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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Yes!!! I did the Hip Hop Abs, the Pilates and the AKP!!! I was on the treadmill for only 5 minutes because of my knee though :o It is Thanksgiving here in Canada today and Hubby is home. He will do some work on my knee and if I feel good enough later in the day, I will go on the treadmill. Then again, I most likely will do some specific work on it and forget about the treadmill. I think it would be wiser.


What about you guys, how is your training? Doing some stairs Matt? Doing something Marsha? What about you Brenda and Kelly? And Vickey, keep on resting and fighting against those bad cells. It is hard work and we are cheering for you! Go, Go, go everyone!!! We can do it!!! ;):):)

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Well Missou my husband is in Canada so he is off till tonight because of Thanksgiving.


I have been working like crazy on our pool because it turned totally green and if we close it this weekend I want it to be halfway clear so that it won't be so bad in the spring.


Hauling out old dead leaves from the bottom of a pool is a lot of work and surely must burn a lot of calories.


I am off to the store to buy fruits and vegs. Good luck this week everyone.



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It's me again:D


Not too bad of a day...went to grocery store it felt good to get out going somewhere besides the doctors office.


It is chilly here and I can feel the dampness in the air (or should I say my joints feel it:mad:)


I go to the doctors on Thursday and they will consult and let me know if I can cruise but it is looking hopeful .....since my chest x-ray showed clear lungs and my resistance test showed a great improvement.

If not my DH said we could book as soon as we get the okay, but again I want to go on this cruise...I have read and met several posters who I would love to meet/greet on the October 18th cruise and would hate to have my cousin and her DH re set their cruise as they also have been waiting on this cruise a long time.



Missou...I agree with you about our little gang we do stick together and seem to try and encourage and motivate each other and I know I will surely need everyone's help in whipping my BUTT into shape. I will gladly do my stairs without whinning. Keep at it you will lose that 6.

Again hope all goes well at the doctors.


riddle....I know you will be so pleased to see your DH and hope you don't wear yourself out cleaning the pool out.

It seems to have turned cold over night here.

BTW....I will hopefully get to wave your way Saturday when we head to the airport we fly out of CVG at 8:40 am want to join me :)


Matt....home cooked meals taste good but remember you have a goal to reach and I have no doubt you will reach it with all the work you are doing on your new house.. How is the Mrs. doing today?


Emmysmommy....hang in there. I thought I'd tell you so you could get a good laugh in my DH said if the doctors don't let me cruise soon we could take a small week end away to Las Vegas... like there is no germs there:confused:

I think he was kinda thinking about himself more than me on that idea:D


Oh well I am off here to eat dinner.

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as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz said "There's No Place Like HOME"



Emmysmommy...I am hanging in there sometimes it has seemed as if it was only by a thread but I have a Wonderful God who can work miracles and he has worked overtime on me lately. Along with support from family and friends.:)

How was Vegas...love that place it is so alive. Got to admit we love the buffets a little to much ourselves which ones are your favorites. Again where did you stay? Did you get lucky enough to win enough for another cruise:D


Amen to a great God who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think.

Well... you did ask. Vegas was mostly eat, lay around, eat, walk around, eat, and go see a show. No gambling so no hope of winning enough for a future cruise.



Just received an e-mail from Carnival telling us that on our cruise they will be having Halloween activities going on we had not even thought about it being so close to Halloween when we booked I could go as a Zombie since I am so pale and have dark circles under my eyes and lots of bruises on my arms from blood work and IV's or as a medical lab rat.:eek:


Whatever you decide - whether to go on the cruise or stay home and take it easy...I'm wishing you all the best and hope the road to recovery is smooth and easy.


Take care my friend,


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Today I'm home from work with a sick kid.... I ended up napping when she did - go figure! She'll be back at school tomorrow and I will be back in the office away from the candy corn. Yes, I dug into the Halloween candy - I just wanted 1 handful. Thus far, I have only overdone it by a second handful. I did do my morning exercises and will probably run tonight so all hope is not lost.


