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Questions-Ecstasy-Christmas-Formal Night-Help please!


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steve --

you gave some good tips. my dh just emailed some financial tips to me. i have already xeroxed all of the contents of my wallet. i know not all of these are cruise or travel related; however, they are so good, i've copied the entire email. maybe some of them will come in handy for you before our trip NEXT WEEK! ;)

1. The next time you order checks have only your initials (instead of

> first name) and last name put on them. If someone takes your checkbook,

> they will not know if you sign your checks with just your initials or your

> first name, but your bank will know how you sign your checks.


> 2. When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card accounts, DO NOT

> put the complete account number on the "For" line. Instead, just put the

> last four numbers. The credit card company knows the rest of the number,

> and anyone who might be handling your check as it passes through all the

> check processing channels won't have access to it.


> 3. Put your work phone # on your checks instead of your home phone. If you

> have a PO Box use that instead of your home address. If you do not have a

> PO Box, use your work address. Never have your SS# printed on your checks.

> (DUH!) You can add it if it is necessary. But if you have it printed,

> anyone can get it.


> 4. Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine. Do both sides

> of each license, credit card, etc You will know what you had in your

> wallet and all of the account numbers and phone numbers to call and

> cancel. Keep the photocopy in a safe place. I also carry a photocopy of my

> passport when I travel either here or abroad. We've all heard horror

> stories about fraud that's committed on us in stealing a name, address,

> Social Security number, credit cards. Unfortunately, I, an attorney, have

> firsthand knowledge because my wallet was stolen last month. Within a

> week, the thieves ordered an expensive monthly cell phone package, applied

> for a VISA credit card, had a credit line approved to buy a Gateway

> computer, received a PIN number from DMV to change my driving record

> information online, and more.

> But here's some critical information to limit the damage in case this

> happens to you or someone you know:


> 1. We have been told we should cancel our credit cards immediately. But

> the key is having the toll free numbers and your card numbers handy so you

> know whom to call. Keep those where you can find them.


> 2. File a police report immediately in the jurisdiction where your credit

> cards, etc. were stolen. This proves to credit providers you were

> diligent, and this is a first step toward an investigation (if there ever

> is one).


> But here's what is perhaps most important of all: (I never even thought to

> do this.)


> 3.Call the 3 national credit-reporting organizations immediately to place

> a fraud alert on your name and Social Security number. I had never heard

> of doing that until advised by a bank that called to tell me an

> application for credit was made over the Internet in my name. The alert

> means any company that checks your credit knows your information was

> stolen, and they have to contact you by phone to authorize new credit. By

> the time I was advised to do this, almost two weeks after the theft, all

> the damage had been done. There are records of all the credit checks

> initiated by the thieves purchases, none of which I knew about before

> placing the alert. Since then, no additional damage has been done, and the

> thieves threw my wallet away. This weekend someone turned it in. It seems

> to have stopped them dead in their tracks.


> Now, here are the numbers you always need to contact about your wallet,

> etc. has been stolen:


> 1.) Equifax: 1-800-525-6285


> 2.) Experian (formerly TRW): 1-888-397-3742


> 3.) Trans Union: 1-800-680-7289


> 4.) Social Security Administration (fraud line): 1-800-269-0271



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Dear Ileta, Sherry, Steve, Gina, and fellow cruisers:


I share your excitement for the big cruise next week. Wow! It's just around the corner. Love hearing about all your packing plans (Cruise Central--Oh Yeah!). I'll have more to say after a contested hearing in 8 hours from now. Let's leave back in port all of our work and cares of the world, as we cruise into blue water bliss....


Keep those plans a com'n. I'm read'n.



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I completely agree: all worries will be left on the dock at Galveston. I actually had someone (mechanic) say to me yesterday "You know your cell phone won't work once you get out of a certain range." I responded: "And that is a BAD thing, how???!!!" :D


I am having to come to the realization that this being my first cruise, even with all of the great info on these boards, some things I will either not do 'right' or wish I had done differently. However, I've decided to go with the flow and not worry about it. :p The fact is that in less than a week I will be cruising to Mexico and I can't wait!


