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LouLou's review N809N


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DAY 1 (The review for this day is long ... sorry! But don't panic the rest won't be as indepth!!!)





We left Toowoomba around 6:30am and traveled to Brisbane. It was great turning into Kingsford Smith Drive and seeing the ship berthed at Portside waiting for us!! She looked big, beautiful and very white!:D


Continued onto the Andrews Parking to leave our cars. It was incredibly busy at the car park … cars buzzing everywhere! Quite a few people with braided hair and lanyards/tags still on – with that “dazed/just got off the boat/up since 5am” look about them!


The long term car parking option was great! Thanks ToniP for bringing it to our attention on the roll call. (It wasn’t until day 2 of the cruise, that we realized the family we had shared the shuttle bus from the car park to the ship with – were fellow CC-ers – great to meet you Toni!)


After checking the cars in we boarded their shuttle bus for the short trip to Portside.


It was certainly going to be a warm day in Brisbane (one of the few that have been had this summer!) … but the sun was shining and no sign of rain which was great!


The checkin process has changed quite a bit since last year. No more lining up in the hot sun to put your bags in the back of a Budget truck! It was very slick this time!


We checked our baggage in (no waiting) and then proceeded to Departures. After handing over our tickets and having our passports checked we were given our Cruise Cards and handed a Boarding Pass for A group (the first ones to go on!). Unfortunately our traveling companions were handed B group (the second one) even though we checked in at exactly the same time right next to each other.


All-in-all the baggage and check in process would have taken perhaps 10/15 minutes.


We were told to come back around 10:30am and wait to be called to board the ship!


After this we went next to Portside and meet another of my sisters and her husband for coffee/ice cream.


At 10:30 we headed back over the Terminal to wait to be called. They called Group As – we nicely waited (hard though it was) until our traveling companions B Group was called! (I did ask the lovely lady at the door if they could come in with us when the A’s were called … but she wouldn’t be in it!!!):cool:


Then we were off through Immigration, etc, photo take then with a “BONG” we were on the ship! Again – a very quick process – and very little waiting!


Finally – we’re there! WOO HOO!!! :D


We’ve decided that when we cruise again (note the use of the word ‘when’!!) we will try to do the same and get on early! It was very smooth and stress free! With kids with us – it was great (no patience in waiting!!). And I’m one of those that believe the holiday really begins when you step foot on the ship!


Up one floor to our rooms U66 for us, U68 for the others. These were the closest to the middle four berth cabins we could get in the grade we booked. We had the cabins linked, so didn’t expect an upgrade – and were happy we weren’t moved. The position was great for access to the lifts, the laundry, etc and not too much noise from people coming past.


The rooms seem quite a bit bigger than the ones on the Pacific Star – Although they do measure slightly larger, the off-set bunks and a window makes a lot of difference I think.


It’s amazing how when you first walk into a cabin it looks to incredibly neat and tidy … and how only a few short hours later it looks like a cyclone has hit (well ours does!). Even though we had plenty of cupboard space, cases neatly tucked under the beds, etc – by the time you’ve got the various laptops, cameras, chargers, etc out on the tables, plus all the kids paraphernalia – clutter takes on a whole new meaning!


We met our Steward Pranoto and his assistant, Firman – who were very good throughout the cruise (no towel animals though …. Hmmmmm!:()


The ship seems quite similar to the Pacific Star … certainly had a similar ‘feel’ to it (and smell perhaps!!!???). The layout seemed the same. One thing I did prefer on the Star was the Promenade Deck where you could walk along both sides – on the Sun you can only walk through the length of the deck on one side – not as much room for tables and chairs, places to sit etc. But this was certainly not enough of an issue to affect anything for us!


Found our way around the ship and had lunch at the Lido Buffet. Full buffet seemed to be on – it was great to be on the ship so early … no problems getting a table for 8 for lunch!


Emergency drill was at 2:15pm (much better before sailaway than after like last year). Our Muster Station was in the Casino … and was pretty much the same as any drill would be I expect!


