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How to set up Meet and Greet?


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Thanks to all for sharing what you know. This is my first M&G - attending OR organizing... I gave my best shot at an info page for my Roll Call http://maggiecatenjay.wetpaint.com/page/CC_M%26G_Roll_Call

If any of you veterans could take pity on me and take a quick look-see (it's not very big) to let me know if I'm 'way off' about anything, I'd really appreciate it.


Also for anybody else organizing a M&G on the NCL Spirit here is the contact info (and the response to my inquiry):



Good Morning


We can set up a cruise critic meeting usually this type of meetings are done the second day of the cruise in the morning from 10:30am-11:30am advise how many guests will be attending the meeting once we receive this information we can proceed with confirmation.


Angela Merino

Group Event Coordinator Norwegian Spirit

Email: groupeventspirit@ncl.com

1800-327-9020 Ext 7782

Fax 305-436-4147

Norwegian Cruise Line

7665 Corporate Center Drive

Miami Fl 33126

Freestyle Cruising


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Good Grief woman, you are taking on a MEET AND GREET on top of the problem wedding you are already embroiled in???

You have Guts, or a screw loose, not sure which, LOL

Honestly I hope everything for the wedding workds out.

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I'm not for sure what you mean. Do you mean during the week you are on the ship how often do they switch out the bed linens for fresh clean ones or do you mean how often do they get a new batch of linens for each ship.




For those who say you have encouraged your M&G group to come up with questions before hand, please stress this is not a time to ask attacking questions of the officers. I read recently where that happened at a M&G and not only did it make 1/2 the people in the room very uncomfortable, but it makes the rest of us look bad...like we will not be taken seriously, etc.



It would fair to the crew to have the person who sets up the meet and greet assemble a list of questions from everybody and present it to the crew ahead of time so they can be prepared to answer. It would also avoid the embarrassment that is created by attacking them with unfair questions. It would also let them decide who needs to attend the M&G.

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It would fair to the crew to have the person who sets up the meet and greet assemble a list of questions from everybody and present it to the crew ahead of time so they can be prepared to answer. It would also avoid the embarrassment that is created by attacking them with unfair questions. It would also let them decide who needs to attend the M&G.


EXCELLENT SWEDISH WEAVE! I like that idea much better. And some people are not as comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. What exactly would be considered an "unfair" question? I would think that all/any questions would be fair game as long as asked in a tasteful rather than hurtful or demanding way. And I'm aware that SOME of us lack that ability...DH being one. He'd fly off in a heartbeart.

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It would fair to the crew to have the person who sets up the meet and greet assemble a list of questions from everybody and present it to the crew ahead of time so they can be prepared to answer. It would also avoid the embarrassment that is created by attacking them with unfair questions. It would also let them decide who needs to attend the M&G.


I honestly don't think that this can be done. While I agree 100% that a Meet & Greet is not the place for anyone to be critical of the ship, or of the cruiseline, what you are suggesting would be taken by some as controlling. And honestly, if someone is intent on doing something like that, they aren't going to be stopped by someone telling them that only questions that were submitted prior to the cruise are going to be allowed.


The crew is used to all sorts of questions and I doubt if any "normal" questions will stump them. So giving them a list of questions in advance, might be a nice gesture, but really not needed by them.


Anytime you get a group of people together, there is a risk of someone getting out of line, and I'm sure it has indeed happened at M&G's. As an organizer, I would be embarrassed and would certainly quietly, later on, apologize to the officers for any inappropriate questons or attacks. And I'm sure others would also. I thinkn that's just about all that could be done, because unfortunately, as I said before, if someone is determined to do something like that, no one is going to be able to stop them.



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you know, Gram, I agree that you can't stop anyone from acting the fool but I'd be inclined (naive) to believe that most would be adult enough to control themselves AND their booze which is probably the culprit. And the questions aren't to limit others who didn't submit a question from asking one. I thought she meant to use this as a means of keeping the crew and pax engaged.

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What exactly would be considered an "unfair" question? I would think that all/any questions would be fair game as long as asked in a tasteful rather than hurtful or demanding way. And I'm aware that SOME of us lack that ability...DH being one. He'd fly off in a heartbeart.


I can only speak for myself, my opinion, as I don't know how anyone else feels.


To me, a Meet & Greet is a time for people who have conversed online about their upcoming cruise to get together to meet in person. And, NCL sending officers to welcome us to sailing an NCL ship is icing on the cake. They don't have to do that, and many cruiselines do not, but they do. They care about what people on CC think about NCL and want them to be happy with their experience. Of course I'm not naive and obviously, they are wise enough to know that if CC members have a great experience, they are going to come back to CC and talk about it. So, it's great PR for them.


