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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Yesterday, I went to the restaurant with my daughter and I am really proud of myself, I did not finish my plate even though it was really good. I stopped eating when my body said "no more please". Then my daughter, who works in a restaurant, told me that next time, I should asked the waither to serve me only half of the regular plate since I rarely eat more than half of it. She told me that the computer where she works is set to charge for half meals. By doing so, I will save money and I won't torture myself when I will leave my plate half empty :cool::cool:


My back is feeling better and red week has "finally" decided to point her nose :mad::mad: What a weird thing to say :rolleyes:


Today, I will go back to my regular exercice routines and will add two movements to my abs routine. I was doing one of them in the beginning and I forgot it. The other one will work both my abs and my back. Eventually, I will increase the difficulty of that new movement :eek: I will also start doing the exercice for my legs and my abs on a little mattress on the floor instead of doing it on my bed, it also should increase the difficulty. I hope my belly can take it.


I just skope with DH and he will continue the habit he had before going to St-Marteen and give he a kick back rub every evening. It is not much, but just enough to help me keep on doing my exercices every day. It is one of the things I missed when he was away.


Keep up the good work my fellow Winning-Loosers, we will soon reach our goal. For now, mine is to loose the 6 in the middle and change it for a 5!!!

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Yeah Matt... why would she be late? You haven't exposed her to anything have you? :D (This coming from a mother of 3 grown boys and 1 tween daughter!) :p


Vickey, you make me chuckle! (I think that burns some calories.)


Trouble (aka: Brenda)


well, not really exposing her to anything.


Also missou, glad that your red week has started. Yeah, you heard me right.

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Good morning winning losers


Today had started off great, no migraine just sinus pressure alittle above eyebrows.:) But I hope the stress of today doesn't bring one one.:(

Did not make it to the Y got called in early a patient of mine is critical and we called in Hospice so it will be a very long day. I just hope she will be at peace soon and not have to suffer. This is the hardest part of my job. She is 84 years. I am allowing the family some alone time with her so I needed to come on here and talk(vent) to some friends.


Missou...it's good that you are feeling well enough to exercise and really glad you have your DH there to do the massages.



Matt.....all I can say is your soon to be wife is very lucky to be getting such a nice sweet understanding young man for a hubby.;) You would make any mother proud. We might tease you but you do know it is because we LOVE you.



I am so ready to go next Friday I can't stand the wait. We do alot of walking when we go to Vegas so I know we will get in our exercise and I am hoping not to over eat as there is so much good food to eat, but I do have plans to take along my protein bars and my pre-packaged oatmeal packs to keep me on track and maybe just eat one meal a day that is not 100% on plan.


Gotta go and see to my patient and her family please keep them in your prayers as this is a hard time for them. Keep me in those prayers also that the migraines stay gone.

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Vickey: So sorry for your rough day.... the family of your patient is lucky to have you providing such compasionate care for their loved one. I hope all is well with your headaches.


Vegas should be such fun! I'm jealous. I love the glittery lights and all the non-stop action. Vegas is less than 5 hours away so it's a quick get-away for us.


Matt: We LOVE you. You are a good sport and put up with our teasing very well.


Dominique: FINALLY! Enough about that! :D


I think I may take a day off the treadmill this evening. I did my usual morning morning walk and then an afternoon walk for which I actually did some jogging up some of the small hills so.... that's enough for the day!


I hope everyone has a fun and exciting holiday weekend.


Take care,


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Vickey, I am so sorry to hear about your patient. I know exactly what the family is going through. My grandmother (R.I.P, we love you very much. You are never forgotten and i know you and grandpa will be watching over me in July when I get married) was on Hospice before she passed. The worst part was that I was the last person in my family to say goodbye to her before she did pass.


My mom, dad, fiancee and I went to visit and were the only family there at the time. We stayed with her for 30 minutes and when we left, I told her that Grandpa will be with her and that it is ok for her to go. We got home (20 minutes later) and got the call that she had passed.


