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Carnival Photography Questions


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This is a load of crap in my opinion! These prices are OUTRAGEOUS for what you receive! (I am sorry if this offends my mother or any photographers out there!) I am NOT going to pay $3000 to get all of the pics from the wedding- thats just not fair! My sister got all the printed pics they printed out, the canvas, numerous wallets, and the cd of ALL images three years ago for under $1600. This is ridiculous and I wish there was something we could do about the price inflation going on. I guess I will be buying a ton of those disposable camera's and getting everyone with digital camera's to take pics of the wedding since I WILL NOT BE PAYING THOSE PRICES! If they would at least do a combo deal and cut you a break if you buy some pics and the video, that would be nice. Something....

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Dynamoguy, I don't dispute the costs of time, professional equipment, "Photoshopping" photos to color-correct, sharpen, etc. as I know how much money my sister has invested in her equipment and the time she spends not only shooting but tweaking each file. However, you have to admit that photographers don't cover the cost of all their equipment in one wedding or in what they charge 1 couple. Likely their expenses are spread out on their taxes as a business equipment expense and amortized over many years unless they make a HUGE amount of profit in a year and need to take a bigger deduction. Again, I see some of the "behind the scenes" through my sister and the side business she has.


You have to admit that there is a bit of a monopoly going on with the ship photographers since they are the "only game in town." If a person was married locally, they would have many more choices of truly skilled photographers in a range of price points offerring a myriad of packages. You don't have that choice on a ship and it's left up to chance whether you get someone who is good technically, good creatively, or hopefully a combination of both. Remember, you can have a photographer who is good technically, meaning knows lighting, posing, etc, but the photos can all turn out as flat, posed, cheesy smile shots if the person doesn't have a creative aptitude also. My experience with ship photographers, as well as the photographers at any resort I've stayed at, has left me less than thrilled so the thought of paying an arm and a leg for mediocre photos doesn't exactly have me jumping up and down for joy.


And let's take a better look at those packages. Only 16 8x10, 13 5x7, and 16 wallets for $499? Let's be realistic. What bride, let alone first-time bride, wants so few wedding pictures. When a wedding is over, what do you really have left to show for it? Your rings, a dress you'll never wear again and will likely sell, donate, or pack away for years in a box, possibly your flowers if you've purchased silk ones, and the biggee...your photos. To get a decent amount of photos to do your wedding justice, you have to spend $1000-$3000. How much time does that photographer spend with you and do they take ALL the shots you ask for? Also, if you receive your photos by the end of the trip, does that mean that Joe Photographer is producing your final wedding prints on the little color printer in his/her cabin, meaning they won't be printed on professional grade, archival paper with the UV coatings and such to help preserve them?


I understand that a "professional," regardless of skill level, doesn't want to be hopping around "Uncle Larry" or "Aunt Sally" as they are shooting or the flash from their cameras to interfere with the lighting and they certainly don't want family members bossing telling them what to do or interfering with the direction he/she is giving the couple while shooting, but I think people should be allowed choices. If you want to bring another photographer that you've hired on board, I think that should be allowed. Honestly, I'd rather pay for a professional photographer from my area, who I know is good, to come along on the cruise and shoot the wedding than to pay $3000 for a package potentially shot by someone who was likely hired off the street with no prior training, run through some quickie correspondence-type course, and then set free to take whatever crap they like for those prices.


I'm not trying to be negative here and I'm sure there are some good ship photographers out there, but just like any place and any business, you have talented people and you have hacks. With something as important and as emotionally charged as a wedding, you should have more of a choice and be able to see the photographer's portfolio ahead of time. I'm sure people would be happier to pay higher prices if they had a choice of photographers with higher skill levels. But the truth is you don't have a choice and you are charged premium prices because it's a monopoly and not because the service or end product is necessarily going to be premium.

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Karen_and_Andy... you make a great point!


If the Carnival photographer only spends a couple of hours with you, and you think you would want the full package (at $3000 ish)... then in reality if would likely be much better value for money to hire a a local pro (from where the ship sails) and pay for them to cruise with you. Many will negotiate special destination/cruise packages.


If they are cruising with you and are a 'guest' at your wedding (as opposed to a paid professional), then I'm not sure how much Carnival can really do. Other brides have taken photographers along successfully.