Did all the necessary unpacking after drill and before sailaway – one good thing about getting on the ship early is you have plenty of time to explore before the crowds come on!


Sailaway was due around 3:15, however it was about 3:40 before we left. The temperature had hit 40o during the afternoon but a southerly change had blasted through – with very strong winds (but at least it was a bit cooler!).


The Captain had warned all of us on the open decks that he would probably sound the horn … but guess what … NO HORN! How disappointing!!!


We stayed outside on the observation deck until we were at the mouth of the Brisbane River then downstairs to get ready for dinner.


Dinner in the Bordeaux dining room at 5:45pm – our waiters are Jimmy and Mariano and were very good; Marino’s catch cry is “Yummy Yummy”!


We had a table for 8 by the window on the port side of the ship which we shared with our traveling companions! (Just as well we get on well with them!!!). My Brother-in-law was not keen for the curtain to be open … he was still expecting to feel the effects of the motion of the ocean and wasn’t taking any chances!


Went to the show at 8:15 --- the Pacific Sun entertainers were very good – The show was a bit of a ‘taster’ of what was on offer … didn’t actually grab me! The ship’s singers and dancers were good. They also had spots by the guest entertainers, and Demo (Cruise Director) introduced the staff, etc. I wasn’t disappointed when my daughter wanted to go to bed and had to leave the show before it ended.


Plenty of wind outside and the seas had chopped up a bit. By the time we retired for the night we could certainly feel the roll of the ship by then.

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Loving it so far Linda! More please :D


I had to laugh when I read that your waiter's catch phrase was "Yummy Yummy". You must've had the waiter from the group of tables behind ours, as that's all we heard him say when he handed out everyone's food!


We nick named him Yum Yum :D I've got a video of him doing a crazy dance on the second formal night.


I'll put it up on youtube so you can have a look and tell me if it's the same crazy guy or if there's two Yum Yum's out there :D

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We thought the "yummy yummy" would grate on us after a while, but it didn't - he was so nice! (I did cringe when I ordered a half bottle of wine one night and he told me it was a cute bottle ... just like me!!!!!!! yeah right!:p).


We were in Bordeaux (weren't you in Burgundy??) table 184!

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Had to put our clocks forward an hour last night – an hour less sleep is never good!!


We were up and about by 7:30am – showered, dressed and ready for breakfast.


Checked our traveling companions next door and found that my nephew had not fared to well overnight and was feeling the effects of the motion rather severely! (“I’m never getting on a #&*^%# cruise ship again” I think were the words I heard!).


We went up for breakfast, the well ones amongst our companions joined us … taking turns to be with the sickie!


By about 10am he was up and about and keeping down a Stemitil --- by mid-afternoon he was ok. He found that standing on the viewing platform right at the front was the best place to be! Not much movement side to side and plenty of fresh air! (His face showed the affects of this by dinner time … quite sun and wind burnt!)


We had lunch on Lido deck (burgers/hot dogs were a hit with the kids and teenagers!). We seemed to be lucky that whenever we went to Lido we nearly always got a table out on the pool deck. There were only a couple of days when it was hot enough to send us inside in search of A/C comfort!


After lunch the kids hit the water slide! They had a great time.


There were about 300 kids on the cruise – now this is probably very much a ‘parent’ comment …. I didn’t feel like there were kids everywhere (ok except for the kid that climed up the slope on the observation deck that clearly says “do not climb” … the same kid that was allowed to stay in the lounge during Bingo, when every other kid was made leave …..our kids had left well before Bingo started!). Those that were there without kids may have felt differently of course!!


I abstained from Bingo today (I know … I know … such restraint --- pity I didn’t show as much restraint when eating and drinking!!!!!):rolleyes:, but the others went.


I was determined to spend some quality time on a deck chair this cruise so thought I should get in early.


Again … I never had a problem getting a deck chair when I wanted one … there was always one somewhere in the shade it seemed.


Now the chairs and tables at the Gazebo Bar near the window were another story. My brother-in-law witnessed an older couple who left jumpers, etc on the chair, went off and had lunch then came back and reclaimed the chairs! CHOGS (but only for the inside chairs it would appear!!!!).

