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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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My Christmas goal is to lose the weight I will have gained on the cruise... I better not gain to much since I will arrive on the 14... On the ship, I will use the stairs as much as possible and I will walk a lot both on the ship and the islands Not gaining too much weight is possible, but losing the weight I will have gained in only 11 days should be a big challenge :D:D On the 20th and the 21st, I will not eat a lot because of 2 endoscopy tests I have to take on the 21st. That should help :p;):D


I am now off to do my exercises. Speak to you later!!!

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Matt, now that the moving is out of the way, you have all the unpacking to do still? That is the most anoying part of moving :D Do you have room to do your training? If not, you better take care of those boxes quickly :D:D


The 1 will stay with you from now on!!! It is now time to work on losing the 9!!! You could maybe do it for Christmas. There are 9 weeks left till that joly old man will come by.


In my case, there are 5 weeks and 3 days left untill I am on my way to Barbados. I should be able to reach my November cruise goal, which is 155, by then.


Let's go Matt!! We can do it!!!


Yeah, still have all the boxes to unpack. It is a 4 bedroom house with a finished basement. I have enough rooms that I can workout in, and have 2 times the amount of stairs in the house. Plus now I will be cutting grass at least once a week. I am going to try my hardest to be at 190 by Xmas, but I can't promise anything.

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Good morning everyone. I'll be leaving home in about 1/2 hour to go see my GYN. I'll talk to you about the results I'll get this afternoon. Since I am seeing residents, the results will have to come very slowly :rolleyes: I don't know if they will have the results of the biopsy I took in June. I'll have to see.


Have a very nice day and speak to you all later.

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Good evening everyone. I went to see the GYN this morning and I have got another test to pass :rolleyes: The problem I have, if not treated could result in a cancer :eek: Sometimes I wonder which is better, having the problem treated or having the uterus removed... That would take care of the cancer risk... I will talk with my GP. She did talk about the possibility of having my uterus removed last week. It is something to consider seriously.


In the afternoon, I went to the office to do some paperwork for 2 of my clients. I walked from Hubby's work to the office back and forth. I must have walked a total of about 2 hours today :D Now, I am tired and I just feel like lying down in a lounge chair on the upper deck of a ship in the Caribbean while staring at the stars... That would be the life!!


Take care everyone and have a good evening 11_7_102.gif

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Good evening everyone.


Missou - I can see your dilemma... uterus or no uterus. :rolleyes:


I'm not sure if you need my weight - I do still weigh myself and it fluctuates by a few pounds but I'm actually under my original goal now at 113.6.


Tonight I need to use up some grape tomatoes and fresh basil so I'm making a salad with the tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, red onion, basil, and avocado cubes. I'll season with some olive oil and basalmic vinegar. Not sure what we'll grill tonight but it is lovely weather and the baseball play-offs are being televised. (The Angel game just started.)


So that's what I'm doing....


Talk later,


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I didn't have anything but the salad and some whole wheat crackers tonight since it was soooooo good. I have some left overs for tomorrow's lunch! I just didn't add the basalmic vinegar yet since it would destroy the basil and avocado by tomorrow. Yummy! :D (Hubby ended up going to a friend's house to watch the ball game so no grilling tonight.)


I ran for an hour tonight since I skipped yesterday and I only ran for 1/2 hour on Sunday. I had actually taken a few nights off running so I had to pick it back up and get moving again. I'm still doing the stair at work (thanks to Sarge!) and my morning strength training.


I'm afraid if I skip more than a few days this whole healthy regime will fall apart and I will go back to where I was since I still am a food addict, I really don't want to exercise - there are so many other things I'd rather do, and it is so easy to say "tomorrow I'll do something about this...." I know, I know... not the best outlook but even though my body has transformed my mind is still stuck with the garbage that got me where I was before I decided it was time to take on this my weight issue with all seriousness.


Ok, enough whining here....


Take care everyone!