Stupid Halloween.... why can't we just give hugs to the kids who come to our door instead of candy??? :p


Take care,


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Matt, you know you can have a very healthy home cooked meal, I am having one tonight. We are having a roastbeef with a lot of veggies, some mash patatoes and a wine sauce. We placed the roastbeef frozen in the cooking pan and cooked it at 200F for several hours without adding anything to it. The potatoes will be mashed in the cooking juice with a lot of herbs to season it. I may had some milk, but I am not sure. The wine sauce will be made with olive oil instead of butter and 15% cream instead of 35% cream. Boy, this sounds good, I can't wait to eat :D:D I am sure you will get back on track as soon as possible.


Marsha, the work around the pool is good work indeed. Be carefull not to fall in that green water though :p Taking walks is a nice way to get back on track with your training. Do you have a bicycle at home, whether it is a stationnary one or not? It is good work for your knee and for your heart. What else could you do now that your knee is better?


Vickey, I am glad to hear you. You sound really good. Keep your spirit up, keep on thinking positive. You are fighting for your life and you are doing it with a good attitude. You can be very proud of yourself.


Should I still be waiting for some weight-ins? I am still missing a few. Remember, you should not be ashamed of those extra pounds, they are just a challenge for you!! In my opinion, my scale is my friend, it helps me control my weight. If I would not have it, how could I know where I stand?


Take care everyone, I am off to eat my home cooked meal... :D:D:D The sauce smells so good!!!

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Missou: Are you tracking weights now? Good for you!


This last week I've pretty much maintained in the 115 range so I've got a couple pounds to lose to get back to where I was right before I cruised.


I'm in no hurry since I should be more focused on being healthy versus being "thin". But I still feel guilty even after losing most of the weight when I "cheat" or don't work out. I know, crazy obsessiveness isn't healthy either!!


Oh, I also meant to say that your pot roast and mashed potatoes sounds delish!!!

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Hello all! Thanks, Missou, for making those corrections. I weighed in this morning at 136.2 again, but I was only 136.6 tonight so I should be in the 135 range tomorrow morning. I know, I know :rolleyes: I'm not supposed to weigh myself so much, but I'm a little fanatical about it. It helps to keep me on task. We rode our bikes yesterday and went for a brisk walk tonight. I know my pants are fitting better. Now that they're not quite so "filled out", they're hanging a little lower and I'm walking on them. I've never been so happy to ruin a perfectly good pair of dress pants! :p


Vickey, I'm glad to hear you're getting some good results! Keep on getting better! :)

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Good morning everyone!! It is rainy and cold today and I have to go see my optometrist :mad: I don't want to go out, I want to do a lot of cooconing in the warth of my house


I will stop the Hip Hop Abs for a while. It is a little difficult for my knee. Instead, I will increase the Pilates and the treadmill, I will not stop the AKP, it is really good for my abs. Hey, by the way, my belly feels a lot better nowadays :cool:


Thanks for your weight-ins Brenda and Kellly, I added them to the table.


Kelly, isn't it nice to loose our pants or our bras in my case :D Congradulations!!


Brenda, now that you have reached your goal, you can indulge yourself a little... You deserve it!!! But remember, I did say a little :D The scale is your friend, use it :D By the way, the pot roast and the mashed potatoes were really good...


Take care everyone 11_7_102.gif

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Well I just came inside from working on the pool trying to get it as clean as possible to close this weekend (hopefully). Then I worked on digging out the last of the bushes (2 to go). Unfortunately, darkness took over and I did not get it out completely. Rain is due tomorrow and we are giving a coworker a baby shower after work so tomorrow probably will not work. My goal is still to get these out and the area mulched as a surprise for my husband when he gets home Friday. That leaves me Thursday. This has been my exercise for a while.


I did not do badly today eating. Hope you all had a good day. I had a real bummer at work but it seems to have worked out ok



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Vickey - I do hope you get to go and I get to join you. What time do I need to be at the airport? Do you have a steamer trunk to hide me in?


Also, we leave for Vegas on the 26th. I guess I could go right from the cruise to Vegas. What do you think?



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Good evening friends,

Kelli: Congrats on the dragging pants!! How awesome that all of your hard work is paying off! :D


Missou: I have pot roast and mashed potatoes on my mind now. Darn you! :p


I'm feeling lazy tonight, not gonna even think about running... well, I'll think a little but I'm wrapped up in my bathrobe watching the storm tracker on TV. We're in for a good one! Oh, about 1-2"! :eek: I know, I know... everyone else in the country (and yes, even Canada!) must laugh at us since we are such wimps when it comes to rain. We get a 1/2" of rain and it is "storm watch". Crazy Californians!


