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Odoyal's Cutting Journal

Odoyal Rulez

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K guys attempting to get to 225-230 by end of the year. Im going to record all my food and progress in this journal.


September 20th, 2008


Starting Weight: 261.5


10am - 50grams whey protein

11am - 95 minutes cardio

1pm - 12oz chicken breast 2 cups mixed veggies

4pm - 50grams whey protein 1/4 cup almonds

6pm - 2 chicken thighs 2 cups mixed veggies

8pm - chicken breast 1/4 cup almonds

11pm - 60min cardio

12a - 50grams whey protein

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September 21, 2008


Current Weight: 256


930am - 50 grams whey protein

1030am - 30 minutes cardio / 30 minutes weights (chest)

12pm - 4 whole eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal, half pot coffee

2pm - 2 chicken thighs, 1/2 chicken breast, 2 cup smixed veggies

430pm - 1/4 cup almonds

7pm - 1 T-Bone steak , large salad, 1/4 cup pecans

10pm 50 grams whey protein


Want to do PM cardio but not enough stamina, plus legs hurt pretty bad, plus taking kids to school in the AM...

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September 22, 2008


Current Weight: 249.5


8am - 50grams whey protein

9am - 35 minutes cardio

1030am - 4 whole eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup raisins, 1/2 pot coffee

12p - 2 chicken thighs, 1/4 cup almonds

3p - 50 grams whey protein, 1/4 cup almonds

4p - chicken breast, 1 cup mixed veggies, 2 whole tomatoes

6p - 1/4 cup almonds

8p - 1 chicken breast, 1 cup mixed veggies, 1/4 cup almonds

12a - 4 whole eggs


Hunger has increased dramatically despite taking supplements to decrease appetite. Feet feel bruised, but much more manageable than yesterday. Threw in some carbs because going to lift tomorrow and need the glycogen stores to get through it.

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Hunger has increased dramatically despite taking supplements to decrease appetite. Feet feel bruised, but much more manageable than yesterday. Threw in some carbs because going to lift tomorrow and need the glycogen stores to get through it.


I can see why your hunger has increased!! You are really working off the calories. You might want to increase (yes, increase) your cals by 100 - 200 a day since you are doing so much cardio. Also, make sure that you are getting enough carbs. Your muscles need them.



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That's good. I was picturing the whole Rocky movie break-them-in-a-glass-and drink kind of thing.:D



The egg whites that you buy in the carton can be added to smoothies or protein drinks without cooking them first. I do that sometimes. Can't taste them.



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Congrats on all your progress! What exactly are you doing for cardio? Just wondering becuase I'm looking for a exercise routine. Seems like everything you are doing is working. Also you mentioned kids when do you find time to make all these meals? Do yo make seperate meals for your family? I have a 1 year old and go to school full-time. I have difficulty just making meals for my fiance and daughter and doing everything I else I have to do. Any suggestions? Keep up the good work.

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September 23, 2008


Current Weight: 247.5


8a - 50 grams whey protein

9a - Back Workout

1030a - 4 whole eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup raisins

1p - 1/2 chicken breast, 1 chicken thigh, 1/4 cup almonds

4p- 2 chicken thighs, 2 cups mixed veggies

5p - 1/4 cup almonds

8p - 1/2 chicken breast , 1 chicken thigh, 2 whole tomatoes+ blend of hominy/onions/black beans/green peppers

1030p - 2 chicken thighs, 2 cup veggies


No cardio today...hit my back pretty decently for the equipment available, plus feet still tender, will def do cardio tomorrow tho...plus we got a Gazelle coming so ill use that before bed.

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I can see why your hunger has increased!! You are really working off the calories. You might want to increase (yes, increase) your cals by 100 - 200 a day since you are doing so much cardio. Also, make sure that you are getting enough carbs. Your muscles need them.





I dont use calorie totals..I try to stay focused on macro nutrients, i could care less whether im eating 1400 calories or 4000, as long as my ratios line up with my workout routines. Right now im not trying to build muscle at all..im trying to preserve as much as possible while losing fat. I realize im going to lose muscle, and I have already its very noticeable at least to me, but if I can retain like 5 lbs of muscle that I put on this year id be happy.