Just remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And also remember those STAIRS. Missou and I will be doing them, so you best be too. :D

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Vickey, I am so sorry to hear about your patient. I know exactly what the family is going through. My grandmother (R.I.P, we love you very much. You are never forgotten and i know you and grandpa will be watching over me in July when I get married) was on Hospice before she passed. The worst part was that I was the last person in my family to say goodbye to her before she did pass.


My mom, dad, fiancee and I went to visit and were the only family there at the time. We stayed with her for 30 minutes and when we left, I told her that Grandpa will be with her and that it is ok for her to go. We got home (20 minutes later) and got the call that she had passed.



Matt: What a touching story.


BTW: I will be on the Valor at the end of August. Can't wait - well, I can since I still need to lose some weight! :p Are you doing the Eastern or Western Caribbean??



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I told her that Grandpa will be with her and that it is ok for her to go.


It is a really nice gesture for you to have said that. You should be very proud of yourself. Not only is our Matt a nice gentleman, but he is a great grand-son.


Just remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And also remember those STAIRS. Missou and I will be doing them, so you best be too. :D


BTW, I am up to 300 steps up and 300 steps down as of yesterday. 100 of them were done as quickly as I can, which is almost like jogging them. There are a lot of staircases in Las Vegas so you will have no reason not to climb them. If your hubby doesn't feel like doing them, too bad for him, but it is not an acceptable reason for you not to!! :p Me pushy :p Remember that your health is the only acceptable reason ...


DH decided to go to work this morning :mad: From now on, he will start working 6 days a week almost every week until the end of August. It is the big season at his work place and if we want to go on a cruise in December, he has to do some overtime in order to accumulate extra hours. Well... I guess he has a good enough reason ;)


DH did a quick massage on my back last night and I feel really good today. Good thing because I have a lot of exercising to do. I want to start seeing results for all my hard work so I will do even more!!!


Yesterday I found a way to increase the difficulty of one of the movements I regularly do and I could only be on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I will not stop doing the exercise, I will modify it a little and hopefully my knee won't be in so much pain.


Hope you all have a great holiday weekend!!

Mine was last week and I was all alone... :(

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Western Cruise. we are very excited about it.


Quick sidebar here... what are you doing in Roatan? I'm thinking of going to the Mayan Princess Resort on West Bay... not certain though.


Back on topic....So how are those steps coming??


Oh BTW for anyone who is remotely interested (maybe just me. :D) I tried Ellie Krieger's breakfast cookie recipe (Food Network Channel) and they weren't that good. I froze most of them so that I can grab one in the morning, run to work, and let it thaw for a mid-morning snack. They were a bit too ...blah... I think I was expecting them to be more like a traditional oatmeal cookie but they are definitely full of fiber and other good-for-you nutrients. They had whole wheat flour, raisins, oats, bran flakes, baby-food strained carrots, Splenda, canola oil, walnuts and spices.


I'm going to make some mini spinach fritatas today with egg whites, low fat cheese, and spinach (of course.) I'm trying to experiement with new recipes to expand my healthy eating horizons.


Enough of this lounging around this morning, I have to get up and get moving!


Take care everyone.


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Yesterday I found a way to increase the difficulty of one of the movements I regularly do and I could only be on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I will not stop doing the exercise, I will modify it a little and hopefully my knee won't be in so much pain.

IT WORKED!!!!!! danse004.gif

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Vickey, I am so sorry to hear about your patient. I know exactly what the family is going through. My grandmother (R.I.P, we love you very much. You are never forgotten and i know you and grandpa will be watching over me in July when I get married) was on Hospice before she passed. The worst part was that I was the last person in my family to say goodbye to her before she did pass.


My mom, dad, fiancee and I went to visit and were the only family there at the time. We stayed with her for 30 minutes and when we left, I told her that Grandpa will be with her and that it is ok for her to go. We got home (20 minutes later) and got the call that she had passed.


Just remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And also remember those STAIRS. Missou and I will be doing them, so you best be too. :D



I just got home about an hour ago stayed the night (36 hours straight)with my dear patient she passed on, but she didn't do it peacefully. She was a fighter and gave it her all. I love being able to be there for them and the family and I stay strong until it's over and I get home then it hits me.

