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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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[quote name='emmysmommy'] Gotta run to work now. (Can you believe they block access to Cruise Critic there?? The nerve.)

How horrible!!!! :eek::eek:

Yesterday, there was a staled minivan at an intersection and everyone was passing by looking at the old man trying to push his vehicule :eek:

I stopped and decided to go and help. It was not that hard, anyone could have done it, but they were to much eager to get home. At one point, another guy came to help and I went to take my car away from the middle of the road.

Today, I have a sore spot in my back and I will have to be really carefull in the next few days if I don't want to hurt myself even more. My trainig will have to be really easy.

Why can't people stop to help someone take his vehicule out of the way? Why is it so hard?
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[quote name='RQINFL']Hi~ I'm trying to lose weight and have been reading a lot of threads on here and like the idea of the accountability of posting here.[/quote]

You are most welcome to join us. Grab a flight of stairs and climb with us :p:D
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[quote name='missou']How horrible!!!! :eek::eek:

Yesterday, there was a staled minivan at an intersection and everyone was passing by looking at the old man trying to push his vehicule :eek:

I stopped and decided to go and help. It was not that hard, anyone could have done it, but they were to much eager to get home. At one point, another guy came to help and I went to take my car away from the middle of the road.

Today, I have a sore spot in my back and I will have to be really carefull in the next few days if I don't want to hurt myself even more. My trainig will have to be really easy.

Why can't people stop to help someone take his vehicule out of the way? Why is it so hard?[/quote]

You are to be commended for helping the old man!! Most people would rather look the other way than be inconvenienced. But what if it was them? Wouldn't they want someone to help?

You get the good citizen of the month award!!! :D

Sorry about your sore back.

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[quote name='RQINFL']Hi~ I'm trying to lose weight and have been reading a lot of threads on here and like the idea of the accountability of posting here.[/quote]

Please, please join our group. We are a very friendly bunch who may tease and give each other a hard time but we are one big huggable group of losers (the good kind!) :p

We do post our weight (and measurements if available) on Mondays. We definitely encourage one another. Most of us have had our bad weeks and our bumps in the road but we are all on the same journey.

So welcome and stick around as long as you want.

Take care,
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Now about my day.... I feel sluggish and like I could have put more effort into my evening work out but I figure 25 min. on the treadmill is better than zero! I did ok with eating - at least I'm under my calorie limit for the day. But I did have some stupid snacks that I really didn't need.

I'm half way into my 30 day challenge and I think I'm at 12 (successful days) of 15.

Only 15 more days until we leave for Miami. Gulp.. still have more to lose.

That's all for now,
B :rolleyes:
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I did not do anything yesterday because of my back and I'll probably rest again today. I am definitly at 8 out of 11 and by tonight I'll most likely be at 8 out of 12. Tomorrow, a more specialized therapist than hubby will come and work on me. He first worked on me in 2005 and he did miracles for me. I can't wait till he comes :)

Have a very nice day and be good to youselves [IMG]http://www.onceuponalife.com/forums/images/smilies/shine.gif[/IMG]
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Brenda, we may not reach our goal, but the one good thing about setting up this goal is that we are trying!!!

I just looked at different smilies website and I found one full of good ones such as this one [IMG]http://www.onceuponalife.com/forums/images/smilies/tantrum.gif[/IMG] ... that is how I feel about myself since yesterday... When I pushed the minivan, I knew I was going to be in pain and that I should not do it... I did it anyway and now my back is not usable, even walking is painful [IMG]http://www.onceuponalife.com/forums/images/smilies/banghead.gif[/IMG] Maybe I'll learn to respect my limits one day :rolleyes:
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[quote name='RQINFL']Hi~ I'm trying to lose weight and have been reading a lot of threads on here and like the idea of the accountability of posting here.[/quote]


We would love for you to join our little group. I am SARGE. I am the one shoving you towards the stairs everyday. Missou does help a lot with that too. She makes sure the elevators and escalators are broken.

Our groups loves to joke around and have a good time. They also like to pick on me at times.

Hope you decide to be with us.
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[QUOTE]Please, please join our group. We are a very friendly bunch who may tease and give each other a hard time but we are one big huggable group of losers (the good kind!)

We do post our weight (and measurements if available) on Mondays. We definitely encourage one another. Most of us have had our bad weeks and our bumps in the road but we are all on the same journey.

