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****Possible CC group “LIFERS” on Carnival Freedom -JULY 2010***


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Its good to see Gary back on here. Where have ya been man? I try to lay low on here myself. I have been known to draw to much attention. In the words of Tommy the Papparazzi bartender "How you doooooooooing?


You? I'm sure you'd never draw any extra attention to yourself. :p BTW - what ever happened to the lampshade pic? LOL. Been meaning to email you back but have been busy and keep forgetting.


I miss Tommy. Wish I had a Deja Vu now. :(

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Everything is good here. Cherise has her last volleyball games next week. They have had a terrible year -- they have only won one game.:eek: Last year, they won most of them. Its amazing how much difference a coach can make. Last year, he was great. They have a woman this year and she doesn't have the respect of any of the players. It's a shame. She's horrible!!!!


I can understand not getting away with family. My sister and I took ONE trip with our husbands and it didn't go very well. Never again!!!;)


My sister and I were in the outer banks a couple of years ago on their off season. Looked kind of boring to us since we are used to Ocean City, MD which is always hopping! But it might not be too bad with our small family and the puppies. I'm also kind of looking at Mrytle Beach which seems to be a little more lively.


The outer banks is great but not the place if you are looking for lively! It's great for quiet walks on the beach, catching up on a good book, playing board games with the family - more of a quiet type vacation. But here's nothing "happening" about it. A few restaurants here and there and that's about it.


If you want to make a looong drive (or fly) I love Treasure Island near Tampa. I was never a beach person until I spent a week there. Very inexpensive in the summer and plenty to do nearby without it being overdeveloped highrises everywhere. :)

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Pugs, I know your pain. Glad tho that I'm not the only one who has konked herself in the head with a cast while sleeping.


My sister and I were in the outer banks a couple of years ago on their off season. Looked kind of boring to us since we are used to Ocean City, MD which is always hopping! But it might not be too bad with our small family and the puppies. I'm also kind of looking at Mrytle Beach which seems to be a little more lively.



Myrtle Beach is ok if it's not a holiday or bike week! Otherwise, I often compare it to Pidgeon Forge, TN ... two of the takiest tourist towns there can be. Traffic can be brutal so if you decide to go there, chose your hotel near things you think you might like to do. If you're into putt-putt, oh my, this is the place for you. :D


My first trip there BubbaQ and I saw BB King at the HOB. I was (am) in awe.


hmmm ya'll are probably sound asleep. Coffee timer is set to brew.

Nighty night lil lifers ... and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

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We made it to Friday!


Wish I could say I had exciting plans for the weekend, but just the usual errands, housework, etc. I've been really behind with all the back issues I've had - that and this working out in the evenings I don't get home and have dinner until almost 8pm! :eek:

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Morining & Afternoon Lifers! Coffee's on here on the West Coast. So glad the temps cooled off a bit. I keep waiting for the palm trees to chance colors and drop their fronds ... but I guess that's not really happening eh?


Nothing new and exciting out here ... giving us a lil bump to the top to pass the time till we have pricing! Off to visit MomQ today (she still hasn't seen my pictures from the cruise!!) and tommorrow will be Bridesmaid Dress Part II; The Horror Continues. :eek:


What ever y'all are up to ... enjoy your day!!

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Hi BSQ and all my other lifer friends.


Not such a good week-end for me so far, our oldest DGD (she is 23) was hit by a hit and run driver this morning on her way to the hospital for work. She is a PT and always has to be at work early as they try to do therapy on the patients early.


Anyway this person ran a red light and hit her on the driver side.

Airbag did not go off and she somehow hit her head, cut a big gash in it, 19 stitches, and a broken leg.


Well, I joined her Mom (our DD) and her dad at the hospital, have been there most of the day.


She has been admitted and will need to stay a couple days.


Not only does she have the injuries, but her car is a total mess as well.


The driver fleed the scene, but the person behind her saw the accident and chased him until he got the tag #.


Our DD works in Justice Court, the sheriff dropped by the hospital just as I was leaving, said they know who hit her and have a warrent out for his arrest.


To top the whole thing off she is to be a bridesmaid in a wedding next Saturday.


The dress and shoes are waiting and I`m thinking Ashley will not be wearing them.


She is so upset about the stitches in her forehead, she is sure she will be scared for life. The Doctor thinks not, but right now we can`t change her mind about it.


Sorry about the long post but I needed to let my lifer friends hear about my day.


Thanks for listening.


Hope we get priceing soon, I need 3 cruises booked.;)

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Hi BSQ and all my other lifer friends.


Not such a good week-end for me so far, our oldest DGD (she is 23) was hit by a hit and run driver this morning on her way to the hospital for work. She is a PT and always has to be at work early as they try to do therapy on the patients early.