Matt.....your love for your grandmother came through and that touched me dearly. I am so glad you were there for her and you did the most important thing , you told her it was okay to go, so many fight to stay when they are ready to go only because they don't want the ones they love to hurt.

Believe me I did alot of stairs yesterday and today I took the stairs every time I went down to the lower floors. But I wasn't on the best eating plan due to the fact they only have vending machines but my DH did bring me a chicken sandwich and baked potato from Wendy's for dinner last night.

What happens in Vegas will stay in Vegas.It always does.:D


I again have a headache(level 5) but once I get some sleep hopefully it will let up.

IT WORKED!!!!!! danse004.gif



YEAH........glad to hear your massages are still helping.


Quick sidebar here... what are you doing in Roatan? I'm thinking of going to the Mayan Princess Resort on West Bay... not certain though.


Back on topic....So how are those steps coming??


Oh BTW for anyone who is remotely interested (maybe just me. :D) I tried Ellie Krieger's breakfast cookie recipe (Food Network Channel) and they weren't that good. I froze most of them so that I can grab one in the morning, run to work, and let it thaw for a mid-morning snack. They were a bit too ...blah... I think I was expecting them to be more like a traditional oatmeal cookie but they are definitely full of fiber and other good-for-you nutrients. They had whole wheat flour, raisins, oats, bran flakes, baby-food strained carrots, Splenda, canola oil, walnuts and spices.


I'm going to make some mini spinach fritatas today with egg whites, low fat cheese, and spinach (of course.) I'm trying to experiement with new recipes to expand my healthy eating horizons.


Enough of this lounging around this morning, I have to get up and get moving!


Take care everyone.




Brenda I love trying to change a recipe and make it healthier. And your mini spinach recipe sounds yummy. I am hungry but too tired to eat just want to go to bed and sleep but trying to hold out for a little longer so I don't get to messed up with my wake up time.


We go to Roatan in October and we planned an excursion with Victor Bodden and want to see as much as possible.


Well here's hoping everyone has a great evening.:)

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Welcome Lois,


Please keep us updated on your WW meetings and let us know how you are doing??


I think we can all agree that we ALL LOVE to cruise!! I am going on my first cruise in August and I can not hardly wait!! IT is not coming fast enough. I am already to book my second one but the Carnival website is acting up and does not have the dates that I am looking at..so it is just a waiting game.


Have a great week,




We are doing the south beach diet and actually eat more then we normally do. I need to tone and the hubby needs to lose and this gives him enough food so he isn't starving. The combination of foods seems to help too. I started him on the 3 day diet first, then the SB for a few days, the 3 day, and it helped to jump start him. I haven't done the JC because who learns to cook if all you have to do is heat something up.


if you have kaiser for health care, they offer weight watchers for a pitance of a cost and I have seen people at work just melt off their weight by just counting points.

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YEAH........glad to hear your massages are still helping.


I was talking about a new exercice that I added to my routine. At first, it was hurting my knee and I could not walk on the treadmill because of it. I did a little change to it hoping that it would not hurt anymore and it worked! :p:D


I ate a little too much tonight :mad: The surf and turf my hubby did was good :o So was the ice cream afterwards :o:rolleyes:


Take care xx

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Like so many others, I too had a good bit to eat today.


I made pancakes for breakfast (only 2 for me and 1 for the fiancee).


Lunch was half a spicy italian from Subway on Wheat bread and a cookie from Mrs. Fields (mall smelled so good).


Dinner was a chicken wrap and fries and a cup of french onion soup. This was while i was out watching the Pittsburgh Penguins beat down the Carolina Hurricanes. Bill Cowher, you are a traitor. Born and raised in Pgh and you picked Hurricanes as your team this series. You are dead to me.


I also had a pitcher of Bud Light while watching the game (5 bucks for a pitcher. Can't beat that).

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Matt: Your dinner sounded delish!!


Vickey: Wow! That was a long shift. Glad to know you got through it.


Dominique: surf & turf - yum! ice cream - yummier!