So, in my opinion, a Meet & Greet is not the place to air problems. No matter how politely it is worded, a Meet and Greet is not the place for that. For example: A question such as "Why is NCL's food inferior to other cruiselines?" (if that is how the person feels) is not worded rudely, but it is an inappropriate question. The questions should be generalized about the daily operation of the ship. The how's, why's, when's, who's, etc. If someone has issues with NCL or with that cruise in particular, they should approach an officer after the meeting is over, in private, and discuss their issue so that the officer may attempt to fix it for them or give them an answer.


Just my 2 cents. :)

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you know, Gram, I agree that you can't stop anyone from acting the fool but I'd be inclined (naive) to believe that most would be adult enough to control themselves AND their booze which is probably the culprit.


I agree completely and would hope the same. :)


And the questions aren't to limit others who didn't submit a question from asking one. I thought she meant to use this as a means of keeping the crew and pax engaged.


I didn't take it that way but I may have misinterpreted. They said that the list of questions should be submitted to the crew in advance so that they wouldn't be caught offguard and would limit them to being attacked with unfair questions. They also said that the advance question list could be used by the officers to know who would have to answer questions at the Meet & Greet, so that would determine which officers had to come to the meeting. So I took it that only questions turned in in advance would be allowed.


I agree with you 100% about having some questions written down in advance in case no one asks one. That's a great idea! At the very least the organizer should jot down a few to get the discussion rolling. Sometimes people are shy and have questions, but don't want to be the first one to ask.



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probably there's a secondary reason to having the MG on the first sea day....so that the whiners don't get a chance to experience anything to whine about so soon...hehehehehe.


LOL I love your attitude Zone! You crack me up! :D



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Good Grief woman, you are taking on a MEET AND GREET on top of the problem wedding you are already embroiled in???

You have Guts, or a screw loose, not sure which, LOL

Honestly I hope everything for the wedding workds out.


I personally vote for 'screw loose' and think others would agree :eek: but I figured... in for a Penny.


I'm still working on my 'group' issue - getting my ducks in a row... and in my sights.


REALLY REALLY hoping an M&G veteran pops onto my Roll Call site link above and just glances to tell me if I have anything wrong or even questionable... I feel quite apprehensive planning an 'standard' event I've never even attended... would hate to stick my foot in it.


...but my most important (hopeful-feedback) blurb is:


"Meet & Greet,"
is a social event organized and hosted by
to which
members who
RSVP'd in the affirmative
are invited. It is usually held the first "Sea Day" (Saturday, for us), usually late morning; coffee and danish are provided by the Spirit. It is simply an opportunity for CC members who have met 'online' to meet one another face to face and
to interact with and get to know the NCL Spirit officers and crew.

Hope to see you there!


I'd love to add a list of past M&G questions (I think virtually my entire roll call are cruise-virgins or newbies). Any specific question suggestions?




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What exactly would be considered an "unfair" question? I would think that all/any questions would be fair game as long as asked in a tasteful rather than hurtful or demanding way. And I'm aware that SOME of us lack that ability...DH being one. He'd fly off in a heartbeart.


I would consider an unfair question to be as example: Asking the F&B Director or the Captain why there is dust under your bed or how often the sheets are changed. They simply would not know the answer, and some people demand an answer. If they are given a list of questions prior to the M&G, at least they could have the appropriate person there or get an answer for you from them.

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I can only speak for myself, my opinion, as I don't know how anyone else feels.


To me, a Meet & Greet is a time for people who have conversed online about their upcoming cruise to get together to meet in person. And, NCL sending officers to welcome us to sailing an NCL ship is icing on the cake. They don't have to do that, and many cruiselines do not, but they do. They care about what people on CC think about NCL and want them to be happy with their experience. Of course I'm not naive and obviously, they are wise enough to know that if CC members have a great experience, they are going to come back to CC and talk about it. So, it's great PR for them.


So, in my opinion, a Meet & Greet is not the place to air problems. No matter how politely it is worded, a Meet and Greet is not the place for that. For example: A question such as "Why is NCL's food inferior to other cruiselines?" (if that is how the person feels) is not worded rudely, but it is an inappropriate question. The questions should be generalized about the daily operation of the ship. The how's, why's, when's, who's, etc. If someone has issues with NCL or with that cruise in particular, they should approach an officer after the meeting is over, in private, and discuss their issue so that the officer may attempt to fix it for them or give them an answer.


Just my 2 cents. :)



Excellent choice of words !! I feel exactly the same. M&G is not the appropriate forum to air complaints.

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[/indent]I'd love to add a list of past M&G questions (I think virtually my entire roll call are cruise-virgins or newbies). Any specific question suggestions?





Clare, even though someone earlier in this thread said their M&G had some uncomfortable moments because there was a lull in the conversation since no one had questions, my response is "so what?" That wouldn't bother me a bit.


What I've done with the M&G folks is simply said, "this will be a time to ask any questions you might have about the Majesty or the week ahead."


If they feel like asking questions they will. I trust that the Officers (if they show) can handle themselves fine with what they have to say. When they're done addressing us, and no one has questions, then they can excuse themselves or stay and mingle.


