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Victory Review- 5-18


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cuted 126~ The past guest party was on Thursday, May 22nd.


ovcruises~ If you have never sailed on the Victory, you will love the ship. This was my third time on board, and as usual, a great time, wonderful staff/crew, food, service and on and on. Your cruise is what you make it, and I always make mine a great time!


Happy cruisin' :cool:

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I also was on the cruise and i guess you have to look at it from an ADULTS point of view on how the ship was it was fabulous .

Service on every level was out of this world,food always hot,frsh and very fast service,our head waiter was so great we tipped him a little extra during the cruise.

I cant figure out for the life of me how any one could be on this cruise and take soooooo many naps there was way toooooo much to be doing every day I was so busy but i still didnt do everything I had set out to do.

I guess a vacation is all about what you make out of it, I guess if sassy complains enough maybe she will get a freebe out of this one so far she has been having wonderful luck in the last 8-9 months getting freebees from fellow travelers and carnival its self maybe she can give us all pointers on that some day.

But i never had a bad moment ever on this ship even waiting in lines for us were never more than 15-20 minutes getting on or off the ship, so to all of those all ready booked or thinking about booking the victory be prepared to be pampered and treated like a king or queen we were ,and also remember there will be no nap time at leat not for any adults you will be tooo busy partying.

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Wow, Cheermom you're still being so rude to me. I feel I'm very much an adult. I wasn't complaining I was reviewing my trip. I wouldn't dream of asking for a free cruise. I enjoyed myself throughly. I have learned more about cruising and myself through the experience.


I'm abundantly glad that others didn't feel the same way we did. I was not truly disappointed with much but I also didn't feel like I was blown away by much. As far as activities, we don't like trivia and don't want to waste our money gambling, so I suppose we were limited some. We loved watching some of the activities going on, but some were not things we'd be interested in doing. It seemed on the last cruise (which was a 5 day) there were more activities, but it could've been the same amount just spread out more.


ALSO we don't like the idea of partying. we don't cruise to get hammered and make fools of ourselves (OH cheermom was that YOU in the green bikini rubbing yourself all over the hairy men?? It seems like it would be.) We would much rather relax. We have busy lives at home and we don't get a lot of time to nap. Plus we happened to be on our HONEYMOON. We were obviously spending more time in our cabin for "naps" than you would. Give me a break. It just shows how ignorant you are if you are going to try to say that YOUR way of enjoying a cruise is better than anyone elses.


Plus I don't remember saying ANYWHERE that I was ungrateful for the great things we got from Carnival. I was totally happy with the balcony they gave us. It was glorious being able to wake up and step out the door and see the ports we were in or the open ocean. It was very relaxing to sit out there at night and enjoy each others company. Plus I'm more than happy to have met all the great people we met. I had the great fortune to meet RePete and his wife who are both hilarious and fun, and I was able to meet Habby who was so sweet to us even though we didn't get to spend much time together. We also were able to meet travelin'gramps and rufflesmom. EAch and every one of them were great to us and I couldn't have imagined meeting a nicer, neater crew of people.


And just so everyone knows, I recieved from carnival an upgrade. THAT'S IT. that's all the freebies, so that was completely out of my hands and had nothing to do with anything. Also one person bought us a drink. (THANK YOU RICK) the whole time. Mind you we took full advantage of the free drinks at the captains and past guest parties, but I'm assuming you also did, so I was at no advantage.


If you don't agree with my review that's fine. There were 3000 on the ship and I imagine no two of us had the same experience. I just think it's rude to try to demean me for having an opinion. I'm not fishing for anything free, If I was I wouldn't talk about it HERE. You people are the meanest rudest people I have ever encountered, but I know there are new people looking for information everyday and I want them to know some of the things I encountered.


Has anyone else done a formal review of the cruise or are you all just going to rip on mine??

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Now I'm going to resond to everyone else...


I absolutely LOVE the strawberry bisque. After the last cruise I found a recipe online that tastes almost the exact same. I just googled strawberry bisque and found it. I pretty much really love the chilled sweet soups. I tried the cucumber and it was not my flavor at all. luckily I had a second starter coming!!


In my original post I said that my expectations were met. I think that has to do with the fact that it's only our second cruise. We were certainly expecting it to be similar to the last one in the level of excitement, but I think the newness was gone more than we expected.