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Hello everyone, it is sunny and cold here in Montreal with a little 37F outside today smiley_cold_1.gif

Last night, I was sick and this morning, I am at 157.2 :cool: Sometimes, being sick is a good alternative smiley-face-laugh.jpg

Today, I have to do my workout to make sure the weight lost does not come back 010104ok1.gif


Brenda, I think that by keeping on posting your weight might help you. It could keep you motivated. It encourages me a lot to see how far you have come too. Another thing about your exercises. You have lost a lot of weight by doing so much and you still keep on losing weight now. I think you could reduce the intensity a little so that you can find the perfect balance between your eating and your exercising. Then again, maybe you could indulge yourself a little more 010104ok1.gif


Have a nice day and don't forget to do your best!!!

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Anchor’s Aweight!!!!

October 19th, 2009




SW....148 lbs

TW.....132...124.9..123....122.8.....122.5 ...121.1...117.5....119.6....116.6....115.2....114.3....115....133.6 lbs

CW....115 lbs

weight lost this week....1.4 lbs

Total....34.4 lbs

To Goal... GOAL REACHED!!!!!





SW....153 lbs

TW....141....140.8....140.8....139.6....136.2....136.2 lbs

Cw....120 lbs

Weight loss this week.... 0 lbs

Total weight loss....16.8 lbs

To Goal....16.2 lbs More than half way to goal!!!




Kudos 2 fly

SW...135.7 lbs

TW....135.7 ...134.5....133.1...132.4 ....132.2...130....131.1....129.4....131.8....131 lbs

CW....120 lbs

weight loss...... 2.2 lbs

Total....5.7 lbs

To Goal...10 lbs





SW.....220 lbs

TW....200....196..196.6..196.....194.8...195...201....200....199.4....199....199.6....200....200....200....199.... 199....200....199 lbs

CW....180 lbs

weight lost....1 lbs

Total....21 lbs

To Goal....19 lbs More than half way to goal!!!





SW....205 lbs

TW.....185 lbs....177...175.4 lbs...??


Weekly weight loss...1.6 lbs

To Goal..... lbs





SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...162.8....160.8....161.8...163.2...164....161....163.8....161....161.6....160.6....159.2 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight lose....1.4 lb gain

Total...5.8 lbs

To Goal....24.2 lbs Lost the 6!!!!





SW....276 lbs

TW.....272 lbs.....270.5....268 ... 264 lbs....262 lbs

CW.....165 lbs

Total weight loss...2 lb loss

To Goal.....14 lbs





SW...231 lbs

TW....223.....209....209....207 ....207 lbs

CW.....180 lbs

Total weight loss......24 lbs

To Goal....27 lbs




RVP Cruiser

SW....258 lbs

TW....231 lbs

CW....215 lbs...(160 lbs)

Weekly weight loss.....2 lb

Total......27 lbs

To Goal....16 lbs....(71 lbs)






SW....236 lbs

TW...229...224...219.8..219.9.....218.6...219.6....225....229 lbs

CW....170 lbs

Weekly weight loss.....1 lb gain

Total......16.4 lbs

To Goal....49.6 lbs

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Anchor’s Aweight!!!!


October 19th, 2009



SW....148 lbs

TW.....132...124.9..123....122.8.....122.5 ...121.1...117.5....119.6....116.6....115.2....114.3....115....133.6 lbs

CW....115 lbs

weight lost this week....1.4 lbs

Total....34.4 lbs

To Goal... GOAL REACHED!!!!!



Wow! That was a big spike in my weight! :D I know I ate too much candy corn a few days ago but..... just so everyone knows it should be 113! :p


Missou: You give good and sensible advise too!

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I'm not sure if you need my weight - I do still weigh myself and it fluctuates by a few pounds but I'm actually under my original goal now at 113.6.


just so everyone knows it should be 113! :p



Hey Brenda, I am a little confused here, is it 113.6 or 113 :D:D:D


I made the changes, and I'll repost the table as soon as Hubby is gone for work ;):)

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Good morning Losers.


How is everyone doing today? I have been alright, but have been slacking a little in my working out.