IMO, letting it flow naturally is the way to go. :)

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I appreciate all the helpful suggestions I have got in this thread, I don't think prepared questions are required at all. At the last M&G I went to the Captain and at least 3 heads of depts. showed up, they were introduced, and spoke briefly welcoming us all to the ship and said if there was anything they could do for us just let them know, they asked if anyone did have any questions and one or two simple ones were asked, then they just started going round the room talking to various people, and they handed out their business cards to those that wanted them, I found myself in need of the Head of Dining and she helped us out a few times during the week, also I had a situation that called for the Head of Hotel operations and I had a nice discussion with him on the ships accessiblity issues, some of which he was unaware of and was able to get answers which also helped him and helped me.


I agree it is NOT a time to air grievances but having the personal contact and a specific person to call if you have a problem on board was an enormous help.

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This has been a great thread for me... and very well timed, might I add. I'm not stressing too much as groups will interact how they interact...


None of my group nor the others on our little roll call are veteran cruisers like some of you folks so I am hoping for some kind of M&G icebraker... I made up a little Q&A game-type thing (very quick) because our M&G will probably be on D-Day (June 6th) - a HUGE day in the history of the world for which I am grateful...


I put in some Norwegian D-Day trivia with high hopes that this will get some relaxed conversation flowing... I love games and have found that they help avoid the "Mary Tyler Moore" :D parties I attempted to throw in my youth... Sometimes the games take on a life of their own and sometimes not but it does grease the wheel, so to speak. I'll kinda keep it 'under wraps' and pull it out if it looks like things need a jump start.


Think that's goofy? Ever heard of such a thing?


(Hope none of my roll callee read this... it's double secret LOL - they might study up and win!).




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I put in some Norwegian D-Day trivia with high hopes that this will get some relaxed conversation flowing... I love games and have found that they help avoid the "Mary Tyler Moore" :D parties I attempted to throw in my youth... Sometimes the games take on a life of their own and sometimes not but it does grease the wheel, so to speak.


LOL!! Loved that show and I remember her parties!


I think you're a great sport to be putting so much time into putting together a successful Meet & Greet.

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No.. not goofy.. I think little games and activities are great ice breakers and yours sound fun!


For the M&G I'm heading up, the only game I've planned is a drinking one... JK!

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No.. not goofy.. I think little games and activities are great ice breakers and yours sound fun!


For the M&G I'm heading up, the only game I've planned is a drinking one... JK!


Are you running an M&G separate from the coffee/danish one or do you mean the NCL Event Planner one? I see it as quite tame... Am I thinking about this all wrong? I'm picturing a kind of 'SNL church-lady' thing, pinkies extended and watching my language... Hard to do at the same time 'cause my pinkie will poke somebody in the eye and I'll say #$#@!, @!!@ - @#$#@! - quite embarrassing.


Is it danish and IRISH coffee? Could we challenge the crew to a game of beer pong (one of my personal fav's)?


Oh, oh... thought I was all set and now, questions, questions questions.




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Are you running an M&G separate from the coffee/danish one or do you mean the NCL Event Planner one? I see it as quite tame... Am I thinking about this all wrong? I'm picturing a kind of 'SNL church-lady' thing, pinkies extended and watching my language... Hard to do at the same time 'cause my pinkie will poke somebody in the eye and I'll say #$#@!, @!!@ - @#$#@! - quite embarrassing.


Is it danish and IRISH coffee? Could we challenge the crew to a game of beer pong (one of my personal fav's)?


Oh, oh... thought I was all set and now, questions, questions questions.




LOL.. You're thinking correctly! I was just saying that I don't have any games planned. I'm in-tune with the roll call and I'm of an opinion, games just aren't that important to them. LOL


If they do express that a game is what the want, I'll come up with something.


Yes, I'm heading up our M&G "get together," which has been set up through Majesty's event coordinator. Ours is at Noon on our 2nd day, and it's in a lounge area, so I'm sure if someone wants a drink, they'll get one. Or, they can have coffee or whatever.


Heck, DH and I will be attending the jazz champagne brunch right before.. We feel there's no better way to start a cruise day than a nice toast! :D

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probably there's a secondary reason to having the MG on the first sea day....so that the whiners don't get a chance to experience anything to whine about so soon...hehehehehe.


We wish! Some are whining even BEFORE they get on the ship!!:D

Happy Easter, everyone. God has given us a great gift!:)

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I would consider an unfair question to be as example: Asking the F&B Director or the Captain why there is dust under your bed or how often the sheets are changed. They simply would not know the answer, and some people demand an answer. If they are given a list of questions prior to the M&G, at least they could have the appropriate person there or get an answer for you from them.


Hmmm. I was going to ask about how often the sheets were changed. Just curious, not trying to be confrontational. I would think that would be a decision from the top, wouldn't it?

Other opinions on this? I've been on cruises that last as long as 28 days.

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