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Live From Caribbean Princess 9/14 to 9/21/2008


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Left Northeast Pa. at 8:30 AM and dropped the dog off at the kennel then drove over 80 East and stopped in Tannersville near the outlet mall for breakfast at the Tannersville Dinner. Total driving time to Red Hook seaport in Brooklyn was a little over 2 ½ hours not counting the time we stopped for lunch.


Embarkation at Red Hook was the easiest we have experienced at any port. From the time we pulled in, dropped off the luggage, parked the car and entered the building it was only 25 minutes till be were on the beautiful Caribben Princess. We were able to drop off our carry ons in our cabin and then head up to the Horizon Court Buffet for lunch. The food was very good for a buffet.


We walked around the ship a bit to re-familiarize ourselves with the layout. We have been on this ship but it was 4 years ago. There are areas of the ship that you cannot get to without going up or down and over. The layout prevents you from walking directly from one end to the other on certain decks.


Our room steward stopped by to introduce himself, his name is Joselito and is very efficient and out going. He immediately responded to our couple of requests with a big smile and a “no problem”.


Luggage was in our room waiting for us when we returned from lunch and our short trip around the ship. We had plenty of time to unpack and then off to muster drill. Our Muster station was in the Wheel House Lounge and it was a real pleasure to not have to stand outside in the 86, yes, I said 86 degree heat. It sure was a hot one for Sept 14th !


Then we were off to our Cruise Critic meet and greet….short and sweet. We had the honor and pleasure of meeting the Passenger Services Director, James Deering, who came to our meet and greet to say hello and introduce himself! Also in a surprise attendance was the Beverage manager, Felix! Apparently the cruise staff does follow the postings on Cruise Critic, he had a printout of some of our postings with our plans for our informal meet and greet. He is going to set up a nice “official“ meet and greet for us and has the listing of all attendees and will get back to us with the info. Captain for this sailing is Commodore Giuseppe Romano.


We said hello to all our CC buddies and then we trooped up to the Lido deck for sail-away and the sail-away party. Awesome time. We passed very near to the Statue of Liberty and then sailed under the Verassano Bridge….what a sight that is. The ship barely clears under the bridge. It’s literally inches that are between the bottom of the bridge and the top of the ship.


After the sail-away party we watched part of the football game on the huge Movies Under the Stars screen,. Neat to relax poolside on a lounge with a drink of the day and a bag of freshly popped popcorn!


Went back to the cabin to rest a bit and shower then off to dinner for 8 o’clock. We have traditional dining at 8 pm in the Island Dining Room. Service was good. Our waiter is Paul and I can’t remember the assistant waiter’s name. His name is very odd.


The recommended choice for dinner was the Prime Rib and all who order it gave it two thumbs up!


There was a Seafood Buffet in the Horizon Court for sail away dinner there. Someone in the cabin next to us must have brought there dinner down to their cabin because when we returned to our cabin later that night there was a HUGE plate of Crab Leg shells (piled a mile high) in the hall in front of their cabin. Unfortunately, later that evening the plate was still there and someone must have kicked it while walking down the hall because that mile high pile of Crab Leg shells was now spew all over the hallway. I thought the cabin steward was going to have a “cow” when he saw that……shells, cocktail sauce and plates everywhere.


There does seem to be a little problem with the air-conditioning on board. It is warm in some spots and comfortable in others. I am always cold in the dining room but I had short sleeves on and it was comfortable for me. The air in the cabin is on high but it is to warm for me and I like it warmer so there is definitely less air conditioning than I remember on this ship on our last time aboard her. Even the Theater was warm. I have definitely not been cold anywhere.


The Welcome Aboard show in the Theater Lounge featured a comedian named “Philadelphia” He was pretty funny. The theater was packed but everyone that came in was able to find a seat.


The New Deal was playing in the Explorers Lounge and the Crooners Bar had evening melodies with Robert Smith. The party at 10 pm was in Skywalkers Nightclub with DJ Frantz Michael.


Movies Under the Stars by the pool was The Bucket List.


About 11:30 PM Dennis went to the Casino for a bit to donate and I headed back to the cabin . Long day and I was beat!


Next up, Newport, a tender port, and we are due to arrive a 7 AM.



Monday, Sept. 15, 2008 is Newport, Rhode Island. Newport is a tender port and we arrived a little before 7 AM.


Dennis and I headed up to the Horizon Court Buffet for breakfast and then down to the Explorer’s Lounge for our tender tickets. We had ticket number two and only waited about 10 minutes before our number was called. A short tender ride and we were in Newport.


We usually do not do any ships tours so walked a block to the Visitor’s Center where we purchased tickets for The Astor’s Beachwood Mansion tour for $15.00 per person then caught the public Trolley for the ride out to Beachwood. You can purchase a one way ticket for $1.75 per person or purchase a day pass for $5.00 per person. That way you can get on and off as many times as you’d like or just ride the trolleys all around Newport to get a vast view of the town.