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This afternoon, my husband and brother-in-law thought they would try out afternoon tea in the dining room --- only to return very quickly.


Why? We asked? They had been turned away because they were wearing shorts!!!!


Now we know about the ‘no shorts’ rule for dinner, but we had thought other meals in the dining room were excluded from this rule. My husband questioned it only to be reassured that this was the rule and he could not enter.


Anyway – someone must have put up a HUGE fuss … because from the next day they were letting people in wearing shorts (and later in the cruise there were people in the dining room at night in shorts …)!


Wouldn’t be a full cruise experience without a dress code in the dining room story!!:D:p

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Ah – the day when we first sight land again has come!


We’ve been told during the day that due to the wind conditions and the adverse affect of the Eastern Australian Current we would be late into Noumea … not docking until around 4pm (instead of 2pm as scheduled).


“Oh well” we say … we hadn’t booked at tour so the added bonus that they had put on free shuttle buses to Lemon Bay was pleasing to us!


We (my family) had been to Noumea before – and we had tried to explain to my Sister’s family what it was like, without negatively affecting their expectations too much – more of a reality check really!!!


We needn’t have worried! I feel that they have much poorer feelings about Noumea than we could ever have left them with from our descriptions.


Now by Noumea standards, it was a nice day – sun was shining, hot (without being totally insufferable) – you all know what I mean!


We pull into the harbour (and note the Asuka II docked at the Container Wharf) and disembark. We look through the market at the Cruise Terminal … all good so far.


I had set the challenge that we would find the Chocolate Shop (it was more of a challenge because I left my map and instructions on board!). “Oh well, it’s up here somewhere”. So we set of into the town centre.


We see the green Petit Train ($20 at the Terminal … bargain compared to the P&O Tour) and the bus and several of the other touring options outside the terminal.


We cross the street – holding on to our dear children closely and head up the next street.


That’s when we looked into this block of units (or whatever they were) that had rubbish piled in the courtyard, dirty windows, veranda railing falling off, bare-footed, dirty children running across the yard … wish I had taken a photo!


This is also about when my Nephew (who’s 16) decided that Noumea really was all I had explained (and more). We walked further up the street, turned a corner and then … across the street … there it was … the Chocolate Shop ….


We went inside and were offered chocolate covered coffee beans to sample – they were GREAT! My daughter (7 years old) decided that she had to have some … hmmm must remember to limit how many of those she has at a time … chocolate and coffee combined with a 7 year old body … never a good result! We bought a few other bits and pieces and continued our walk.


Passed Coconut Square (of course took the obligatory photos) and into an arcade where my husband purchased and Australian Summer Roll chocolate bar (go figure …. All the way across to another country, just came out of a great chocolate shop and he purchases something he could have got for half the price back home!!!!).


We thought we would head back to the wharf to get the bus to Lemon Bay and I wanted to take the kids into the Casino Supermarket to have a look – so we turned back down another street heading back toward the ship.


Well … this is when my nephew lost any remaining desire to stay in Noumea he may have had … sitting, lounging, laying, etc across the footpath and half the street was a rather large group of locals, drinking, smoking, calling out and generally looking like trouble! My Nephew (wisely) was not going to walk past them.


So across the street, down another block and back toward the ship …. At least no-one can say we didn’t see the real Noumea!


We went into the supermarket and had a look around … was tempted to buy a set of TinTin books they had in French … but abstained (we’ve got a full set in English from when my husband was a boy). Had a look at the live crabs they had for sale and the various other items (lots of Australian biscuits, etc).


We purchased a couple of things and headed over to catch the bus to Lemon Bay.


By now, my Nephew had to be convinced not to get back on the boat … I told him that Lemon Bay was indeed quite different to what he had experienced! So onto the bus and off we went.


All was good … although there was no way he was getting off that bus until he was back at the ship (which was enough to make my kids decide to stay on – even though they’ve been to Noumea before!) So my Husband got off to look around and to catch another bus back – and we all returned to the ship.


