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cruising med with 3 yr old. please help


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Hi. I'd really appreciate advice from anyone who has cruised the med with young kids. Basic 7 day cruise. will be traveling with 3 yo grandson. Is it possible to go to Pompeii? Use stroller? I'd love your input. Thank you!

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it is possible to go to Pompeii. Dispense with a guided tour- your tot will be completely bored. The guide moves at a snails pace and you are required to endure a tour of the cameo store. which cuts into the time better spent at Pompeii. You will have no trouble getting a taxi to and from the ship. It takes about 20 minutes by taxi to reach Pompeii (figure 45 Euros each way). This way you can come and go as you please.


They sell a great before and after book about Pompeii at the entrance for 10 Euros. Buy this and take your own tour. Your three year old will have little interest in history but he will enjoy running around the ruins. It is a great playground for kids and my son (6 at the time) loved it. He had another child to play with from the ship. So if your child meets other kids onboard in the youth program- you may want to suggest to other parents going together. It is amazing how fast you can become friends with people on the ship. We met Elisabeth from Hong Kong on the first day at the youth program orientation. We are still pen pals. If you are going in summer- bring an umbrella for shade and plenty of water. There is a stopping off point where they sell water but I wouldn't chance it. We were all really hot.


Pompeii covers about 2 Square miles- so it is very large to explore. You will not have the ability to use a stroller- too craggy and bumpy. For this reason- don't go too far into Pompeii. There is almost too much to see, so plan on two hours there and go at your own pace.

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Great info Rebecca.


Ramsam- You will find every opinion on the spectrum in regards to your question. The negative in all liklihood on the Europe board, and more "success stories" on this board. I have asked similar questions as we will be taking our 2 YO in May.


It comes down to children of that age can be unpredictable (you probably know that already) . know yourself and what you want to get out of the day, and know your grandchild, and then do what you think is best- armed with experiences shared on these boards.


I have chosen not to let others "scare" me.. and have very realistic expectations about what our days will be like with the baby in tow. (just like when we are stateside). When people say Europe is not for children, they are full of hooey. Perhaps they could have said that it is no and experience THEY PERSONNALLY could enjoy with children.


If you search this board, there are some great posts by folks who have successfully and happily travelled Europe extensively with small children. (Celebrat has some great posts)..


We used the info and opinions of others and decided to only do private tours when we go- having our own driver will ensure that if we need to change plans we can do so (not so on a tour bus with 50 strangers). The private tours also get you right to the gates of most attractions- less walking (although Pompeii is intense walking in and of itself). We purchsed a stroller that can handle bumpy european sidewalks, and which is very light weight.. My inlaws are coming with us as well- so with 4 adults, I anticipate that we will be fine.. and I have no problems if I need to adjust a day...


Museums and churches are hard with children- but Pompeii they can walk around- which is GOOD...


In terms of the heat- you never even said when you will be travelling before people jumped all over the "they will be too hot..." Check weather.com for the average daily temps for the month you will be travelling. (We picked May when it is more temperate).


I lived in Europe for a breif time, and I have NO doubt it can be done with small children (millions of them actually live there!!!) You just need to be flexible and reasonable in your expectations.


When are you going? of you can wait until I get back May 23rd- I will be posting lots of info on our actual experience...


I'll end it with this thought- my parents wanted to take us to Europe, but were waiting until we got "older".. My mother died unexpectedly at 40. I know that I wish, as does the rest of my family, that we took that trip, rather than waiting.. the experience might not have been 110 sites in 8 hours every day.. but we all would have had some memories to cherish regardless...

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Just so you know- private tours are very pricey. I was in Pompeii in 2007 and I can assure you that the taxis drop you right off infront of the entrance and you can grab a taxi coming out. I wouldn't do a private driver- unnecessary.


A three year old isn't going to like riding around all day looking at sites. In fact, you may just want to do an early morning trip to Pompeii and then come back and let him go to the pool or youth program.


It is all about pacing yourselves. In other words- a trip to the Amalfi or to Capri would be overkill and too much in one day.


As for other excursions- just think "running" and "exploring"- this is what little ones do best. I went to Europe with my then 4 year old in 2005 and he had a great time at Forts, Castles, ruins and Parks- anywhere he could run around. An umbrella stroller is a must however because once they crash and burn- they want to be carried. You will find traveling with an exuberant toddler can actually enhance your trip. They get so excited when they have the freedom to roam, touch things, climb on things, etc.