The tour at the Beachwood is a given by period costume dressed actors that portray the family and the staff. Really neat tour. We have been to Newport before so this is the only mansion we wanted to see during this trip. After the tour we did most of the cliff walk. Believe me, it’s a challenge in some spots, having to climb and navigate some mighty big rocks but it was a blast! For two non-walkers we did pretty good. I’d say we did about 5 or 6 miles in all. Headed back to the Beachwood for a trolley pick up and back to the ship.


Tendering was easy and quick. Princess did have large containers of cold water for passengers to drink while waiting. It was pretty sunny and warm. We got back on the ship about 2 PM and headed to the buffet for a quick lunch then it was down to the photo center to purchase out traditional boarding picture and up to the room for a nap.


Tonight is formal night, having a ball!





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Thank you so much for the information! I was so hoping someone from this sailing would post as my girlfriend and her husband are on the ship, their first cruise ever. I had them read Cruise Critic back to front and sent them off with a long list covering everything they needed to know! I'm glad that everything is running smoothly. Please keep us updated and have fun!

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Hi all,


I live about 20 minutes from Newport and I didn't realize that this cruise stopped here until a day ago. Today I looked at the excursions that are available to all of you, and it made me want to do this cruise, LOL! Except maybe Newport, as I live that whenever I want to do so. Anyway, I have a couple of suggestions from a "local."


If you are a person who enjoys birding and a little "roughing it" I think the trip to Rose Island would be great! http://www.roseislandlighthouse.org/


For info about doing the mansions on your own look here: http://tickets.newportmansions.org/mansion.aspx?id=1003


If you enjoy boats there is a boat restoration museum at the International Yacht Restoration School, where they are currently restoring the Coronet, a schooner yacht from 1885. (http://www.iyrs.org/AboutUs/Projects/CoronetRestoration/tabid/522/Default.aspx)


On the same street there is a place called Cold Fusion Gelato: http://www.coldfusiongelato.com/latestnews.html where you can get the BEST gelato, or if you prefer, very good sorbet.


For tennis lovers there is the Tennis Hall of Fame, where you can play on grass courts if you'd like: http://www.tennisfame.com/ithof.aspx?pgID=941


I didn't pay attention to how much time you have in Newport, but if you want to venture further out a short car ride will take you to Jamestown, RI or the beaches of Narragansett. In Jamestown there is the Beavertail lighthouse: http://www.beavertaillight.org/ Here, if the tide is right, you can play in the tide pools on the rocks. There is a restaurant on the island called Trattoria Simpatico that I have tried to eat at randomly several times, but unfortunately it's been standing room only every time I have tried at the dinner hour. I hear it's fairly easy to walk in for lunch, or you can make a reservation, however this only works for those in Newport on Saturday, as they only do lunch on the weekend at this time of year: http://www.trattoriasimpatico.com/


There are also 3 vineyards within a short drive of your arrival point in Newport, see the links here:



I am actually surprised at the limits of the excursions given that you can drive across the "biggest little" state in about 40 minutes. Now how about a couple of RI facts before I leave you? The official name is "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." People refer to the state as "Rhode Island" of course, but you might wonder, where's the island? Well, the mainland comprises most of the state, but the "island" is Aquidneck Island, which includes the city of Newport, where you arrive, and the towns of Middletown and Portsmouth. If you are interested in more info about my state, there is a good write up here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhode_Island


I hope you have a GREAT time here, it's a beautiful place! Laurie


PS-if you are taking a tour that includes Acadia National Park while in Bar Harbor, consider the one that includes lunch at the Jordon Pond House. The popovers are huge, and the BEST ever!!!

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Hi all, wow, the internet here is super slow so if I don't get back you will know why. AND, couldn't log into CC until now!


Ok, the rest of Newport and part of today in Boston. I will do today's entertainment tomorrow if I can get on!



Rest of Monday in Newport and ship.


First formal night last night the dinner recommended choice was twin petite Filets. They were very thin and small. Had a good flavor but not that exciting a meal for Filet. The other choice was a pasta dish with shaved veal which I had in an appetizer size dish and it was very good. A Halibut which the lady that choose that did not enjoy and other very forgettable choices. The Horizon Court had another seafood buffet.


It was the Captains Welcome Aboard Cocktail Party and there were two events for all to attend. One at 5:15 PM and one at 7:30 PM. Free cocktails and appetizers were served. I must say that the mix of ages on this cruise run from 30s to 80s and I have encountered some very rude, self centered people. Mostly over the age of 70. It seems that as we get older we forget our elevator etiquette…a gentle reminder please people…….let those that are getting off on your floor get off before you go charging like a bull elephant into the elevator and knock someone over! Enough said.