It's a good night for soup. I'm making some lentils and veggie soup. I'll serve it with some whole grain bread. I also have some baby asparagus that wanted to roast with a sprinkling of parmesean. It's not pot roast but it will do.


Take care,


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Good morning everyone. I am checking in. Yesterday was a good day for me. I had my carpets cleaned at the new house and I painted in the Kitchen. I lost track of time and didn't realize that after I painted and built a laundry cart that it was already 2:30 and I missed lunch (started at 9am). It helped me eat something small and then had dinner made at 5:30.

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Good morning everyone!!


Since yesterday, I haven't been feeling really up to anything. My energy level is low. Darn red week... Tomorrow is another day, hopefully, it will be better.


Matt, I am glad to know the house is coming along nicely.


Brenda, I hope you had a nice relaxing evening yesterday.


Tonight we have our monthly team meeting at the office. Right now, I don't feel like going... Since I am not obliged to, I just might pass it for this month.


I will post the Weight-In Table later on today.

Speak to you all later!!

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Anchor’s Aweight!!!!

October 12th, 2009




SW....148 lbs

TW....132...124.9....123....122.8....122.5 ....121.1....1.17.5....119.6....116.6....115.2....114.3....115 lbs

CW....115 lbs

weight gained this week....0.7 lbs

Total....33 lbs

To Goal....GOAL REACHED!!!!! danse004.gif (Should stop feeling so guilty haha.gif )




SW....153 lbs

TW....141....140.8....140.8....139.6....136.2....136.2 lbs

Cw....120 lbs

Weight loss this week.... 0 lbs

Total weight loss....16.8 lbs

To Goal....16.2 lbs




Kudos 2 fly

SW....135.7 lbs

TW....135.7....134.5....133.1....132.4 ....132.2....130....131.1....129.4....131.8....131 lbs

CW....120 lbs

weight loss....2.2 lbs

Total....5.7 lbs

To Goal...10 lbs





SW.....220 lbs

TW....200....196....196.6....196....194.8....195....201....200....199.4....199....199.6....200....200....200....199.... 199....200 lbs

CW....180 lbs

weight gained....1 lbs

Total....20 lbs

To Goal....20 lbs




SW....165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4....159.2....161.4....162.8....160.8....161.8...163.2....164....161....163.8....161....161.6....160.6 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight gained....1 lb

Total....4 lbs

To Goal....26 lbs





SW...231 lbs

TW....223.....209....209....207....207 lbs

CW....180 lbs

Total weight loss....24 lbs

To Goal....27 lbs




SW....236 lbs

TW...229...224...219.8..219.9.....218.6...219.6....225....229 lbs

CW....170 lbs

Weekly weight gained....1 lb gain

Total....16.4 lbs

To Goal....49.6 lbs

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Missou....you are doing a great job on posting the weights hopefully soon I will be able to post a winning number for a weight loss but for now I will not even think about it.

Wish you didn't have to suffer through those red weeks.


Riddle...I will swing by and get you and hide you in my check in bag. (if they release me tomorrow) and then after the cruise on the following Sunday we can go straight from Tampa to Las Vegas.

Don't you just love our weather today cold, windy, and feels like snow. Try to stay warm.


Emmysmommy....rain is rain regardless of how much I don't like any of it.

But now your soup that sounds good and I will take a bowl of that.


Matt....you got to keep up your strength don't forget to eat but make sure they are healthy...now back to fixing up that new house for the new misses:rolleyes:



I go tomorrow to find out if they will let me cruise I wish today was over with.

My PVP called today to wish us a Bon Voyage.

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This looks like a fun thread- can I join? are all of you on W.W?

I have a about 45 days before our cruise- but have been on a serious plan- eating right and exersise since mid August- lost 25 pounds so far- like to do another 15 before th cuise- but have a total of 75 moe pounds to go! YIKES- I will do it- Im not giving up THIS time!! :)


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Welcome aboard RVP!! We are a very suportive gang and we have gotten to be close to one another. We are always happy to welcome new members. As they say, the more, the merrier!!