Happy packing everybody,


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Swells, this will be our 23rd cruise and every cruise is a learning experience. New people, new tours and so on. Just don't worry to much, you're on vacation so go with the flow. If things don't seem right at the moment, wait a few minutes and the whole perspective can change. You'll have a great time, just don't try to do it all, as it is impossible. Sit down and plan your day and evening. Of course if something doesn't work out always ahave an alternative. The most important thing to do on a cruise is to relax and enjoy every minute of the day. Rest but remember you can always sleep when you get home...LOL

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hola all --

i almost made a major faux pas today...

i had our traveler's checks delivered to my office. i didn't sign them right away; instead, i just stuck them in my glove compartment. well, i had a luncheon to go to and i was late; so, i just drove up to valet parking. i was about to hop out of my car when i remembered the traveler's checks. now, you might think i'm a bit over anxious, but i've had the change out of my ashtray stolen by valet parkers -- i wasn't about to leave my entire vacation's worth of slot money in my glove box!!!! that would have been a fiasco -- & they were unsigned!!! dodged a bullet there! :o

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Dear Ileta, Sherry, Steve, Gina and my fellow cruisers:


I see we are getting closer to departure day. Have your "Cruise Central" piles started ascending toward the ceiling? We will get serious with clothes tomorrow. The scuba stuff and can't-live-without-stuff (larger than it needs to be) is sprawled across the living room floor. Donna said let's see how little we can take on this cruise. I said, "yes," I agree. Then I remembered I said that on all the other cruises! It helps not to have to fly our baggage to another city and then board the boat. Also, I think we'll try EZ Parking this time, so we only go over to the cruise terminal once.


Sherry, we're usually uptight before the cruise. We're also thinking what to bring, how to respond if something goes wrong, etc. Steve is right on several fronts. Going with the flow just means you'll control the one person you can, you'll figure out your options, and then select the best one. And Steve is also right with the statement you can always sleep at home. Your little bit of heaven on the ship is precious. You can take turns driving home on Monday.


We cruised out of Ft. Lauderdale last year, and the TSA person accidentally broke the camera. At my request, they signed a statement of responsibility on the spot (OK, I drafted it), and after 2 promptings, sent me a check for the repair cost. I then climbed up the gang plank after TSA broke the camera (really, my wife's camera), not very happy with anything. However, a few hours on board, and a one disposable camera later, we were back in the right spirit: we were cruising.


Abraham Lincoln (another good attorney!) said that people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. So if and when some bad things occur on the cruise, remember, the worst day cruising beats the best day of anything else! Yes, I'll also try to remember this on our vacation with you.


Finally, there are a lot of people not doing over the holidays what we are all doing. So don't forget to give thanks.


Looking forward to seeing you in the piano bar after the muster station drill. Donna and I are as excited as you are!



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Ileta and Fellow Cruisers:


I was so grateful to see you were inspired in the valet line. That would have been risky, keeping your slot machine "working capital" in the glove. So we expect that your lucky money will bring a good return on investment for your also lucky family! Hope your packing (and all our fellow cruisers' packing) proceeds, and gets placed onto the boat. Looking forward to meeting everyone on Thursday,




P.S.: Yesterday's contested hearing was resolved. Yeah!

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Hi everybody!


I feel very behind the times compared to you guys. Ileta-I haven't even been to the bank yet! But I did start packing today finally after my out of town family left. I now have two suitcases packed, tags in place and ready to go. I still need to pack essentials (you know the stuff that makes me look presentable every morning ;) ) and the formal stuff. But I feel like I'm making progress Bob!


Steve-I am seriously thinking about scooting out of work early Wednesday and going ahead and heading to Galveston. I had a little car trouble last week :mad: plus they are predicting some possibly yucky weather in east TX on Thursday. So we may cross paths before the piano bar - you just never know.


