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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Welcome home Missou. I hope you enjoyed your time on the cruise. My wife and I were talking about cruising last night. We loved it so much, that we want to go back. We may go for a balcany instead of the suite (to save some money), but don't want to get an inside cabin. We just loved the balcony so much.


We do get an 8000 tax credit for the new house, so that will be helpful to get that money. Maybe with that, we will book another cruise.


Good morning to the board. 3 more days this week until I get friday off for my Hanakah holiday (just taking it as a holiday) and then 4 next week until xmas (working xmas eve, as no one will be at work and it will be nice and quiet). Then I get to start the countdown till I leave on a jet plane to go to Texas.

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Hello everyone!!


Hubby weighted himself yesterday evening and had a wake up call... He has hit the 200 bar... He was at 208 :eek::eek:


This morning, he is at 206... :( He told me he would start going on the Gazelle and the treadmill next week. I have to convince him to go on the AKP too and maybe do some Hip Hop Abs thumbs-up.gif


As for me, I guess I had a water retention problem when I came back from the cruise because this morning, I am at 159.8!! banana2.gif


Losing 4.2 pounds in 2 days is kind of impossible... It most of been all water.


Nevertheless, I am under the 160 bar and losing 3 pounds before Christmas is totally doable. I was at 157 before the cruise.


This morning, I have asked Hubby to give me a kick massage to help drain the fluids in my knee so I can go in the stairs today. It was really helpful during the cruise to maintain my weight. I most not stop this great habit!!


How is everyone's Christmas coming along? Have you finished the baking? Be careful not to do too much since it is a great temptation!!


The stairs and the treadmill are our best friends these days!!


Take care and remember that it is possible to have a healthy Christmas too!! Instead of serving chips, you can serve clementines pealed and separated. It is a great success in my family!


What are you tricks to make Christmas as healthy as possible?

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We do get an 8000 tax credit for the new house, so that will be helpful to get that money. Maybe with that, we will book another cruise.


If you want, you can let me know when you'll be ready. I can call you to give you some help. Who knows, you could join us on our next cruise!!

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Here's my healthy tip for the body and mind. I have 2 girls 6 and 9. They love to bake cookies. So what I do is sent them to Grandma's for the weekend and they bake but aren't allowed to bring any home then on Christmas my mom is allowed to bring 1 plate over to have with dessert and a couple to leave for Santa but the rest go back home with her. My kids don't really like sweets, they like to make them and I like to eat them. And the weekend that they bake is a break for hubby and I. Gotta love that!


I worked yesterday and didn't have time to get on the treadmill but I thought to myself I can do 10 flights up and down the stairs. I did it but boy did that kick my butt.Much harder than I thought it would be.

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Hello everyone!!


How is everyone's Christmas coming along? Have you finished the baking? Be careful not to do too much since it is a great temptation!!


The stairs and the treadmill are our best friends these days!!


Take care and remember that it is possible to have a healthy Christmas too!! Instead of serving chips, you can serve clementines pealed and separated. It is a great success in my family!


What are you tricks to make Christmas as healthy as possible?


Good morning Missou. That is great that you didn't gain too much. It had to be the water. I hate how water can make you feel so much heavier.


I am not baking, but xmas is coming along. All the gifts are wrapped and under the tree.


My only tricks are to eat healthy. Don't go for 2nds and 3rds right away. Give your body time to process the first helping. That is what i have been doing for the holidays. Get a plate, eat that, sit around and think if i want anymore. Usually I will get a small portion of something else and that will be it, instead of another full plate.


Took the stairs today and double pace than normal. I have to get back to jogging them. I made it to the 6th floor out of 8 before being too tired to go on. I also did stairs at home last night. 20 up downs on them at a jog so a total of 260 up and 260 down.


Can't wait for xmas to open the wii to start the wii fit and working out on that.

