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Just off Mariner


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We were on the Mariner last week sail date 8/24-8/31. Great cruise even though we were diverted to the eastern side of the carribean. The only problem we had was RCl lost our luggage from port canaveral to orlando air port. we had a bus transfer we watched our luggage go on the bus but when we arrived at our terminal only 2 pieces of luggage came off the bus. now rcl is stating that we have to pay to get our luggage back and it will not arrive until next week!!!! we hope they do our dirty laundry LOL. That has been the only downfall to this trip other than that we had a great time. we will cruise again but this time will will paint our luggage instead of putting colored ribbons on it!!!!:D :cool:

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We were on the Mariner last week sail date 8/24-8/31. Great cruise even though we were diverted to the eastern side of the carribean. The only problem we had was RCl lost our luggage from port canaveral to orlando air port. we had a bus transfer we watched our luggage go on the bus but when we arrived at our terminal only 2 pieces of luggage came off the bus. now rcl is stating that we have to pay to get our luggage back and it will not arrive until next week!!!! we hope they do our dirty laundry LOL. That has been the only downfall to this trip other than that we had a great time. we will cruise again but this time will will paint our luggage instead of putting colored ribbons on it!!!!:D :cool:


May I play "Devil's Advocate"?


If you watched your luggage go into the bus, how could it come up missing? Aliens?


If the bus made stops at several airport terminals before yours, it's always a good idea to take a glance through the window at what luggage the driver is pulling off.


As for the charge to return it? Why should they pay for it.....they didn't lose it. Seems to me that if you are looking for free shipping, you should contact the bus company that provides the transfers...... As stated in the cruise contract, they are NOT responsible for actions of their vendors and any issue with vendors must be taken up directly.


Next time, be aware of what is happening to your bags at all times. It's easy to mistakenly pull the wrong bag out......

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May I play "Devil's Advocate"?


If you watched your luggage go into the bus' date=' how could it come up missing? Aliens?


If the bus made stops at several airport terminals before yours, it's always a good idea to take a glance through the window at what luggage the driver is pulling off.


As for the charge to return it? Why should they pay for it.....they didn't lose it. Seems to me that if you are looking for free shipping, you should contact the bus company that provides the transfers...... As stated in the cruise contract, they are NOT responsible for actions of their vendors and any issue with vendors must be taken up directly.


Next time, be aware of what is happening to your bags at all times. It's easy to mistakenly pull the wrong bag out......[/quote']


Having a bad day? Wow! OP didn't deserve the nasty tone I detected here. Should she have gotten off at every stop and check each black bag or whatever color her bags were to make sure someone didn't take her bag?? What if she was on the opposite side of the bus and could not see the bags being removed?


To the OP. I am sorry your bags were lost. If I bought transfers and watched my bags get loaded I would expect to see them in the end. To imply that one should get off the bus at every stop and make sure their bags were not picked up by someone else is crazy to suggest. Can you imagine the mass confusion if everyone did that??


I would speak to customer service at RCCL. If you bought transfers from them I would hope they would do whatever they could to try to get your bags back. If you bought transfers from someone else I would hope they would do the same. Good luck! Please post what end up happening.

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yes we did watch it go on from pier and watched when they made their first stop then ours. no i'm not looking for something free i'm lookin for my lost luggage. we even spoke with a rcl rep at orlando airport who says this happens all the time. We just hate the fact that all we are getting is a run around call this # no call this # etc. maybe my luggage went on another cruise with out me LOL.:( :confused:

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I´m sorry you lost your luggage but I´, a little confused here and don´t understand what happened. :confused:


You say you are sure your luggage was with you on the bus and it wasn´t there anymore when arriving at the airport.


In this scenario I can´t see where RCCL has lost your luggage. You had it when going on the bus, so you´ve been out of RCCL´s hands so to speak already. Even if it´s a ships transfer it´s just like shore excursions run by the bus company and RCCL just sells the ticket.


:confused: :confused:

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Our luggage is slowley on it's way home. Mariner Bride our wedding was great it was quick and simple and no problems. Soon I will post some pics and write a review. My hubby and I enjoyed every min of our wedding and our family was in awe with the ship. :D

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Ouch! Good luck getting your luggage back :( (on the bright side - there is one - at least it was lost at the end of the trip and not the beginning... that would have been even worse).


Just to re-iterate, this does happen ALL of the time. Have seen it happen. Stuns me, but many people do not double check the luggage that they lug away with them... :mad: (how difficult is it people? Double check the tags on your luggage! :( )


So note to everyone else.... if you do take RCCL transfers (which i don't hugely recommend) then watch your luggage like complete HAWKS (and maybe fit booby traps to the handles... ;) ).


Good luck, again, getting it back. Definitely a valuable post - to warn others...