If I knew I was likely going to spend $3000, I would defenitely be asking the pros what they could do for that amount!




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Taxes, equipment expense, amortization, profits, deductions...the way you've described all this suggests to me you don't really understand taxes or photography business. I don't hold myself out as an expert in this area but I have engaged in the business of photography and I have been a certified public accountant for almost fifteen years. Starting a photography business takes a ton of money and keeping up with it costs almost as much. Lense may last a decade but camera bodies don't. Whether you spread the cost of equipment out over years (or more wisely deduct faster through a section 179 election) you still have to come up with the money to buy that gear. I've not found a camera shop that will let me pick up a camera and pay for it when I get a job with it or when I deduct it on my taxes. Anyway, this isn't the small business income tax board.


The irony is, I actually think we're struggling to agree on a lot of points here. The cruise wedding photography model is the pits for us. It has bothered me from the beginning that my wedding would be photographed by someone I never met, who didn't know me, and whose portfolio I'll never see. No doubt there are better and worse ship photographers but the art of photography must be practiced to be good at it. What I see on cruise ships are the fixed scenes with premetered lights that give good exposure but no imagination. There's no art in the jobs of these photographers, its "step up the line, say cheese, thank you." If I would have had the chance to do so, I would have hired my own photographer without a doubt.


My other point is that, as wedding photography goes, Carnival's prices are not outrageous. If any of us were getting married on land, we would struggle to find a photographer to shoot our wedding for $500 or $700. I'm sure you could find one under $3,000 but it would also be easy to spend that. Ask your friends what they paid or call local photographers for quotes. The difference is you would have more control over what you would be getting for the additional money that you would be paying because you would not hire a photographer sight unseen as you are forced to do on the ship. I'm not focused on how many prints of what size am I getting because if I don't like any of the pictures, what am I going to do with 100 prints I hate? Personally, if it were an option, I would buy just the CD of pictures and handle my own prints. This, by the way, is something few photographers will sell.


The bottom line is the photography policy is not a secret. Every one of us booked a cruise ship wedding knowing it was this way. In choosing to get married on a ship we had to give up a lot of control. If I were not getting married on a ship I wouldn't have hired a musician I had never heard play, a caterer whose food I had never tried, a baker whose cake I had never tasted, a florist whose arrangements I had never seen. Yet, knowing this, we did it anyway. A cruise ship wedding is simply not for people who prefer to control the details.

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My other point is that, as wedding photography goes, Carnival's prices are not outrageous. If any of us were getting married on land, we would struggle to find a photographer to shoot our wedding for $500 or $700. I'm sure you could find one under $3,000 but it would also be easy to spend that. Ask your friends what they paid or call local photographers for quotes. The difference is you would have more control over what you would be getting for the additional money that you would be paying because you would not hire a photographer sight unseen as you are forced to do on the ship. I'm not focused on how many prints of what size am I getting because if I don't like any of the pictures, what am I going to do with 100 prints I hate? Personally, if it were an option, I would buy just the CD of pictures and handle my own prints. This, by the way, is something few photographers will sell.


But your point is mute, because a photographer you would hire would be a professional who you'd be able to check out, interview and see his/her portfolio. I'd pay an arm and a leg if I could know that the shots would be good. (at least based on what the photog provided). With Carnival they expect you to fork out cash for NONPROFESSIONAL shots. PLUS the photographers on Carnival aren't trying to re-coup the equipment costs. Carnival would be buying the same cameras even if they didn't offer weddings so charging extra to help "offset the costs" of those cameras is a scam. Then as a PP said, it's unlikely that the shots are printed on high quality photo paper with protective coatings to make the photos last a lifetime. With such fast turnaround there is very little time to re-touch the photos and no time to proof your photos and ask for them to be changed. With professionals those are services that are included in the packages.


I know a lot of professional photographers won't want to sell just a CD of ANY shots, because they aren't able to sell prints that they can mark-up some (good business really)but there are some people who just shoot on the side who are GREAT photographers and they would just want to be paid for their time. They may not offer re-touching or printing, but I'd almost rather do it myself and save the costs of marked up prints.