In the following ports here are my suggestions...


Villefranche- train ride to Monte Carlo- visit the amusement rides by the water in Monte Carlo. (umbrella stroller)

Livorno- Pisa by taxi (Umbrella stroller)

Naples- Pompeii by taxi (no stroller)

Citivecchia- Rome, hop-on-hop-off bus. Sit upstairs. Colluseum and Forum are great for toddlers. (Umbrella Stroller)

Athens- I skipped it twice. Too hot. Can't comment

Venice- vaporetto from ship to St. Mark's square- walk down to the Arsenale there is a Park there.

Barcelona- hop-on-hop-off bus (umbrella stroller) Cable car ride down to the beach is fun but lines can be long. Watch belongings!!!

Istanbul- do your own tour by taxi to the Blue Mosque, Haghia Sophia and Palace (one drop off location). The tour is restrictive and you don't really get a change to wander around. You can stop off at the Grand Bazaar on your way back. All of these are easy taxi rides.

Kusadasi- Ephesus. You can do this by taxi. Takes about 30 minutes (expect to pay 45 Euros each way). I hated the tour we did and left the guide to explore on our own.


Problems with ship tours in general. You have to be up and ready and in your alloted waiting place with hundreds of people. The tours will be completely boring for a young child. I wouldn't consider a tour with a child unless they were at least 8 years old. They will be disruptive and bored.

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We have already booked the private tours.. and with 6 of us- the price is actually equivalent to a ships tour.. maybe a smidge higher.. But well worth it.


We are actually avoiding most of the "touristy" areas in the sites, and opting to see a more authentic experience. visiting towns, etc. Much slower pace, far fewer people.. (With the exception of Pompeii.. but we are only stopping their for a little while.. then on to Positano I think.)


Its funny you say to skip Athens.. we are actualky thinking that same thing.. so that is good to hear reinforced..


We are lucky that DS is used to these types of days- very similar to how we spend time on our boat.. a few hours travel time in a car seat.. then visiting new places.. walking around.. then back on board for a ride home...

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Winedown17- I hope you know I wasn't directing my comments specifically at you. I was referring to the grandparents traveling with the 3 year old.


I think if you have a group and hire a driver this works fine because you do have flexibility.


I also was referring to the ship's tours. I have done some. Two inparticular were fantastic- Cinque Terre and The Giant's Causeway out of Belfast but there weren't any small children on these tours. They are too long and boring for kids under 8.

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Thanks RL. I may get defensive sometimes. I need to be careful of that!


We decided to avoid the ship's tours for the flexibility that will provide us- in case he does have a bad day- or we get somewhere and are bored by it.. Easier for him to nap between spots in a car seat as well.. not that he naps much! :)



And I am very mindful of bringing a small child to Europe- so if I can have a great experience without worrying if he gets a little cranky in the car, we will all be more relaxed!!


My 12 YO is excited to see Pompeii as he has studied it in school, so we have to go.. but if he is good to go after an hour or so- we can do that too this way..


We are also spending an hour or so at a candy factory in Nice that day so that he has some "fun " things to see in addition to the rest.


I am getting good at finding ways to keep kids 10 years apart happy!!!

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Winedown17- you and I are in the same boat (pun intended). I have two boys ages 8 and 21. It is really difficult to entertain both. I have traveled individually with both of them now. Sometimes it just works out better that way but the great thing about the cruise is that both your kids will have a ball.


I took my son, 14 at the time, to Italy just the two of us and we look back on that trip fondly. We also went to Switzerland and Venice as a family and it was fun but there was something special about the one-on-one experience I shared with my son. Now he is 21 and has a girlfriend and wants to travel with friends- not Mom. So if you ever get the chance to do a trip with your older son on his own- take advantage of it. You'll have lasting memories that you will cherish forever.

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Oh, I just noticed that you are doing Celebrity Summit. We did the Millenium western med. in July of 2007 and had a wonderful time but I think it will be even better in May when you are going.


It sounds like you've made your plans but I have to tell you that the best excursion we took was to the Cinque Terre. It was a long excursion and we did it through the cruise line. It takes 9 hours and wouldn't be ideal with a small child but the scenery was beautiful, it was a well-executed tour that I know we couldn't have organized on our own. I did it just with my Dad and my son and step-mother stayed on the ship. So if you are debating spending a day in Florence (where there will be hordes of people) or doing the Cinque Terre- where there will be fewer people. Do the Cinque Terre. I have been to both places and frankly Florence is not a day trip. You will end up standing in lines.

