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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Vickey: WELCOME BACK!!! Glad you had a great time in Vegas. We did miss you.


Hey your lunch sounds almost exactly like mine today: turkey pita sandwich with a side of broccoli florets and grape tomatoes.


Take care and again, welcome back!


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Hi! Are you accepting new members? This looks like a nice group and I am in great need of losing weight. Not just for my upcoming cruise in Nov but also just for me to feel better. I went back a few few pages and I hope I can jump right in!! I started weight watchers to begin with and I have lost 4 lbs in the last week so I am happy about that!! I have a ways to go though....


Well I hope to meet everyone and join in..

Thanks- Renee

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DID YOU ALL MISS ME????? Of course we did!!


Thirdly....Missou you are in trouble......I know it was your doing that half the escalators didn't work. I walked enough I didn't need those darn stairs too. expressio241.gif


I see that MATT is still busy with his parties and a bachelor party now that sounds like trouble.....just remember I will be watching.

Missou... I so thought of you on this trip especailly when we approached a non moving escalator and also at night when my muscles were aching and I thought of your dear sweet hubby giving you all those massages. Glad to hear I was not forgotten

emmysmommy ....sorry to here your leg is still hurting take it easy we don't want any set backs.

Kudos...you will look nice in that red dress just keep focused and you will do it.

riddle ...glad to see you posting again.

Jon and Nikki....yes it will go slower as you reach your goals but man you two are great motivators. Keep up the great job.


To all others hi.

Well gotta run and fix my dinner, I am having a good day with my meals.

Breakfast....oats and 3 boiled egg whites

Lunch...4 ounces of turkey breast(deli)in a whole wheat pita pocket and raw veggies(carrots,celery, and red/green peppers)

Snack...a mozzarella cheese stick and banana

Dinner.....will be...4 ounce (pre-made and froze) turkey meatloaf, a small baked potato and green beans

I also am trying to drink alot of water.


WARNING....I fear I must warn you all that this vacation(seeing all those scantly dressed women) has me more motivated to try harder to reach my goal , yes I know I probably won't meet the goal by my cruise but that doesn't mean I can't reach it by the next one.

So I will be on here cracking the whip and being a bigger monster than MATT and a meaner one than MISSOU. I can't wait to see that!!! And hopefully be the kind of winning (losing)monsters that JON AND NIKKI are.

I also have to warn you all that I have been gone for almost two weeks and I have alot to tell.


PFC Scott reporting back to duty. I knew I forgot someone this morning... expresss1033.png




So just remember when Drill Sarge Matt is mercilessly running you up and down the stairs , I'll be the one behind him clapping and cheering you on! Welcome Cheering Monster!!! elmo_live-thumb-240x254.jpg (luv ya Matt).


I'm glad to hear you both had a great vacation and I am really happy that my work paid off humour123.giflollol202.giflollol202.gif

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Hi! Are you accepting new members? Of course. The more, the merrier!! This looks like a nice group and I am in great need of losing weight. Not just for my upcoming cruise in Nov but also just for me to feel better. I went back a few few pages and I hope I can jump right in!! I started weight watchers to begin with and I have lost 4 lbs in the last week so I am happy about that!! I have a ways to go though.... Congradulations on your loss!!!

Well I hope to meet everyone and join in..

Thanks- Renee


We always welcome new people to join our party!! Glad to have you aboard!!!

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Tonight, I was at my office's monthly team meeting. We have a big sale coming up and we were given so much information, I forgot a lot of it. Good thing must of it is available on our internal website. I will have a lot of studying to do in the next few days.


This morning, I decided to start my workout on the treadmill. It was a really good idea, that way, I am sure to do my walking. After that, I did my arms routine and half of my back routine. I was so not into it today, I felt so down.


Sargent Matt, you did not do a good job with me today, I guess I was too far away for you to travel. I did think about you guys, but the energy and the motivation was simply not there.


They say that tomorrow is another day. Hope it's a good one for me.


Have a good night and sweet dreams everyone!!

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Welcome back Vickey and PFC Scott. Glad you both had good times. But Vickey, I do not want the job. But I am always glad to help you out if you need.


The Bachelor party is at the Dave and Busters (for those who don't know, it is a giant chuck e cheese for adults, without the furry costumed people tho :( ). It will be a good time but not too much.


And let me just say, Pens in 7 baby.

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PFC Scott reporting back to duty.