So welcome and stick around as long as you want.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I was wondering if there was a certain date you all posted ~ so glad to know. I want to lose 20-25 lbs. and love hearing tips and being accountable helps with motivation. Not sure exactly how much I want to lose, I just know how I want to look and feel.

My main problem with motivation is that my friends are constantly centering events around food and cocktails, so I can't really talk to them about how I am doing on weight loss/eating. I am pretty good at eating before I go so that I am not tempted by bad food but am not perfect.

I've read some of your thread and see how supportive you all are to one another and thought it would be great to talk with you because you are focusing on eating healthy foods and exercise.

Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
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No exercices for me again today :( When I woke up, my back was still sore and I don't want to aggravate it.

I have to be serious about this and not be to demanding. I have limitations and I must learn to respect them. I just love to move and to help a little too much I guess :o

I have got my parents in my clients list as of last night. I booked a cruise with my father and he was asking me all kinds of questions. He also asked me to shop around on the net for him. I did because I know that the prices I get are really good and very hard to beat.

I am off to get ready because we have a team meeting at the agency tonight and I have to go see my parents to have them sign some papers before.

See you all later and keep on losing
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[quote name='RQINFL']Quick question ~ it looks like you have a certain format for posting weight and measurements. Could you explain what each means? Thanks![/quote]

[COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black]Welcome aboard, glad to have another loser among our group[/FONT][/COLOR].

[COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black]I am the one that posts the weight and measurements with the help from Matt and emmysmommy when I've been unable.
Here is our format.

We post weights on Monday and measurements the first Monday of the month

SW....starting weight

TW.....todays weight

CW....cruise weight

measurements can be any you want to post but standard is:

upper arm

We also try to let others know what plan of eating and exercise we are doing so if anyone has suggestions in that area they can offer them to you.

Feel free to share any and all matters you want...Also feel free to pick on our dear Matt but do it nicely as he is our only MAN member on here and we have taken a fondness to him.
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Missou....you are so sweet to help another in need out. Sorry you hurt your back hope it feels better soon.

Emmysmommy.....hang in there you are doing so good. 15 more days YEAH:)

Matt...we don't pick on you (much:rolleyes:)

On on to the news from my dr's
I should know by Monday when the surgeries will be....they are still trying to get my IC(Interstitial Cystitis) under control using bladder instillations today was my 4th one and will have another one on Friday hopefully that will get it under control enough to start the next proceedures, still have a few more tests to run such as cyctoscopy where they will be able to do a biospy and then a hydrodistention(bladder stretching) and they think the shadow they saw is a Hunner's ulcer and not a re-occuring tumor on the bladder . But the cell count is still to reackon with by using the proceedure of administering 5 different meds to halt the DNA from spreading we hope to catch it from spreading. My biggest obsticle is being put under anesthesia as I have coded on them before I do not handle it well hard time coming out and get very nausetted afterwards.

All this before we cruise is going to be a miracle in itself but I believe in miracles.

But for now I am tired and am going to get our dinner on the table and then off to bed I go. As I said this week is a full work week with hospital and doctors visits it is wearing this OLD lady out.:eek:
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[QUOTE]We also try to let others know what plan of eating and exercise we are doing so if anyone has suggestions in that area they can offer them to you.

Feel free to share any and all matters you want...Also feel free to pick on our dear Matt but do it nicely as he is our only MAN member on here and we have taken a fondness to him.[/QUOTE]

THanks, and hi Matt!

My exercise plan is to do exercises in the pool in the morning and alternate dvds in the afternoon. I ordered 30 Day Shred and Turbo Jam, so when they arrive I'll try those and if I like them do them on alternate days. Right now I've been doing pool exercises and a dvd that I have. So as long as I actually motivate myself to do it, I think it's a pretty good plan ~ that's why I'm excited to talk with all of you because I'll have to be accountable to you.

As far as eating, I'm great as long as I'm not out with my friends. I really like healthy foods but sometimes get lazy and don't take the time to cook them ~ need to keep on that. I've been getting better at making fresh salsa that I keep in a jar in the refrigerator and put on everything, and a great raw veggie/rice thing in the food processor that I keep in the fridge as well and serve with kale or spinach. But when I go out, I tend to have a few drinks, which leads to eating bad food, more drinks etc. Again, I think that if I have to tell everybody here what I'm doing that I will make sure that I make good choices.