I agree with you guys that #1 we are all very fortunate to be doing something so awesome with those we love for the holidays... and #2 you have to choose your attitude.

Can't wait to see you on board the Ecstasy!



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apropos of nothing: hey bob -- have you ever played "hi bob!" based on the original "bob newhart show?" used to be one of my favorite things to do in college after finals...may have to revive the tradition while on the ship...how does "hi carnival" (you have to take a drink everytime you hear the word carnival) sound, eh? ;)

anywho, i started putting clothes in 2.5 gallon ziploc bags today. i got all of the boys' stuff packed...well, not exactly "packed" per se - they're in the bags but the bags are in separate corners of my bedroom (just so i don't pack all of one child's clothes in one suitcase, in case one arrives late to our cabin).

sherry --- the reason i already have my traveler's cheques is not that i'm so organized...it's that my dh is "tecaño" man (read: cheap). with my amex card, i can get traveler's cheques sans fee and if i actually plan ahead, they are mailed to me for free too. i know, it's only a few duckets; but, that's a few extra pulls on my slot machine, verdad? :p

i'm SO wired, i know i won't be able to sleep all week. wouldn't that be awful, to be so tired (pronounced down here like the second syllable of "leotard") that I'd nap the first whole day on the ship?!?! :rolleyes:

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Ileta- Too funny about the dh! And I appreciate the interpretations - 4 semesters of college Spanish + living in Texas for 19 years has done very little for my ability to understand it. ;) I too used the ziploc bags and split the clothes between a couple of different suitcases. I haven't packed the formal stuff yet because even in dry cleaner bags they may get mushed~!


And I can't resist commenting on the 'tired/leotard' pronunciation. My dad came from Alabama (where I grew up) this weekend. People in TX don't have anything on folks from south AL when it comes to the southern drawl! :D He uses three syllables to say 'Hey'! Having been gone from AL for so long it cracks me up to hear them talking.


Well, I'm rambling. I need to go do a review of our big event from the weekend. Let's see, 8000 people... two heart attacks in the audience (literally)... a participant who tripped and fell down the stairs (couldn't have anything to do with those 4 in. heels she was wearing)... a missed music cue... the officer posting the colors running over the lectern...my boss getting her script out of order... :eek: It was a wonderful day. Can we cruise NOW? I am soooooo ready.


Happy packing!



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Bob, Swells and Liti, Just three days till we sail. Seen the Estacy in port on Saturday. They had three ships in Galveston and showed all three on the news as the people were boarding. As they get off on Thursday we're boarding. Just can't get here soon enough. Gonna start packing tonight and use my check list to make sure I don't forget too much. Supposed to have snow flurries in the DFW are on Wednesday and bone chilling temps on Thursday. Make sure you put on a warm coat for the life boat drill before we sail. Sometimes they keep you out on deck for 30 minutes and try to stay next to the bulkhead (wall), that way all the people in front block the wind. I'm glad we're going down on Wednesday due to the possibility of "Texas Weather". Besides its is fun to go down to the Starbucks early in the morning by the port and watch the ship action and then go have a nice breakfast. If we left early in the morning from DFW, we might hit the Houston rush hour, which can mean delays or worse. If anyone is interested we got a $69.00 rate at the Hilton by calling the hotel in house reservations desk.

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Wow Steve! $69 at the Hilton is an awesome rate. That's even cheaper than the state employee rate I usually get. I appreciate the tip.


And thanks for the tip about the coats. Aren't you glad we are going to leave the snow flurries behind for a few day? :D



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Yeah, I'm glad we're leaving em here, however I hope the weather report is right and its only flurries, you know Texas is a wait five minutes and it'll change weather state. On that Hilton rate make sure you ask for "in house reservation" desk not the national reservations. Also they'll let you park there free and have shuttle service to the ship and back for free.