Also, I have to share this, I witnessed one older woman just about “attack” the poor female server with the appetizers. She grabbed her by the arm as the server was passing her, grabbed one of the choices, completely stuffed it into her mouth and then proceed to take 6 more on a napkin. Turns out all six were for herself! She had friends sitting across from us in the atrium lobby and this same woman bore a hole through my head staring at me -------------she wanted our seats. We were there for ½ hour and she rarely took her eyes off us….now, I know we are a good looking couple but please! (LOL). Then this same woman literally ran to another server and grabbed another pile of appetizers for herself. Boy, she sure was hungry!


There were many instances of this type witness by myself and my husband and all we could do was shake our heads. I guess when we go on vacation some of us forget to use manors or were never taught any. Age doesn’t give you the right to be ignorant. Hope I don't get like that...if I do please shoot me!


Activities were Princess Grapevine at 3:30 (wine tasting), afternoon tea, ice carving, seminars at sea, jackpot bingo, line dancing classes, scrap booking, ballroom dance lesions and more.


Movies were Grease, August Rush, Must Love Dogs and Johnny Cash.

Entertainment was the Do You Wanna Dance show in the theater which was a decent show, comedian and magician James Michael in the Explorers Lounge who was just OK, a DJ in Skywalkers.


All in all, it was a great day! No sign of any engine problems that I can recognize. There were some strong vibrations felt while we were in Skywalkers but, I must say, the ship was moving at a good clip!





Tuesday, Sept 16, 2008 and it’s Boston, Mass. Today. We arrived into the harbor area around 7 AM and were docked and cleared by 9:30, ½ hour earlier than scheduled. It’s as lot cooler today with temps in the high 60s to 70 and overcast.


Princess had a shuttle bus available after exiting the ship for anyone that wanted a ride to Quincy’s Market area for $13.00 round trip per person. We hopped on and in a jiff we were at the Market area. From there we walked to Boston Commons.


We planned on doing the Freedom Walk in Boston on our own, but found a neat, relatively cheap ( think it was $12.00 per person) tour company in Boston Commons that provided a period costume guide and had a wonderful tour and history lesson. That walking tour did not go to the Paul Revere House or the North Church so we walked there on our own after the guided tour. There are tour trolleys and regular trolleys to get you around town and cabs were plentiful.


We had lunch at Cheers, Sam’s Café and stopped in the Harley Davidson store for some shopping. Both are in the Market Area. If you are looking for the original bar that Cheers was modeled after you will find it on Beacon Hill.


Grabbed the Princess Shuttle bus at the Market area and back on ship without any problems. Came back about 4PM but passengers don’t have to be back until 6:30.


Tonight we have reservations at Sabitini’s specialty restaurant so will fill you in on the details tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to get back on CC without to much trouble.


Oh yeah, the air in our cabin is much colder today but so are the outside temps.


No leaves channging color around where we have been yet.









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Quick post, back from Bar Harbor Maine and it's shower time! Here is todays report...well today so far!


Rest of Boston night on board and today's doings so far. Have a good one!


Entertainment on Sept 16 after Boston was : Princess Theater, the second showing of Do You Wanna Dance with the Caribbean Princess Dancers hosted by Cruise Director, Dan Styne at 7:30.


8:30 and 10:30 was a comedy show by comedian Philadelphia. This was a different routine than the one he did for sail-away night. Children under 13 years of age were not allowed in the theater without a guardian for his shows.


In the Wheelhouse Bar was Geraldo Sa Quartet from 5 PM to 9 PM then Mr. and Mrs. Smith easy listening and dancing music.


Explorers Lounge was The Classical Concert at 8:15 followed by the game show, Majority Rules.


At 10:15 it was Jazz Jam Hour followed by The New Deal at 11:15.


Skywalkers was to be 50’s and 60’s Power Hour but they closed Skywalkers for a private party and moved the DJ to 11:30 in Club Fusion. Club Fusion was Karaoke, Dance Date with Passion, Ballroom Blitz, Fill in the Blanks game show. Crooners Bar was Bert Stratton at the Baby Grand Piano from 9 PM till late.


Movies Under the Stars were Wild Hogs and Made of Honor.


OK, Sabitini’s was nice. Great Service and a huge variety of food. You get a small sampling of every appetizer, salad and more then you pick your main course. I had scallops, 6 in all, medium to small in size. Very good. My dear hubby had the veal chop and he loved it….one of the biggest veal chops we had ever seen. We both had Tirimisu for desert and it was pretty good, not the best I have ever had but good. The charge was $20.00 per person.


Sept 17, 2008 and it’s Bar Harbor, Maine today! Weather is cool but not cold. Jeans and a short sleeve top with a light jacket was fine for the early morning and then the jacket came off and it was a beautiful, clear day. So far, no rain, thank goodness!