Anyway this person ran a red light and hit her on the driver side.

Airbag did not go off and she somehow hit her head, cut a big gash in it, 19 stitches, and a broken leg.


Well, I joined her Mom (our DD) and her dad at the hospital, have been there most of the day.


She has been admitted and will need to stay a couple days.


Not only does she have the injuries, but her car is a total mess as well.


The driver fleed the scene, but the person behind her saw the accident and chased him until he got the tag #.


Our DD works in Justice Court, the sheriff dropped by the hospital just as I was leaving, said they know who hit her and have a warrent out for his arrest.


To top the whole thing off she is to be a bridesmaid in a wedding next Saturday.


The dress and shoes are waiting and I`m thinking Ashley will not be wearing them.


She is so upset about the stitches in her forehead, she is sure she will be scared for life. The Doctor thinks not, but right now we can`t change her mind about it.


Sorry about the long post but I needed to let my lifer friends hear about my day.


Thanks for listening.


Hope we get priceing soon, I need 3 cruises booked.;)


Ugh. I can't imagine how stressful all that is. At least she's ok - I hope they catch the guy and nail him. There's no excuse for hit and run. :mad:

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Hi BSQ and all my other lifer friends.


Not such a good week-end for me so far, our oldest DGD (she is 23) was hit by a hit and run driver this morning on her way to the hospital for work. She is a PT and always has to be at work early as they try to do therapy on the patients early.


Anyway this person ran a red light and hit her on the driver side.

Airbag did not go off and she somehow hit her head, cut a big gash in it, 19 stitches, and a broken leg.


Well, I joined her Mom (our DD) and her dad at the hospital, have been there most of the day.


She has been admitted and will need to stay a couple days.


Not only does she have the injuries, but her car is a total mess as well.


The driver fleed the scene, but the person behind her saw the accident and chased him until he got the tag #.


Our DD works in Justice Court, the sheriff dropped by the hospital just as I was leaving, said they know who hit her and have a warrent out for his arrest.


To top the whole thing off she is to be a bridesmaid in a wedding next Saturday.


The dress and shoes are waiting and I`m thinking Ashley will not be wearing them.


She is so upset about the stitches in her forehead, she is sure she will be scared for life. The Doctor thinks not, but right now we can`t change her mind about it.


Sorry about the long post but I needed to let my lifer friends hear about my day.


Thanks for listening.


Hope we get priceing soon, I need 3 cruises booked.;)


So very sorry to hear about your DGD's accident, and will keep her in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Remind her things could be a while lot worse than a possible scar. the car can be replaced.


My eldest brother was a victim of a hit n run (he was walking!), ended up with two broken legs and having to have emergency brain surgery. His life has changed forever, and he has chaged (for the better). Things can be replaced, family and recovery is more important.

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hmm. now what was I saying about nothing exciting in qville? Well, after posting here I went to get ready to visit MomQ. I reached for by low dryer and suddenly my back was on fire! :eek: I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, so off I went to urgent care. (slow-care). 4 hours later I found out I have a lumbar sprain. have been shot up with something that eased the i8mmediate pain, and have anti inflamatories and muscle relaxers to take for the next two weeks. I have the OK to travel though.


This bites! I did a 5K race last weekend does that hurt me? noooo. Picking up my blowdryer??? I'm rethinking wearing my hair straight!! On the bonus side, I guess this won't be such a bad trip to Hawaii. This medication puts me in a happy place. :rolleyes:


i need a nap.

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Hi BSQ and all my other lifer friends.


Not such a good week-end for me so far, our oldest DGD (she is 23) was hit by a hit and run driver this morning on her way to the hospital for work. She is a PT and always has to be at work early as they try to do therapy on the patients early.


Anyway this person ran a red light and hit her on the driver side.

Airbag did not go off and she somehow hit her head, cut a big gash in it, 19 stitches, and a broken leg.


Well, I joined her Mom (our DD) and her dad at the hospital, have been there most of the day.


She has been admitted and will need to stay a couple days.


Not only does she have the injuries, but her car is a total mess as well.


The driver fleed the scene, but the person behind her saw the accident and chased him until he got the tag #.


Our DD works in Justice Court, the sheriff dropped by the hospital just as I was leaving, said they know who hit her and have a warrent out for his arrest.


To top the whole thing off she is to be a bridesmaid in a wedding next Saturday.


The dress and shoes are waiting and I`m thinking Ashley will not be wearing them.


She is so upset about the stitches in her forehead, she is sure she will be scared for life. The Doctor thinks not, but right now we can`t change her mind about it.


