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What "rookie" mistakes did you learn from?


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It will be my dh, ds (8) and myself, and planned on booking an inside room. Is this a mistake? This will be our first cruise, and trying to save money? Help this newbie please, and with anythin else you think I may need to know. We are planning on the Miracle out of NYC. Please show and tell me things about her. What about getting sea sick?

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Packing too much nice cothes. Did perfect for dinner but during the day and after dinner, I really didn't need 3 sets of clothes a day.:o

During the day, most of the time except on port days, we were at the pool until time to get ready for dinner.

I don't really need to bring a different pair of shoes for each outfit. No, that is not an exaggeration.:o


I don't need to book everything excursion from the cruise, I have learned what ports to not book on my own, I've also learned to not book any excursion off the boat that involves a boat. (I had a boat break down in Cozumel years ago, otherwise, I'd never thought about this, anyway, I was on a land vacation but delay would have caused me to miss the boat.



Someone remind me on my Nov. cruise that I don't need so much clothes & can get away with just a few pair of shoes not 20.

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I think the saddest first cruise mistake I have seen was on the conquest. 2 mentally challenged young people were on their honeymoon. The travel agent and their family did all the arrangements. It was their first time flying and first cruise. The had carnival transfers and made it to the ship and found their room. I ran into them at the airport. 2 nights later I saw the, looking out their room door. I asked them how they were doing. She replied no one came and got us for dinner and we are out of cookies. The stayed in their room for 2 nights and didnt go out in eat. They thought someone would come and get them. I ended up showing them around and they had a great cruise.




I'm actually in tears reading this. My daughter is special needs and this means so much to know that you did this for that couple. I know their families would have really appreciated what you did. It's sad that so many people would just let them fend for themselves but you stepped up to the plate and did an amazing thing. Thank you.

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I think the saddest first cruise mistake I have seen was on the conquest. 2 mentally challenged young people were on their honeymoon. The travel agent and their family did all the arrangements. It was their first time flying and first cruise. The had carnival transfers and made it to the ship and found their room. I ran into them at the airport. 2 nights later I saw the, looking out their room door. I asked them how they were doing. She replied no one came and got us for dinner and we are out of cookies. The stayed in their room for 2 nights and didnt go out in eat. They thought someone would come and get them. I ended up showing them around and they had a great cruise.



I also work in the field. Thank you, thank-you thank-you!!!!! I am a true believer of "what goes around, comes around" and I hope yours comes big time!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!

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My first time cruise mistake was to blow the whistle on my lifevest at the muster drill. By the middle of the week I had a horrible cold. The store was out of everything for colds, even cough drops. Went to the infirmary and they gave me some nasty stuff you mix with water.UCK!:eek: I will never put my face close to that whistle again.

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I liked starting my morning wrapped in a Carnival robe, watching the waves, and enjoying a nice hot cup of tea and toast (or bagel or croissant). Plus, it was a good gentle wake-up call instead of the loud phone ringing or our obnoxious alarm clock.

Yes, room service is great for that and that is how we start each and every day when we stay oceanfront on beautiful Cape Cod! However, on a cruise, with the 6 of us in 2 connecting OV's it is better to spend little time in the cabin and more time at the Lido deck. Maybe someday room service for me and DH will come to pass.....but then again that would mean that we no longer need connecting OV's for our beautiful family.....which would mean they are not all travelling with us at the same time. That would be sad...very sad. We love our kids on a cruise with us!:)

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I think the saddest first cruise mistake I have seen was on the conquest. 2 mentally challenged young people were on their honeymoon. The travel agent and their family did all the arrangements. It was their first time flying and first cruise. The had carnival transfers and made it to the ship and found their room. I ran into them at the airport. 2 nights later I saw the, looking out their room door. I asked them how they were doing. She replied no one came and got us for dinner and we are out of cookies. The stayed in their room for 2 nights and didnt go out in eat. They thought someone would come and get them. I ended up showing them around and they had a great cruise.