Congrats on all your progress! What exactly are you doing for cardio? Just wondering becuase I'm looking for a exercise routine. Seems like everything you are doing is working. Also you mentioned kids when do you find time to make all these meals? Do yo make seperate meals for your family? I have a 1 year old and go to school full-time. I have difficulty just making meals for my fiance and daughter and doing everything I else I have to do. Any suggestions? Keep up the good work.


I try to do low intensity cardio, the one that works best for me is a treadmill will a medium grade incline at a low pace maybe 3.0-3.5 speed. I burn about 600-700 calories in an hour depending on the grade of incline and speed.


I prefer low intensity because while I burn less calories, the calories I do burn are mainly coming from fat stores and not my muscle tissue.


As for my kids, Im a single parent, my ex drops them off at my door at 6am.. i make them breakfast and take them to school. I also get them every other weekend..and obviously all day when they arent in schol during the summer. I dress in gym clothes and go straight there after I drop them off..and during summer break my gym has a day care area that they play in, plus pools and water slides that i let them use AFTER im done working out. My kids are 11 and 7 so they arent as high maintainence as toddlers anymore.


I prep my meals for myself. I dont like eating what other people make because I dont know what they are going to use to season and 99% of people dont weigh or measure food. I make food for kids on weekends i just make a little extra..plus they can make themselves turkey or pb sandwhiches and stuff they want like mac and cheese..i keep diff food for them to eat, kid friendly stuff...

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Don't you work or do anything else besides body build? Just curious.



My daily routine sir:


6am wake up

7am take kids to school (they go to school at moms..25 minute drive plus one kid goes to school 45 minutess after the other one..so i sit in my car and drink my whey shake and listen to radio)

845am get to gym

10a-11a get home..make breakfast

11-12 mess around on my pc check email and sip coffee, spend time with fiance

12-2 take shower, make food etc

230p Time to work

11p get off work, either go to gym for 30 minutes or go home

12p midnight meal




lather rinse repeat



on weekend with kids ill workout early if i feel like it..but dont feel guilty if i dont, then we spend all day together doing stuff


on other weekend i spend time with fiance, will work out one day with a friend who im teaching to lift weights...


it seems like all i do is workout...but its far from it...actual time i spend in a week can range from 3-8 hours...


as you can see i dont watch television..if i do its cnn in the morning before i leave for school...and Biggest Loser TIVO i catch up on the weekends..and a ton of spongebob and drake and josh with the kids heh.

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September 24, 2008


Current Weight: 247.5


8a - 50 grams whey protein

9a- 5 minutes of cardio (lulz)

10a - 4 whole eggs, 1 banana, 1 cup oatmeal

1245p - 1 cup brown rice, 1 chicken breast

2p - 1/4 cup almonds

5p - 1 cup brown rice, 1 chicken breast

7p - 1/4 cup almonds

8p - 1 chicken breast 1/4 cup almonds

1130p - 4 eggs 2 turkey bacon slices


Got to the gym...on treadmill for 5 minutes 30 seconds and i just gave up, totally exhausted, long hours getting to me plus i didnt go to bed till 2am last night...need that Gazelle soon heh so i can just do cardio at home. All in all im not too dissapointed, weight loss takes time if I end up under 252 on monday id be happy, my sons birthday is friday and ill know ill be eating pizza this weekend for sure.

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Got to the gym...on treadmill for 5 minutes 30 seconds and i just gave up, totally exhausted, long hours getting to me plus i didnt go to bed till 2am last night...


At least you tried!!! Listening to your body is important. Good for you for taking a rest. I'm sure today you will do much better.



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September 25, 2008


Current Weight: 247


8a - 50 grams whey protein

9a - 45minutes on treadmill, arm workout

1030a - 4 eggs, sprinkle of low fat cheese, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana

1230p - 2 small potatoes, 1 chicken breast

3p - turkey leg, 1 cup rice

530p - turkey leg, salad (romaine lettuce, low fat mozz cheese, grilled cucumbers and squash), 1/4 cup almonds

8p - 25grams whey protein, 1/4 cup almonds

930p - 1 turkey leg, 2 tomatoes

12a - 4 eggs



Felt much better today, feet not nearly as sore and my energy is back, im taking tomorrow off to come into work early..and i might not workout this weekend because i have the kids..depends really...but yeah im 75% sure ill take all 3 days off...so ill post then..i hope i can keep my weight under 250 by monday tho..if i do then its a huge accomplishment for me.


