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Working On Another Cc Group ( Lifers)


Where do you want your next CC group cruise to be?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you want your next CC group cruise to be?

    • Pride out of Balitimore, Half moon, Grand Turk,Freeport
    • ?? of of Ft. Lauderdale , Costa Rica, Colon

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Sorry to hear about your son Pugs, that must have been very frightening. I am glad he is ok.


Reammi, hate to hear about the damage your poor car suffered, but I am glad you were able to walk away from it.


My daughter was keeping me busy all weekend.. she starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks and we had to do uniform shopping, supply shopping all that good stuff. She cant wait to start...I was a little embarrassed..we went to Target and she told everyone we passed.. "My name is Sydney, I am 5 years old and Im going to Kindergarten Yippee"....well the good thing is she is excited about school...I would be a little more excited if we had a full day Kindergarten class, but 3 hours is better than nothing.

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Sorry to hear about your son Pugs, that must have been very frightening. I am glad he is ok.


Reammi, hate to hear about the damage your poor car suffered, but I am glad you were able to walk away from it.


My daughter was keeping me busy all weekend.. she starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks and we had to do uniform shopping, supply shopping all that good stuff. She cant wait to start...I was a little embarrassed..we went to Target and she told everyone we passed.. "My name is Sydney, I am 5 years old and Im going to Kindergarten Yippee"....well the good thing is she is excited about school...I would be a little more excited if we had a full day Kindergarten class, but 3 hours is better than nothing.

Awwwwww...that is so adorable. I remember when my daughter started kindergarten, it seems like it was only yesterday and now next week, she will be entering the 10th grade! Enjoy your little one because it "ALL" goes by so fast. Where I grew up in NJ, they still only have half day kindergarten too. Its hard on working parents. My niece will be starting kindergarten in September and my brother will be putting her in catholic school because they have a full day kindergarten. Good Luck on the first day of school, be sure to take lots of pictures!:D

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Hey Sharon!

How are you?? Hope all is well with you. When does Cherise start school? We start on the 18th...not looking forward to that!:(


Hey girl!


We're fine up here. The weather has been wonderful for August. It will only be in the low 80s today. :D


Cherise starts school on the 25th -- 2 weeks from today. She is still going to volleyball practice 3 times a week and tryouts start this weekend. She's looking forward to it!


She is also looking forward to driving next spring. She turns 16 in April and we're not looking forward to that! How old do you have to be in Florida? I was surprised that Kaitlyn was learning already. When we spent the day in Fort Lauderdale before the cruise, the traffic wasn't too bad down by the beach. My friend said it was the "off season."

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I think you are right. I've been telling DH that I need a new car all weekend!!!


Start looking for that car -- it took me about 6 months of off and on looking to finally find one! I think the car salespeople are hungry for sales now and will sell at good prices since no one has any money!

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Awwwwww...that is so adorable. I remember when my daughter started kindergarten, it seems like it was only yesterday and now next week, she will be entering the 10th grade! Enjoy your little one because it "ALL" goes by so fast. Where I grew up in NJ, they still only have half day kindergarten too. Its hard on working parents. My niece will be starting kindergarten in September and my brother will be putting her in catholic school because they have a full day kindergarten. Good Luck on the first day of school, be sure to take lots of pictures!:D


I have the worst of both worlds (just kidding, the best of both worlds). I have Josh starting 10th grade (boy do I feel old) and Hailey (almost 3) starting pre-school. My wife almost cried the other day when Hailey put on her new backpack and asked if it was time to go to school. My wife is going to be a whreck next Monday when we drop her off for her first day.

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Why will this not stay where I put it:eek: ...




Looking at the dates , if the Freedom stays on the same sailings, the Eastern will be 7-3-10, which we will never get as a group and 7-31-2010. So will 7-31-10 work? The freedom is 8 days with 4 at sea days.



I think for the pride it was 7-4-2010 same thing Holiday sailing , will never get as agroup, 7-18-2010

7 day Eastern, 3 at sea days.


Either works for me.

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I have the worst of both worlds (just kidding, the best of both worlds). I have Josh starting 10th grade (boy do I feel old) and Hailey (almost 3) starting pre-school. My wife almost cried the other day when Hailey put on her new backpack and asked if it was time to go to school. My wife is going to be a whreck next Monday when we drop her off for her first day.