I picked up some cheap country style pork ribs at the store today and boiled them then finished them off by grilling them with some BBQ sauce. (Not the best calorie wise but I only had one little country rib.) We also grilled corn on the cob - yummy! I haven't cooked orzo before but I love pasta so I made some orzo with some left over spinach and I added some lemon zest + juice of 1 lemon and then a palmful of freshly grated parmesean. It was a little dry so I added a little olive oil and that worked well.


Needless to say, it was good that I ran 6 miles today! (Did I mention that I had a slice of angel food cake after dinner?)


Take care all,


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expressio172.gif I am so angry at my scale this morning!!!! If I am not nice with my eating, my scale will show it immediatly. Who cares about the exercices that I do, that is not important. It is almost as if I should only drink water and do all my exercices for that scale to start moving a little. expressio172.gif


To think that just a few weeks ago, I was not moving, I was eating about the same diet as I do now and the st..... scale was showing me the same results and I was not gaining weight. expressio172.gif


Red week was late to start, today is my worse day. You see, my red weeks are abnormaly long and it gets on my nerves today. 10 more days before I see the obgyn and who knows how long I will have to wait before going for a biopsy. Will I have to cancel my trip to France because of the results? Will I have to have a surgery? I don't want to think about anything else that might happen for now. I am not scared, I am ready to fight wathever is coming. I just hate the loooooooong wait period. It is better to know and start fighting than to sit and wait.


Is what is happenning in my belly the reason why the scale and the measuring tape won't move. I want answers to my questions, but guess what... I have to wait expressions249.gif


I am suppose to have a massage today, but because of my bip red day, I can't expressions249.gif


Sorry about the bip. one good thing about it though, it made me laugh expresss171.gif

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expressio172.gif I am so angry at my scale this morning!!!! If I am not nice with my eating, my scale will show it immediatly. Who cares about the exercices that I do, that is not important. It is almost as if I should only drink water and do all my exercices for that scale to start moving a little. expressio172.gif


To think that just a few weeks ago, I was not moving, I was eating about the same diet as I do now and the st..... scale was showing me the same results and I was not gaining weight. expressio172.gif


Red week was late to start, today is my worse day. You see, my red weeks are abnormaly long and it gets on my nerves today. 10 more days before I see the obgyn and who knows how long I will have to wait before going for a biopsy. Will I have to cancel my trip to France because of the results? Will I have to have a surgery? I don't want to think about anything else that might happen for now. I am not scared, I am ready to fight wathever is coming. I just hate the loooooooong wait period. It is better to know and start fighting than to sit and wait.


Is what is happenning in my belly the reason why the scale and the measuring tape won't move. I want answers to my questions, but guess what... I have to wait expressions249.gif


I am suppose to have a massage today, but because of my bip red day, I can't expressions249.gif


Sorry about the bip. one good thing about it though, it made me laugh expresss171.gif


First of all my friend, I LOVE your fiesty attitude and your determination. (Also love your smiley face guys.) The not knowing can be the hardest and there are certainly other factors that are more benign that can make your weight plateau. With an increased intensity in working out sometimes it just stablizes your weight for a time while you are developing muscle. (Believe me, there are days that I am so good with my eating and I weigh myself and I've gained - what's up with that? Errrr!)


Sorry for the frustration and disappointment but look how far you have come!


Hang in there and take care and KEEP yourself LAUGHING,


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Hey Brenda, here is the website where I get my smyleys http://www.emoticonland.net/

It is in french, sorry...


I find that it is better to laugh than to cry, but with all the exercices I do, I should start seeing results, no? At least with my measuring tape. I do know about the plateau, but I beleive that enough is enough!!


I will take the massage after all. I want to make sure that pain will not stop me from exercising this week!! I also will start drinking water, it is something that I am not use to do. Hopefully it will help.


Thanks for the encouragement Brenda, it feels good 4_4_111.gif

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Hey Brenda, here is the website where I get my smyleys http://www.emoticonland.net/

It is in french, sorry...

Bon jour! [said with an American accent!]


Thanks for the encouragement Brenda, it feels good 4_4_111.gif


I'm here for you.... that's why we are all here...giving and receiving encouragement. Our individual goals may be different but the same motivation takes us all on this journey.