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I worked yesterday and didn't have time to get on the treadmill but I thought to myself I can do 10 flights up and down the stairs. I did it but boy did that kick my butt.Much harder than I thought it would be.


Good for you!!! If 10 reps are too hard, you can start by doing 5 reps and you must remember to do your stretching after. It is muy importante!!

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Took the stairs today and double pace than normal. I have to get back to jogging them. I made it to the 6th floor out of 8 before being too tired to go on. I also did stairs at home last night. 20 up downs on them at a jog so a total of 260 up and 260 down.


I didn't go in the stairs yet. I feel cheap :D:D:D

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For the Stairs. 10 reps is ideal to work to, but if you can only do 5 reps at a time, do that. When I do them at home, I just do 10. then give it a 10 minute rest and do 10 more. I am working on doing all 10 at a nice jog up and down, but I get to 7 and my legs are jelly.


I did do my stairs this morning to work and jogged up 7 of the 8 flights. The last flight was a slight jog/walk up. One more week of doing that and I should make it. Then the goal is to do it without getting as winded. Might even do another round on the steps today.


Missou, I forgot the measurements, but I promise that my xmas gift to you is to get them to you. I have a week to do it, so it shouldn't be too hard.

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Oh thank you Matt for your Christmas gift, I feel so blessed lollol325.giflollol325.giflollol325.gif


When I first started in the stairs, I was doing only five reps. After 1 month or two, I was up to 50 reps!!! The idea is to start slowly and to increase as time goes by so your body doesn't feel overweld. After 3 months, I was able to jog up the stairs for almost 25 reps. Working up slowly but surely is the best way to do it!!

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Good morning everyone!!!


I found an exerciseur that combines rowing and bicycling, Hubby will go and get it tonight after work. I got it second hand and it doesn't cost to much, that is a good news before Christmas!!!


Hubby gave me a massage yesterday and my neck feels sore this morning. Today, I will do my stairs and my treadmill. Tonight, I will try my new machine. It is exactly what the doctor ordered!!


Have a nice day everyone and take care!!!

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Healthy Holiday eating tips??? What are those? Send some my way! Just kidding..... I'm just saying "no" to a lot of things right now knowing that next week will be tough. I am going to start my baking this weekend and hopefully, I will pass out the goodies quicker than I can eat them. :D


I'm still running so I'm hoping that will help even things out.


Today was my last day in the office until the New Year. I am hosting a Christmas eve dinner, Christmas brunch, and Christmas dinner. My kids have different schedules with work and in-laws this year so I had to host different meals to accomodate their needs. I will be exhausted by Christmas night. Thankfully, I'll have some days to just relax after.


Happy Chanukah for my Jewish friends.


Take care,


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Good morning everyone!!!


This morning, I am at 156.2.... I did have to empty myself without eating and with clear drinks only yesterday because of a medical exam this morning. I wonder if the 156 will stick... I guess not with Christmas just around the corner wink.gif


I don't think I will do much exercise today, then again, I could surprise myself tongue.gif We will see how it goes wink.gif

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I hope it is not too late to join? My name is Lynn. I am 41 years old and married to my soul mate for life! I have 2 amazing step kids (19 and 22) and I over the years I have become best friends with their mother (my hubby's ex) now. I feel truly blessed...except for the perpetual fist fight with fat! :mad: I have gained and lost at least 1 million pounds in my short life time of 41 years. I am not sure how many others out there go through the self tormenting hell I do or not. Every waking moment of every waking second of my life I am OBSESSED with my size, weight, diet, what I've ate, what I may eat, what I shouldn't have eatten, bad skin from eating, tight clothes, bad hair, pictures of myself, why I can't eat what others eat, why I exercise and gain and others lose by thinking of exercise and so on and so on. I am well aware that others out there have serious medical problems, face death or suffer immeasurable pain from tragedies. But, I can't help it. This is my world.