WOW! What a trip! Unending food - good food. Tons of stairs, and I did them on numerous occasions (will that put me back in good graces with you Sarge?). Speaking of Sarge - that's one mean avatar. I'm glad I didn't meet up with anyone like that on the cruise.


I haven't hopped on the scale yet, but I'm sure I put on a number of pounds. Did I mention the food was good? (alright - I'll stop, this isn't the right board to say that). I'll hop on the scale in the next couple of days and see how much damage has been done.


I haven't had a chance to catch up on the postings while gone, so I hope everything is going well with everyone.


Bottomline - I'm so glad I was able to meet my goal before the trip. Even though I ate like a pig like everyone else on the cruise, I felt so much better about myself while on my cruise and felt much more fit and trim. For those still working towards your goal, I strongly encourage you to keep up the hard work. It's worth it in so many ways!!!


So just remember when Drill Sarge Matt is mercilessly running you up and down the stairs :D, I'll be the one behind him clapping and cheering you on! (luv ya Matt).



Scott...so glad you had a great time, I can't wait to cruise in October so I have a ways to reach a reasonable goal.

But now that you are back it's time to get back on track:D

Keep posting and keep reminding those of us that still have to cruise how important it is for us to loose before we cruise.:eek:

Vickey: WELCOME BACK!!! Glad you had a great time in Vegas. We did miss you.


Hey your lunch sounds almost exactly like mine today: turkey pita sandwich with a side of broccoli florets and grape tomatoes.


Take care and again, welcome back!



It feels good to be missed..I sure did miss ALL of you guys.

As for lunch great dieters think and fix lunches the same.:D

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Hi! Are you accepting new members? This looks like a nice group and I am in great need of losing weight. Not just for my upcoming cruise in Nov but also just for me to feel better. I went back a few few pages and I hope I can jump right in!! I started weight watchers to begin with and I have lost 4 lbs in the last week so I am happy about that!! I have a ways to go though....


Well I hope to meet everyone and join in..

Thanks- Renee



Renee....newbies are always welcomed.

What we do is post our weight in this manor every Monday




and post your measurements the first of the month.

Also please feel free to let us know what workout and diet programs you are using.

You are now an official LOSER.


I'm glad to hear you both had a great vacation and I am really happy that my work paid off humour123.giflollol202.giflollol202.gif


I love your smiley's especially the one where you are sticking out your tongue at me.:p

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Welcome back Vickey and PFC Scott. Glad you both had good times. But Vickey, I do not want the job


Why did I have the feeling that you would say that:confused:. But I am always glad to help you out if you need. Thanks again, and I will take you up on that offer.


The Bachelor party is at the Dave and Busters (for those who don't know, it is a giant chuck e cheese for adults, without the furry costumed people tho :( ). It will be a good time but not too much.

Just have a good time.:)


And let me just say, Pens in 7 baby.


BTW...we have a Dave and Busters here and I have never been

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I warned you all that I'd be pesting you.

Started my morning at 5:30 am going to the Y...it's funny but I kind of missed exercising when I was on vacation.:confused: Did my usual 70 minutes on treadmill and my 60 minute strength training.:eek:

It was nice the trainers there said it looks as if I have lost more since I've been gone and wanted me to weigh in, but I told them I wanted to wait till Monday. I just don't want to be shocked to see how much I might have gained while on vacation.

One of the girls at where I work is also dieting (we started almost the same time) and she and I are always trying new low calorie recipes and she brough in yummy cupcakes, yes I did try 1/2 of one.

Here's the recipe:

1 can small(I think 16 ounce) pumpkin

1 box low sugar cake mix

mix together and pour into cupcake pan

bake @400* for 20 minutes


MATT...I took the stairs this morning so far 42 stairs.


My competition goal for all of you who wish to participate is to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily.

I started this morning with my 64 ounce coffee cup from the gas station and filled it with 8 ounces of pure cranberry juice and 2 ounces of lemon juice and lots of ice and water. This makes a great toxin flush drink and you can sweeten it up with sweetner because it is tart.


Well my break is up so I had better get back to work:eek:

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I just finished 64 ounces and have started on my second refill.

I have always been a heavy(water) drinker.


BTW...Matt and Missou I did the stairs twice today that's a total of 84 stairs, but I must remind you both it hurts my knee, I only did them for you guys.