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Thanks Rebecca! I would love to do something like that with my son...


I wish we spent 2 days in Florence... I would love to see Cinque Terre.. but we are going to Chianti.. a shorter trip.. and visiting a few small towns and then doing lunch in a cmall castle where they also have olive oil and wine tastings.


We are avoiding Florence altogether. I am not a crowds person.. so seeing the "sights" is not for me.. weird that I would pick this cruise, eh!?! But I probably hate lines more than my 2 YO!!!


Maybe DH and I will go back when the baby is older...and it is nice tokow I am not the only one with kids so far apart in age.. gotta tell you- i love having a baby again. I cant believe how fast time went by with my oldest.. I am savoring every moment this time!!

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Tell me about it! My eight year old still likes to cuddle with me and doesn't wipe off my kisses and gives great hugs. My 21 year old is a grown man now and I am really pleased how he turned out but I am so glad to still have a little one around, who still wants to hang out with Mom. I know my days are numbered!


You may find on your upcoming trip (it sounds like you are with a group) that one day you and your son could do an afternoon excursion together- just the two of you. I know that when my son was two- it was all about Marc. Patrick was really patient but I know I missed half the things my son said to me or wanted to say to me because I was placating Marc. It is what it is. So, one afternoon (the two year old is going to need an afternoon nap anyway) maybe you and your son could just amble around Villenfranche or Dubrovnik.

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That is a great idea. I know he feels lost in the shuffle sometimes lately. It would mean special times for both of us to cherish... with DH (his step dad) and my 2 wonderful IL on board, I can absolutely do that.


Appreciate your insights.. truly!!!

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Glad I could be of some help. Those moments are fleeting. Take my word for it. I drove up to Gettysburg last night to take my son out for his 21st birthday (which was yesterday). His girlfriend and oldest childhood friend were there. His fraternity brothers were in the same restaurant (small town). It was great but he really is his own man and I am glad I have my memories from when he was little.


Now I want grandkids!!!

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I lived in Europe for a breif time, and I have NO doubt it can be done with small children (millions of them actually live there!!!) You just need to be flexible and reasonable in your expectations.


I had to laugh when I read this. My kids are among them. We did a 10 day Med cruise and we have gone to other places in Europe with them.


I did leave the kids (and husband) behind a lot and go on my own. Too hot and crowded and since we're not far away, we could return at a quieter time... For Pompeii, I did the ship's tour. Child unfriendly to say the least! I'll back up what the others said.


The heat and crowds were an issue for us. I really, really recommend trying to avoid August. European schools don't get out till July so June would still be busy, but not crazy, anywhere in the Med.


You can go to Athens with a three year old. I would only see the Acropolis, see a few shops, have lunch and then head back. Like a pp said, be realistic and reasonable with your plans.


Potty issues in Europe might be your biggest hurdle. If he's just 3, the parents might want to wait till they're back home to push this skill to the next level. If he's semi-trained, look into "reinforced" undies and/or a port-a-potty of some kind (I recommend a mini one that folds). Potty training products of all sorts are not as good in Europe so bring whatever he needs, depending on what stage he is. Don't forget a change of clothes everytime you leave the ship!


Remember that facilities in touristy areas in the Med may not look like what he's used to nor be as clean or available as ideal.


If he's in pull-ups or diapers (even just at night) I actually recommend doing what I did and bring all he needs in the suitcase. They don't weigh much. Wrap in plastic bags, tie with rubber bands and then you'll have space for souvenirs on the way home. The few times I haven't done this, I regretted it, forced to either buy the "wrong" brand, too many or paid waaaay too much, not to mention the lost time trying to find something like this in touristy areas and trying to figure out what diaper was in Italian!


I also recommend that he can nap in the stroller. Travel when you have to head back to the ship or hotel is a pain, not to mention having to drag the tired tot through the ship's security, etc. If he has dropped the nap at this age, don't be surprised if he needs one again during the trip.


Anyway, the biggest deal when traveling with this age was the potty training issue. Otherwise, for excursions if you don't overdo it and try to keep him on his schedule with naps and eating, it should be fine.

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