I would love to hear any suggestions/tips and if anybody has good recipes ~ love the idea I read about the meatloaf in muffin tins. GREAT idea!
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Vickey...you are NOT OLD. You are a BRAVE, BRAVE woman. Get your rest. You need it for your surgery and recovery. Your attitude is one to be admired. You are so upbeat and positive you will beat anything life slings your way. That cruise is going to be your reward for being such a good person to your patients, family and those around you.


Missou - please do not take up car towing for a living. Keep with your cruises!
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[quote name='vdarrell']
All this before we cruise is going to be a miracle in itself but I believe in miracles.


Vickey: I believe in miracles too! You are one incredible lady and I so appreciate all that you do to make this an encouraging place to be. We hope that we can be as much of an inspiration as you are to us.
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[quote name='riddle'] Missou - please do not take up car towing for a living. Keep with your cruises![/quote]


Are you sure?? I think I'd make a good car tower [IMG]http://www.watchmanscry.com/forum/images/smilies2/hide.gif[/IMG]

Vickey, here are the tips of an experienced operated patient. I have had more than 15 so far in my life :cool:

Relax and do not stress out about what once happened and what could happen in the futur. Life is the most deadly illness on this earth. No one has ever recovered from it. Remember that what has to be will be.

On the good side, you can help yourself live through this obstacle or any other as smoothly as possible. The best tools you will ever find to do so are your breathing and some intense mind control. The best way to control your pain is to breath through it slowly and calmly. The best way to reduce your panic is to breath slowly through it also.

After a surgery, you must take it easy, breath and let your worries at home. Before the surgery, you have to breath, relax and send those worries in Timbuctou. Do you meditate? I don't personnaly, but it is a great way to learn mind control. I learned the power of breathing over the years, but the one person who has helped the most through this learning process is the therapist who is coming tomorrow. His strokes are very deep and very slow and he has the very bad habit to work on those very painful spots. If you do not breath through his treatment, he will not be able to work effeciently. He taught me how not to contract my muscles when they are in pain, that is where the mind control comes in.

I hope that everything will go very smoothly for you and remember that we will be praying and waiting for you. I also hope the bad cell count will disappeare as quickly as possible so you can reclaim your life back.

Take care my dear friend and sleep thight [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Dormir/zz22.gif[/IMG]
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It was a good day today... ate good, got on the treadmill, did my walks, did my morning exercises.... I'm just fighting the urge to snack since I'm feeling like I want to munch on something!! Evenings are the worst with wanting to put things in my mouth just because.

I only have 7 more work days until I'm on vacation!! Yippeeeeee! :D

Take care all,
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Good morning everyone! I had difficulties going to sleep last night... I am constipated and my belly hurts. I took more than a liter of water around 11pm to help and nothing happened. So far, this morning, I took another liter. I hope it works before my therapist arrives. Anyway, I cannot take any more water since he will arrive around 11am.

Today, unless my therapist hurts me too much, I should be able to do my stairs slowly and to go take a walk outside. My back is not sore this morning, but I don't want to over do it and make the pain come back... No, no, no!!! I wish I could have been as wise last Monday :rolleyes::rolleyes: I just thought that I could have gone behind the wheel and control the direction of the minivan and let the men do the arms work :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Next time!!!!
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[quote name='riddle']Vickey...you are NOT OLD. You are a BRAVE, BRAVE woman. Get your rest. You need it for your surgery and recovery. Your attitude is one to be admired. You are so upbeat and positive you will beat anything life slings your way. That cruise is going to be your reward for being such a good person to your patients, family and those around you.


Missou - please do not take up car towing for a living. Keep with your cruises![/quote]

[COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black]Marsha.....you are so sweet. My dear patients are constantly telling me I am a youngster....I am 51:eek: but don't spread the word.
I really am trying to stay upbeat and positive but it is hard,during the day I stay busy and focused on my patients it is when I get home I fall apart. But having you all here to vent and you listen does help.
[quote name='RQINFL']THanks, and hi Matt!

My exercise plan is to do exercises in the pool in the morning and alternate dvds in the afternoon. I ordered 30 Day Shred and Turbo Jam, so when they arrive I'll try those and if I like them do them on alternate days. Right now I've been doing pool exercises and a dvd that I have. So as long as I actually motivate myself to do it, I think it's a pretty good plan ~ that's why I'm excited to talk with all of you because I'll have to be accountable to you.