As most of you can see, my diet is pretty simple....and pretty much the same every day...i just change the type of meat i eat depending on whats on sale at walmart ha ha...

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Odoyal, I have a question about the intensity of cardio workouts. You mentioned in an earlier post about preferring the low-intensity because although the calories burned is less, you'll actually burn more fat. Can you expound on that some? I've seen a poster at my gym that talks about hitting your target zone, 70% - 80% of your max heartrate, but for me to do that I am really pushing myself. What is the benefit of exercising in that target zone range as opposed to a lower intensity workout? When I ride my bike at a more aggressive rate, getting through 30 minutes can be really torturous. However, I rode last night at a little slower pace and found that I hit the hour mark with relative ease. I'd rather be able to ride longer at a lower pace, than try to kick butt and exhaust myself in half the time.


Thanks for being so informative in your posts.



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Without trying to get too technical..in a nutshell by keeping your cardio at a lower intensity, and keeping your Heart rate elevated but steady (depending on your age) the calories your body utilizes are mainly from fat.


When you up the intensity the body begins to feed of stored carbohydrates and muscle tissue to provide the energy it needs. While you burn a lot more calories running balls to the wall, I prefer to keep it lower to not only preserve as much muscle as I can, but also to preserve my joints.


Another method I have used is interval training...where on a treadmill or eliptical...you start off slow for one minute..then run as fast as possible for 1 minute...then walk for two minutes..thebn run all out for one minute...walk 2 more..run 1...and do that for 30-45 minutes...that makes for a crazy cardio routine.

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Monday, September 29, 2008


Current Weight: 251.5


8a - 50grams whey protein

830a - 45 minutes cardio, chest workout

10a - 4 eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup raisins

1p - 1 can of vegetable soup (it looked good dammit)

430p - 1 chicken breast, 1 cup mixed veggies

515p - 1/4 cup almonds

7p - 1 chicken breast, 1 cup mixed veggies, 1/4 cup almonds

930 - 1 chicken breast

1130 - 4 eggs 2 slices turkey bacon


Well, I was heavier than I anticipated, but it was well worth it, as I ate a ton of junk. Goal this week to get to 245.

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September 30, 2008


Current Weight: 248


830a - 50 grams whey protein

9a - 50 minutes cardio, leg workout

1030a - 1 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup raisins, 4 whole eggs

1245p - 2 small potatoes, low fat cheese, 4 whole eggs

3p - small handful pecans

430p - 1 cup rice, 1 chicken breast

630p - small handful pecans

730 - 1 cup rice, 1 chicken breast

10p - 1 chicken breast, small handful pecans


Unsure weather or not I'll eat something before bed tonight, if so itll be a spoonful of Peanut Butter I think.

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October 1, 2008


Current Weight: 245.5


9a - 30ish minutes on eliptical

10a - 4 eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, large banana

11a - 35ish minutes on a gazelle

1230p - 2 small potatoes, handful of cheese, 4 eggs, chicken breast, salsa

345p - 1/3 cup rice, 2/3 cup mixed veggies, 6oz of tilapia

530p - small handful pecans

645p - 1/3 cup rice, 2/3 cup mixed veggies, 6oz of tilapia

745p - small handful pecans

9p - 1/3 cup rice, 2/3 cup mixed veggies, 6 oz tilapia

1130p - 4 eggs, 4 slices turkey bacon


Must be doing something right, weight is still coming off fairly well, although my arms and chest are def getting smaller. SO while im getting thinner, technically, my body composition isnt the way I want it to be. I constantly want to lift like I was over the last year and do no cardio, but I keep telling myself I have to do this to get rid of every ounce of fat I can so I can get this surgery in 2010. Then I can work on getting my muscle mass back to fill it out.

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