Three years ago, I was diagnosed with impaired fasting sugars, otherwise known as "pre-diabetes". I have not coped with this well. This diagnosis only served to help my denial. I have just learned that endocrinologists do not even ackowledge 'pre-diabetes'. You are either a diabetic or not. Kind of like a little pregnant. Just doesn't happen this way. I have gotten fatter and fatter. I get sick from almost every food I eat...but do I stop eating it? NOPE! I am SICK! I am really sick. What do I do? Keep testing and denying and wishing and hoping and lying to myself. When I do face reality I get even more frustrated!:(


I see a dieitician and follow Canada's Food Guide. I do not eat white anything. My diet is hgh in fiber, fruits and vegetables and tons of water. I keep a food diary. I also exercise regularly. I am this HUGE 'tubby' in class sweating to beat the band, keeping up no problem. I do get a kick out of the unfit skinny chicks staring at me in exercise classes flabbergasted that tubby can keep up and they cannot. I do have fun with that!!!:D


Either way, I am so frustrated of being sick and tired and most of all FAT! Three months ago...I joined a weight loss plan called Simply for Life. It is a healthy eating plan with one on one consultation every week to discuss challenges and get encouragement. They have easy menus and felxible too. So far I have 18 pounds off. I am hoping for 12 more pounds for an even 30 pounds before I cruise in 30 days. I feel in control for the first Christmas in my life....I actually traded in 4 Christmas parties for an 8 pound loss in 2 weeks! I am a nurse...and yesterday at work the desk was FULL of chocolates and goodies all day...I pretended that the last nurse to eat a chocolate had poop on their hands...did not touch ONE chocolate....because we all know that you can't stop at one! :pIt was worth it! I am so thrilled to have found this forum and I hope that I can join now and stay on after the cruise?:cool:



Moanumcara is Celtic for Soul Mates

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Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is getting ready for the Holiday just around the corner. I know I am. I am going to be working hard to watch what I eat this holiday.


This morning, I am 199.6.


My measurements are still the same as they were before.

Neck ~ 15.5

Arms ~ 14

Chest ~ 38

Waist ~ 36

Thighs ~ 24

Calves ~ 16

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I hope it is not too late to join? My name is Lynn. I am 41 years old and married to my soul mate for life! I have 2 amazing step kids (19 and 22) and I over the years I have become best friends with their mother (my hubby's ex) now. I feel truly blessed...except for the perpetual fist fight with fat! :mad: I have gained and lost at least 1 million pounds in my short life time of 41 years. I am not sure how many others out there go through the self tormenting hell I do or not. Every waking moment of every waking second of my life I am OBSESSED with my size, weight, diet, what I've ate, what I may eat, what I shouldn't have eatten, bad skin from eating, tight clothes, bad hair, pictures of myself, why I can't eat what others eat, why I exercise and gain and others lose by thinking of exercise and so on and so on. I am well aware that others out there have serious medical problems, face death or suffer immeasurable pain from tragedies. But, I can't help it. This is my world.


Three years ago, I was diagnosed with impaired fasting sugars, otherwise known as "pre-diabetes". I have not coped with this well. This diagnosis only served to help my denial. I have just learned that endocrinologists do not even ackowledge 'pre-diabetes'. You are either a diabetic or not. Kind of like a little pregnant. Just doesn't happen this way. I have gotten fatter and fatter. I get sick from almost every food I eat...but do I stop eating it? NOPE! I am SICK! I am really sick. What do I do? Keep testing and denying and wishing and hoping and lying to myself. When I do face reality I get even more frustrated!:(


I see a dieitician and follow Canada's Food Guide. I do not eat white anything. My diet is hgh in fiber, fruits and vegetables and tons of water. I keep a food diary. I also exercise regularly. I am this HUGE 'tubby' in class sweating to beat the band, keeping up no problem. I do get a kick out of the unfit skinny chicks staring at me in exercise classes flabbergasted that tubby can keep up and they cannot. I do have fun with that!!!:D