Warning: Off topic subject coming up! My middle son got engaged tonight!!! I'm finally going to be a mother-in-law. (Hopefully a non-meddling one!) I love my son's fiance and am so thrilled for them.


Ok, back on topic. I challenged myself on the treadmill today and thought that I could tackle a 12 mile run. Wrong! I got to 10 miles and my right knee started to ache. (My average run is only 4-6 miles, depending on my mood.) The good news was that I was in a calorie deficit most of the day since I had burned so many calories from running. The bad news is that I was a bit achy and wiped out the rest of the afternoon.


Not to worry though, I recovered enough to make dinner and bake a cheesecake (with Splenda) and no graham cracker crust. Miraculously, it is still in the fridge. I haven't ripped into it yet. When I do, all bets are off on how many calories I will consume!! :D


Signing off for the night and wishing you all sweet dreams,


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ok had a good week. guess the gain last week set me up for a good lose this week. only 41 days till our cruise gotta keep it up. weve been cheating once a week. but going to really try to go the distance this last month. the food on the ship will make up for it!



224 gotta set a new goal. it would be nice to be 206. 100lb is 6months would be incredible. but 18lb in 41 days might be a challange



201 we were really hoping she would be out of the 200's for this weigh in. but i am really proud of her she's looking great;)

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Congradulations Jon and Nikki. Jon, why don't you set your goal at 215 or 210 instead of 206? It would be easier to acheive, no? Good luck on your new goal!!


Congradulations to the new fiancés and the future mother-in-law. I hope they have the best that life can bring them.


My husband ordered some BBQ yesterday and convinced me to take a cheesecake with it... It wasn't so hard for him to do :mad: Today, it shows :mad: The scale is at 163.8 :eek::eek:


What is it that I have to understand here?? What would happen if I didn't do the exercice I do?? :eek: I just want to give up this morning, but DH doesn't want me to stop the exercices. He says that it is really good for me. My measuring tape still does not show any change, but my muscles feel more toned. I just don't know what to think anymore. This was not a good week for me, does it show?


My goal this coming week is to drink more water and to remember to stretch the back of my legs after I do my exercises. I hope the water will help with the weight loss and that the stretching will help control the pain.


Have a nice week and I hope we all reach our weekly goal.

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ok had a good week. guess the gain last week set me up for a good lose this week. only 41 days till our cruise gotta keep it up. weve been cheating once a week. but going to really try to go the distance this last month. the food on the ship will make up for it!



224 gotta set a new goal. it would be nice to be 206. 100lb is 6months would be incredible. but 18lb in 41 days might be a challange



201 we were really hoping she would be out of the 200's for this weigh in. but i am really proud of her she's looking great;)


You both have been doing so great, but don't try to over do we don't want to see either of you sick. Just keep doing it they way you have it seems to be working.


Congradulations Jon and Nikki. Jon, why don't you set your goal at 215 or 210 instead of 206? It would be easier to acheive, no? Good luck on your new goal!!


Congradulations to the new fiancés and the future mother-in-law. I hope they have the best that life can bring them.


My husband ordered some BBQ yesterday and convinced me to take a cheesecake with it... It wasn't so hard for him to do I bet....... :mad: Today, it shows :mad: The scale is at 163.8


What is it that I have to understand here?? What would happen if I didn't do the exercice I do?? I just want to give up this morning, but DH doesn't want me to stop the exercices. He says that it is really good for me. My measuring tape still does not show any change, but my muscles feel more toned. I just don't know what to think anymore. This was not a good week for me, does it show?


My goal this coming week is to drink more water and to remember to stretch the back of my legs after I do my exercises. I hope the water will help with the weight loss and that the stretching will help control the pain.


Have a nice week and I hope we all reach our weekly goal.


Missou....the main thing is you feel stronger(that is what my doctor keeps tellingme). Just keep trying and it will all fall in place( I got to believe this myself or it wouldn't be worth it to try).


Well, happy memorial day to everyone in the US.


Today's weigh in, 196. Another pound lost this week.


Are you sure you don't want to get some practice in today and do the weight ins?????:):)

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