting together a good balance of doing/seeing with some time to simply "be" mixed in.


I remember my first trip so well. My DH had spent several weeks per year working in the islands (before he met me...hmph), so he knew Hawaii well. He let me take our guide books and maps and info, and make all my little schedules (timed!) and never once told me that I was trying to cram in too much. Then we got there and I realized that there was no way we could visit Hawaii "on the clock" and enjoy it. Bless his heart, he humored me on my "must do/see" things (and included some of his own), but let me discover for myself that it's better to do just a bit less and enjoy it a lot more. You'll do fine because you understand the benefit of taking just that extra moment to enjoy what you're doing in the moment (rather than looking at pix once you get home and saying, "Gee, I really don't remember that" or "Oh, is that what that looked like?").


Who knows, you just might get to visit again some time.:)



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That would be wonderful ... but we're not counting on it at this point. There are a couple of other places we would probably do first ... such as a trip to the Grand Canyon and Colorado ... and a trip to Switzerland and Germany are definately on our list that we have not experenced yet. As you can see mostly we are interested in seeing natural beauty that we have been blessed with. After that ... who knows maybe a trip back to see what we missed in Hawaii!! I can't believe only about 4 months and we will be there. Thanks dpw

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We are supposed to check in for our helicopter tour on the second day in port at 7:45 AM, so we'll have plenty of time to make it back to the ship. I'm not sure if they have any openings now because they were acting like everything was filling up when I booked weeks ago.



Are you keeping your car from day 1 and driving to helo tour? Just curious about parking and more than 24 hours car rental.

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We are supposed to check in for our helicopter tour on the second day in port at 7:45 AM, so we'll have plenty of time to make it back to the ship. I'm not sure if they have any openings now because they were acting like everything was filling up when I booked weeks ago.



Are you keeping your car from day 1 and driving to helo tour? Just curious about parking and more than 24 hours car rental.


No, we're going to take the car back the night before. Then we'll just walk over to the Blue Hawaiian office. I have read on other threads that you can purchase a parking ticket at a nearby shopping center for $10, but I don't know too much about that.

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