I still don’t mind Noumea … I think the fact that we’ve done a tour there before and saw different parts of it helped. It’s certainly not up there as my favourite port … but it is interesting to have a look at!


We had decided to book into the Outback Grill that night (knowing that we wouldn’t be back on board in time to make first sitting) and headed down there around 8pm. It was FANTASTIC. Blooming Onion was everything you have all told me … not that I could get through it – and I could almost hear my arteries hardening with every mouthful!


The steak was one of the best I have ever had … cooked to perfection. Tiramisu was lovely too! All in all a great and highly recommended experience. Well worth the extra $20. The kids ordered of a kids menu (which was similar to the dining room) and we paid $5 each for them. They do (according to the Pacific Daily later in the week) have some kind of “Happy Meal” arrangement for the kids where they get so many courses and a toy or something … but we didn’t see that offered anywhere.




Off to Isle of Pines overnight - we're looking forward to that port, we haven't been there before and from all I had read here - it was going to be spectacular .....

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Great review so far.

Can't wait to read your thoughts on Isle of pines

as this is one of the ports we will be going to.

It seems to be one that everyone likes.

Was the afternoon tea decadant.:D ( I hope so)


Thanks Seadreams!


I think you'll love Isle of Pines (we did!!!) I'll write more (probably tomorrow) about it - but it was beautiful. The sand was amazing - truly like talcum powder. My son played with it for ages - it was great for making castles - stuck together beautifully - and so white!


The water was crystal clear - and cool enough to be refreshing but not so cool that you didn't want to get in!


I didn't do afternoon tea (couldn't possibly fit in any more food) - but it was similar to the Pacific Star last year apparenlty. My husband found the service 'interesting' at times! And his biggest complaint was that he got the sweet offering before the savoury! (gee ... must have been terrible for him!).


More to come .....:D

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And his biggest complaint was that he got the sweet offering before the savoury! (gee ... must have been terrible for him!).


More to come .....:D



His Mum would've been proud. It must've been all that early training at the dinner table........ :p

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His Mum would've been proud. It must've been all that early training at the dinner table........ :p



You're right Jen ... Really if that's his biggest problem then there's nothing much to worry about is there!?!:D

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This is my formal night / baked alaska video. Nothing special really as it was too dark to get any decent footage. I kept the camera rolling though as "Yum Yum" was having a whale of a time behind the waiter's counter!


Let me know if it's the same guy :D




Nah ... doesn't look like that was our Mariano ........


This is Jimmy and Mariano (on the the right).


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It’s hard to believe that a paradise like this is so close to Noumea!


I do believe my Nephew’s opinion of the South Pacific lifted somewhat today after stepping foot on this island!


We dropped anchor around 8am during another beautiful, sunny morning!



Given there are no organized tours on the island, we took things easy this morning – had a leisurely breakfast on Lido deck before getting a tender across to the island at around 9:30am.


We were welcomed by some traditional dancers at the jetty – and a couple of small stalls set up nearby. We followed the road around to the ‘back’ beach – where the best snorkeling is and found a spot that wasn’t too crowded and hit the water.


The water was warm, but still cool enough to be refreshing – and crystal clear! But it was the sand that amazed me. It was like talcum powder (and stuck to your shoes and feet like talc too!). So incredibly soft and white. This was truly an amazing place!


My husband and our Nephew snorkeled over toward the sacred rock and found some great spots to see the sea-life.


There was a group of lads that had climbed up the sacred rock (even though Demo made it very very clear after the show last night that this was a BIG ‘no no’!) and proceeded to jump into the ocean. Apart from the obvious dangers of jumping into the water from such a height, they seemed to be oblivious to the local elder who was calling to them from the shore to stop it! He had a couple of goes at them (in French & English … there was absolutely no doubt what he meant!) before they gave up and moved on! Possibly even more disappointing was that the guy taking the video for P&O managed to capture them on the DVD!


We swam for an hour or so … before taking a walk around and checking out the rest of the beach.