Even I would help them along! Here's a thought...maybe they lost track of time!:D Honeymooners have certainly been known to stay in their room for long periods of time! Just jokin around....don't worry...I am sympathetic!;)

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It will be my dh, ds (8) and myself, and planned on booking an inside room. Is this a mistake? This will be our first cruise, and trying to save money? Help this newbie please, and with anythin else you think I may need to know. We are planning on the Miracle out of NYC. Please show and tell me things about her. What about getting sea sick?

Inside rooms are a great way to save money, and give you extra room in your budget to do more in the ports, or drink extra throughout the day. :) Sea sickness is rarer than you'd think, but there are meds available both in your local CVS/Walgreens and on the ship that can help keep sea sickness at bay. My biggest piece of advice is you only need about 50-75% of the stuff you think you need. No one is going to care if you wear the same shorts or pants twice in one trip, I promise!

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My first and only cruise in 1999, my husbands first trip anywhere, we made the biggest mistake to book our flights with the cruise ship company. Go figure that there would be a snow storm the day of our departure. We completely missed every connection and also the ship. This time booking again for Feb 2010 and I will booking my own flights and I will be there 1 day ahead and be able to enjoy the entire Cruise.


I have a question about the excursions, I hear many saying they book their own rather than booking onboard. Where do you book on your own, at the port ? or online prior?


I'm loving this site, wish I would of known of it prior to our 1st cruise.


Depending on what ports you are travelling to, just do an internet search for "cruise excursion Grand Cayman", for example. Obviously, just change the port name... Also, do your research on these boards, you'll find tons of reviews for the various tour operators....

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Here are the things I have learned:


1) NEVER let the cruise line book your air travel (expensive and usually not good flights)

2) NEVER take a pre- cruise package (this is a whole other story)

3) Pack separates and mix and match clothing - I still probably bring more than necessary, but I have cut down at least one suitcase

4) Bring more than one bottle of suntan lotion - the three of us used three bottles last year...

5) Remember that you won't see most of these people ever again, so do what you want - my MIL said she didn't want to pack a bathing suit because she didn't want anyone to see her - I say no worries!:D



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I'm a semi-newbie and I already have learned from my mistakes.

First mistake- NEVER again will I book an interior cabin. Balcony's are a must! There's nothing like waking up in the morning and walking out on your balcony for some fresh air...or even sleeping with the door open.

Second mistake- Booking shore excursions through the cruise. They are so much more money and a lot of the time, you get less of a tour!

Third mistake- Calling my dad while I was still on the ship (but in port) and thinking that I was not roaming anymore. I really PAID (no pun intended, hehe) for that one!

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I think the saddest first cruise mistake I have seen was on the conquest. 2 mentally challenged young people were on their honeymoon. The travel agent and their family did all the arrangements. It was their first time flying and first cruise. The had carnival transfers and made it to the ship and found their room. I ran into them at the airport. 2 nights later I saw the, looking out their room door. I asked them how they were doing. She replied no one came and got us for dinner and we are out of cookies. The stayed in their room for 2 nights and didnt go out in eat. They thought someone would come and get them. I ended up showing them around and they had a great cruise.




Now that is a funny one!!!!!:D

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4) Bring more than one bottle of suntan lotion - the three of us used three bottles last year...




Thanks for posting this! I wouldn't have even thought to bring extra sunblock for my 7 day cruise coming up. I was planning to bring just one but if you used three bottles...guess I will be using more than I think I will!! :D

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On my first cruise, when I was in my early 20s, I went with my boyfriend and his family. They booked/planned everything, so I was clueless. We did have a good cruise, but I have learned lots of things:


1. Research before you go! I ran into a couple on the last port day of an amazing 7-day Southern Caribbean cruise who had not set foot on three of the islands b/c they "didn't know what to do." They really missed out.


2. Book your excursions privately! Like many others have said, you get twice the tour for half the price.


3. Bring a small (battery-powered) travel alarm clock. This is so helpful for many reasons. One, you can set an alarm without using the one on the phone. Two, you can set it to the ship's time and take it with you to to the port, and even set an alarm on it to let you know when it's time to get back to the ship. So often, we are swimming or going to the beach and we don't wear watches.