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May I play "Devil's Advocate"?


If you watched your luggage go into the bus' date=' how could it come up missing? Aliens?


If the bus made stops at several airport terminals before yours, it's always a good idea to take a glance through the window at what luggage the driver is pulling off.


As for the charge to return it? Why should they pay for it.....they didn't lose it. Seems to me that if you are looking for free shipping, you should contact the bus company that provides the transfers...... As stated in the cruise contract, they are NOT responsible for actions of their vendors and any issue with vendors must be taken up directly.


Next time, be aware of what is happening to your bags at all times. It's easy to mistakenly pull the wrong bag out......[/quote']



LIGHTEN UP EH!!!! looks like you wasted a post in no time with NO help!!!!


"be aware of what is happening to your bags"? :confused: what the heck does that mean take them on the bus with you? put junior under the bus to watch them?


they got lost on one of the stops!:( I my self would trust who's driving the transfer or do you take over and guide all the people onboard to: watch your luggage folks keep a good eye on it!!! :rolleyes: also I do not think poster was saying the ship company should give her money. just simply stating that thier luggage is gone and now they have to pay to get it shipped home. also what if you only get a seat on the oppisite side of the bus when they unload? crawl over the people or just kindly ask them to look out the window to make sure they are not removing your bags?:rolleyes:

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May I play "Devil's Advocate"?


If you watched your luggage go into the bus' date=' how could it come up missing? Aliens?


If the bus made stops at several airport terminals before yours, it's always a good idea to take a glance through the window at what luggage the driver is pulling off.


As for the charge to return it? Why should they pay for it.....they didn't lose it. Seems to me that if you are looking for free shipping, you should contact the bus company that provides the transfers...... As stated in the cruise contract, they are NOT responsible for actions of their vendors and any issue with vendors must be taken up directly.


Next time, be aware of what is happening to your bags at all times. It's easy to mistakenly pull the wrong bag out......[/quote']


Good grief - give it a rest. Always criticizing. Such a defender of the cruiseline!!!!


We've had our luggage lost several times. We have never been told we have to pay to have it returned. We live in Canada and it's been sent to our door everytime no matter where from.


Contract be damned lady - they lost the luggage - it's their responsibility.

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May I play "Devil's Advocate"?


If you watched your luggage go into the bus' date=' how could it come up missing? Aliens?


If the bus made stops at several airport terminals before yours, it's always a good idea to take a glance through the window at what luggage the driver is pulling off.


As for the charge to return it? Why should they pay for it.....they didn't lose it. Seems to me that if you are looking for free shipping, you should contact the bus company that provides the transfers...... As stated in the cruise contract, they are NOT responsible for actions of their vendors and any issue with vendors must be taken up directly.


Next time, be aware of what is happening to your bags at all times. It's easy to mistakenly pull the wrong bag out......[/quote']


Typical post from this member. Most of her posts are about this pleasant - and make about as much sense. :rolleyes:


MBRN - you mentioned that your luggage is on its way home - did you hear something? Please update! I too would be pretty upset if my luggage was lost in transfer, and I was told I would have to pay to get it back. I don't care WHO lost it - I just care that it's found and returned to me! Nobody should have to pay to get their personal belongings returned to them when they did everything right (which you did).


Obviously it's a good idea to keep track of luggage as well as possible - but once it's been handed off to a carrier, you have every right to expect that it will be given to you on the other end - and if it's not, you will either get it returned to you AT NO CHARGE, or be appropriately compensated if it never turns up.


Pay no attention to the curmudgeons who get their jollies bashing people for absolutely no reason. I always just assume folks like that have miserable lives, and we all know misery loves company. :p

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May I play "Devil's Advocate"?


If you watched your luggage go into the bus' date=' how could it come up missing? Aliens?


If the bus made stops at several airport terminals before yours, it's always a good idea to take a glance through the window at what luggage the driver is pulling off.


As for the charge to return it? Why should they pay for it.....they didn't lose it. Seems to me that if you are looking for free shipping, you should contact the bus company that provides the transfers...... As stated in the cruise contract, they are NOT responsible for actions of their vendors and any issue with vendors must be taken up directly.


Next time, be aware of what is happening to your bags at all times. It's easy to mistakenly pull the wrong bag out......[/quote']



I agree G'ma..........about one thing in your post!! Watching for your bag to accidental being unloaded before your stop.


However.........here is my feeling on the rest of the subject. If I pay RCCL to transfer my bags from point a to the ship or from the ship to point a.........and have paid them money........it IS their responsibility to get my bags to stay with me. Maybe they should start labeling them with names.......or airline names, so that they are not dropped off at the wrong spot. Even tho this is a 3rd party..........they were hired by RCCL, not the OP.