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I thought about staying at Harbor House since you can see the ships from there. I thought the kids might get a kick out of it to wake up and watch the ship dock. Plus I've stayed there before and it was nice. BUT, then I thought with my luck I'd be on the wrong side of the hotel and not able to see the ships. And who wants to pay more ($79) to do that?! :confused:


I don't know if we will get in flurries here in East TX. That typically stops about the I-20 line. But we will definitely have some iced roads if it rains ant then drops to 22 degrees like they are predicting Wednesday night. I'm glad to be 'getting out of dodge' so to speak.



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I thought about staying at Harbor House since you can see the ships from there...... I'm glad to be 'getting out of dodge' so to speak.




Sherry and getting out of Dodge is right, after a night of sailing, it should be a lot warmer on Friday afternoon. As to Harbor house, its OK if you're on the ship side, but the other side doesn't have such a great view. I just like the Hilton and the free parking/transportation, thats more money for "drink of the day".

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my mil called today from portland or. she asks, "you all packed?" i answer, "well, i started yesterday. guess i'll get it done sooner or later." she says back, incredulously, "but aren't you sailing tomorrow?"

tomorrow...oh how i wish it were tomorrow!!!! nope, instead, I'LL BE AT WORK!!! filing emergency motions, i'm sure. my kidlets keep asking me, "how many days left, mom?" when i say, "3" they say, "oh mom, that's not fair!"

oh, i know kids, it ain't fair that we have to suffer a whole 3 days before we blow this popsicle stand...;)

sherry -- i'm from san francisco; however, my kids are definitely texans. talk about multi-syllabic words (that weren't meant to be so): hi-iiiiiiiii, by-yyyyyye, nooooo-ooooooooooo, riiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiice, faiiiii-air. but i knew i was doomed to have southern chilluns for life when they told me that my favorite color was pronounced as "pank." :eek:

i worked so hard today that i have no energy to pack tonight. pitiful, eh? well, tomorrow, i'll be so hopped up on adrenaline that i'll be (tippany please) SUPERMOM! she can pack, cook dinner, bake goodies for all of the teachers at daycare, clean the house because the mil is coming the day after we get back (!), & wrap presents in a single hour. i am woman; hear me ROAR! :p

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I don't know how many of you guys are still on the boards. Steve may have already left for Galveston. I am pretending to work for a few more hours before we head out.


Bob - I'm finally packed! Now we'll see how many things I forgot and/or packed that I won't need.


Ileta - I managed to get it all into four suitcases and one shoulder bag. Thank heaven for expandable suitcases!


I can't believe we finally sail tomorrow. Can't wait to meet all of you. Safe drive to Galveston everybody!



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Dear Sherry, Ileta, Steve and Fellow Cruisers:


Donna and I rolled into Galveston at 4:30 pm today (Wednesday). We left Dallas at 11 am, with sleet on the car windshield, and lots of slush on the road (though not the slush that this ol' Chicago boy has shoveled!). It was smooth driving up to our arrival at the Harris/Montgomery County line, when lots of Houstonians were on I-45, like us, having somewhere to go. We arrived at the EconoLodge here at 38th, just off Sea Wall. The hotel has very few guests, but it is very nice. I am looking out at a very dark Gulf of Mexico right now.


I hope you all drive safely down here to the shore. It is so exciting to hear about your plans before you get here. And if you leave something, Wal-Mart is just down the road.


Sherry, I know the problem of trying to get the work out, after your mind has already embarked the ship! I sent out letters, returned calls, and made FedEx last night at 8:45 pm, just as my local Fed Ex store was closing. Did I get the looks! I told them that I was just finishing, before a few nice days on the water. They wished me well, and asked me to bring back stories. Of course, I thought of you. So let's make some stories....


Ileta, when I read your post, I thought wow, your job is so much bigger than mine. You not only have to look good with all of those emergency motions in Family Court, but you have a real jury at home to please. It will be so good to meet you and your family. My job, in comparison, is so eassssy.