Today is going great again

Breakfast: oats and 3 boiled egg whites

Lunch: turkey on whole wheat pita and raw veggies(celery and carrots)


Haven't planned aything for dinner yet but hoping to have enugh energy when I get home to fix something healthy.....green peppers/onions and a 4 ounce cut of strip steak with quinnq(sp) sounds good.


Well here's hoping everyone is having a GREAT day.

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A good way to ease the pain in your knee is to strenghten your leg muscles; specifically your quads, your hamstrings and the little muscles around the knee. For those little muscles, you sit down, strenghten your leg and keep it strait for 3 to 5 seconds. you make 2 to 3 series of 10 repetitions of this movement at the beginning. As time goes by, you should be able to increase the amount of reps.


Good luck :D

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For lunch, I had whole wheat pasta with a little alfredo sauce and tonight I will have a home made hamburger with extra lean ground beef and a lot of veggies to go with it. I feel like having a good poutine with it. To make a poutine you need french fries, a sauce that is very similar to a b.b.cue sauce and some cheese. It is possible to have a healthy poutine if you take oven baked french fries and a low fat cheese, but it doesn't taste the same... :eek:


I guess I will forget about the poutine and maybe go for a salad :(:(


It is my daughter's 20th anniversary today and we will surprise her at her work tonight with a good birthday cake :p:cool:


Well, I am off to bake my daughter's cake!!! :cool:

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A good way to ease the pain in your knee is to strenghten your leg muscles; specifically your quads, your hamstrings and the little muscles around the knee. For those little muscles, you sit down, strenghten your leg and keep it strait for 3 to 5 seconds. you make 2 to 3 series of 10 repetitions of this movement at the beginning. As time goes by, you should be able to increase the amount of reps.


Good luck :D



Missou......my knee has been dislodged and ligaments/tendons and muscles effected three times due to falls. The last one was the worst a little over a year ago.

They tell me that it is only a matter of time before I will need a knee replacement. I cannot straighten my knee out as it locks in place and then it is really painful.

I can get around some exercises by carefully placing the knee just right and favoring the other knee.



I am heading home now to fix my dinner....I am so tired.

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Maybe you could try the exercice with your leg slightly bent while lying on your back, put some pillows underneath your knee and just contracte it. I don't know, maybe strenghtening those darn little muscles could help.


I really hope your pain could subside and give you a rest.

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Good evening everyone. Welcome to Renee!! We always welcome new losers. :) This is a great group of folks. By the way - 4 pounds in 1 week - that is awesome!!!


I'm not running tonight since my daughter has a end-of-school-year musical performance. It is right in the middle of the time that I would normally run - how dare them schedule this when it is inconvenient for me!! :rolleyes: But not to worry, I did my 3 miles of walking during my breaks at work today and I did my morning crunches, push ups, lunges and squats. (I don't notice any difference in my body since starting these in April but I figure I should keep it up because you never know. Plus it's not like I do hundreds of them anyway!)


So tonight I'm eating light because if I don't run I don't like to consume that many calories. I had some left over stew that I froze (small portion) and some fresh berries for something sweet.


I hope you all have a great evening and I will talk at ya later.



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This was my first week back at work after my TKR. I am working 1/2 days. Fortunately, we are off tomorrow so I am able to start out slowly. My PT is not happy since I am working and sitting too much so I am trying to do some exercises at my desk. Not easy!


Vickey - of course you have all my sympathy with knee pain. I know that after my first replacement I had a great deal of relief in that knee. I am still in post op pain on my right knee but am hoping for the best. PT is still very hard and painful.


Dominique - thanks for keeping everyone posted on lots of different things. You have been through a lot and you help keep my spirits up.


Matt - thanks for your great attitude.


Everyone else - especially the new people on this board - you are a great bunch with great attitudes. We will continue to be losers together.



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PTs... :rolleyes: They have to understand that we have our things to do. We can not stop everything just to be able to please them lollol341.gif


I stopped seeing one 2 weeks after I started... I don't beleive in their methods. What will you gain by provoquing pain :eek: Having been a gymnast and a gymnastic instructor in my teens, I beleive that there are other ways to work that are as effective if not more. That is my opinion and I respect it lollol325.giflollol325.gif

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Marsha, an exercice you could do under your desk is straitening your leg with your foot flexed as much as possible and keeping that position while contracting the muscles around your knee for 5 seconds. Repeat that movement 10 times and go back to work. You will be amazed to see the results. If you repeat this serie several times during your work day, your PT will be very surprised lollol325.giflollol325.giflollol325.gif

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