Since moving in, I haven't done much unpacking. Here and there but nothing major. I want to get it all done by Halloween, but I know that it won't happen.


And I have been slacking on the Stairs. Yesterday I started hitting them at work again. But before that, I was lazy and skipped a few weeks of them. I am committed to doing them every morning and maybe at lunch now too. This week was not the best, so I am thinking that the 2 is going to come back.


Alright, back to work and having my slimfast breakfast shake.

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Anchor’s Aweight!!!!

October 19th, 2009




SW....148 lbs

TW.....132...124.9..123....122.8.....122.5 ...121.1...117.5....119.6....116.6....115.2....114.3....115....133 lbs

CW....115 lbs

weight lost this week....2 lbs

Total....35 lbs

To Goal... GOAL REACHED!!!!!





SW....153 lbs

TW....141....140.8....140.8....139.6....136.2....136.2 lbs

Cw....120 lbs

Weight loss this week.... 0 lbs

Total weight loss....16.8 lbs

To Goal....16.2 lbs More than half way to goal!!!




Kudos 2 fly

SW...135.7 lbs

TW....135.7 ...134.5....133.1...132.4 ....132.2...130....131.1....129.4....131.8....131 lbs

CW....120 lbs

weight loss...... 2.2 lbs

Total....5.7 lbs

To Goal...10 lbs





SW.....220 lbs

TW....200....196..196.6..196.....194.8...195...201....200....199.4....199....199.6....200....200....200....199.... 199....200....199 lbs

CW....180 lbs

weight lost....1 lbs

Total....21 lbs

To Goal....19 lbs More than half way to goal!!!





SW....205 lbs

TW.....185 lbs....177...175.4 lbs...??


Weekly weight loss...1.6 lbs

To Goal..... lbs





SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...162.8....160.8....161.8...163.2...164....161....163.8....161....161.6....160.6....159.2 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight lose....0.6 lb

Total...5.8 lbs

To Goal....24.2 lbs





SW....276 lbs

TW.....272 lbs.....270.5....268 ... 264 lbs....262 lbs

CW.....165 lbs

Total weight loss...2 lb loss

To Goal.....14 lbs





SW...231 lbs

TW....223.....209....209....207 ....207 lbs

CW.....180 lbs

Total weight loss......24 lbs

To Goal....27 lbs




RVP Cruiser

SW....258 lbs

TW....231 lbs

CW....215 lbs...(160 lbs)

Weekly weight loss..... 2 lb

Total......27 lbs

To Goal....16 lbs....(71 lbs)






SW....236 lbs

TW...229...224...219.8..219.9.....218.6...219.6....225....229 lbs

CW....170 lbs

Weekly weight loss.....1 lb gain

Total......16.4 lbs

To Goal....49.6 lbs

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I did change emmysmommy's weight from 113.6 to 133 :eek::eek: I did a major misclick :D:D:D


Good thing the total weight lost is good or else poor Brenda would have gained 18 pounds in a week...

Talk about spoiling yourself and indulging in the good foods!!!lollol341.gif


Brenda, I corrected every thing on the table that I save on my computer, don't worry

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I did change emmysmommy's weight from 113.6 to 133 :eek: I did a major misclick


Good thing the total weight lost is good or else poor Brenda would have gained 18 pounds in a week...

Talk about spoiling yourself and indulging in the good foods!!!lollol341.gif


Brenda, I corrected every thing on the table that I save on my computer, don't worry


Missou: You make me burn so many calories by laughing!!!!! :D


Matt: It's ok to take a break once in a while... you have a lot on your plate right now. Don't you only have about 10 pounds or less until your goal anyways? You have done a lot of hard work to get where you are at so I say congrats for what you HAVE accomplished!


Take care all. I gotta go watch the Angels game with hubby. Wer'e having some flat bread pizzas. Yum!