Sherry and all, Donna and I look forward to meeting your family, and hearing about all of your preparations to spend a few days in Paradise. Please stay by the Piano Bar in case some of us are late in arriving.


Steve, I appreciate your weather and other updates about the cruise. The lady here at the hotel just told us that plenty of her guests were delayed last Saturday in Galveston, because of all 3 ships being in port at the same time. You could not get a cab, she said. And she also said it made the news here. I guess our close-in port of Galveston is growing, and will see more growing pains. It is a tremendous resource to have, so we don't have to climb on the plane with all of our stuff.


I look forward to meeting all of you. Please be flexible with each others' arrival times at the piano bar. Once we meet and get acquainted, we will have the whole cruise to enjoy, and see your smiling faces.


That's it from Galveston base. Bob out!



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that it's s'pose to RAIN in Cozumel on Christmas! :eek: Oh well -- either i'm gonna be standing in water at the beach or have it pummel me on the head -- i'm NOT going to let that ruin my vacation. You?

i'm finally all packed. sherry, i have 5 bags; although, one is just presents & stockings. nevertheless, i can't help but think that we will indeed look like the beverly hillbillies as we embark --i've got my back pack, one carry on, a laptop, a garment bag (with the ds's tuxedos -- they just wouldn't fit anywhere else) plus a little christmas tree in a box. i've finally decided to stick a luggage tag on the tree & check it like luggage & not worry about it! i just read the carnival website -- it's "baggage advisory?" PACK LIGHT!!! ROFLMAO! Pack light -- like that's a viable option, eh Sherry? ;)

Bob -- I got everything filed and have all the caseworkers in touch with an attorney while i'm gone - just in case all h-e-double hockey sticks breaks out while i'm gone. christmas is such a volatile time of the year...folks unemployed & underemployed and tempers flaring, kids getting "snatched" for the holidays. i've never taken an extended vacation at this time of year, one where i'm out of cell phone range. i'll feel guilty...just until that first foo-foo drink hits the ol' solar plexus!

well gang, i've got to get the kidlets up in a mere 5 hours, so i better sign off. by this time tomorrow, we will have met & will be on our way to warm, rainy cozumel. bon voyage to me!:D

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You guys have a great time on the Ecstacy. We were on the ship last Saturday when there were 3 ships in port. Major confusion! Hope you trip is smoother than ours was. Have a very Merry Christmas! If you go to Paradise Beach in Cozumel, eat one of those great shrimp cocktails for me. :D



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seeing my countdown clock say, "0 days" just really made it hit home -- we're goin' cruisin'! it's raining there, it's freezing here, but hey santa, look for me in cozumel -- i've been good!!!!! :p

hope to post a review upon our return. happy holidays, cc'ers!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

:) ;)


January 10, 2004


To whom it may concern:


I just returned from a 7-day Carnival Elation West Caribbean cruise (January 2-9, 2005). 24 members of my family went on the cruise. We parked all of our cars at EZ Cruise Parking located at 2727 Santa Fe Place, Galveston, Texas, (409) 939-0648, contact: Cindy Hayes, Manager, web site: www.ezcruiseparking.com, e-mail: manager@ezcruiseparking.com .


In dealing with EZ Cruise Parking, I was impressed with the following:

(1) Ms. Hayes answered promptly all of my questions and concerns that I submitted by e-mail;

(2) The EZ Cruise Parking employees were efficient and friendly;

(3) The EZ Cruise Parking facilities and the shuttle bus (from the parking facilities to the cruise terminal) were clean;

(4) EZ Cruise Parking gave us a multi-car discount since our 24-member family had more than a few cars to park;

(5) When we returned from the cruise, our cars were in good order.


My 23 other family members and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND EZ Cruise Parking for its EFFICIENCY, COMPETITIVE PRICING, AND GREAT LOCATION (approx. three blocks from the cruise terminal which was Pier 25).


Respectfully submitted and with best regards,


America Jane

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