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Princess and the Cays - what a mess!

Dave in Atlanta

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I spent a lot of time on this board before our 10/9 cruise, and got a lot of helpful information. The place I DIDN'T get helpful information was from Princess Cruise Lines.


Princess Cays was on our itinerary. We knew that was a problem. The Princess telephone reps didn't - it was a joke.


I called on the morning of Thursday, October 7, and was told, after being put on hold to "check", that we were going to Princess Cays. When I pointed out that no other cruise since the hurricanes had done so, and later dated cruises showed Nassau for that day, I was ASSURED we were going to Princess Cays.


I called again the evening of October 7, and the morning of Friday, October 8, and got the same story. I even pointed out that some of us would like to make alternate plans if we were going to Nassau, and was assured again that we were not.


At 4 pm on Friday, October 8, the itinerary was changed to Nassau. Just like we all knew it would be.


Smooth. And helpful to the passengers.


Way to go, Princess.

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Our experience with Grand Cayman was similar. We boarded the Dawn Princess on Monday 10/04. The shore excursions office was taking reservaations for Grand Cayman until Saturday 10/09. Our itinerary called for our stop at GC to be Monday 10/11. Based on research I did prior to the cruise I was aware all along that it wasn't going to be a stop for us. The fact that Princess continued to lead the passengers into thinking we were going to make this stop really irked me. In particular for anyone who would have liked to have used their "budgeted excursion" funds at another port! Sure enough on Saturday evening the announcement was broadcast by the captain that we would not be stopping at GC. My only guess is that they wanted to delay by 5 days the onslaught at the pursers office of passengers demanding credits. And so that they could say "we did everything possible to make the stop." Trust me as soon as the announcement was made I ran down to the atrium so that I could hear the complaints!

By the way despite this I had a wonderful 10 day cruise aboard the Dawn.

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Our experience with Grand Cayman was similar. We boarded the Dawn Princess on Monday 10/04. The shore excursions office was taking reservaations for Grand Cayman until Saturday 10/09. Our itinerary called for our stop at GC to be Monday 10/11. Based on research I did prior to the cruise I was aware all along that it wasn't going to be a stop for us. The fact that Princess continued to lead the passengers into thinking we were going to make this stop really irked me.
Really interesting that they would be taking the reservations for shore excursions just to mislead passangers about stopping at Grand Cayman. :confused: Glad you had a wonderful cruise.
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I was on the Caribbean Princess when we stopped there on 09/22 and from what I could see, it will be at least 2-3 months before those poor people are even close to be able to take care of a tourist trade. The infrastructure took such a severe hit that it will take time to repair the basic needs. We could see with binoculars as the Princess personel where off loading water, food, and generators. Very severe damage.

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Actually, things might be looking up:




I have a theory (and this is what I'm pulling out of my own posterior..there is no anything to back this up)


Princess has changed all the future Grand Cayman (October and November) port stops to sea days instead of alternate port days in order to accomodate any last minute changes that they actually can stop at GC.


Of course, that may very well be my own biases showing as I'm on the 10/31 Coral cruise that was supposed to stop at GC on 11/6 so take it with a grain of salt ;)

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I personally am just going to wait and see what happens with GC. They have not changed our itineary for the 11/21 Star voyage, but have read on these boards that they have changed the 11/7 & 11/14 itineary. I am just going to keep my fingers crossed that we stop.


Someone has to be the first ship in, It could happen to be me:D



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I don't care where we stop... I just want a 4th port instead of a 3rd day at sea! I am fine with Costa Maya being put in, but dang it I don't wanna be at sea for a 3rd day (ok I am done whining :D )


As of right now, the Star 11/7 cruis is going to

home, Sea day, Costa Maya, Cozumel, Sea day, Ochos Rios, Sea day, home


I am crossing fingers and toes that we will at least get to stop at Princes Cay or Nassau. I have been to Nassau, but would rather go again there than be at sea for a whole day.

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I am amazed that there doesn't seem to be a lot of people upset over the allegations that Princess purposely deceived passengers about going to GC long after they knew it was impossible. If they were booking shore excursions when they knew it was not going to be a stop, that is irresponsible. Either we don't have the facts straight, or Princess is the most incompetent operation ever afloat (those on the ship not knowing about GC? please) or it is a horrible example of corporate deception. I know they have at the minimum tremendous problems with intracorp. communications (as evidenced with the 2 5-day cruises with the lack of knowlege about port everglades closing among other recent examples) but if it accepted that they engage in corporate deception, that is enough for me to ask for my on-board booking money back. I really would like to try princess again. Can someone explain this to me please?

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We have booked scuba diving directly with Princess in

case we actually are stopping in G.C. Normally we book

excursions directly with island operators. But with

everything up in the air, was concerned that IF we do

make G.C., the reduced time in port will not allow safe

return to ship and dive too. Plus, ships excursions have

priority tenders. Just a little insurance. Princess will refund

$ there is no stop there.