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Good morning Winnig-Losers!!! We have a low 27F right now with a 93% of humidity smiley_cold_1.gif Brenda, do you have room for me :p I hope Vickey is enjoying the sea and the sun!! 34 more days before I am on a plane for sunny Barbados... Boy, I just can't wait!!!


I have been lazy these past few days... Bad, bad me :mad::mad: I have to get back to my training room or else the 6 will come back :eek: I have some work to do at the office again today so I'll be doing some walking again. Besides that, I want to find a DVD that will teach me the basics of some latin dances like the Merengue or the Chacha. Then, I have to convinces Hubby to work with me :p


Have a nice day and be good to yourselves!!!

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Missou: You make me burn so many calories by laughing!!!!! :D Good, I am happy to make you burn some more calories :p


Matt: It's ok to take a break once in a while... you have a lot on your plate right now. Don't you only have about 10 pounds or less until your goal anyways? You have done a lot of hard work to get where you are at so I say congrats for what you HAVE accomplished!


Take care all. I gotta go watch the Angels game with hubby. Wer'e having some flat bread pizzas. Yum!


Did the Angels win? How were the pizzas?

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Missou: You make me burn so many calories by laughing!!!!! :D


Matt: It's ok to take a break once in a while... you have a lot on your plate right now. Don't you only have about 10 pounds or less until your goal anyways? You have done a lot of hard work to get where you are at so I say congrats for what you HAVE accomplished!


Take care all. I gotta go watch the Angels game with hubby. Wer'e having some flat bread pizzas. Yum!


I have 19 to go to reach my goal. But I want to be 190 for xmas so that is 9 pounds by then.


I finished cleaning out my townhouse and cleaning it last night.


I wanted to watch the Yankees beat the Angels last night, but I was disappointed. It would be perfect for the Angels to win the WS though after the horrible loss they had this year. If they make it past the Yanks, I am going to be pulling for them to win it.

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Good morning Winnig-Losers!!! We have a low 27F right now with a 93% of humidity smiley_cold_1.gif Brenda, do you have room for me :p I hope Vickey is enjoying the sea and the sun!! 34 more days before I am on a plane for sunny Barbados... Boy, I just can't wait!!!


I have been lazy these past few days... Bad, bad me :mad::mad: I have to get back to my training room or else the 6 will come back :eek: I have some work to do at the office again today so I'll be doing some walking again. Besides that, I want to find a DVD that will teach me the basics of some latin dances like the Merengue or the Chacha. Then, I have to convinces Hubby to work with me :p


Have a nice day and be good to yourselves!!!


They have Dancing with the Stars DVDs that teach you dances. We have one of them and I want to say the ChaCha is on it. They are tough to do, as they go very fast and don't really have someone there telling you if you are doing it right or not.

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Did the Angels win? How were the pizzas?


YES! Angels won. :D


The pizzas were awesome (if I don't say so myself.) I made a roasted veggie version with onion, peppers, mushrooms, grape tomatoes and avocado slices on top once it came out of the oven. The second was a repeat of one I made the other day; bacon, bleu cheese, and carmelized onion. Both had low fat mozzarella cheese and only 1 Tablespoon of olive oil brushed on the flatbread.


Tomorrow night I made reservations at a Japanese restaurant for date night with my hubby. I'm sure I'll be tempted by the tempura and teriaki items but I'm watching what I eat today and I've already had 2 long walks and did my morning exercises.


Hope all is well with you - other than it being cold. But just think, in 34 days you will be enjoying the sunshine and beaches!


Take care,


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I have 19 to go to reach my goal. But I want to be 190 for xmas so that is 9 pounds by then.


I finished cleaning out my townhouse and cleaning it last night.


I wanted to watch the Yankees beat the Angels last night, but I was disappointed. It would be perfect for the Angels to win the WS though after the horrible loss they had this year. If they make it past the Yanks, I am going to be pulling for them to win it.


Hey - Angel's fan here! :p I'm sure the Yanks will pull off the division win in the end but one can hope. They just can't pitch to A-Rod - they need to walk him!


Your weight loss goal is very reasonable by Christmas. You'll be good.



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