4. Bring a few large plastic water bottles (I like the plastic ones from Starbucks--they keep your water really cold!). I would fill these up with ice and water in the buffet area and take them with me to the pool, the ports, my cabin, whatever.


5. Like others mentioned, bring your OTC meds with you. They are crazy expensive on the ship!


6. We'll never cruise without a balcony again. For us, nothing beats sitting on the balcony alone, enjoying the ocean, the stars, the sunshine, whatever, especially when arriving to or leaving a port of call. Ahhhhhh....

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I should add the caveat about the suntan lotion - I generally get it in spray form as it is easier to deal with but probably doesn't go as far. Learned several cruises ago that you don't need to rub it in, just spray and go...


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On my first cruise, when I was in my early 20s, I went with my boyfriend and his family. They booked/planned everything, so I was clueless. We did have a good cruise, but I have learned lots of things:


1. Research before you go! I ran into a couple on the last port day of an amazing 7-day Southern Caribbean cruise who had not set foot on three of the islands b/c they "didn't know what to do." They really missed out.


2. Book your excursions privately! Like many others have said, you get twice the tour for half the price.


3. Bring a small (battery-powered) travel alarm clock. This is so helpful for many reasons. One, you can set an alarm without using the one on the phone. Two, you can set it to the ship's time and take it with you to to the port, and even set an alarm on it to let you know when it's time to get back to the ship. So often, we are swimming or going to the beach and we don't wear watches.


4. Bring a few large plastic water bottles (I like the plastic ones from Starbucks--they keep your water really cold!). I would fill these up with ice and water in the buffet area and take them with me to the pool, the ports, my cabin, whatever.


5. Like others mentioned, bring your OTC meds with you. They are crazy expensive on the ship!


6. We'll never cruise without a balcony again. For us, nothing beats sitting on the balcony alone, enjoying the ocean, the stars, the sunshine, whatever, especially when arriving to or leaving a port of call. Ahhhhhh....


Oh...my husband and I are about to book a cruise...our first we had an OV which I liked a lot. I know we are going to love the balcony, just have to decide if we want to spend the extra $$ for the larger balcony or for a suite...? Decisions decisions.


As for rookie stuff, I haven't read all of the posts so excuse me if I repeat stuff!

1. Bring your own soda, juice, whatever

2. Agree with the clock thing, especially if you have an inside cabin! My cousin never overslept a lot because of the darkness...

3. You can check in early, depends upon the port I bet. Our sail time was 4:30 and we were onboard eating at the Lido at noon.


That's all I have for now...

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I should add the caveat about the suntan lotion - I generally get it in spray form as it is easier to deal with but probably doesn't go as far. Learned several cruises ago that you don't need to rub it in, just spray and go...



Here's an addendum to your caveat -

DON'T spray the aerosol suntan lotion in a heavy wind! One guy sprayed himself down while it was windy, and got a wedge-shaped burn across his belly. :eek:

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Thanks for posting this! I wouldn't have even thought to bring extra sunblock for my 7 day cruise coming up. I was planning to bring just one but if you used three bottles...guess I will be using more than I think I will!! :D


Lolly - yes! please use plenty of sunscreen in the Carribean!

I took my Mom on a cruise for her retirement (age 65) and she got a little burnt... and i quote "So that's what a sunburn feels like, i have never had one." So if you or anyone else thinks they don't /can't get a sunburn...think again.

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That you have to eat breakfast and lunch at the buffet. Once I learned that I could eat all three meals in the main dining room I did. My SIL did not believe me when I told her that the dining room was faster for breakfast. However, she did when she returned to her room 20 minutes after we did.


Always bring extra camera memory cards


Don't be afraid to take a nap during the day.


Ask for extra entrees and desserts.

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Here's an addendum to your caveat -

DON'T spray the aerosol suntan lotion in a heavy wind! One guy sprayed himself down while it was windy, and got a wedge-shaped burn across his belly. :eek:



LMFBO!!! that happened to my BF. He had red and white stripes!!:eek:

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