Either way, I am so frustrated of being sick and tired and most of all FAT! Three months ago...I joined a weight loss plan called Simply for Life. It is a healthy eating plan with one on one consultation every week to discuss challenges and get encouragement. They have easy menus and felxible too. So far I have 18 pounds off. I am hoping for 12 more pounds for an even 30 pounds before I cruise in 30 days. I feel in control for the first Christmas in my life....I actually traded in 4 Christmas parties for an 8 pound loss in 2 weeks! I am a nurse...and yesterday at work the desk was FULL of chocolates and goodies all day...I pretended that the last nurse to eat a chocolate had poop on their hands...did not touch ONE chocolate....because we all know that you can't stop at one! :pIt was worth it! I am so thrilled to have found this forum and I hope that I can join now and stay on after the cruise?:cool:



Moanumcara is Celtic for Soul Mates


Welcome aboard. It is never too late to join us. Are you up to the Stair Challenge?

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My colonoscopy and my gastroscopy gave me very satisfying results. Nothing is wrong so far!!!


After the exam, I had a burger made with lean meat and a lot of veggies. For dinner, I had some pasta. I am now at 158.8... I have a feeling that the weight is going to stay down if I start doing my training again. For that reason and since I feel my energy coming back, I decided to go do some bicycling this evening.


I did 3 miles in 15 minutes and a few seconds!!! My thighs were crying out STOP!!!! But I didn't! I wanted to do as much as I could in 15 minutes. When I saw that I had done 1 mile in 5 minutes or so, I decided to do 3 miles as fast as I could. I am so proud of myself!! Now Hubby will have some quads relaxing to do when he comes back from his music practice wink.gif


I haven't even started my Christmas cooking. I will have to get into it tomorrow, I'll try to make healthy appetisers and healthy desserts if that is possible wink.gif


It is now my turn to get into the Christmas feeling... Our tree is not even decorated!!! noway.gif


The next week, I will be quite busy with the last minute cooking and the parties. My daughters are coming home on the 24th for the evening and on the 26th for a brunch. On the 25th, it will be my in-laws' Christmas party and on the 27th, my mother is having us over for a lunch party. During the next week, probably on January 2nd, I will have a diner party with some friends and on the 1st, my in-laws are having another fiesta... If we can call it a fiesta laugh.gif


I will come and see you from time to time. Take care and have fun during this festive time!!!


Cheers!!! flowerforyou.gif


Good night everyone flowerforyou.gif

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HI Mat314hew!!!


I am up for a stair challenge for sure...just don't say that evil word...stair master!:mad:


My favorite is spinning...but in my job i am a hospitall supervisor in a building with 7 floors...so I have no excuse for the elevator!!!:D


Bring it on!



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A very welcome to you Lynn!!! It is very nice to have you around. We sure will not say the evil word 'stair master' :D We don't use that thing, we use the stairs at home or at work. If you have the opportunity to use them very often, we'll be there to push you around!!! My stairs challenge is done at home. There are 10 steps in a straight line in my stair case and I do some ups and downs.


I have a home gym and several workout machines such as a rowing-cycling exerciseur that looks like this one http://goshopping.thestar.com/ss/media/51716000/51716906.jpg the Gazelle http://www.latenightwithjimmyfallon.com/tony-little-gazelle.jpg the Ab King Pro (AKP) http://www.sz-wholesale.com/uploadFiles/AB%20King%20Pro_640.jpg a treadmill and a few workout DVDs.


I have a long term goal, but I set myself little ones that keep me on my toes. This morning, I am at 157.6 and I would like to train every day until December 31st. Hopelly, I could finish that challenge at 155. It would be nice!! There are 9 days left and I would like to finish with a 9/9. Who is up to this challenge?


Today, I want to go on my rowing-cycleur, on my Gazelle, on the AKP and in the stairs. Hubby is a massage therapist and I have a lot of problems around my spine and on my IT band. When I exercise, I need to get a regular massage. Thank God Hubby is around ;)

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Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is getting ready for the Holiday just around the corner. I know I am. I am going to be working hard to watch what I eat this holiday.