We both REALLY loved our cruise and we're planning another one for the fall of 2009. We're sure it will be Carnival and we're hoping it will be on the Destiny or another ship that size. We've simply learned we prefer a cruise with less people on it. We'll also stick to not cruising in the spring or summer!! Back to November for US.

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Sassy, do you have any photos to display?


Sadly no not yet. I have dial up access and I haven't had enough time to sit down for long enough to get a group of photos up to photobucket. I'm working on doing it in this next hour!! Keep a lookout!

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Hey Sassy~


I don't think I was ripping on you, and if I came off that way, sorry.


Re: napping on cruises... Bill and I also do that quite a bit. He works for himself, his shop is at our house... mechanic by day, musician by night, and cruising is THE ONLY TIME he can get away from people "at him", the phone ringing, etc. He really hasn't worked in two years due to surgery (botched) for removal of a brain tumor, and people are still at him all the time, so napping on the ship? The best naps ever!


The Victory still rates as MY personal favorite, with Imagination running a very close second. I loved the Imagination all three times on board, and will be on the same class ship in November, the Inspiration. I find that size almost homey in some respects.


Did you ever upload any pics? I did, and had quite a few "mystery" people in mine. If you want to check out my pics, go to irishlizz.shutterfly.com


Anyways, I hope I didn't come off as "ripping" you. Just a different take on things. Think how boring the world would be if we all thought alike! Eeeek! :eek: Re: looking for freebies, I couldn't figure out where those comments at you came from, kept looking and thought maybe I was a bit dense! LOL!!!


Lizz :cool:

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sorry the green bakini not me we were all too busy watching you in your target dress with flip flops. but as far as other readers wanting to know out the free bees coment,all the post she has done for the last 8-9 months wer all about complaining so i guess some of us who have been reading them for all that time were a little sick of it.

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I was on the Victory a week prior to this one. We did the Eastern Route.


I went through the ship one morning and took pictures all around the ship, including the Ionian Lounge.


If you are interested.





Thanks for the great photos! We will be on this ship in a few weeks and love to get a preview beforehand.

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Hi Sassy ,I think We may have seen you at the falls and bamboo beach club.I was the women with the braids with green and pink beads.We were with Coronas group .Her group was on the same bus as latoya's group.I think most of Coronas group was sitting in front of you at the beach club.

Anyway...congratulations on your marriage.My husband and have been married 14 years:).

Well I just wanted to say .We had the best time of our lives!Yah things don't always go perfect ,and sometimes you have to wait in lines! THAT IS LIFE!I am 35 and realized that about 9 years ago when I had kids:).so maybe It comes with age ,and experience in life.Or maybe you are just an unhappy miserable person.I generally find that most people who complain alot are just plain miserable!I'm so sorry I had to say all that ,but this is just my opinion .

Just like you have your opinion!

I hope your marriage is HAPPY,AND HAVE A GREAT DAY!Learn to enjoy life .It is much more fun,and peaceful that way!

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You are welcome quest2best. :)


I know regardless of how many times I cruise (this was number ten), with every cruise I seem to get more and more excited prior to the adventure and LOVE seeing photos others have taken of the ship(s) I plan on going on. The shots at the cruise line websites are fine, but sometimes seeing those "non-sales/promo" pictures you get to see more of the real deal.


Enjoy your cruise.


Lizz :cool:

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hey everybody! sassy's worse half here :) anyway. thanks for all the congrats we got on the boat BTW.



cheermom, quit it. you're just being ridiculous. don't rip on her for having a nice dress from target and wearing flip flops (for pictures no less) . that's her and i married her.i love her for who she is. maybe your guy has a few complaints about you as well. no one is perfect so just quit it. you're rudeness comes off very un-adult like.(unless that's proper for adults, then by all means carry on ) anyway....she bought a dress within her budget......wait for it...........wait for it........


"hey everyone, sassy bought a very beautiful dress from target that she could afford, not some overly fancy, i'll wear it once, and then have it cleaned and pressed, put away in a box to to never be seen again with hopes that my daughter will wear it to her wedding, but she grew up despising her mother and her stupid dress, so she gets her own becasue it's her day, not her mom's and she's going to enjoy something for once."


so if you feel like insulting her dress go for it, because it doesn't matter where it came from, whether it's target or on sale at david's bridal (you know who you are :) ) just be nice, say supportive things. there.




to everyone else though we're glad you all had as great a time as we did. we'd do victory again, as well the itinerary. so that's it ladies and gents.