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I don't care where we stop... I just want a 4th port instead of a 3rd day at sea! I am fine with Costa Maya being put in, but dang it I don't wanna be at sea for a 3rd day (ok I am done whining :D )

I'm sorry this is going to come off so harsh but did you bother to look at an atlas before saying you want a different port? (and this is directed at everyone who makes suggestions that assume ports are completely interchangable, noy just "karenandbrian"). Ships don't cruise overnight between ports for the heck of it - they actually have to cover some distance.

Cozumel and Ocho Rios are far enough apart that they cannot be on adjacent days. It is 579 nautical miles between them - at 22 knots, it takes 26 hours to get from to the other. If you leave Cozumel at 6pm, the earliest you could arrive Ocho Rios is 8pm the next day (and that's not actually realistic since you have to go around Cozumel Island) plus allows nothing for port maneuvering. And there's nothing else around out there that can substitute. So if Grnad Cayman is unavailable, then there must be a sea day between Cozumel and Jamaica.

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I have to agree with posters who point out that Princess is either being deceptive, or incredibly incompetent , booking excursions on GC when here I sit thousands of miles away in my kitchen in Canada and I know there is no stopping there for awhile.

It is really quite disconcerting to think Princess would be so dense, and this is coming form someone who loves the Princess product.

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I am amazed that there doesn't seem to be a lot of people upset over the allegations that Princess purposely deceived passengers about going to GC long after they knew it was impossible.

I think many of us here are quite accustomed to Customer Service snafus, and also are quite aware that no port call is guaranteed for a variety of reasons. The "allegations" you reference are just that, and in many cases come from inexperienced and/or poorly informed people who are merely venting frustration. Even in cases where complaints have been repeated by several different people, there are dissenters to that opinion who were on the same cruises. So, what is one to do?


Cruising does not come with any guarantees with regards to port calls. What you might consider deception, I might consider an understandable set of circumstances based on my own experience and observations.

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I think many of us here are quite accustomed to Customer Service snafus, and also are quite aware that no port call is guaranteed for a variety of reasons. The "allegations" you reference are just that, and in many cases come from inexperienced and/or poorly informed people who are merely venting frustration. Even in cases where complaints have been repeated by several different people, there are dissenters to that opinion who were on the same cruises. So, what is one to do?


Cruising does not come with any guarantees with regards to port calls. What you might consider deception, I might consider an understandable set of circumstances based on my own experience and observations.

Spongerob..... I hope I shouldn't be taking this personally. I don't consider myself to be either inexperienced or uninformed. What I reported were the facts and then added a little opinion of my own as to why they may have delayed making an announcement. Do I believe that was the reason, no but I truly have no other idea as to why. So I am sorry if anyone thought that may have been the real reason. Did I expect or ask for any credits, no and was even surprised that the port charges were credited to my account. I spoke to a number of people who really thought we would be going to GC and tried to explain to them that it was pretty much an impossiblity that we would be stopping.

I had a wonderful ten day cruise and am currently trying to decide where Princess will take me on my next vacation!

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We are booked on the 10/31 Coral sailing which had Grand Cayman on the itinerary. As soon as the US Government issued a travel advisory to the island, Princess sent us the info in the mail.As of Oct. 9 Grand Cayman was on all itineraries. The cruise line was still planning to go as of that date. Since there was so much damage from all the hurricanes, one surely should have been prepared for any last minute change in itinerary, especially at Princess Cays. (Note: Princess Cays was not on our itinerary to begin with, but if it had been I would not be surprised by the change. It was, after all, a terrible time down here in FL and the Caribbean!)

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I'm sorry this is going to come off so harsh but did you bother to look at an atlas before saying you want a different port? (and this is directed at everyone who makes suggestions that assume ports are completely interchangable, noy just "karenandbrian"). Ships don't cruise overnight between ports for the heck of it - they actually have to cover some distance.

Cozumel and Ocho Rios are far enough apart that they cannot be on adjacent days. It is 579 nautical miles between them - at 22 knots, it takes 26 hours to get from to the other. If you leave Cozumel at 6pm, the earliest you could arrive Ocho Rios is 8pm the next day (and that's not actually realistic since you have to go around Cozumel Island) plus allows nothing for port maneuvering. And there's nothing else around out there that can substitute. So if Grnad Cayman is unavailable, then there must be a sea day between Cozumel and Jamaica.

Larry, Thanks for the geography lesson. I realize that they are far apart .. like I said in my post I was just whining like any bride to be would that is getting ready to go on her honeymoon. :D I guess I was hoping that we could stop somewhere else -- hoping not expecting.