Awwwww, Hailey must be so adorable. I know EXACTLY how your wife feels. Tell your wife to call me if she needs to talk!:( I will be thinking of her next Monday. When Kaitlyn started pre-school, I cried. This is cute...her preschool teacher's name was Mrs. Bechel, but she thought it was Mrs. Pickel so that is what she called her. They are so cute at that age, but at 15, they have such an attitude!:eek: With Kaitlyn starting the 10th grade, I feel old too.


I will call you about getting together this Saturday. We will figure out something!:)

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Hey girl!


We're fine up here. The weather has been wonderful for August. It will only be in the low 80s today. :D


Cherise starts school on the 25th -- 2 weeks from today. She is still going to volleyball practice 3 times a week and tryouts start this weekend. She's looking forward to it!


She is also looking forward to driving next spring. She turns 16 in April and we're not looking forward to that! How old do you have to be in Florida? I was surprised that Kaitlyn was learning already. When we spent the day in Fort Lauderdale before the cruise, the traffic wasn't too bad down by the beach. My friend said it was the "off season."

Hey There!

Sounds like you have nice weather. It is so hot down here, can't wait until it cools off.


I wish we started school on the 25th. I know NJ still doesn't start until after Labor Day, I wish we had that! Down here, they start driving at 15 with the permit. They must have their permit for a full year and then they get their license. I still feel its too young. NJ is 17 years old. I am not ready for that either yet, but we remind her every day, driving is a privledge. Yesterday she was practicing driving on my hubby's truck, didn't like that, she says it was too big. I have a SUV and that is too big too. Kaitlyn will be 16 next June, but she won't get her license until July/August.


I could never get Kaitlyn into Volleyball. She tried it in middle school, but she didn't like it. I thought she would be good at it because she was tall back then, but now in high school, she is just average in height. Cheerleading keeps her busy and fit. Cheerleading is so different from when I went to school. Its amazing what they do, I could never do it.

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Why will this not stay where I put it:eek: ...




Looking at the dates , if the Freedom stays on the same sailings, the Eastern will be 7-3-10, which we will never get as a group and 7-31-2010. So will 7-31-10 work? The freedom is 8 days with 4 at sea days.



I think for the pride it was 7-4-2010 same thing Holiday sailing , will never get as agroup, 7-18-2010

7 day Eastern, 3 at sea days.


Unfortunately 7/31/2010 will not work for us. School starts on 8/9/2010 and teachers have to be back on 8/2/2010.


Our summer break is from 5/22/2010 to 8/1/2010.

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Hey There!

Sounds like you have nice weather. It is so hot down here, can't wait until it cools off.


I wish we started school on the 25th. I know NJ still doesn't start until after Labor Day, I wish we had that! Down here, they start driving at 15 with the permit. They must have their permit for a full year and then they get their license. I still feel its too young. NJ is 17 years old. I am not ready for that either yet, but we remind her every day, driving is a privledge. Yesterday she was practicing driving on my hubby's truck, didn't like that, she says it was too big. I have a SUV and that is too big too. Kaitlyn will be 16 next June, but she won't get her license until July/August.


I could never get Kaitlyn into Volleyball. She tried it in middle school, but she didn't like it. I thought she would be good at it because she was tall back then, but now in high school, she is just average in height. Cheerleading keeps her busy and fit. Cheerleading is so different from when I went to school. Its amazing what they do, I could never do it.

Wow -- at least they have to have a learner's permit for a year. That's a good thing. Andrew keeps telling Cherise she will have to drive his big pickup truck, because if she can drive that, she should be able to drive anything we have.:)

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Hi Lifers, I am home now:rolleyes: didn't think I would ever get out of my car!!!!

I had to help set up some class rooms, I told them I am retired, they said they don't hear me!!!!! I'll show them! LOL


Well what have I missed????


John will work out a little today, he still has to take it easy, I told him he could do 30 min. and no more. He still has a lot of draining, but his neck looks a lot better. The cuts the doctor made seems to be closing on their own, the doctor said she wants them to close that way:confused: ...

We go back to the doctor Friday. Temp. is normal, color is good, only a mortin today, no pain meds. He seems to be coming along good. Thank God!!

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Unfortunately 7/31/2010 will not work for us. School starts on 8/9/2010 and teachers have to be back on 8/2/2010.


Our summer break is from 5/22/2010 to 8/1/2010.



Well let's see what we can do:)

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Unfortunately 7/31/2010 will not work for us. School starts on 8/9/2010 and teachers have to be back on 8/2/2010.


Our summer break is from 5/22/2010 to 8/1/2010.



We don't get out of school till middle June and late June for our people in the North. So that really only leaves July , I can ask for the holiday week , however I know the price will be up there. The norm. is no groups on Holidays.