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Sorry about the wait for pics. I have to get my laptop to a faster internet connection. I keep timing out before I can even get one loaded... GRRRR...


No Liz, none of the first post was directed at you really. Like I said, with 3000 on a ship no two people can have the same experience.




Yeah my dress was amazing wasn't it?? But because I also got a great deal on my shoes, they happened to not feel amazing after I'd worn them all morning and through the ceremony. So since the ONLY time you got to see me in my amazing dress was when we were up on deck and taking pictures on the Promenade I'd already changed out of my heels.


I don't know WHY you're so obsessed with me and what is going on in my life (you didn't even have to READ the review I wrote, but you did JUST because you're obsessed with me) but I really appreciate that you're taking time away from the children your name indicates you have and I'm assuming a partner of some sort (husband, boyfriend, pet) just to let me know how often you think of me!! I'm glad you were looking for me while we were on the ship. I was able to meet SOO many cool people, some from here on CC and some not. I'm glad you WEREN'T one of them. Maybe before the NEXT time you cruise you'll find someone else to stalk on board and then harass afterwards! Thank goodness it won't be me.

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Go get 'em and as long as you and sassy are happy, to the rest of the world... I'm sure you probably know what I mean!


Me? I love Target. I live in the sticks and it bums me out that since moving to New Hampshire I can't do my weekly Target run!


Flip flops? So what. You were on a cruise ship. At the other end of the spectrum, well four years ago I wore flip flops to my brother's funeral. Might not have been "appropriate", but it was graveside and in 110 degree heat in So Cal. I sure as hell was not wearing nylons and heels. I also wore a summer tank and broomstick skirt. I don't think he would have been offended.


Congratulations to the both of you and for being "sensible" with your wedding budget. The day was yours and Sassy's and you did it how you saw fit. Good for you.

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i tried not to get into this before the cruise on the off chance we would all be able to meet but frankly, based on cheer4moms comments thoughtout the post i was pretty glad not to have met her.....sassy, some people cant be happy for anyone, and if you wore flip flops, good for you,,,its whats in your heart that matters and really no one else opinions should ever count....dont get into it with her, shes evidently not worth it

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Thanks, Dragonmyfly.


I don't even care if she's happy for me, I just don't think anyone deserves to be stalked and harassed.


I just hope her next victim is better at ignoring people, I just can't let people follow me around the ship and then come back and admit to stalking me without me speaking up!

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Hi Sassy...I've been reading this thread from the beginning; just not commenting until now....

Congratulations on your wedding & honeymoon aboard a cruise ship!!! How awesome is that?!?!:) It's also too cool that you were engaged on a cruise ship! I'm jealous...

Enjoy and treasure all your precious memories from your cruises...forget the negative and bad experiences...and especially forget the negativity you have received from anyone on these threads! Sassy, it appears obvious that someone is trying to get you going.... do not give her the pleasure of letting it upset you...

Now....hurry up and post some pictures, girlie... I've been waiting....tap...tap....tap:)

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Thanks, Dragonmyfly.


I don't even care if she's happy for me, I just don't think anyone deserves to be stalked and harassed.


I just hope her next victim is better at ignoring people, I just can't let people follow me around the ship and then come back and admit to stalking me without me speaking up!


Hey Sassy~


I know what you mean, re: difficult to ignore people. A while back I had a a "running battle" at Carnival Connections with what I considered to be an idiot, and try as I did, I could not ignore the other person. They finally went away, but while the battle raged, my only consolation was my written skills were much better than theirs. You obviously have the one up in that area too... not to mention a very supportive (new) hubby! :cool: I just find it hard to believe how tweaked someone got over you having a different view of the cruise than they do. Oh well... :rolleyes: :)

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it wasent based on her review if you had been on the threads for the past 8 mos as few of us have you would understand more clearly my comment go back and check it out if youd like and as for my writing skills i am very intelegent just dont have all this free time to post my writing as if im publishing something ,very busy when you own your own buisness.

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