We then walked through those incredibly fascinating trees …. (very peculiar!) … toward the shop and restaurant. What a pity they only take CPF … I think I would have sold one of my children for a cold drink or ice cream had they let me!!!!


I love the tender ports, where you can look out to sea and sea the big, beautiful ship anchored – it’s a great sight!


We walked around a bit more before heading back to the ship for lunch and a shower.


This was a great way to spend the day – relaxing, great swimming and snorkeling, great scenery – it’s a day that’ll stay with me for a long time!


We’re looking forward to a sea day tomorrow …. Chance to relax and enjoy being on the ocean!

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Wow, there's two Yum Yum's! I wonder how many more of the waiters get around saying Yummy Yummy to everyone? LOL! :D:D

We were on table 185, early sitting in the Bordeaux. Our assistant waiter also usually said "Yummy yummy". Maybe they find it gets a good response!

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We were on table 185, early sitting in the Bordeaux. Our assistant waiter also usually said "Yummy yummy". Maybe they find it gets a good response!


You were just near us Ella2 ... my sister recognised you when we met on the observation deck on the last day ... we were on 184.:D:D

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Hi Linda


I am thoroughly enjoying your review, thanks so much - we are certainly being spoilt by the cc'ers on this cruise. Loved your description of Isle Of Pines - made me so excited about visiting there in December.




Lesley :)


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Hi Linda


I am thoroughly enjoying your review, thanks so much - we are certainly being spoilt by the cc'ers on this cruise. Loved your description of Isle Of Pines - made me so excited about visiting there in December.




Lesley :)


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Ah … I love a good sea day (especially if it’s not one of the last ones before home!!!!).


We had to set our clocks forward another hour over night … so when the kids are waking up at 6am … it’s really 4am!!!!!:eek:


Slept in a little (well as much as you can when sharing a cabin with two children!). Last cruise we had an inside cabin, and we didn’t hear from them until after 7am any morning – it was just so dark. This time we went for a window – and my son is up with the sun! He’s pretty good – gets his PSP and plays a game with the sound turned down … but the clicking of the buttons can still be rather annoying when you’re trying to doze!


Another leisurely breakfast on Lido Deck. We seem to have gotten passed that point when you have to eat everything in the buffet (which we did for the first day or two) – and have settled into a slightly more healthy eating pattern (ok … except for the danishes and croissants!!!!!).


My daughter is counting down the time until Shark Shack opens. Like last cruise – she will spend all her time in there if we let her (she would be happy not to get off in port I think!!).


There is a completely different mix of staff in Shark Shack this time. On the Star last year, we had predominantly Asian ladies looking after the kids – this time we have a majority of Canadians and one male! They are, of course, very attentive and lovely!


The kids have started practicing for their Talent Show which they perform on the last day.


Not much to report on today --- found a deck chair, didn’t read much before I started to snooze! Went to Bingo (didn’t win). Horse racing also started today – we didn’t bid on a horse (we ended up with one last time!) they were a bit too rich for our pockets this time – although the owner’s purse would be worth winning! (Kirsten – Brisbane First Cruiser – can fill everyone in on Horse Racing as her and Ian were part owners in “Everhard”).


Dinner in the dining room tonight, shows, cocktails, etc! (Although the reality that we were lining up for dinner at 3:45pm was a bit of a shock …. And I think I was in bed at 8pm local time – 6pm back at home!):eek::eek:

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We were almost an hour late getting into Suva (the Captain let us know yesterday that this would happen) - we had a strong head wind and current against us. All tours had been rescheduled to compensate for the late arrival



We had prepared ourselves for the worst today .... from what we had heard here - Suva was going to not be any better than Noumea.


Awoke this morning at 6am (which is really 4am!!!) to a beautiful view as we sailed past islands on our approach into Fiji. It was lovely up on the Observation Deck – from way out in the Harbour you could hear the voices of the singers welcoming us to Fiji.


When we got closer, the Police Marching Band entertained us – they were great (in their Fred Flinstone skirts!).