If you feel up to it, you can post your SW... Starting Weight, TW... Today's Weight and your CW... Cruise Weight.


We have a weekly weight-in every Monday and every 1st Monday of the month is our measuring time. For now, I am posting the Anchor's Aweight Tables until Vickey feels better.


We are not on Weight Watchers, but we beleive that healthy eating and in exercising is the life!!


We have our Drill Sargent Monster Matt, he's the one pushing you up the stairs when Smily Monster (me) fools around with the elevator's button so they become out of order.


Right now, Matt is on leave to take care of his newly acquired house and his new wife, but we all better watch out when he comes back on duty :D:D


Hope to see more of you!!

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Missou: You are SO FUNNY! I'll try to deal with the guilt. :D Not having Halloween candy around certainly helps. Tonight is a free for all night with dinner. Everyone is going separate ways so I don't have to cook. I may just have a bowl of cereal for dinner!


Matt: Forgetting lunch - how do you do that? :p It certainly makes it easier to limit the opportunities to over do it. I wish I could get into something that involved so I could miss a meal - or two!! :cool:


RVP: welcome. 25 pounds since August is awesome.


Take care all.


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This looks like a fun thread- can I join? are all of you on W.W?

I have a about 45 days before our cruise- but have been on a serious plan- eating right and exersise since mid August- lost 25 pounds so far- like to do another 15 before th cuise- but have a total of 75 moe pounds to go! YIKES- I will do it- Im not giving up THIS time!! :)


Welcome to the board RVP! Congrats on losing 25 pounds! :D This group will make losing the remaining 75 a lot more fun! I haven't joined WW but I buy the frozen meals (along with Lean Cuisine) for lunch... it's just easier. :rolleyes:



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Count me in. SW 258 TW 233 GW 215 (by cruise) Actual goal is 160.

look forward to loosing with all of you.


Anyone try the "Sassy water" ?? could be wrong on the name - cant remember what diet book I read it in?? hahaha too many read I guess.

Its simple and rather satisfying too.

1 quart of water

1 lemon squeezed

10 mint leaves

1 cucumber sliced

1 tbsp fresh ground ginger

mix all together.

Drink a quart a day-


I missed my work out yesterday- although WONT miss it today- probaly wont make the gym but will do my 2 mile brisk walk.


later all-

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Welcome aboard RVP. As Missou has stated, I am the Stair Drill Sargent. I won't push too hard in the first few days, but I will be pushing.


well Saturday is moving day. Still need to finish painting the kitchen and packing (urgghh. there is so much more to pack). I did take all my clothes in my closet over yesterday and planned to paint then, but had to make it home to make dinner and I left work an hour later than i had planned.


But today is going to be finishing the painting of the walls and then starting the baseboards so all the appliances can go back in their spots. We really just need to get the big stuff on Saturday in the truck; the smaller stuff can go in our cars. And we still have half a month lease at the townhouse.


Well time to eat my slimfast meal bar for breakfast and then lunch is ramen noodles, chicken flavor. I will try not to miss my lunch tomorrow as I finish up the final touches at the house.

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Hello everyone, I am in shock this morning :eek::eek: I always step on my scale in the morning and yesterday, I forgot to. Well this morning, I wen't back on it a few times to make sure my eyes were not having any trouble. I am at 158.8!!!! I lost the 6!!!! I am so happy!!! I tried on my little pants and if things keep on going in the right direction, I will wear them on my cruise!!! Today, I am seeing my GP and I will do my exercises when I come back in the afternoon, I am so motivated!!! My November CW is 155 and I just might make it!!!! My May CW is going to be 145!!! I think that loosing 10 pounds in 5 months is a good objective. Today is starting ou to be so good!!!

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Dominique CONGRATULATONS!!! wow! that is super news! It does feel great when you loose- was te 6 pounds in 1 week? ANY secrets? I have been at a complete standstill for 3 weeks now! its driving me crazy- and I have stayed so focused on my plan and exercise a minimal of 45 minutes each day ???

Matt- I can handle it. Im very competative and when I make up my mind I stick to it! so dont worry about being soft on me- :D good luck with the house- sounds like fun. your bfast sounds good- BUT YUCK to the Ramen noodles- they taste like cardboard to me- hahaha

ALL--thanks for the welcomes.




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