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This whole issue of Princess taking shore excursion $$, only to refund it - and not telling people about the change in advance reminds me of last October when we were on the Island Princess. Cartagena had been under travel advisory for quite awhile, and yet it was still listed on our intinerary right up until sailing. We were notified of the change in itinerary right before sailing as well. While some could say "Princess would have HAD to have known about the civil unrest...", they probably have to keep it on the intinerary to covers their backsides in case there is ANY chance they can make it. <<I remember someone posting something about Princess needing to keep it on the official itinerary, or else they got fined, or lost some port privlidges, or something like that...(can't remember exactly...)>> So we of course end up not going there, and my excursion $$ got refunded, it was no big deal.


in this case, maybe they have to keep the GC stop on the official itinerary, just in case it is completed ahead of schedule. I for one am sure alot of these islands are workings their backsides off to get the cruise business back in their ports, since it is such a large part of their economy. GC may be a stop before it is "officially" ready, but still would be suitable for visitors.


Just my 2cents, casey

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Larry, Thanks for the geography lesson. I realize that they are far apart .. like I said in my post I was just whining like any bride to be would that is getting ready to go on her honeymoon. :D I guess I was hoping that we could stop somewhere else -- hoping not expecting.

Karenandbrian, being your honeymoon you should be thrilled to have another day at sea!!!

Personally I love both port and sea days but DH could be at sea the whole time and quiet happy.

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Don't get me wrong, we will enjoy the extra day at sea. We just were very excited about going to all of these new places together and when one was taken we were disappointed. It however will not ruin our cruise. We live in FL and get to enjoy the ocean all of the time along with the hurricanes!! We are going to enjoy leaving our hurricane hit home behind for a week while my parents oversee the re roofing and total reconstruction of the back half of our home.


As for Princess issues people are discussing on this thread, I believe (these are just my opinions just like the first part of my post) that the big Princess people never told the little Princess people (the ones on the phone taking calls for excursions and itinerary questions, etc) that there were changes being made. You know how it is in the big corporate world .. the peon is the last to know. Of course it still doesn't make it right.



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I'm sorry this is going to come off so harsh but did you bother to look at an atlas before saying you want a different port? (and this is directed at everyone who makes suggestions that assume ports are completely interchangable, noy just "karenandbrian"). Ships don't cruise overnight between ports for the heck of it - they actually have to cover some distance.

Cozumel and Ocho Rios are far enough apart that they cannot be on adjacent days. It is 579 nautical miles between them - at 22 knots, it takes 26 hours to get from to the other. If you leave Cozumel at 6pm, the earliest you could arrive Ocho Rios is 8pm the next day (and that's not actually realistic since you have to go around Cozumel Island) plus allows nothing for port maneuvering. And there's nothing else around out there that can substitute. So if Grnad Cayman is unavailable, then there must be a sea day between Cozumel and Jamaica.

Somehow Princess is finding it in their cruising abilities to now make it to Grand Cayman between Cozumel and Ochos Rios :D

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Princess is not alone in this matter. We were on a Royal Caribbean ship that left on 10/3. Up until 10/1 a call to RCI got the same type of answer that was expressed here. "Sure you will be going to Grand Cayman".

Misleading or just poorly trianed Customer Service Reps? Probably some of both and the cruise industry trying to cope with a very large and unprecedented occurance. On the other side, I am sure that ihey were also afraid that if they started telling folks too early that their itenary had changed, some folks would cancel.

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Yes, it's always been done that way since GC is "on the way". It is when GC is unavailable for port calls that there are no alternatives and a sea day must be added. A limited number of ships will be allowed to anchor at Grand Cayman beginning this weekend, so some itineraries have been restored to include the island.

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I am quite surprised that I am hearing complaints about whether or not we will be able to be in GC or the Cays. Going to one island or another cannot be the only reason we are taking cruises. On our last cruise, we went to the island of St. Lucia. We booked an excursion that I thought was going to be the highlight of my cruise - a 7 hour see and sea excursion. When we got to our cabin there was a note that said it had been cancelled due to complications with the tour company and we were not going to be charged for the excursion. We could go down to the Adventure Office and rebook a different excursion. We did so but I knew it was not going to be as exciting as what we had planned, and I was right. It paled in comparison. Did I complain or wine about wanting any extras because I was disappointed. No. We are going to be going to GC in the new year on our cruise, and in all likelihood it will be ready for tourists by then. If it is - thank goodness, because that would mean the community has repaired itself and isn't that what we should be most thankful for. This was devastating for them. It makes my snowstorms seem trivial. GC and the Cays are on our itinerary and yes, we already have tentatively decided on the excursions, but if we do not get there, so be it...afterall, any day spent cruising, is better than any day spent at the office.



March 27/05 - Star Princess here we come!

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