It sucks because Before I paid for my wedding and was pretty locked in I didn't realize carnival had switched to packages. I would've preferred to haggle with my photographer to get the prints I want with a price we can compromise on. I have a small budget and I had hoped I could get a few prints and a few shots untouched on a CD. Nothing extravagent, and mostly the posed shots, because as I posted earlier my dad can take great photos of the things like the kiss, different shots of getting ready, live action type photos. now for the 500-600 I wanted to spend for a few shots, I'm not going to get what i want!


If I don't like the person who is scrounged up to shoot my wedding I'll just tell him/her to take a hike. I'd rather have NO carnival shots than to worry about them getting "blah" shots and getting in the way of my dad getting really good shots.

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I agree. The quality of Carnival photography is not great. Anyone can pick up a DSLR & a nice lens & shoot but a photographer has the eye for those shots people fall in love with. Also, Carnival does NO post processing on their photos. There is no editing, no color adjustments, sharpening, NOTHING done to these pictures yet I'm expected to pay top dollar for them?

Granted, there are a a few pictures transformed to B&W but that is such a simple process, as is selective coloring.

I would prefer if Carnival had the option of bringing our own photographer or having someone who is solely dedicated to the business, not just another employee shooting my wedding.

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I think that people need to make their minds up. Yes, the prices are expensive, but that is the chance that you take when when you do a cruise wedding. A lot of people complained b/c they didn't want to haggle with photo prices, now every one is complaing b/c Carnival has pagages. Make up your minds. Personally, I am happy that they have packages. In terms of the quality, it is the luck of the draw. If we were doing land ceremonies, we would have the same issues. Just b/c Johnny did a good job with Sally's photos doesn't mean he'd automatically do a good job with yours. I am not trying to be rude, but sassy0930 you have not been giving Carnival a fair shot. You have complained in all of the threads that you have been on. Some of your points are valid, but other points are just you whinning and complaining about any and everything. I realized that this is a stressful time for all off us, and we all go off on tantrums, but we have got to realize that we are not in total control here. We either play by the rules, pay for what we want, or step off. I hope that no offense is taken, but if so I expected it.

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I agree. The quality of Carnival photography is not great. Anyone can pick up a DSLR & a nice lens & shoot but a photographer has the eye for those shots people fall in love with. Also, Carnival does NO post processing on their photos. There is no editing, no color adjustments, sharpening, NOTHING done to these pictures yet I'm expected to pay top dollar for them?

Granted, there are a a few pictures transformed to B&W but that is such a simple process, as is selective coloring.

I would prefer if Carnival had the option of bringing our own photographer or having someone who is solely dedicated to the business, not just another employee shooting my wedding.


This isn't entirely true...atleast for this one bride. I've been in contact with her freind that helped her with her wedding which was a month or two ago..can't really remember the ship either but it was Carnival. (She actually helps me more than my current WC!!!) Anywhoo..I asked a few questions about the pics & prices. She forwarded my questions to the bride and this was said in her response along with my answers.



He touched up the photos if there was something we did not like about them. One I liked very much but my eyes were closed and he fixed it so they are open.



I am HOPEING I get someone this good that is willing to take the time to make them right. Either way though...they apparently have the abilities to modify! It's worth asking your photographer that is assigned to you rather than just assuming they can't. Knowing this happened with her..I will certainly be asking!

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Fantasy Bride,


Well I have tried hard to not be so harsh to carnival. I just don't write everytime I call them! I have had a few conversations where my questions were answered and every issue I had was taken care of, but in the long run of me planning this wedding I have found that A LOT of information has been left out until the last minute and then I have to fork over more cash to make sure it gets taken care of.


When I booked my wedding I thought I would be haggling for prices of a few photos that were not professionally taken. I DID know that, but then they introduced the photo packages and it seems that there is no more chance for me to negotiate better prices. Even though Carnival is ripping me off in this and some other aspects I do believe I will have a great wedding. But I feel confident because carnival will have very little to do with my actual wedding. I'm not having a reception on board and TWE is doing the ceremony so once I get my confirmation of place and time of my ceremony I'm pretty much done with carnival.