So, if they are lost........it IS RCCL's responsibility to return them. If they cannot own up to that responsibility, they need to get out of the transfer business!! The OP did not deal with the bus company directly, RCCL did.


If I give my bag to Southwest Airlines.........at the baggage drop.......and they lose it..........I expect them to a. find it, and b. return it to me at no additional charge. They were in charge of my bag........not me.


Same rule holds true for RCCL as far as I'm concerned.



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I agree G'ma..........about one thing in your post!! Watching for your bag to accidental being unloaded before your stop.


However.........here is my feeling on the rest of the subject. If I pay RCCL to transfer my bags from point a to the ship or from the ship to point a.........and have paid them money........it IS their responsibility to get my bags to stay with me. Maybe they should start labeling them with names.......or airline names, so that they are not dropped off at the wrong spot. Even tho this is a 3rd party..........they were hired by RCCL, not the OP.


So, if they are lost........it IS RCCL's responsibility to return them. If they cannot own up to that responsibility, they need to get out of the transfer business!! The OP did not deal with the bus company directly, RCCL did.


If I give my bag to Southwest Airlines.........at the baggage drop.......and they lose it..........I expect them to a. find it, and b. return it to me at no additional charge. They were in charge of my bag........not me.


Same rule holds true for RCCL as far as I'm concerned.




I agree 100%. If you pay RCCL, that's who is responsible. I don't care what the fine print says. You paid them to transport you and your belongings, and that is what you are entitled to. It is THEIR responsibility to deal with their sub-contractors, not yours. Any court in the country would side with you on this.


As for the "scolding" that our pleasant friend "G'ma" gave to the OP for not watching their bags - it's not always possible to see everything that is going on in transit. So her scolding is rediculous (not to mention rude, unpleasant, and unnecessary).

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I agree 100%. If you pay RCCL, that's who is responsible. I don't care what the fine print says. You paid them to transport you and your belongings, and that is what you are entitled to. It is THEIR responsibility to deal with their sub-contractors, not yours. Any court in the country would side with you on this.


As for the "scolding" that our pleasant friend "G'ma" gave to the OP for not watching their bags - it's not always possible to see everything that is going on in transit. So her scolding is rediculous (not to mention rude, unpleasant, and unnecessary).




LeeAnne..........I totally agree. What I was trying to say that if you can, from your seat........watch what is being unloaded......all the better, just in case you spot your bag being unloaded where it should not be.


I can remember sitting on Southwest Airlines at Love Field in Dallas, and watching my bag go into the hold of another SW flight. I was headed to Lubbock.........and my bag went to Houston. Southwest was very good about getting my bag back to me within hours.


I also agree that the scolding was not called for.......in any way shape or form.


OBTW........to the OP.........congratulations on your marriage!!



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Typical post from this member. Most of her posts are about this pleasant - and make about as much sense. :rolleyes:




Pay no attention to the curmudgeons who get their jollies bashing people for absolutely no reason. I always just assume folks like that have miserable lives, and we all know misery loves company. :p



Yep, I've also noticed that "some" certain poster seems to have a "sweet":rolleyes: word for most all the posts replied to. I just wonder if "some" certain poster EVER goes back and reads how many people don't appreciate the "advice".


OP, congrats on the wedding!! Sorry about the luggage.

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Yep, I've also noticed that "some" certain poster seems to have a "sweet":rolleyes: word for most all the posts replied to. I just wonder if "some" certain poster EVER goes back and reads how many people don't appreciate the "advice".



I've wondered that as well, as the responses to such posts are generally similar to the ones here...and yet it keeps happening, over and over and over. But then, if people like this gave two hoots what others thought about them, I would imagine they wouldn't be so rude and unpleasant to begin with, right? :rolleyes:


And yes, the reputation is widely known - and well deserved.


Anyway, I do hope the OP comes back and gives us an update on the luggage!

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We have had our luggage go missing several times, always my husband's too but it has always been delivered either to the cruise ship or the hotel free of charge.


What really surprises me is that they wanted you to PAY to get it back when you paid them to transport it (part of the package).


Please let us know if you have received your luggage and if they had the nerve to actually charge you for it.


We are driving to the port so it isn't likely to happen this time.

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We have had our luggage go missing several times, always my husband's too but it has always been delivered either to the cruise ship or the hotel free of charge.


What really surprises me is that they wanted you to PAY to get it back when you paid them to transport it (part of the package).


Please let us know if you have received your luggage and if they had the nerve to actually charge you for it.


We are driving to the port so it isn't likely to happen this time.


In all my many years of travel, I have NEVER heard of a passenger being told they must pay to have their own luggage, lost by a carrier, shipped back to them.


Obviously, the notion that they were "looking for free shipping" is absurd.

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