Sorry about the long post but I needed to let my lifer friends hear about my day.


Thanks for listening.


Hope we get priceing soon, I need 3 cruises booked.;)



Oh My , you are correct , not a good end to your week, My prayers are with you DD, you know she should take the doctors word, they know from the way the cut looks and really pretty good.


My hand will mend the doctor said, 6 weeks in the brace for me, oh well I guess i'll make it, LOL

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hmm. now what was I saying about nothing exciting in qville? Well, after posting here I went to get ready to visit MomQ. I reached for by low dryer and suddenly my back was on fire! :eek: I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, so off I went to urgent care. (slow-care). 4 hours later I found out I have a lumbar sprain. have been shot up with something that eased the i8mmediate pain, and have anti inflamatories and muscle relaxers to take for the next two weeks. I have the OK to travel though.


This bites! I did a 5K race last weekend does that hurt me? noooo. Picking up my blowdryer??? I'm rethinking wearing my hair straight!! On the bonus side, I guess this won't be such a bad trip to Hawaii. This medication puts me in a happy place. :rolleyes:


i need a nap.




OHHHHHHHHHHH I felt that!!!!!!! Take care:eek:

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Happy Sunday " Lifers"


We were at baseball all yesterday and Friday night.... I have a break today!!!!!


I am glad it is getting a little cooler here, this brace on my hand is very hot!!!!!! I am learning to sleep with it !!!!!!!


Johna will be back Monday, maybe, ( fingers crossed) we will get our pricing!!!!!

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Thank you all for the good wishes and prayers.


Ashley is feeling real down today, said she feels like she has the flu or something, very sore all over, but Doctor says that is to be expected.

She should be going home Tuesday morning if all goes well.


BSQ, sorry about your back. Back pain is no fun at all, been there done that.

Good wishes are sent your way and to you too Pugs.


We are waiting to hear that you have given up your hot cast, hope time will pass in a hurry for you.


Good afternoon to all my other lifers friends.

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Thank you all for the good wishes and prayers.


Ashley is feeling real down today, said she feels like she has the flu or something, very sore all over, but Doctor says that is to be expected.

She should be going home Tuesday morning if all goes well.


BSQ, sorry about your back. Back pain is no fun at all, been there done that.

Good wishes are sent your way and to you too Pugs.


We are waiting to hear that you have given up your hot cast, hope time will pass in a hurry for you.


Good afternoon to all my other lifers friends.


I have a brace, It fits my hand with metal that runs up my three fingers.

in the beginning the doctor let me take it off and on. Now it needs special tools to take it off and the doctors has them , so I have it on all the time....I hate it, it is hot and my hand is cramped!!!!!6 more weeks

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I have a brace, It fits my hand with metal that runs up my three fingers.

in the beginning the doctor let me take it off and on. Now it needs special tools to take it off and the doctors has them , so I have it on all the time....I hate it, it is hot and my hand is cramped!!!!!6 more weeks


That does not sound like fun!!! Hope it is much better soon.


BSQ - hope your back is also much better soon. That's not fun either. You never realize how many things those muscles in your back or stomach help you do until you've hurt them!



Happy Monday everyone. :rolleyes:

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That does not sound like fun!!! Hope it is much better soon.


BSQ - hope your back is also much better soon. That's not fun either. You never realize how many things those muscles in your back or stomach help you do until you've hurt them!



Happy Monday everyone. :rolleyes:


Good Morning Lifers!! Not such a good morning for me. I am home with the flu - at least I get out of bed today - didn't get out of bed all day Saturday or Sunday. I am off to the doctor's and then back to bed. There are to many posts for me to catch up on so I will catch up later.

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Good Morning Lifers!! Not such a good morning for me. I am home with the flu - at least I get out of bed today - didn't get out of bed all day Saturday or Sunday. I am off to the doctor's and then back to bed. There are to many posts for me to catch up on so I will catch up later.


I feel so bad for you, the flu is terrible.


Nothing seems to make you feel better except time to get over it.


Do hope the doctor will give you meds that can help, keep us posted when you do feel better.


Good afternoon Lifers.

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Yikes Lifers....


I go away for several weeks and come back to broken lifers... Car accidents, blow dryer craziness, the flu, and Pugs I don't know what happened to your hand (haven't read that far back yet) but, it sounds terrible.


Okay everyone, no more yuck stuff. We all surely need a cruise now.


I hope everyone gets better real quick. Hang in there everyone and take care of yourselves.



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Ugh! We are all falling apart apparently!


Reammi - hope you are feeling much better soon. I've only ever had the flu once but it was awful! Hopefully they can give you one of those new antivirals that shortens it.


Welcome back Ed! No price yet. :(

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