Bar Harbor is a tender port and we arrived a little before 7AM. Last tender returns at 5:30. We came back earlier --did all we wanted to do so decided to return to the ship and rest up a bit. We got up around 7 AM, dressed and off to the Horizon Court for breakfast. Immediately after breakfast we headed to the Explorers Lounge for our tender tickets and had tender number 1. A wait of only about 5 minutes and we were off for Bar Harbor. Tendering has been an easy process both going and returning with only short lines to catch a tender back at the times we have returned.


Walked up Main Street and stopped at Testa’s Restaurant to purchase tickets for a tour of Acadia National Park. Tickets were $25.00 each for a 2 ½ hour tour and worth every penny.


Our guide was fabulous, a 6th generation native Bar Harbor resident and extremely knowledgeable. Had a great tour and the park is beautiful with breath taking views. Only a few leaves have started to change. We were told it will be about another 2 weeks before full color is due to arrive.

After the tour we walked back up Main Street from our drop off point by Testa’s and turned onto Cottage Street for a lunch stop at Route 66 (recommended by our guide).


Lunch for me was a yummy, yummy, yummy lobster roll and a cup of lobster bisque soup. Devine! Cost was 19.95 for the combo or the lobster roll alone was $14.95. Dennis had the fish and chips….OMG-------there were enough French fries on that plate to feed an army! He is fussy with fish cause it’s not his favorite but he really enjoyed this one! I would recommend this place….neat….antique toys, signs, old gas station reproduction, drive-in movie speakers at the booths for your listening pleasure. Just a cool place to visit and relax a bit.


Tonight we have to set our clocks forward one hour for our arrival tomorrow in St John.


Entertainment tonight in the theater is “Caliente” staring the Caribbean Princess Dancers at 7:15 and 8:45 then at 10:30 it the International Crew Show. Bert Stratton is at the piano in Crooners, the Explorer Lounge is Comedy Showtime at 7:15 and 8:30 featuring comedian Jason Neistadt. 9:15 is More Hits with The New Deal. Skywalkers is Motown Soul and Disco hour and DJ Frantz Michel with dance mix.


Movies Under the Stars is A Good Year and Iron Man.


It’s smart Casual dress in the dining room. Ship is getting much cooler, probably 'cause the outside temps are cooling down. Was chilly in Sabitini's last night and the lounges were on the cool side. Our cabin, which has been uncomfortably warm is now a nice temp.


That's it for today, off to shower and eat some more,,,,,oh yeah, a couple more of those great DODs too!



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We will be on the CB end of Oct and I am really enjoying your trip report :) It is a shame about the few elder rude passengers....LOL...I would have been tempted to ask her why she was staring so intently at us??? Was it my husband's dashing good looks that made her forget her manners??


As for elevator etiquette, I would have retorted something to the effect of "Do you mind waiting until we are off the elevator please"

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Really enjoying your review. We will be on the Caribbean Princess Oct 5th. Thanks for the information about the bus for $5.00 per person in Newport. Also, is it a far walk to the Boston Commons from the market area? There is so much to do in Boston.

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Have really enjoyed reading about your cruise experience as we'll be on the same one soon!


Do you know if the band "Wavelength" is onboard & performing? We enjoyed them in the Explorers Lounge in May - great rock & roll! Hope they'll be there for our cruise!

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Man this thread is really making me anxious. I've got 5 weeks till my 2nd CB cruise and I'm getting really antsy the last few days. Just got my travel documents on Saturday that is probably what did it. Thanks for all the updates. I would like to do the Canada/New England cruise after the CB drydock.

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So happy to read your posts-----PLEASE go and see Bert and tell him that Linda & Arie from Chicago send their LOVE. We have seen Bert before and always have the best time with him-he is such a Sweetheart. When we parted last year I cried-We bought his video and always sing along :o .

Continue to enjoy your trip !!!!

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Thank you for your posts! I have enjoyed reading them....we will be on this cruise Oct 5th. Sounds like the leaves should be turning pretty colors by then. Also thanks to the person that posted the info and webpages on Newport, RI. Enjoy the remainder of your cruise. I will be checking back for further posts from you.:)

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I'm enjoying your "live from" post - it makes me feel as though I am still on the ship! We love Bert Stratton, and we're glad to hear that he's still on the ship (he had said that he's cutting back on his cruise ship bookings to concentrate on song writing/recording).


WillysGrandma - they served split lobster claws at the cold Seafood Sailaway Buffet, and they served lobster tails with JUMBO prawns for dinner in the MDR one of the last evenings.

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Thanks so much for so generously posting these reports - we're just back from Alaska and would love to do the New England-Canada cruise (maybe 2010) so your impressions and information are very helpful. We have a soft spot for New England - we honeymooned there in December 1994 and went back in 1999 for the Fall colours.


Hope you're having a wonderful trip!

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