As far as eating, I'm great as long as I'm not out with my friends. I really like healthy foods but sometimes get lazy and don't take the time to cook them ~ need to keep on that. I've been getting better at making fresh salsa that I keep in a jar in the refrigerator and put on everything, and a great raw veggie/rice thing in the food processor that I keep in the fridge as well and serve with kale or spinach. But when I go out, I tend to have a few drinks, which leads to eating bad food, more drinks etc. Again, I think that if I have to tell everybody here what I'm doing that I will make sure that I make good choices.

I would love to hear any suggestions/tips and if anybody has good recipes ~ love the idea I read about the meatloaf in muffin tins. GREAT idea![/quote]

[COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black]Do you like alot of veggies? I will try and find some recipes for you if you can list the veggies you will eat.
Going out is my downfall too.
Limit yourself to one night of splurging as a reward for the other 6 healthy days.:)
[quote name='emmysmommy']Vickey: I believe in miracles too! You are one incredible lady and I so appreciate all that you do to make this an encouraging place to be. We hope that we can be as much of an inspiration as you are to us.[/quote]
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[quote name='emmysmommy']Vickey: I believe in miracles too! You are one incredible lady and I so appreciate all that you do to make this an encouraging place to be. We hope that we can be as much of an inspiration as you are to us.[/quote]

[COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black]Love you all for the kind words....THANKS[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='missou'][IMG]http://www.watchmanscry.com/forum/images/smilies2/pink.gif[/IMG]

Are you sure?? I think I'd make a good car tower [IMG]http://www.watchmanscry.com/forum/images/smilies2/hide.gif[/IMG]

Vickey, here are the tips of an experienced operated patient. I have had more than 15 so far in my life :cool:

Relax and do not stress out about what once happened and what could happen in the futur. Life is the most deadly illness on this earth. No one has ever recovered from it. Remember that what has to be will be.

On the good side, you can help yourself live through this obstacle or any other as smoothly as possible. The best tools you will ever find to do so are your breathing and some intense mind control. The best way to control your pain is to breath through it slowly and calmly. The best way to reduce your panic is to breath slowly through it also.

After a surgery, you must take it easy, breath and let your worries at home. Before the surgery, you have to breath, relax and send those worries in Timbuctou. Do you meditate? I don't personnaly, but it is a great way to learn mind control. I learned the power of breathing over the years, but the one person who has helped the most through this learning process is the therapist who is coming tomorrow. His strokes are very deep and very slow and he has the very bad habit to work on those very painful spots. If you do not breath through his treatment, he will not be able to work effeciently. He taught me how not to contract my muscles when they are in pain, that is where the mind control comes in.

I hope that everything will go very smoothly for you and remember that we will be praying and waiting for you. I also hope the bad cell count will disappeare as quickly as possible so you can reclaim your life back.

Take care my dear friend and sleep thight [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Dormir/zz22.gif[/IMG][/quote]

[COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black]Missou......I pray which is as close to meditating as you can get. As for surgeries I have had more than my share and this is not the first time going through cancer for me it is my third type of cancer and the second time around with the bladder. Cancer cells are so unpredictable, and it is the control thing I have a problem with.

By Monday we should know when they can get this surgery under way and how severe it is once they do the biospy.

Keep the prayers coming I do appreciate them.

On a good note I am baking some cupcakes for my sweet little patient who will be 95 tomorrow and we have a little party planned for her. I don't like chocolate so don't worry they are not a temptation for me.:D

Just a sideline idea......got an e-mail today and during the months of Sept-Oct-Nov-Dec they have some really neat specials going on room rates at Excalibur in Vegas for $22-$34 a night.........looking good
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Saturday is my DD's party to celebrate her law school graduation/bar taking. We have kept it small - mostly family. However, in my usual fashion I have gotten all flustered and nervous about the house, yard, pool, etc. DD came today and cleaned the house (she starts her job Monday), DH is working on the pool and I am working on the yard, sunroom, etc. I still have to grocery shop and do a million other things. I wish I could just relax. After all it is just family and a little pool party.

Next week I really plan to get my eating back on track. I have been so tired since the cruise. I think we just went, went too much. I tried to keep up with a 27 year old and that is hard. This is one of my busiest times at work and I really should not have taken off last week but some things only come around once in a lifetime.

Well back to stressing about the party.

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