This morning, I am 199.6.


My measurements are still the same as they were before.

Neck ~ 15.5

Arms ~ 14

Chest ~ 38

Waist ~ 36

Thighs ~ 24

Calves ~ 16


Wow Matt!!! Thank you for an early Chrismas present!!! I will sure post the last measurments table of 2009!!! I will also post the weight-in table of the week.


If you want to join us Lynn it will be fun!! Remember, we are not here to judge you, but to encourage you in your efforts. I had a plateau and now Matt is having his. We are not judging, we are just encouraging and trying to push people to exercise and to keep on eating healthy.


We have our SW, starting weigh, our TW, today's weight and our CW, cruise weight. Our weekly weight-in is every Monday and we take our measurments every first Monday of the months. Some of us do tend to forget that the first Monday is not on the 21st, but between the 1st and the 7th, but what can you do? It has now become a running gag between us :D:D


Lynn, let me now if you want to be added on the tables, I will wait until tomorrow to post them so you can jump in if you want.


I will now get ready to go down to my training room and change my count down number!

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Wow Matt!!! Thank you for an early Chrismas present!!! I will sure post the last measurments table of 2009!!! I will also post the weight-in table of the week.


If you want to join us Lynn it will be fun!! Remember, we are not here to judge you, but to encourage you in your efforts. I had a plateau and now Matt is having his. We are not judging, we are just encouraging and trying to push people to exercise and to keep on eating healthy.


We have our SW, starting weigh, our TW, today's weight and our CW, cruise weight. Our weekly weight-in is every Monday and we take our measurments every first Monday of the months. Some of us do tend to forget that the first Monday is not on the 21st, but between the 1st and the 7th, but what can you do? It has now become a running gag between us :D:D


Lynn, let me now if you want to be added on the tables, I will wait until tomorrow to post them so you can jump in if you want.


I will now get ready to go down to my training room and change my count down number!


Well for me the 21st is the first monday of the month. haha.


Took stairs at work this morning and planning to head to the store now to get some stuff and then back to the stairs again. So 320 on the day for me. not including my stairs at home. I plan to do 20 reps at home of the 13 steps.. so add on another 260.. so closing in on 600.. probably will even do a workout after the steps.

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Good for you Matt!!! One thing though, the 21st is definitly not the first Monday of the month, You'll need to go back to school I think :eek::eek:




I just finished my workout so I am at 1/9!! banana2.gifbanana2.gifbanana2.gif


Talk to you all later!!


I guess i do. Can I bum some money off of you to go back???


And way to go with the 1/9. I got home last night and did the steps while my chicken was being grilled on my George Foreman. we had rice and veggies, and I added some Grilled chicken to mine. It was awesome.


Brought in leftovers for work today. Only 1 more day of work after today, then I get Friday off and go right back to work on Monday.

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I guess i do. Can I bum some money off of you to go back???



No, no, no!!! It is not my fault if you did not pay attention when your teacher talked about the dates and what number comes first in maths rof.gif Nice going on your exercises!!!


Good morning! How are things going since the big snow strom? Today, we are having a very light snow fall, it is nothing serious, no major accumulations. Just enough to have a beautifull white Christmas :)


When I woke up this morning, I was really sore. The rowing was not so easy on the back. I intended to do the Pilates videos today, but I don't know if my back will take it. Instead, I'll try the treadmill, the Gazelle, the bicycle and the AKP. If all is well, I'll also go in the stairs. If it is too hard today, I'll try to do at least 15 minutes of something.


My daughter decided to join me in the 9/9 club. She did 5 miles in 21 minutes on the bicycle yesterday and she went for a 30 minutes power walk outside today to go see her boyfriend. She will have to do another 30 minutes walk to come back later today. She is now up to 2/9. Way to go Vicky!!!



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