I only post my negative experiences with Carnival because that is the overwhelming impression I have of them. They rip you off for many things that you have no choice but to pay or cancel your wedding! they don't compromise or try to make sure that your experience is good. Like I said earlier there have been phone calls where I had my questions answered but most of the time it was just the woman who answered the line I was on, not my WC. Everytime I have spoken to my WC she has been hurried and seemed to not want to take the time to get the answers to my questions. If I had more positive experiences than negative ones I might report differently but when these discussions come up I'm not apt to defend the company that is ripping me off just because they know I'm too comitted to get out now.


As far as the photography everything i have said is the truth. I have a bias against carnival but that doesn't mean what I've said is wrong. I'm sure they have some great photographers and I'm sure they have some really lousy ones, but when it comes to shooting a wedding they should have trained professionals with professional equipment and professioanl services. Especially if they are charging prices that are the same as a professionals. Since they are not hiring professionals and using the equipment and offering the servces they should not be charging the prices.


That would be like going to a salon and expecting a certified colorist to color you hair and then some woman who has never been to a beauty school in her life takes out a box of dye and works it through your hair. Then she charges you the same price as a professional. It may turn out great and you love the results, but that doesn't mean that the salon was right in acting like that.


Just because it may work out for a couple people doesn't mean the system is right! In the same way a professional could take pictures that you think are horrible, but the liklihood in that situation is slimmer.

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  • 1 month later...

I think we paid for the $900/package. That came with the wedding album, 16x20 and a CD with ALL the photos. Which i can take anywhere and get any photo printed.


It is an impulse buy and yes they have the monopoly but that day will only come and go once and I you can't put a price tag on that. My advice is to have family and friends there snapping the photos and if you don't like the photos from the Carnival people then don't buy them. Just remember you are not only paying for pictures you are paying for someone to take those photos also.


If you want something to complain about - wait till you have to pay for the photos that they take on board - Formal night, group shot or dinner party. Now those are expensive - $30/piece. :eek:


Enjoy your day :)

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My experience, after the fact was an amazing one... our photographer Mary Grace was incredible. She took our list of wanted group shots and did them in the atrium bar, then took the 2 of us for a bunch more of just the 2 of us, up to the deck... she even ran down to get us a bottle of water when the heat outside became too much.


Then 2 days later she met with us, and presented us with a DVD show with amazing pics, she took the colour out of the two of us, and left the colour on the flowers in a bunch, great angles etc.


We relied on other people for more candid shots, but Mary Grace did get some great candid shots herself.


All were chosen for our package (999.00) and ready the next day. Couple examples





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My photography experience was not so great. And you can check my past posts to see that i really wasa laid back bride.


Although my photographer was really nice, i didn't think he was very good. Two of my guests were actually 50x better. Like someone said earlier, they dont do anything special to the pics (no resizing, no touchups, nothing) and since everyone has a decent digital camera nowadays, their pictures were no different from all of my family and friends pics.


There were no cute, fun poses from him. We bought 5 pictures from him, that's it. The prices were insane and i didn't love the pics.


What we did, and i think was our best idea of the whole wedding lol, was set up a photobucket account and give all of our guests the login information and had everyone upload their pics. We got over 1000 pics from everyone! Also everyoen else was so excited to be able to look at each others pics.

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Sure. I tried uploading them but they kept failing so here are the direct links...


These are the few that I bought from the photographer.












I wasn't in love with any of them besides the first dance one. And here are a few from friends:


(these were the flowers they provided) http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh271/fantasywedding/Wedding/P1000454.jpg










This one came out blurry online but not in real life, idk why


















Ok i've given you too much, i probly bored you by now. But you get the idea.

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Prinycesa07- Thanks for sharing your pics with us! The ones your friends took look good! I was wondering what a photobucket account was, how much it costs and how do you get your friends to load their pics into it. Thanks again!



ps- By the way- love the dress!

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Hey t, thanks so much.


Photobucket is a free site, you just have to sign up. YOu can just give the login name and password to all of your friends and they can go on there and upload all of their pictures. So each time someone signs into the account, you will see all of the pictures that everyone has uploaded.


I made different folders and we have over 2000 pictures on our whole site (one for wedding, one for each stop in mexico, one for new orleans the night before the cruise, and then one misc. folder).

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