Breakfast on Lido Deck at 7am then packed our backpacks. I scurried down to Deck 5 and changed some money over to Fiji Dollars (staff from the Post Office Bank come on board to attend to all money exchanges – they also sell postcards and stamps and will take the written and stamped cards off the ship and post them for you).


We prepared to dissembark around 9:15am.


Met our tour – Naililili Village. We were amongst the last to arrive at the bus, which worked out well – as it wasn’t full and we could spread out a bit. The bus was, of course, non-airconditioned – but once we got moving there was a nice breeze through the windows.


We drove through the streets of Suva with Emelee our guide - who told us all the interesting things about Suva ... however she did make it clear that she would not answer any political questions!


She pointed out the Australian Embassy as we passed by (good to know in case we need it!!!) as well as the jail (hope we won’t be needing that!!!).


We passed quite a lot of the residential areas … which in most cases appeared to be shacks made of timber or iron. Something I really noticed was the smell of wood smoke – it was everywhere!


After about 45 minutes we arrived at the river landing to board the river boats. These were like long canoes, with an outboard motor. They fitted about 4 in each boat. One of the ‘drivers’ looked to be about six years old (but he appeared to be handling the boat ok! --- I wasn’t disappointed that we got one of the more mature drivers!). Everyone was fitted with a life-jacket before they could get on the boats.


After a short river boat ride, we landed at Naililili Village where we were greeted by some of the High School children (the prefects it appeared) who presented us with garlands to wear and a cheerful "BULA".


We walked to the Cathedral which was built in at the turn of the 20th century by the Roman Catholic Missionaries. (I’ve read somewhere it’s the oldest Catholic Church in Fiji).


The church is built of compressed coral – and although it looks rather grand from afar, it’s a little worn when you’re up close. There are obvious signs of flood damage, peeling paint, etc … but it has beautiful stained-glass windows!


Inside the church the choir of High School student sang beautifully! What great voices they had.


The local priest gave us some history of the village and church and we then walked across to the Junior School.


WOW - these kids are just beautiful! They are all so very friendly and engaging! They love to have their photos taken (and to see the photo on the digital cameras). Our daughter quickly made friends with some of the students (I think they were quite intrigued by her as she was of them!). Our son was a little more conservative - but very interested in their classrooms


They have Year 1 - 8 in the lower school then Form 3 - 6 in the upper school.


There were posters up for the Naililili Scouts as well in one of the class rooms and a poster of knots!


After visiting the school we walked over to the Senior School, where the villagers conducted the traditional Kava Ceremony.


This is when they handed out the very welcome cold canned drinks – and my children decided the Pineapple Fanta was fantastic and wished we had it at home.


Then the Year 4 students entertained us. At the end of their singing/dancing everyone was invited up to dance with them .... both of my kids both joined in (again our daughter got right into it and ended up on stage with them!). At the end of the entertainment one of the gentlemen let us know that there was a bowl at the front of the stage, if we had anything we wanted to give to the school kids – anything was welcome, even if it was a lolly! (Of course we left some $$$$ …. We didn’t have much else – but we were happy to leave them with something!)


We thoroughly enjoyed this tour and I would recommend it to anyone – the school children were an absolute highlight as was the village. Everyone was son incredibly welcoming! If you go to Suva – I would suggest that if you are worried about the city, go on a tour … you see a completely different side of Fiji life … and this one was very very good!


At the end of the tour we were invited to put our names and addresses in a book so the kids could write and thank us for visiting.


We returned to the ship around 1:30pm for lunch. My husband and Brother-in-law returned to do some shopping in Suva (my daughter had decided that she “HAD” to go to Shark Shack … so I was destined to stay on board … next time I’ll hit the shops!)


The kids are both are rather tired today. Our son and my sister has picked up a cold or something - stuffed nose, coughing, but nothing too bad yet .... (probably get worse when we get home). There seems to be a few others that have come down with it as well around the ship.


It seems like a lot longer than 6 days since we left home!!


Retired early tonight so the kids could get some extra sleep (and me!) … of to Savu Savu tomorrow!

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