Lets see what the poll turns out, if it is Baltimore , the dates will work, if it

is Ft. Lauderdale , then we will run into the date issue.

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I have the worst of both worlds (just kidding, the best of both worlds). I have Josh starting 10th grade (boy do I feel old) and Hailey (almost 3) starting pre-school. My wife almost cried the other day when Hailey put on her new backpack and asked if it was time to go to school. My wife is going to be a whreck next Monday when we drop her off for her first day.



50% of mom's cry the first day, I will tell you what I tell all my mom's of Kinder, give them a kiss and say I'll pick you up soon, and walk away. It is harder on the mom than the kid. 10 min. after mom walks away the little one is playing. I tell my moms that I'll call you if I need. They will be fine.

Easy for me to say, my kids were always at the school I worked at. My son, John spent most of his time in kinder sating in my class. He was the one that wanted to stay by mom's side. I was never the teacher for any of my kids. I didn't think it was fair to the child.

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The Freedom looks good. If it is the holiday weekend, then I would be out because that is a vacation blackout date at the "w" (I know your out there Ed) place. End of July would work. The dream would be fun, but price is going to affect my choice. (along with convincing my wife)


I am glad that John is doing well, Us parents tend to go bananas when one of the young-uns is sick.


I had so much fun with with this group, that I want to do it again.

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Wow -- at least they have to have a learner's permit for a year. That's a good thing. Andrew keeps telling Cherise she will have to drive his big pickup truck, because if she can drive that, she should be able to drive anything we have.:)

Yes, that is a good thing! But, I am not looking forward to the increase of my auto insurance.......:eek:

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Hi Lifers, I am home now:rolleyes: didn't think I would ever get out of my car!!!!

I had to help set up some class rooms, I told them I am retired, they said they don't hear me!!!!! I'll show them! LOL


Well what have I missed????


John will work out a little today, he still has to take it easy, I told him he could do 30 min. and no more. He still has a lot of draining, but his neck looks a lot better. The cuts the doctor made seems to be closing on their own, the doctor said she wants them to close that way:confused: ...

We go back to the doctor Friday. Temp. is normal, color is good, only a mortin today, no pain meds. He seems to be coming along good. Thank God!!

Hey Barbara!

I was wondering where you were today. You just can't stay away from the class rooms, huh!:D

Sounds like John is almost back to normal...glad to hear that. He healed pretty quickly. What a scary thing you had to go through, but we were all thinking of you!;)

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The Freedom looks good. If it is the holiday weekend, then I would be out because that is a vacation blackout date at the "w" (I know your out there Ed) place. End of July would work. The dream would be fun, but price is going to affect my choice. (along with convincing my wife)


I am glad that John is doing well, Us parents tend to go bananas when one of the young-uns is sick.


I had so much fun with with this group, that I want to do it again.


Price will be way up there for the dream, and don't think we will get that one, 1 group each mo. on the same ship is not a go with Laura.

Holiday sailings are not good for groups. Price is way up on holidays. If we do the Freedom it will be the end of July sailing. If we do the Pride it will be middle or end of July also.


There are already 3 group request for the Dream for that summer. :(


Poll expires on 8/24 , we will a least now what ship then

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Hey Barbara!

I was wondering where you were today. You just can't stay away from the class rooms, huh!:D

Sounds like John is almost back to normal...glad to hear that. He healed pretty quickly. What a scary thing you had to go through, but we were all thinking of you!;)



Thank You;)


John thinks he is back to normal, however I told him to take it easy! Even if it is healing on the outside, it takes longer for the inside. You know teens, they think they know it ALL!!!


It is a new teacher taking over Kinder. so I couldn't tell her no. :)

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The Freedom looks good. If it is the holiday weekend, then I would be out because that is a vacation blackout date at the "w" (I know your out there Ed) place. End of July would work. The dream would be fun, but price is going to affect my choice. (along with convincing my wife)


I am glad that John is doing well, Us parents tend to go bananas when one of the young-uns is sick.


I had so much fun with with this group, that I want to do it again.



How are you doing Jjay?:)

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Price will be way up there for the dream, and don't think we will get that one, 1 group each mo. on the same ship is not a go with Cruise Lines..

Holiday sailings are not good for groups. Price is way up on holidays. If we do the Freedom it will be the end of July sailing. If we do the Pride it will be middle or end of July also.


There are already 3 group request for the Dream for that summer. :(


Poll expires on 8/24 , we will a least now what ship then


A small change above it is the Cruise Lines that will not do Holiday groups.

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